Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,356 Poisoning

"You two, stop bullying Sister Sihuayuan."

Looking at Sihuayuan who was trembling under the oppressive gazes of the two people, Conan stood up helplessly and spoke for him under Sihuayuan's grateful gaze: "In the end, it's just because of her work. With her, My wishes don’t matter.”

"This has nothing to do with her personal wishes, but her behavior has actually had an impact on the social level, and the beneficiaries are the people."

Tangze looked at Sihuayuan with a half-smile but said, "And as it happens, Detective Maori and I are the ones whose interests have been harmed.

So it has nothing to do with her wishes, we only look at the actual results. "

"I was wrong." Sihuayuan said decisively, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you two!"

"Huh~ I'm fine, I don't rely on this for a living anyway." Seeing a beautiful woman lowering her head to apologize, Mouri Kogoro couldn't continue to pursue the case, so he let it go with a light snort.

Sihuayuan, on the other hand, looked at Tang Ze expectantly, hoping to receive forgiveness from the other party.

There was no way, Sihuayuan felt a chill in the eyes that had just come from the other party.

A vague intuition told her that if she didn't take action, she might not have many good days in the future.

Although the other party was approachable in daily life, after spending time with Tangze for a long time, she knew that the other party's gentle appearance was actually just a necessary social illusion.

In fact, the other party has a very sinister character, and he is merciless to the prisoners, and will send them to prison every time with the method of "killing people and killing their hearts."

According to the news she heard, the prisoners he sent to prison either gritted their teeth or looked submissive and fearful.

Therefore, the consequences of offending Tang Ze may be very unpleasant.

Of course, given her status, she was sure that the other party would not go so far, but it was entirely possible to dig holes for herself every day and make her life difficult, and to understand his current situation.

So in order to prevent her future life from being so difficult, Sihuayuan decisively chose to give in and ask for forgiveness.

After all, his work has been going well these two days, but Tang Ze is extremely upset. With the other party's character, he doesn't care about the process or the reason. As he said, it is him who is losing profits now, and that is enough.

"Okay, don't find me a publicity job in the near future." Seeing that Sihuayuan had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, Tangze nodded and said, "Let me live in peace for a while."

"Don't worry." After Sihuayuan nodded in assurance, he looked at Conan and took the initiative to move his body and asked, "What about you? Why are you here for dinner at this time? And where is Miss Xiaolan?"

"Sister Xiaolan, the karate competition is coming soon, so the club decided to take advantage of tomorrow's holiday and stay at the club for a night to practice."

Conan smiled and said, "And in the shopping street downstairs, because of the activities organized by the neighborhood committee, everyone went to the hot springs together.

We had no choice but to come here to eat. "

"So that's it." Sihuayuan smiled knowingly: "Then you have found a good place. The ramen in this shop tastes very good~"


Mouri Kogoro on the side glanced at the boss who was preparing the ingredients, and whispered: "But when we came in, the boss and the female clerk made a bet: "Can the number of customers who come today reach double digits?" 's shop..."

"That's because of the decoration here." Sihuayuan explained quietly: "But the taste here is actually very good. Trust me, otherwise I wouldn't bring Tangze Criminal here to eat."

"Well, that's true..." Mouri Kogoro nodded after hearing this.

"Xiaohua, are you free to come over today?"

The boss on the side saw that everyone had finished their conversation and came over with a smile: "Is your work going well?"

"It's okay." Sihuayuan said with a smile, "But Boss Ogura, I'm inviting my boss over for dinner today, so don't let your guard down~"

"Do not worry

,I will handle it. "The fat boss smiled generously upon hearing this.

"Miss Sihuayuan, please stop standing and sit down."

The waiter wearing a red scarf on the side greeted him with a smile and then warned: "Ah, by the way, please don't take the seat with the flowers at the end.

That was because a regular customer of our store passed away last month, so the boss wanted to save a seat for him before the forty-nine days of commemoration. "

"I understand, thank you for reminding Miss Ayoshiro." Sihuain nodded and looked at Karasawa and said, "Let's sit next to Conan and the others."


Karasawa nodded and sat in the empty seat next to Conan, while Sihuayuan sat on Karasawa's left side.

This ramen shop is not big, there is only a long row of tables around the front desk, there is no one alone, everyone is sitting next to each other.

Opposite them is where the chef cooks.

Small shops like this are common in Neon, but making ramen on site is also more reassuring.

"What do the guests want to eat?" The waitress came over with a smile and asked, "Miss Sihuayuan, are you still the same?"

"Yes, the same thing." Sihuayuan nodded and said with a smile, "I recommend this to the three of you~"

"What ramen?" Mouri Kogoro asked curiously.

"Of course it's our signature "Delicious Enma Daioh Ramen"! ! "

After Ayashi Ohashi recommended it passionately, he said without interest: "Of course, there are also regular ramen or tsukemen..."

At this point, the other party covered his mouth and reminded in a low voice: "If the customer insists... he can order it."

"Forget it." The three of Karasawa waved their hands repeatedly. After all, whether it was from Sihuayuan's recommendation or from the other party's tone, it was obvious that the best thing about this ramen restaurant was the "delicious Yama Daioh ramen." .

In order to make themselves eat more comfortably, the three of them decisively decided to follow their advice and chose the signature ramen with a long name that sounded very unreliable.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After ordering the ramen, Conan jumped off the stool and headed to the restroom. This shop was really small, and the restroom was even right next to the seat where the flower was placed.

Fortunately, the bathroom door seems to have good sealing and ventilation, so there is no smell coming out to affect the appetite.

"It's so cold."

After washing his hands, Conan shivered. As autumn entered, the temperature changed day by day. The arrival of cold air in the past two days made even the water used to wash his hands become a bit bitter.

But the colder it gets, the more glad Conan is that he made the right choice to eat ramen. After all, it would be the happiest thing to have a bowl of hot ramen on such a cold day.

"Nishijin Desheng, you guy! What are you doing here again!!"

Before Conan could go out, he heard the boss yelling from inside the store: "Get out of here, you guy! I don't have any ramen for you here!"

"Hey, boss Gongya, this is not the way to treat customers."

A middle-aged man wearing a suit under a black coat was not angry even when faced with Koya Ogura's outburst.

He looked at Ogura Koya with a smile and said in a strange tone: "I'm just here to increase the popularity of your humble little shop.

That’s why I came here specially to have a bowl of ramen to cheer you up. "

"The reason why I have fewer customers here is not all because your little brother comes to my shop all day long and makes trouble!!"

When Koya Ogura heard what Nishizu Tokatsu said, he couldn't help but roared: "You still have the nerve to say it!"

"I'm sorry, they are all hot-blooded fools." Xijin Desheng smiled lightly: "But didn't I tell them to compensate you for the dinner plates my men broke?"

"That's not the issue I'm talking about!" Kōma Ogura said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I've already reprimanded those ignorant young people."

Nishizu Tokatsu looked at the furious Ogura Komasa and said, "If you are not satisfied, I can also call them over now to make a big fuss and beat you, the store manager, to a serious injury and be hospitalized."

"Asshole! What did you do first!!" Ogura Koya was furious when he heard this. He looked at the other person and wanted to beat him up.

Sihuayuan, who heard Xijin Desheng's words, couldn't help but want to speak out righteously but was held back by Tang Ze. However, he looked at Tang Ze who shook his head slightly to signal her not to speak, and was a little puzzled.

But still puzzled, Sihuayuan still believed that Tang Ze must have an intention of blocking him that he didn't know, so he remained silent.

"I'm kidding~ I'm kidding~" Nishijin Desheng walked to the farthest position with a smile, looking like he wanted to be beaten. It was obvious that he just said that on purpose.

And he came to the innermost seat and prepared to sit down.

"Wait, that seat..." Conan wanted to remind him kindly, but the other person sat down directly, and then when his right arm was placed on the table, he deliberately swung it forward, and the water glass with the flowers was poured over. on the desktop.

"It's so bad~ I accidentally knocked over the flower~" Nishijin Desheng's voice sounded again, and he looked at the boss and said, "Can you help me clean the table?"

"Since you knocked it over yourself, just wipe it off yourself!" Komasa Ogura said coldly while busying with the matter at hand.

"Ha... there is such a black shop!" Xijin Desheng spread his hands: "Who told you to put such a dying flower in a place like this!"

Nishijin Desheng said as he stretched out his right hand to take out a handkerchief from his left pocket and wiped the water on the table.


A glass of water was violently smashed on the table, splashing water all around. Ohashi Ayyo glared at Nishizu Tokatsu and said, "What kind of noodles do you want!?"


Nishizu Tokatsu was shocked by the opponent's aura and was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, Ohashi Ayashi said unceremoniously: "If you don't want to order, please go back, right now!"

"Oh... Then let's order the delicious one..." Nishijin Desheng said after coming back to his senses.

Everyone in the store ordered the same flavor of ramen, which was convenient for Kokura Ogura.

Unfortunately, while Ogura Koya was cooking, Nishizu Tokatsu was not willing to chat with him again: "By the way, it's almost time for you to make a decision, right? Shopkeeper?"

"Yes, I will never sell this item in the store!"

Koya Ogura turned around and said coldly: "I have already held a meeting with everyone in the shopping street to discuss this.

Everyone unanimously decided to keep going! "

"Hmph~ It seems that you are the only one who was kept in the dark." Nishijin Desheng crossed his fingers on the table and sneered: "To tell you the truth, your store has been betrayed by others, and you are all Not found!"

Kokura Ogura glared angrily: "What did you say!?"

"Actually, I just went to the Yanaka Barber Shop next door to ask him to cut my hair."

Nishijin Desheng smiled sinisterly: "The store manager there has been complaining to me too.

He said that having a shabby ramen shop like yours in this exquisite shopping street really disfigures the scenery, and he hopes you can move out as soon as possible. "

"Hey! Are you telling the truth?" Koya Ogura asked in disbelief as he looked at Nishijin Desheng.

"You guys really dare to talk nonsense here!"

At this moment, the store door was opened and a gentle male voice attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned to look and saw a middle-aged man wearing a green jacket and a beard: "I'm just saying that if the store can be re-decorated, the business will be better. I don't mean anything else."

The man opened the door and entered the store, smiling: "It has been 20 years since my store opened at the same time as this store on this shopping street.

In the past 20 years, my store has been renovated three times, but it has never changed, right? "

"Ah... what you said in Yanaka makes sense..." After hearing the other party's words, Ogura Koya said with shame: "Although I also know that the store should be renovated, but because it is not convenient... "

"I got it."

The owner of Yanaka laughed a few times, then looked at the unhappy Nishijin Desheng with a cold face and said: "I also know that those who use this method to provoke us and try to destroy this shopping street are the bad buildings speculating on land. The purpose of business.”

"But no matter how dissatisfied you are, you shouldn't use poisoning to persecute other people's lives, right?"

At this moment, Tang Ze, who was acting as a spectator, spoke up and said in an astonishing voice: "Although from what you said, this guy is indeed not a good person, poisoning is also illegal. "



"What's going on!? Someone wants to kill me?"

Karasawa's words were like a huge stone falling into the water. It could be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves and caused a violent uproar in this small shop.

And everyone also focused their attention on Tang Ze who said this, and their eyes gave out silent urging.

"This guest, please don't talk nonsense."

After the uproar subsided, Ohashi Ayoyo calmed down and looked at Karasawa: "We are all close to Chichi, there is no way we could poison, right?

Besides, poisoning is supposed to be very hidden, so how do you know that someone has poisoned it? "

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