Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,357 The Prisoner’s Techniques

Ayayo Ohashi's question rang out in the store, causing everyone to calm down.

However, compared to the doubts of Komasa Ogura and other strangers, Sihuayuan and others looked serious and believed in Karasawa's words.

"Miss Ayoshiro, I wouldn't believe it if someone else said this, but if it's the person next to me, it must be true."

Sihuayuan looked around with a serious expression, and immediately introduced: "The person next to me is Genichi Karasawa, a very famous criminal in the Metropolitan Police Department.

And you have all heard more or less that he has an ability that is different from ordinary people, that is, his sense of smell is far superior to ordinary people.

In other words, the smell that our noses cannot smell is very conspicuous in his perception.

To put it simply and clearly, the world we "see" before is different.

Now, do you still think that Tangze Criminal’s words are not credible? "

"This..." Upon hearing Sihuain's words, Ohashi Ayoshi was stunned. She looked at Karasawa and didn't expect that the other party was such a famous figure.

The other three people also looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect that this small shop would welcome such a "big shot".

To ordinary people, official figures like Karasawa who are often reported by the media and TV can indeed be regarded as big shots.

What's more, he has always been the face of the Metropolitan Police Department. In the minds of many ordinary people, he can be directly linked to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"You actually want to poison me!"

After listening to Sihuayuan's words, Xijin Desheng also believed what Tangze said before. He stood up suddenly and pointed at the three of them and said: "Mr. Criminal, you have also heard about our previous conflicts!

All three of them have motives, arrest them quickly! ! "

"Poisoning or something, it can't be from ***!"

After Koya Ogura came to his senses, he quickly explained: "Although I have conflicts with this guy, I have never had contact with him from the time he came in until now.

You are all watching this, so you must bear witness for me! "

"I haven't had any contact with that guy either!" Ohashi Ayoyo said quickly.

"I just walked in..." the barber's manager, Yanaka, added immediately.


Looking at the chaotic scene, Sihuayuan shouted: "The four of you are now suspects, let us judge the situation!

Now that Tang Ze Criminal has discovered the poison, it will surely be able to find the murderer. All you have to do is cooperate with us! "

"Four people? Isn't that right?"

Koya Ogura looked at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Forget about that child, why can he not be suspected?

That guy is not an honest person. He has offended so many people. He probably doesn’t even know how many people he has offended.

Although he seems to have nothing to do with Xijin Desheng, who knows if there is any grudge behind his back! "

"Eh? Me?" Mouri Kogoro saw the finger pointed at him. He was stunned for a moment and waved his hands with a smile: "I can't possibly kill someone, not to mention I don't know him at all."

"Yes, Mr. Mori is not a criminal, but he is a famous detective with the name of "Sleeping Kogoro", and it is impossible for him to commit crimes. Sihuayuan agreed.

"What? "Sleeping Kogoro"? It's that famous detective! ? "

Koya Ogura lay in front of the counter and looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise: "What happened today? Two famous detectives came to our shop."

"If I have to say it, maybe it's the guidance of fate..." Tang Ze paused and smiled and said, "Or maybe it's the fate of the detective being attracted to the case."

"Looks like I'm really lucky today. I met two famous detectives."

Xijin Desheng looked at the three of them and said coldly: "I don't know if any of you want to kill me, but I'm afraid things won't go well today.

You two, please help me find the murderer! "

"This..." Mouri Kogoro just revealed his identity and pretended to be a positive person.

Well, who knew the other party would throw a problem.

After hearing the news about Tang Ze, he still had dark eyes, and he didn't know how to help find the prisoner next.


However, this was not the first time that Mouri Kogoro faced such an embarrassing situation. He hurriedly made a fist, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and began to blame: "This case was discovered by Karasawa Criminal with his superior sense of smell.

So for the time being, I don't have any more information to analyze and make inferences, so I would like to ask Tangze Criminal to explain the current situation first. "

"Don't go to so much trouble. I already know who was the poisoner in this case." Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Karasawa smiled.

In fact, as soon as he opened the door and saw Conan and Mouri Kogoro, he changed from his previous relaxed state to a vigilant state.

After all, these two people are the "triggers of the case." If you happen to meet these two people on the street, it is best to turn around and leave without great luck.

Otherwise, you might just hang up and help these two people have fun, and then one of you will happily reason, and the other will be interviewed by the media proudly after reasoning.

When Nisjin Desheng came in shortly after, Tangze's expression became serious, especially when the conflict between him and his boss was almost open.

Considering that the opponent is still alive and has a high probability of urinating according to "Ke Xue's Law", he is probably preparing to stage a wave of face-to-face killings for them.

And face-to-face killing is limited to those kinds of situations, but in this small shop, you probably can't assassinate even if you turn off the lights, so there is a high chance of poisoning.

After the analysis realized this, Tang Ze decisively turned on his super-olfactory sense to investigate.

He couldn't help but be cautious about poisoning. After all, the environment they were in was a ramen restaurant, and they were about to eat the ramen made by the store manager.

Not to mention that the other party may poison and kill people at any time, but what if something goes wrong and the poison is put into their mouths?

The original plot changed the moment he intervened, and he naturally had to guard against letting himself die in such an obviously stupid way.

However, when he turned on his super sense of smell, his concerns turned into doubts.

Because he noticed that the other party's glasses frame was poisonous. To be precise, the small part where the left temple and the lens were connected was poisonous.

Knowing the location of the poison, he naturally had no worries.

After all, the poison is already there, which means that the other person may have been exposed to the poison. Then you only need to look at the other person with the highest precautions to prevent the items that his hands have touched from putting into his mouth or eyes.

Of course, he did not intend to eliminate this source of danger immediately. After all, solving the poison would only solve the superficial crisis, but the crisis in the interior would remain latent.

Unless the poisoner is found, there is no way to prevent the murder. Even if the poison is solved, there may be other methods of killing in the future.

There may even be bigger troubles caused by the younger brother under the control of Xijin Desheng, a not-so-clean guy.

So it is better to wait and see what happens, collect the situation, and see if we can directly find the culprit.

Fortunately, this time he actually locked onto the prisoner directly.

"What!? We already know the culprit!" Nishijin Tokugatsu said excitedly after hearing Karasawa's words: "Who is it!? Who wants to kill me!?"

"Manager Yanaka...that's the name, right?" Karasawa looked at the middle-aged man with a somewhat unnatural expression and smiled and said, "You were the one who administered this poison, right?"

"How is that possible? He just walked in from Yanaka!"

Kogura Ogura heard this and said anxiously: "Besides, he sat on the seat next to the door as soon as he entered, with you in the middle. How could he have poisoned him?"

"Of course it doesn't work here, but what if it's in his store? That's completely possible, right?"

Tang Ze smiled faintly and said, "Don't forget, when Mr. Nishijin Desheng was talking to you, he said that before coming to your shop, he went to the store manager Yanaka's shop to get a haircut.

When the Yanaka store manager first came in, although he

Although he refuted Mr. Nishijin's remarks, he also proved that he had indeed given Mr. Nishijin a haircut.

In a barber shop, it is normal to help customers save glasses and other things.

Mr. Xijin has not been in contact with other people since he entered the door, and the location of the poison is on the left temple of his glasses.

In other words, there is no possibility of poisoning the boss and the clerk who met Mr. Nishijin for the first time in the house. Only when they were in the barber shop could they have the opportunity to poison.

After all, glasses are very personal items, and generally no one would take someone else’s glasses.

In other words, if you casually touch other people's glasses, you will definitely be suspected.

However, after Mr. Nishijin learned that his glasses had been pushed down, he did not immediately realize that someone had deliberately taken his eyes.

In other words, no one touched his glasses out of the blue today.

On the other hand, someone naturally came into contact with Mr. Nishijin's glasses and successfully applied poison on them. "

"Hey! Yanaka!! It's you who poisoned me!!"

After hearing Karasawa's reasoning, Nishijin Desheng said angrily: "You are the only one who has the opportunity to touch my glasses today. Do you have anything else to say!?"

"Wait a minute! Even if he really did those things, how can we be sure that he touched the poison!" Seeing Nishizu Tokatsu's attack, Koya Ogura quickly stood up and argued.

"Yes, it's not like I used hypnosis to control his actions. How could he be obedient and touch the poison!?" Ayashi Ohashi also echoed.

"No, he will definitely touch it." Tangze shook his head and looked at Conan and said, "Go and demonstrate."

"You're really good at summoning people."

Conan cursed inwardly, but on the outside he agreed obediently.

After he jumped off the chair, he walked out the door directly under the gaze of everyone.

"What does this mean?" The impatient Ohashi Ayyo couldn't help but ask.

"The reason Karasawa Criminal said that was the spot he would definitely touch is because if people like us who wear glasses suddenly go into a warm place like a ramen shop, our glasses will become like this."

"Fogging!?" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Yes, once the glasses become foggy, I will naturally take them off and wipe them with a glasses cloth.

When he first entered the store, Mr. Nishijin wiped his glasses. "

Speaking of this, Karasawa looked at Nishijin Desheng and said, "You must be left-handed, right? But it seems that you can use your right hand very well."

"Ah... I was left-handed when I was a child, but my parents later corrected me to use my right hand." After hearing this, Nishizu Tokatsu replied honestly: "So I can use both my left and right hands."

"Mr. Yanaka, your observations are really meticulous. I'm afraid you have been paying attention to his habits for a long time, right?"

Karasawa looked at the store manager Yanaka and said, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to find the poisoning location so accurately, as if you could see through the other party's future actions so skillfully.

And the reason why you came back to this store is actually to prevent other customers from being accidentally killed by you, right?

After all, if Xijin Desheng passes chopsticks to other guests, it may cause unnecessary casualties.

So after confirming that Mr. Nishijin came to this ramen shop, Mr. Yanaka also came.

This is to prevent innocent diners from being implicated. "

"You guys are so vicious!!"

After hearing Karasawa's reasoning, Nishitoshi Tokusatsu looked at Yanaka with fear: "You actually have such deep thoughts to study my every move and want to kill me with the help of my habits!

You guy, I won’t let you go! ! "

"Wait! You must have made a mistake somewhere!" Seeing that the matter seemed to have settled, Ogura Kōya said anxiously.

"That's it!" Ohashi Ayoyo also said urgently: "How could Mr. Tanaka kill someone!"

"No matter how much you don't want to accept it, this is the reality, and the truth will always be

only one. "

Tang Zedan said calmly: "Mr. Yanaka's silent attitude actually says everything, doesn't it?

And if you feel that the evidence is insufficient, you only need to take Mr. Nishijin's glasses to Kesouyan for fingerprint collection later, and you will be able to confirm it.

In addition, there is also the need to trace the source of the poison. With the search direction, these police can easily find evidence.

Therefore, it is invalid to deny by words alone. Unless he is really innocent, the evidence will point to the truth. "

Tang Ze looked at the excited two people and shook his head slightly, indicating that they accepted the reality.

Although no one wants to see this happen, the cruel fact is something they must accept.

"Stop talking about you two." Manager Yanaka lowered his head: "I'm really not qualified to ask you two to defend me..."

"Eh!?" Ogura Koya looked at the other party in disbelief after hearing what Yanaka said: "Yanaka, you..."

"The reason why I want to kill Mr. Nishijin here is actually to make this store completely bankrupt!"

Yanaka's words shocked Komasa Ogura and Ayashi Ohashi. They looked at each other in surprise, as if they did not expect that the other party would actually say such a thing.

"If someone was poisoned and died in a ramen shop, I think customers would not dare to come..." Yanaka closed his eyes and did not dare to look at Ogura Komatsu.

"But...but...why!?" Ogura Komasa asked excitedly: "Haven't we been neighbors for twenty years and have always gotten along very well!?"

"Heh... are we getting along well..." Yan Zhong laughed at himself and slowly revealed his feelings.

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