Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1383 Dr. A Li’s Pot

"This is the pot that I have always been proud of. I wonder if anyone can help me identify it..." After Judian opened the video, Dr. Ali appeared on the computer holding a small arm-sized cup. A picture of an antique pot being introduced and asking netizens to help identify it.

Judging from the background, he was at home, but because he was worried about privacy, he only took pictures of the ground behind him and a corner of the carpet.

It looks like an ordinary selfie video, nothing suspicious at all. But after all, it is a video sent by Dr. Ali. This kind of golden supporting actor can lead to cases no matter what he does. It can be said that

"Case trigger" ontology. Coupled with the fleeting sense of déjà vu, Tangze didn't care at all. He regarded it as a precursor to the case and watched the video seriously from the beginning.

After Tang Ze took a closer look, he actually discovered some clues. On the surface, this video seems to be recorded in an ordinary way, but it seems that the reflection on the lenses of Dr. Ali's glasses illuminates the things in front of him.

"This is going to be troublesome, isn't it because I exposed something..." Tangze frowned and did a few simple operations, then paused the video and enlarged Dr. A Li's glasses.

"Welcome." Seeing Conan, Haiyuan also had a smile on his face: "He came at the right time, the curry will be spoiled immediately." This guy came here and asked about him. You must be Because you used him as a shield to prevaricate you and attracted your attention, he paid more attention. "I even thought that I was making a big fuss. After all, Haiyuan's figure was leaked under the lens of the video. The flaw was really too big.

Of course, it's possible that everything will ferment and come out, which is what Conan hopes for most. That kind of home-cooked food may be inferior in taste to the luxurious dishes in small restaurants, but it has a different taste and is more suitable for daily consumption.

Ayako couldn't be more cowardly until she heard that she was cooking and taking care of a weak man who went to work at two o'clock.

But on a whim, I actually went to Dr. Ali’s house with a few adults. Lai Fu even felt that what he discovered later was indeed a sign, but he discovered it too early at this time. The case still needs to be brewed, which is why Conan waited for so long and even thought that he had caused trouble with Tang Ze.

"Understood, you will tell Mr. Akai." Oolong nodded and said: "You will also pay attention to Shao during that time. I am sure no one is following him, so I will contact him immediately." Moreover, the situation was still exposed by Dr. Ali. Yes, if he really loses ties with the white organization, Dr. Ali will also be in danger.

"A pot." Conan thought for a while and said, "If anything happens, you can wait two days to find someone to help." So that's it, I said that I would wait a few days before finding an appraiser for Dr. A Li. s reason.

Jue Conan said: "Let me take care of you for a while, something will definitely happen, and there should be some problem.

"If there's something, it's not a trivial matter." Conan smiled, waved his hand, and retreated into the kitchen. Lai Fu's early preparation at that time worked, and Oolong even took the initiative to invite Lai Fu to Dr. Ali's house.

Even if Tang Ze wastes his energy, it is less bad than retreating into dangerous situations. Even if there is no danger every time, the reality is very real.

Before lunch, the two took a rest to cope with the morning's work. Moreover, during those two days, you took advantage of the fact that you went home with Dalan after school and chatted a few words with Sera Masumi, who seemed to be still chasing news about Kudo Shinichi.

"Well, the rice is spoiled." Jue Huiyuan said in a different voice: "I just hope there won't be a bad result. If it is a fake, it will have a small impact on the doctor. You have to lay the groundwork for me first." , lest the too small gap in expectations hit me." Dr. A Li + Lai Fu + the detective team of many years, when that combination came together to say something happened, Conan was the first to be suspicious.

Although he was determined about the matter, he seemed to have learned about the situation from you. It was like going directly to the door to take a look, although he didn't find out whether it was true or not. "Before arranging all that, I called Oolong again to explain the situation.

"His eldest son thinks you are

It's "paranoia of persecution". "

"Well, I'm busy in the kitchen. I'll try the craftsmanship later." Lai Fu smiled and said, "You are also a butler of the president's family, so your craftsmanship should still be trustworthy."

"That's true." It must be said that Kudo Yusaku is very untalented. His reasoning stories are less spiritual than those written by a few writers. The methods of the criminals in his stories are weird and unpredictable, and the ending is not reversed.

Driving all the way to Dr. Ali's house, Conan rang the doorbell before getting in the car. After a while, Haibara ran over and opened the door for Conan.

"It doesn't matter. What did you get from your investigation?" Conan smiled and said: "For a junior high school student to want to contact you is quite difficult, at least at the crime scene or with them. After all, it must be If there really is no case, the origin of the jar may be revealed by the appraiser. Oolong frowned and said: "During that time, Sera Masaki has also been inquiring about your information, and the other party may also learn from Dalan and you." Knowing the existence of Dr. A Li, he will naturally step back and investigate. When the meal was served, both of them were very satisfied. Of course, I also told the other party to tell Huiyuan. After all, with the courage of the rabbit, he would have slept with fear before hearing the news. Of course I am also very interested in you, but I have always been blocked by your nonsense.

"See you later." Lai Fu said goodbye to Conan with a smile. When Conan heard this, he realized that the other party was thinking about himself. He laughed and cursed before saying, "It's not bad, let's go have a meal and see." The two of them chatted and walked towards the mansion, but there were still people who had just left the door. I had time to change my shoes when I heard a sound coming from inside the house

"Bang" a huge sound of metal falling. Of course, that's what he said, but Conan didn't completely slack off after the last case. Instead, he called Oolong every other day on the first, eighth, and seventh to contact the other party.

Haiyuan spread his hands: "Yes, I'm not a dabbler. I'm afraid it's better to see if it's bad. The most reliable thing is to formally ask an appraisal expert to perform a regression appraisal." But if nothing happens, remember to contact you immediately. You are criminal The identity is still relatively easy to use. "The originally seemingly non-existent reflective image began to become clearer under the amplification of the software.

What was reflected in Dr. A Li's lens was Haiyuan, who was recording Dr. A Li's video with a handheld camera.

"Dr. A Li found a pot, and Lai Fu helped me find information offline for regression identification." Conan said: Maybe you are too sensitive, but you can take the initiative to expose the flaws.

Before Conan received the text message, he deleted it and walked out of the study.

"I have something to do, it's still early." Conan smiled and said, "Where is the big guy Oolong? What are you doing outside the house?"

"You heard what Xianyi said. I asked you to take care of me before." Ayako smiled and greeted the other party, then looked at Conan and said: "You go back and change your clothes first, and he will help serve the food." decide

"Now thank him on behalf of the doctor first." Even if he sighed, he would only think that Lai Fu had no foresight and had other ideas.

Originally, I had my hopes up, and I thought maybe I was overthinking it. The first call I made on Saturday was a routine inquiry, and the seventh time I called, I also wanted to see if Oolong would do anything else over the weekend.

But Conan also knew whether it was his arrangement that worked and delayed the elimination of the crisis, or whether there was something wrong in the first place and he was fighting for his wits.

but now

The "case triggers" were all put together to fully stack the buffs, and the other party took the initiative to invite me. How could I agree?

However, that is also a bad thing for Mi Laifuqiong. It is difficult to find a job later than a hotel. If the other party does not have such a part-time job and adds the job there, although it may not be a bit tiring, it will be enough to nourish you. Live in Tokyo.

This guy is also very sharp and can eliminate the possibility of the other party discovering it, so you will pay attention. "Conan was even more determined when it came to Sunday. After all, according to the rules, the chance of a case happening is even smaller, especially when Oolong is resting.

As for the soup, it is stewed pork ribs with onions. Although Conan has seen onion stewed in soup, it is actually quite common in Neon.

When there are fewer people, you will be given more opportunities. "Thinking of that, I breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, I also didn't take it lightly. I first called Dr. Ali and asked me to delete the video. I also told him to pay attention to dangers recently and call anytime if there was no situation.

"Caution is a bad thing. You will pay attention during that time." Compared with these cases where I took the initiative to intervene, I hate such a quiet layout even more, and then naturally withdraw into the case.

If there were signs of a case, Conan would have spent this spare time. Wouldn't it be better to have dinner with Ayako and have a date if he didn't have this time.

Determine people's opinions on

There is no nostalgia for the "taste of home", that is, tasting thousands of dishes, and first of all, returning to the wonderful home-cooked dishes.

It is obvious that this weak man wants to find Yonehara Sakurako as a partner, and if he continues to keep her, his work will be delayed.

The last moment, Ayumi's cry could be heard. Conan was still sure that it was not just an intention, but a sign of a certain case, so he naturally wanted to start a fight.

Oolong hung up the phone and dialed Akai Shuichi's phone with a frown to explain the situation. The whole onion is peeled and simmered until it becomes soft and sweet, and the pork rib soup is also delicious.

The seven dishes and one soup were brought out slowly. Although Ayako had no intention of staying with Uonehara Sakurako for dinner, the other party said that she had found a temporary part-time job.

‘Could it be said that the upcoming case is related to Haiyuan? 'You haven't asked Dr. Ali to delete the video yet. Although the possibility is small, it is troublesome for him to stop paying attention to our danger during that time. "The feeling of Xiaozhi is very different from turning on the TV at home during the Chinese New Year with the Spring Festival Gala as the background sound.

As the old man often says, if he goes to a restaurant every month, he will miss the food cooked outside home.

"School is over?" In the morning, Conan deliberately called the other party during the school break: "How is his situation here?" The movement in the kitchen remained the same, and Conan came to the living room and turned on the TV to make the outside of the house less popular.

I haven't finished all I can do, and the rest is just sitting around and waiting for the incident to develop. That would only make it seem more logical and make everything more reasonable and abrupt.


"Just in case, let him explain the situation to Akai Shuichi."

"He is evil without knowing it." Oolong said with a smile: "By the way, you plan to go to the doctor's house to make curry later, what if he comes?

"It's still the same, calm and calm." But the bizarre method was whimsical, but it didn't have a sense of lightness and reality, which made Lai Fu's other party use the previously solved cases as a reference and add their own ideas and modifications. of.

After bidding farewell to Yonehara Sakurako, the two finished tasting each other's cooking. Seeing Haiyuan appearing under the screen, Conan frowned and recalled the crises Haiyuan encountered several times.

Conan nodded with approval. In my opinion, this pot may also be the cause of the case, but according to

"Ke Xue" has always been urinary, and it is very unusual that he finally found Lai Fu and found out that it was a fake. Braised halibut with juicy sauce, roasted pork with ginger, tamagoyaki tofu and a plate of stir-fried cabbage. Although both meat and vegetables are homemade, they all taste amazing.

Yonehara Sakurako's cooking skills were very good, and both of them were very satisfied with the meal.

"It's used. You broke it yourself. How can you trouble him again." Mihara Yingzi waved her hands after hearing this.

Before everything was arranged, Conan felt that he should have the upper hand, so he hung up the phone in a roundabout way. What made Conan think about it was that my wait-and-see attitude was so bad that it lasted a week.

The TV is really a magical thing. Even if he comes to see me sometimes or just plays the news while eating, he will be bored.

The feeling of "It's almost noon". At that moment, Mi Laifuqiong opened the kitchen door and poked her head out. When she saw Ayako beside Conan, she hurriedly came out and said hello: "Oh no, you are Yonehara Sakurako." clear-cut

"Schrödinger Case", along with Oolong's words just now, the true face of the case was revealed. After letting Koshii Itsuki make the black tea, Conan lay half-ly under his office chair and read Kudo Yusaku's new work.

The TV had just been on for a long time when Ayako came back from inside. Seeing Lai Fu sitting leisurely under the sofa, and there was no obvious movement in the kitchen, you glanced at the kitchen and said, "Is someone here?" Akai Shuichi knew it early on. Knowing Huiyuan's identity, he was naturally very concerned about the news and agreed immediately.

But no matter what I thought, I never thought that the reason for the gray color was because the reflection under Dr. Ali’s glasses revealed his identity.

Before hanging up the phone, Conan looked slightly serious. Oolong Younai said: "You all believe that it is because he has thought too little. After all, nothing has happened for so long."

"In the video sent by Dr. A Li, Haiyuan's figure is reflected outside my lenses."

"Yeah." He said it was to cope with the morning's work, but in fact, Lai Fu woke up and arrived at the place.

If that were the case, I wouldn't be impressed.

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