Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,384 Caught on the spot

Upon hearing Ayumi's cry, the expressions of the two people at the entrance changed. There was no time to change into slippers, so the two of them ran directly into the house wearing socks.

Tang Zeben was an adult and fast, and he stood directly in front of Haiyuan. If there was any danger in the hall, he could respond at any time.

However, after I ran to the living room and saw the scene that greeted my eyes, my originally tense body gradually became relaxed while lying there.

"What's wrong, what happened!" Seeing Tang Ze standing at the door of the corridor, his body relaxed a little, Haiyuan felt a little relieved and hurriedly ran to the living room to check the situation.

I saw that the big round table in Dr. Ali's living room was a mess at the moment, with brown curry everywhere.

At this moment, Ayumi was standing in front of the big pot of cooking curry, holding the lid and crying loudly, with curry splattering on her face and clothes.

Luckily for Sui, it seemed that the pot lid blocked his face. Although there was some curry juice on his head and face, it didn't pour a large amount on his face, so there should be no risk of trauma.

And when he looked at the curry pot, a rubber ball was floating above it, which already showed the reason for all this.

"Is the fence gate in the yard relevant?" After hearing the two people's consolation, Haiyuanre snorted and left with eight girls.

"Let them go, then I'll leave you with the diplomacy and take care of it." Conan looked at Miyano Akemi who was leading Ayumi to take a shower, and smiled and took over the job of cleaning the room.

Conan heard the bell at the door and lost some vigilance. Yuantai, who received a slap mark on his face, dared to lose his temper and accepted the punishment voluntarily.

That method is indeed enough

"stupid". Because he knew where the trouble was, Conan slowly began to analyze the current situation.

But unfortunately it was not too late, Conan's backhand electric stick hit the opponent directly. The male gangster confessed honestly: "You plan to use the fake carpet you prepared to destroy and roll up the boy, and then throw him to a garbage recycling station far away. Kidnap him to divert the attention of the police and let us go there." The kidnapping case was investigated, but the actual target was a replacement blanket.

"It's broken, it's broken. I can't make the curry again." Naturally, everyone was a little angry after winning the bet. If there was really trouble on Tang Ze's side, Chi Xiang Qiong Rong would not be there to help, so something must have gone wrong.

The smell of curry that permeates the table will be gone for a while. It is estimated that Dr. Ali and we will be surrounded by the smell of curry when we sit under the round table in the near future.

Huiyuan only felt a burst of fire rushing from the Tianling Gai, and at the last moment he came directly in front of everyone and asked what was going on while suppressing his anger.

"You found out that the family didn't have a big boy or an old maid, so I felt that it was very possible that God knew the ghost and the ghost was aware of the change, so I thought of a way."

"Da da da!!!" That means the plan is not very subtle, but the method is indeed very practical. So if he said he was lying, you would be able to tell if you live it. "

"His pot is valuable." Su Na offended Huiyuan. After all, in a large group of seven of us, you are the only two boys, so our relationship is naturally closer.

"It's broken, Haiyuan, don't be angry. Let's quickly clean up the curry on the ground and under the table." Conan patted Haiyuan and said, "I'll have to buy new ingredients later."

"Move forward!" Those dumplings were made just for the vinegar. But that kind of reverse thinking is very useless when evading police investigation.

As I watched several children go out, Chixiang Qiongrong also followed, and my back was also seen by Conan through the window.

"Something's wrong." Xiang Qiong was about to say something when he heard the doorbell ring suddenly. You are trying to convince him that he is trying to play something big behind your back. Through his micro-expressions, you can see his true psychology instinctively reflected.

"It's not the carpet that this old man appeared in the background of the video." The male gangster said honestly: "You are not here for this carpet today."

"Lie." Conan stared at the male gangster with a troubled face and said fiercely: "His eyes were evasive and his words became clear. It was obvious that it was their plan.

"You will also help, Haiyuan, please don't be angry." Dr. Ali also comforted: "Yuan Tai also did it on purpose, and I have also reflected on it seriously." In this way, it will not mislead the police's search, and even the owner will not be able to mislead the police. Know what you've lost. "The last moment the door opened, the sound of crackling electricity sounded from inside the door and approached Conan.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Qiong nodded with satisfaction, tilted his head before taking out the handcuffs to signal the other party to come closer, and then handcuffed the male gangster and his unconscious companion together.

Accompanied by the sound of electric current, the entire body of the hooded gangster began to tremble violently.

You all came to know unexpectedly that this rich man passed away, but the carpet was inherited by a predecessor who understood the value for a long time, and was sold as a second-hand item at a high price.

On the other hand, Yuantai stood there with a scared and guilty look on his face, which looked like the expression he had after getting into trouble. Conan looked at the male gangster standing there stupidly and said calmly: "Amateurs don't have the self-awareness of amateurs. He really thinks that he can subdue a professionally trained criminal, right? You guys have a wrong idea. The carpet needs to be changed." What's more, Haiyuan is still an adult and treats you as a younger sister when getting along with Ayumi.

It's a pity that the plan is a bad plan, not luck, like all the prisoners. Listening to the conversation between the two, Conan was already

"Wartime state", seeing us making trouble, I just feel that the case is not being fermented and pushed back. Seeing that he just went out to open the door for Karasawa, the stall was smashed when he came back. Not only was the curry soaked, but even Ayumi was sprayed with curry.

"Huh, it's finally cleaned up." Dr. Ali wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I can't thank him enough. You alone still know how long it will take to do it." This was originally a carpet collected by a wealthy family. I have done interior decoration for this rich man, so I know the value of this carpet.

"Ah, oh!!" Dr. Ali reacted when he heard Conan's reminder, and quickly ran back to the house to get his phone.

"Yes! It's time for them to go buy some random things!" Haiyuan agreed sternly: "You come with them!" As time went by, there was another kidnapping attempt, and the child was not safe. I'm afraid it was over. That’s it.


"Eh!?" Dr. A Li, who rushed over after calling the police, said in shock when he heard the prisoner's words: "Are they here for your pot?"

"You go ahead." Hearing this, Conan stopped Dr. Ali and said, "Let him rest. I'm afraid he'll suffer from it when he bent down just now." When Conan bent the opponent's arm so that the electric baton he was holding pointed backhand at When they were outside, the gangster behind him began to struggle violently.

Although the opponent made a sneak attack first, it was nothing in Conan's eyes.

"I guess Genta did we turn it off when we went out?" He must be a special person. If he faced such an attack when he was unprepared, he would be caught. But Conan is a special person, not to mention that I was not prepared for it.

Conan didn't even have the time to speak to remind Dr. Ali not to get close, and at the same time, his left hand stretched out like a claw. But having said that, Conan still reported his name. Then the male gangster was shocked by my name just like the standard procedure.

If Akai Shuichi goes to work, he will follow Haiyuan, which means that there is no guarantee for the two of us to go to work. The male gangster shivered and stood there without making any move. Conan's eyes widened when he saw this and he took a step forward. The male gangster behind him immediately squatted on the spot with his head in his hands before he could react.

Then you unexpectedly discovered from the Internet that this carpet was exposed in the video shot by this old man. The other party also announced his address outside the video to identify my pot.

At this moment, Huiyuan was like a big wild cat with explosive fur, lecturing Yuantai as he walked, making Yuantai, who knew he was wrong, look dejected and repentant.

Once you've avoided the limelight, you can't give away the carpet, and even the person who lost the item realizes that he's throwing away a worthless carpet.

Conan heard the other party asking a special question like a formula. provide me

The "pretending to be slapped in the face" session was not pleasurable at all. I just felt that speaking was a waste of time and tiring. Dr. Ali, who was standing inside the house, poked his head around the edge of the door. Xiang Qiong smiled and said, "It's done. They're just two big thieves who want to break into the house. Doctor, please call the police." After learning that, It was Yuantai who was playing football outside the house, and because he was hungry, he couldn't hold back the irritability and vented the kick and finally hit the outside of the pot. Haiyuan could no longer hold back and slapped Yuantai in the face.

Before feeling a little more at ease, Xiang Qiong asked Dr. A Li to find a rag, and the two of them concentrated on cleaning up the curry splattered on Qi Zhou.

When the male gangster heard Conan's increasingly horrifying words, he immediately screamed and explained: "You don't want to steal that family's carpet. Kidnapping and killing are just a few of the things you can think of!"

"You, you just want to grab things, don't you have any intention of hurting anyone!!" Dr. Ali didn't think so either. After all, my yard is quite small. It doesn't matter if the fence gate is left ajar during the day. There is no main entrance anyway. .

And once the search direction is wrong, as long as key evidence is left, the police will basically find nothing, not to mention that we have nothing to do with Dr. A Li.

The saying is especially a saying that describes a small amount of effort wasted, but it is just to achieve and pay for a completely equivalent result.

"Yes... you will apologize and reflect!" I haven't made a judgment in a few breaths. I feel that staying in the mansion has no chance of preventing the case, so I am ready to take a gamble.

"How can you still live like this?" He retorted, and Dr. Ali followed Conan: "Besides, if the guest is an acquaintance of yours, why not let him receive it? "

"Hold your head and squat down. Do you mind spending your hands and feet to subdue him?" Before Conan cuffed the two of them, he put away the electric baton. He immediately looked at the male gangster who was about to collapse on the ground and asked, "Tell me, tell me. What are they here for? In addition, that time seems to have something to do with antiques. It must be an abnormal case directed at Dr. A Li, an antique pot. This means that they will definitely take advantage of the crowd to break into the house and rob it. The naughty boy Yuanta made a mistake, and Haiyuan was furious.

"I also know who is coming." Dr. Ali thought for a while and guessed it.

"Go and open the door." Miyano Akemi was spared the post-work of preparing fried pork chops. Seeing the scene at this moment, she quickly gave a few words of advice, then looked at Ayumi and said: "Stop crying, take him there." bath."

"Bad guy, they're just buying a new plant to repay it." Conan complained: "They really know how to use their brains, but they don't need to be used on time." Seeing this, Karasawa also tried to persuade him. After all, Shuichi Akai has been protecting him all the time recently. Our danger lies in the fear of getting into trouble when we go out.

Beside them, Mitsuhiko and Conan looked shocked and worried, but they didn't show much guilt on their faces.

"Exchange?" Conan raised his eyebrows and said, "Tell me, what are you going to do specifically?"

"Oh, why don't they always have such a process? What can I do if I know who you are?" On the contrary, there is an old man outside the house, a big one. Even if there is no adult male like Miyano Akemi, he is just a strong man. man.

Robbery, kidnapping... or murder? "Before the first striker accurately grasped the opponent's wrist, the opponent did not even react. It was suspected that the opponent's identity was revealed to the amateur.

Although Tang Ze was indeed the center of the case, he did not directly approach me on behalf of the case or safety. Even less often, he approached people around me and left me to handle the case.

"Conan Crime, has it started?"

"He... who is he..." the male gangster looked at Conan with a horrified expression and asked. bright

"Huh?" Conan looked at the male gangster with his sharp eyes, making the other man tremble: "Is it supposed to be a pot? What's the situation with the carpet?" After all, that was really too bad, but it was the result of the hard work of the little family. I made curry so hard that it made Ayumi cry.

"Aren't you going to ruin the same carpet? Go back and replace it with the original one..." the male gangster said clearly.

It's so bad. The male gangster said honestly: "But when he took the video, the carpet exposed on the back of the screen is the carpet you have been looking for for a long time.

"That one will be ruined if you go." Tang Ze also helped to rescue him and said, "Haiyuan, he should stay at home." Apparently the person inside the door saw the person inside opening the door and decisively stabbed Conan with an electric baton.

The two little guys were still very nervous cleaning up a place. After cleaning up and using water without detergent to remove the oil stains, the splattered curry was completely cleaned up.

If Suu wanted to suffer, he could just squat down with his head in his hands. However, he would not only be beaten, but also get an additional penalty for assaulting the police. "Hearing this, Conan also tried to stop him, but he slowed down and followed Dr. A Li to the door and opened it.

"Huh, let's go!" Haiyuan went to the room to get a baseball cap and put it on, then urged the eight girls to leave.

The unconscious gangster took a detour and fell down. Xiang Qiong ignored the electric baton in his hand and looked at the trembling prisoner standing beside him, who was overwhelmed and obviously had no masculine characteristics.

Anyone who has no skills will probably stand there like the other person the moment his wrist is grabbed, seemingly still understanding what is happening behind his eyes.

In that case, the police will only think that you were kidnapped and were forced to give up for some reason.

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