Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,386 Encounter with 0 Ye

"Okay, okay, focus on eating."

Seeing the three little ones clamoring for the address of the curry restaurant, Dr. Ali quickly comforted the three little ones and said, "After dinner, I will write down the address for you so that you don't forget."

After hearing what Dr. A Li said, the three little ones calmed down and began to concentrate on the curry rice in front of them.

After the meal was over, because the three little ones were also there, and Tangze and Conan had nothing important to talk about, he just rested for a while, and then decisively chose to retreat.

I drove directly to Suzuki's house to pick up Ayako, during which I naturally had to chat with my father-in-law and mother-in-law for a while. By the time they got home, it was already 9 o'clock.

On the way, Karasawa naturally told Ayako about going to see a movie on the weekend, but unfortunately Ayako had to receive customers from abroad to discuss cooperation that day, so she had no choice but to give up.

But Karasawa thinks it's not bad. After all, the movie on the weekend will most likely involve a case, but it's not bad to experience something bad.

As for dating, they still have Saturday to enjoy the world together. Thallium

After taking a shower and tidying up, it was already dark at night. Tangze had long since given up the bad habit of staying up late in his life. Except for practicing double yoga, he basically fell asleep early.

Meimei slept in, and Tang and Ze got up at around nine o'clock the next day.

Of course, it's just that there is no chance. After all, it is impossible that the case has not happened while we are watching the movie.

Haibara looked at the car filled with action figures boxes in the front window and complained: "You must know Chiba Criminal's identity, no matter how you think about it, it looks like a criminal car."

After all, it was a vehicle surrounded by several people, and it probably had nothing to do with the case. Even if there was a deceased person outside the vehicle, it could be ignored. There would be no clues at all.

That's also abnormal. Once there are no new characters entering the scene, there will always be a role to show, and how to present that role is naturally not a case.

"'s not bad." Conan also frowned and covered his nose, but my keen sense of smell didn't locate the source of the smell for a moment, so I pointed to the top of the car: "The source of the smell is under the head."

Just when Conan walked around from the rear to the right side of the car, he saw that there were no obvious messy scratches around the keyhole of the front door of the car.

"It's just a curiosity. Besides, it's illegal to take a look." Conan stood up straight and smiled.

With someone to help take care of the housework, the two of them feel free. Although working together can increase their relationship, being lazy together can also bring happiness.

"Your dislike of tokusatsu is in line with your criminal status. I'm really sorry!" Chiba was heartbroken by Haibara's complaints and couldn't help but laugh out loud in embarrassment.

Mitsuhiko looked at Conan who was also poking his head in front of the eight people, and he couldn't help but complained: "Hey, why is he just like a child, poking his head here."

But the bad thing is that there aren't many big places in the surrounding area that I have been to. Although the scenery is not as distinctive as the scenic spots and historical sites, the bridges and flowing water are suitable for a half-day trip.

"It's too bad!" Although Ayumi and others were standing in the car door, they bent down and saw the scene outside the car from inside after being reminded, and they said with pity. Thallium

Chiba was stunned for a moment when he heard Genta's weird adjective.

"That's..." Mitsuhiko, who noticed Conan's movements at the side, also came around and immediately realized the problem when he saw the scratches in the distance of the lock cylinder: "There's no big thief?"

"Real or fake!?" The woman was surprised when she heard Mitsuhiko's words: "But, that is also a criminal car..."

Moreover, the plot is not that strong for those who are picky like Conan and have watched fewer works, but after all, it is suitable for all ages, and children are very comfortable with the plot.

After a long outing, both of them were tired. They found a pizza restaurant on the way home and had dinner before returning home.

Before the movie ended and I turned on the lights, I took the opportunity to scan around and found no casualties.

"It's really a crime."

"That fan car turns out to be from Chiba Criminal!"

Before Genta heard Qianye's words, he couldn't help but be surprised.

But what I have to say is that the frequency of recent cases is not a bit outrageous. Although the next case also went through a cycle of fermentation, I finally noticed it, and that time it was eight weeks apart.

"Misuhiko, wait and see~" Ayumi waved repeatedly before hearing Mitsuhiko's words, signaling him to come over.

After all, in Mitsuhiko's view, Conan's sense of smell is less sensitive than ordinary people. For such a pungent smelling environment, it would be more intolerable than abnormal people.

The Gomera in the Ambition Chapter is wrong. It tells the story of Gomera being affected by the white and dark energy before the next chapter, and he lowered his ambition and turned white to become the overlord of the earth.

Conan's mentality about this is quite wrong. After many cases, I have already been affected by the patient's loss situation.

"Hey, what are they doing in front of someone's car?"

"Fan car?"

"Hey, what is that guy doing with those big ghosts!!"

"It's really amazing!" Yuantai couldn't help but admire. Although Tu Gang didn't speak, his eyes were full of envy.

"Conan Criminal, what a coincidence?" At that moment, Chiba walked over in a roundabout way and greeted everyone with a smile: "Even Mitsuhiko and the others are here."

Naturally, there were probably disgusting creatures such as toads and water bugs that disturbed the situation, but that was only the carelessness of opening the blind box, and it would not affect the interest of the two of them.

However, I also forgot about business, and quickly looked at Tu Gang and asked, "That's your car, but your friend's. What's wrong with that?"

After hearing Mitsuhiko's words, Badaizhi also ran over quickly. Before seeing Conan's actions, he stood aside and waited for me to open the car door. Thallium

Guessing that the case might have occurred in an event before the movie, Conan concentrated on watching the movie.

"That guy said he had forgotten something and came back to the car. It turned out that he was taking the figurines out of the bag and placing them outside the car."

"You guys go find a restaurant to have lunch."

Before lunch, Conan drove Ayako towards the city.

Thinking of Sera Masumi's appearance, Conan couldn't help but sigh. He almost lost half of the blame.

The two even met a couple who recommended a nearby Daxi to us.

"It smells bad." Mitsuhiko covered his nose and looked at Conan with concern and said, "There must be something wrong with his nose."

"Sorry, sorry, you bought it thinking it was bad or difficult, so naturally you want to show it off in a bad way." Friend Chiba, who was holding the figure, explained in a bad way.

He took the lead in solving the case and stole Mitsuhiko's limelight, but it was a bad move to make things happen to push back the main line while the case was going backwards.

"Criminal?" Mitsuhiko was stunned for a moment when he heard the woman's words.

The curious Mitsuhiko walked over, took a look inside the car and couldn't help being surprised: "There are not so many boxes of figures and dolls."

"Qianba?" Tu Gang was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the green car next to him: "Is that his car?"

All the way to the parking lot, Dr. Ali opened the car door and asked several animals to get out of the car.

It was a cold time at this moment. My bare feet retreated into the creek that only reached the ankles, and a cool feeling hit my scalp. Thallium

"Bad boy!"

After hearing this, Mitsuhiko put his head into the car and looked up at the roof of the car. He found that the words "Go to hell" were written in red spray paint underneath.

Just like that case, there must have been Conan's intervention. Sera Masumi probably discovered Haibara's figure from the video, but the kidnapping case probably has little to do with you.

I had no choice but to buy tickets for the afternoon movie. Now that the movie theater is full, I can't help but feel lucky that we were slow to get started. Otherwise, we might have watched all the afternoon movies.

Talk all night.

Moreover, there are many suspects in Ziran Kexue's case, and the chance of a case happening in a crowded movie theater like that is too small.

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[Gift] New users will receive 500 book coins, old users will receive 200 book coins] While several people were still excitedly discussing the figures and dolls in the car, Conan used the front window to confirm whether there was any deceased person in the car. , first heaving a sigh of relief, and then opened it to check the vehicle. Thallium

But there are ways. After all, the punishment you get is still very good. Unfortunately, it is a murder case, but you can still get the punishment that is wrong.

Satisfied, the two of them disembarked and gave their harvest to a young girl who was fishing for crabs in the stream. They thanked each other and prepared to leave.

The scene of a crowd behind him also made Conan, who had originally planned to see if he could find any clues, give up.

Humanity was also willing to take out counter-weapons, but unfortunately it was still defeated step by step, and the National Assembly Hall was almost demolished.

Conan waved his hand to let the two of them talk, and signaled Chiba to retreat and call the police. Before joining the small group at ten o'clock in the morning, everyone bought popcorn and then retreated into the cinema.

"He misunderstood, you are a criminal." Conan understood a woman's small temper. After all, anyone who saw his car being driven away and tampered with by a familiar person would also get angry.

"Yes." Qianye was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong?"

On the seventh day, Ayako went to work, and Conan also finished dealing with the case that was about to happen.

"Could it be someone who hates criminals?" Dr. Ali guessed with his arms crossed.

That movie series disappeared after a long time, and it was a short visual film suitable for all ages. We bought morning tickets, but found that it was not full yet.

After all, there are so few viewers. It is obviously realistic for me to check them one by one. If I go to the cinema, I will be regarded as a lunatic.

"I'm still sure." Conan put on his gloves while burning: "Open it first and take a look."

Of course, in reality, it is thought that the Eighth Congress will only encounter cases, but unfortunately it is not like that.

But who knew that Bada just ran behind a green car for some reason and lay down outside looking at the scene inside the car through the front window. Thallium

In general, the plot is just like a popcorn movie, but the special effects are very good and deserve to be praised as a visual feast.

Everyone looked back and saw a woman with glasses holding a huge box of figures and glaring at everyone. This kind look scared Ayumi and she quickly apologized: "That's right!"

Naturally, there were a lot of crabs, so the two turned over stones in the water.

"There's not even a figure of Emera, the elf outside Gomera!" Karasawa said excitedly.

"Anyway, let's call the police first."

There are only these few entertainments outside the city. The fewer trips back and forth, the less bored you will be.

The environment in those years was pretty good, and large fish fry could be seen with the naked eye in the stream. Thallium

And I have long been used to seeing these things. I first revealed my identity very inexperienced, and then took out the criminal certificate from my pocket and showed it to the other party: "Sorry, I was in a slow mood when it came to the case, and the owner of the car was also there, so I tampered with it without permission." Got his car."

The woman was stunned for a moment when she saw Conan's criminal certificate, then waved her hand and said with a smile, "So that's it. I'm sorry that you lost your temper because you were confused."

Hearing this, Chiba Younai smiled. I learned about the situation from the other party before. I stretched my head from the front door to look at the roof of the car, and said without any regrets: "The words under the roof of the car are really dazzling."

Just after breakfast, Yonehara Sakurako came to the door. In addition to cooking, she also had to clean housework today, so she came earlier than usual.

That made Conan breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it proved that I had not had the chance to delay intervening in the case. Instead, I was sitting in the movie theater, waiting for the case to happen due to the viewing order.

In the beginning, the light elf was brought by the protagonist after overcoming difficulties, but Gomera was confused, and finally the two sides began to fight and everything became intense again.

"Their car was pried open." Mitsuhiko pointed to the roof of the car and said, "The two small words "go to hell" were written with spray paint on the bottom. "Thallium

There are two lines in a case, and it is more appropriate to say that the two blossomed.

The description is still "dumplings made just for the vinegar."

And what Conan was worried about didn't happen.

Chiba looked at the sneering bad friend and couldn't help but complain.

"It must be a super fan's car!" Genta vowed.

Just when Gentai and Tangze were about to agree, a roar suddenly sounded from behind, "You want to follow Ziran and tamper with other people's cars!"

Conan said as he opened the car door, and sure enough, the car door that was supposed to be closed was nervously opened, and the pungent smell of paint came from the closed car at the last moment.

"It's even more impossible to hold a grudge against Chiba Criminal Justice."

We just enjoyed the fun of catching crabs, but we also thought about taking those big things back home so that we can eat them and take care of them.

"Yeah, you looked out of the car through the front glass and you saw that there are a lot of figurine boxes." Karasawa pointed at the car and explained: "In addition, there are also a lot of other puppet figurines! "

Maybe there were very few people visiting the river after crossing the river. After fishing for a long time, the two of them only caught four crabs and eight transparent prawns. Tu Gang relied on his quick eyesight and slow hands to catch a big fish, but his movements were too small to catch it. He died soon after.

Even after leaving the cinema, Tu Gang was still holding the poster and happily discussing the plot with his friends.

Conan, who had no experience in unlocking, immediately realized that the car had been broken open.

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