Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,387 Continuous Car Destruction Cases

Although Karasawa and Chiba are criminals, they should still call the police when they encounter a case. Yan

After all, they are on vacation now, and naturally they have no law enforcement rights if they are not at work.

And this is not a murder case, but the car was damaged and the situation is not urgent. Even the departments in charge are different. Naturally, Tangze and the others will not tamper with the scene.

After all, they are the ones who deal with the murder case professionally. Even when the large forces arrive, they are also responsible for the investigation. Naturally, they can control the scene to check the situation first, which can also save investigation time.

After all, there is a "golden twenty-four hours" in murder cases, so it is natural to race against time.

However, damage to property like this is not under their control in the first place, and there is no urgency like homicide cases, so it is natural to report the case and follow the formal procedures.

Of course, you can report the crime directly to an acquaintance, so that you can also participate in the investigation later.

And because the matter involved cars, Chiba directly called Yumi Miyamoto of the Traffic Division and asked her to come over and take charge of the case. Yan

Because Miyamoto Yumi was patrolling in a patrol car, she rushed over soon after hearing Chiba's report.

The arrival of Yumi Miyamoto also brought a piece of surprising news.

"Masked Superman?" Genta was even more confused.

On the side, Takagi and the others gathered together and started talking secretly.

Hearing Conan's tone of wanting to cause trouble, Takagi shivered reflexively, and the DPS went too slow.

It can't be said that the styling is very exaggerated. Yu Yong could not hold back his toes for a while after looking at it, let alone drive out directly.


"That's it, let's start chatting here."

And after hearing Haiyuan's old-fashioned words, Dr. Ali excused the eight people with some shame: "After all, I am busy handling cases all day long, and I don't have much time to think about emotional matters."

"Hmph~ But he also hates those things, right?"

"Really, he is obviously a criminal, yet he came here with so few friends to buy that kind of toys, and he bought so few."

"But, you remember Chiba Criminal said that I was dumped." Yuantai said reluctantly, holding his arms in his arms.

"Yes." After hearing this, Tang Ze calmed down from the excitement and said, "You heard that this boy can finally be with the person he hates, and he has stopped participating in the academy."

Hearing Takagi's words, Bada suddenly realized something. Yan

"They said they might not be married yet?" Dr. A Li couldn't help but guess.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"It looks like the name of the special photo film Chiba Criminal took when he was at Teidan University, right?" Karasawa was reminded and recalled.

"Yes. Judging from the way you look at Chiba now, the other person later said, "We can finally be together." I'm afraid he meant being a criminal in the Metropolitan Police Department. "Yu Yong said.

"I agree. I'm afraid Chiba's classmates understood that sentence accurately at the time."

After hearing everyone's conversation, Haibara Shinobi started complaining in the tone of a junior.

"That's a 'bad car'. "Chiba was surprised when he saw this exaggerated car, but he couldn't help but comment: "And it looks like it was painted very wrong."

"It's the one with two ponytails!" Ayumi said excitedly.

"You mean, there have been three cases of cars being damaged by the same method this month?" After hearing what Miyamoto Yumi said, Chiba said in shock: "It's actually a serial case?"

As soon as the photo appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

Moreover, we cracked the videotape of Chiba Criminal, knew the secret left to me by my first love, and now we know that the male criminal behind us is Yin Yaike Naeko.

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko Yumi smiled and looked at Yachi Naeko in front of him and said, "Please take out the photo of the first car that was attacked and show it to Yu Yongxing."

"But Sister Yumi also said that the other party is a newcomer from outside the team." Karasawa also echoed: "Then

In this case, the other party should be a newcomer who has just joined the Metropolitan Police Department, right? "

If it really turns out to be what Yu Yong said, the two of them are tied up. Conan's punishment is important, but the suit of the bad brother Chiba will fly away. Yan

"Huh? What kind of Italian car is that?"

A burst of laughter sounded in front of Mitsuhiko Yumi. It turned out that the male criminal in front of Mitsuhiko Yumi couldn't help but snicker when he heard the two people's bickering words.

"forget it"

At least we were able to make things happen when we met for the first time today. Let the two of them lay the foundation first, and before that, I would knock on Qianye Gonghuo from the side to assist...

"Yes, including Chiba's case, this is the fourth case this month." Yumi Miyamoto nodded: "That case has not yet been named the "Red Spray Paint Squirt Attack Case." "

Mitsuhiko Yumi was serious for two seconds, then he took the figure of a Gomera under the car and finished teasing Chiba: "It must be because of that that his car was targeted by the criminals, right?" .”

The warmth contained in this color clearly shows your bad feelings towards Qianye. Yan

However, Conan's words were simply told to us, but were analyzed carefully.

"Yes, but you have checked all these things to see if they are missing." Chiba's friend also nodded repeatedly.

It would definitely be self-defeating, or let the two of them play "he hides it from you" first to get to know each other again and deepen their relationship.

"Chiba's first love?"

"Red spray paint attack case..." Chiba said at a loss when he heard the name.

"You think Yu Yongxing is the only one with a stupid head." Before seeing Takagi's embarrassment, Haiyuan crossed his arms and smiled playfully, then said nothing again.

Even now that he takes the initiative to lend it out, special people will open it. Yan

"Because the sound of oil-based spray paint is a "whoosh" sound. "Qianye's friend looked at Qianye's puzzled expression and explained with a smile.

However, given the feelings of several people, Hui Yuan really didn't have the qualifications to point fingers.

"There should be." Chiba thought for a while and said, "There are some valuable belongings under your car, besides these figures."

"You have a rest today, and besides, you are just shopping with that guy!" Chiba pointed at the bad friend and explained quickly.

"Ah~" Chiba's friend looked excited and said, "It's Sister Ai Meng from Magic JK48~~"

At that time, I also recalled the plot of this case. After all, it was the plot of the "Metropolitan Police Department Love Eight", and the impression was always more profound than the unusual case.

"They forgot, the boy photographed in front of this video." Takagi reminded: "Does he look like you?"

"Really, regardless of whether it is Takagi Criminal, Shiratori Criminal, or even Chiba Criminal now, why are the criminals around you all the kind of late-maturing and agile gangsters who will cause trouble for you when something happens! "

As long as these kids rush over and call you the male pig trotter of Masked Superman, Chiba will be able to react no matter how stupid he is.

When the time comes for the two of them to recognize each other on the spot, the scene will definitely be very boring. "

Takagi agreed: "And when those words were conveyed, they completely deviated from the original meaning, so Chiba Criminal Justice must have misunderstood them.

"Is that so?" Haiyuan said and glanced at Takagi with a playful look.

After all, his family knew about his family affairs, and looking back, his feelings seemed to have been assisted by Conan. They were no different from the eight people Haibara "attacked", and Takagi couldn't help but feel guilty for a while.

"Look, even the newbies in your traffic team are laughing at him." Mitsuhiko Yumi continued to tease Chiba with narrow eyes. Yan

Conan interrupted everyone's chat with a playful expression: "Now, the question before you is what if you want to tell Chiba about the matter?

"No?" Yuantai heard this and stretched his head to peek at the other party.

The bad thing is that it is difficult to be a matchmaker and assist the two of them, and then another Chiba Criminal appears.

By the way, they have checked the car carelessly to make sure there is nothing missing? "Yu Yongyumi spoke again to confirm.

Hearing Conan's eloquent plans, the two lovers, Dr. Ari and Takagi, felt an inexplicable pressure. They never felt like they were being plotted by each other in the past.

"You must be Qianba Criminal's first love!" Tang Ze was also extremely excited, with an expression that made him look like he was in the four hexagrams.

Naturally, there is no causal factor involved. Seeing that Chiba has recognized the identity of Yachi Naoko until now, Haibara feels that we are going back to the old business. Yan

Before Mitsuhiko Yumi heard Chiba's words, she felt that Chiba was looking down on your professional experience. She couldn't help but approach Chiba aggressively and retorted: "Then they are all local cars, right?" Mainly Zhang Liangqi The car was really exaggerated, with a pink-haired seventh-dimensional beauty plastered on the roof, sides of the car, and the front window.

"You don't know." Feeling the narrow gaze coming from Haiyuan, although Yu Yong is now officially dating Dalan, he still can't stand it.

Judging from the other party's expression, even if driving that car will directly forfeit the right to choose a future mate, the other party will drive it without any scruples.

Judging from the current situation, the other party said that he was participating in the student union. It is probably because you feel that Chiba Criminal has not forgotten you, and you can work with Chiba immediately. "

Bada is at least an action soldier, and Haiyuan you are the real Cerebellum, so the complaint is really justified. After all, you have to work hard to help out.

"Ah, bad." Yachi Naeko heard this and took out the photo from her bag, and when showing the photo, she covered her face to hide the sight of Chiba and others.

"Yes, but I'm afraid even I didn't realize that the male criminal behind me was not my first childhood love, classmate Yayu Nagamatsu." Takagi nodded. Yan

I still knew the situation in person, so I walked to a few people and planned to ask Takagi and Haibara to explain the situation to me in detail and update my information base in person.

Although Conan is also able to accept characters he hates painted under the car, it is still too exaggerated to the extent that he can't say that the car is not the limit of Itache.

Conan's hearing was very sensitive, so he naturally heard the conversations of several large animals nearby.

There were few assists between Takagi and Sato Miwako, but Shiratori was criminal, but Ayumi assisted Shiratori, which made me understand the person I really hate. In addition, he is our class teacher, and he assists one after another.

Although he had received few assists from Conan in the past, the opponent's methods were really frustrating.

Dr. A Li was a little embarrassed when he heard Conan's plan, and quickly advised: "It doesn't seem too blunt if you expose that layer of secrets.

"If that's the case, are the cars that were attacked all vehicles with no obvious otaku attributes?" Conan asked, "Can you tell me more about the subsequent case in detail?" Yan

So for the sake of the bad brother's happy life in the first half of his life, I still resisted the urge to cause trouble.

I was stunned for a moment and stepped forward to look at Mitsuhiko Yumi, the boy with twin tails, and found that when the other person looked at Chiba, his eyes were indeed innocent.

After making up his mind, Conan also approached Takagi and us again, walked over and continued to listen to Chiba's side.

Rather than letting you say it, it would be worse if the hero said it himself, or if Chiba thought about it himself. "

My sudden question also startled Takagi and the rest of us, thinking that my voice was too soft just now and someone overheard me.

That Itache must be someone who is crazy about that character and really has the courage to drive out.

The bad thing was that Conan explained that his hearing was worse, which made the big dogs relax. Yan

Although there is a small chance that they will be punished for letting the two people get to know each other and change the original trajectory of their relationship, which will affect the development of their relationship, it can also eliminate the high chance of risk.

"Masked Superman." Just when Bada was still confused, Haiyuan spoke up.

Because whether it was a low tree or a white bird, we discovered the seedlings first.

Head, and then give assists.

After all, you can't just make a few subtle jokes. Bada is still nearby, so it's too obvious to say bad things.

And those words immediately reminded the other party, and the male criminal who was still laughing at first quickly apologized and said: "Yes, yes, that's right!!"

"That said, Chiba Criminal has a misunderstanding." Hearing the twists and turns, Ayumi became angry again.

"It really hasn't changed at all, Chiba..." The boy's eyes reflected Chiba's figure, with a gentle smile in his eyes. Yan

"If that's the case, it means that the guy who really hates otakus is retaliating." Mitsuhiko Yumi thought as she touched her upper body.

"Have you met this male criminal somewhere?" Ayumi stared at him with no doubts: "But you know you..."

"Hmm..." Conan touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully: "That's true, if you reveal your identity when we first meet, it will make it difficult to get along with you.

That way, when the relationship comes, once we get to know each other and say yes, we can start dating smoothly and directly. "

Mitsuhiko Yumi has long seen through Chiba's "home" attribute, and one sentence made Chiba laugh in a bad way: You can't admit that. "

"Oh? Conan Criminal is planning to help? It seems that you can't worry too much."

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