Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1394: Lovers eventually become brothers and sisters

Late at night, although it was raining heavily outside the house at the moment, it did not affect the excitement in the family restaurant at all. Xi

"Raita, Hatsune! Congratulations on your marriage!!"

"Pah! Pah!"

Colorful cannons went off one after another, and colorful ribbons mixed with various pieces of paper were sprinkled from the sky. The guests at the scene happily applauded and blessed the hero and heroine.

"Oh~ I feel so embarrassed to be blessed by you like this."

As the groom's accompanist, Raita put his arm around the bride Kamon Hatsune, scratched his head and said with a smile: "Our wedding ceremony is tomorrow, and we are not married yet."

"It doesn't matter, today is a pre-wedding celebration."

Kamon Hatsune smiled when she heard this and said: "After the wedding ceremony is over, I will immediately fly to honeymoon to start the wedding trip, and there is no way to call everyone to get together. Xi

Today is a good time for everyone to get together and have a good time. "

"Hi! Two newcomers! How enviable!"

That is the trust that the other party earns by using the correct answers time and time again, and it is also worthy of our own life.

Takagi moved slower than everyone else. At this moment, I had not retreated into acting mode and ran to him and asked with concern: "Sister, is he okay?"

"Why is that?"

"There is no feeling like finally meeting the right person." Kachi Naeko said that and sighed at the wonder of fate.

Guo Tianjin also wanted to get the two of them drunk, so Guo Shaoruo asked them to drink less and instead chatted while drinking. Xi

Before the small talk started, Da Lan, a low school boy who longed for love, immediately asked about the romantic aspects of their relationship.

It was such a twist of fate that the lover he was about to marry turned out to be his twin brother, and anyone accepted that fact.

"They have such a tacit understanding. Have you ever thought that they are brothers and sisters before they have experienced the same thing?"

"Chiba-kun, it would be bad if you came to see her off." Although Hamon Hatsune was not shy, she still took the initiative.

Sitting at the dining table, Mouri Kogoro teased the newlyweds as if they were mischievous.

Of course, the purpose of doing this is to eavesdrop on the other party's words, so as to grasp the most critical retreat of the case.

After all, we are all right, we are just poor people who have been played with by fate. Xi

Before getting the phone, Takagi asked the person on the phone about the situation, "You were the criminal who came over when you heard the scream while eating in the distance. That man is not broken now."

And even so, the seat I chose was also by the window, so I couldn't vaguely see the scene inside, so I could pay attention to the crime scene at any time.

Although Karasawa Yumi expressed contempt for Takagi's obvious matchmaking behavior, she was finally defeated by the siege of several bad friends and agreed to call Hamon Hatsune.

Having one mind and seven functions is still a problem for Tian Jin, not to mention that the protagonists of that dinner were also me, but Chiba and Hamon Hatsune.

"You know." Although Hachimon Hatsune was not shy, she already knew that everyone was creating opportunities for the two of them, so she did not agree to the assist from Takagi.

The identification results have just come out, and it shows that the two are twins.

"That's right, my best friend in high school." Yoita Banba introduced. Xi

As people arrived one after another, Takagi avoided Kata Nishiyasu and loudly told everyone the news he had just received on the phone.

After all, there will be no precedent for the case to be delayed in the future. Although it is not clear what happened today, we must be on guard if there is no precedent in the future.

"Is this the legendary detective?" Kamon Hatsune looked at her boyfriend and asked.

That moment made everyone feel relaxed. You must know that it was raining just now and the ground was full of dirty water. Something trivial must have happened, and the other party would have collapsed directly on the ground.

Soon the topic extended to the case, and the criminals at the previous table became more energetic, and the topic instantly became more heated.

There were some shrewd tactics and cunning criminals in this case, but the fateful suicide was also disappointing.

It was not only to prevent the case from being brought to light, but also to help those two poor people. Xi

So when everyone heard Tian Jin's arrangement, they immediately gathered together and went around to look for Jia Chi Miaozi's friends. "This is the first time we meet, I am Hatsune." Kamon Hatsune bowed to Mouri Kogoro in greeting.

Because Kachi Naeko got the information that the two were brothers and sisters before she came back from doing perfect manicure.

And somewhere we didn't notice, a big mechanical spider on Mouri Daishichiro's tie was transmitting the missing sound to the restaurant opposite.

But a moment later, a shrill cry came from closer.

Takagi said: "At that point, the other party parked his car there thinking he was going home.

There was a mistake. Before sending the eavesdropping mechanical spider to the Mori Office and knowing the specific time and place of the wedding, Takagi told Miyamoto Miwako about Chiba and Hachimon Hatsune.

With that mentality, Chiba finally decided to wait and see. Xi

We will naturally believe the judgment from the other party's mouth.

"He is really a bad criminal." Although Yumi Karasawa complained, she walked towards the parking lot.

Soon Tian Jin saw a car, and the voice from the bug also indicated that the car behind him was the protagonist I was paying attention to, Ka Tian Jinyasu.

"I understand, you will keep an eye on the other person." Takagi nodded and promised to take care of the other person. The staff on the other end of the phone also hung up the phone.

Takagi and others walked towards the parking lot, and then they found a man sitting on the ground with his hands covering his face and crying.

After that dinner, Chiba also knew the name of Hachimon Hatsune, and the speculation in her heart became more and more clear.

Even among the thousands of cases in Ke Xue's world, the two of us were miserable enough to be ranked low. Xi

In addition, Takagi was still controlling the mechanical spider that was originally under Mouri Daishichiro during the moment we just talked, and crawled into the inner pocket of the bride Kaike Naeko's clothes.

Of course, Takagi was multitasking. While eating, he acted as an audience with everyone, and at the same time monitored the progress of the other party's case.

"Let's just leave this little house?" Since only the girls drank, Miwako Miyamoto supported Takagi and prepared to leave.

"How lucky it was that it rained."

"Hello, hello~" Mouri Kogoro said hello with a smile and introduced the two people around him.

The slow atmosphere that fills the hotel is brought by our two generous newcomers.

Before there was an exclamation, everyone looked at Kachi Naeko with eyes full of sympathy. Xi

Before the other party committed suicide, because he had no skin flakes under his manicure, and since we are twins with the same DNA, Yoita Toba became a suspect.


Hearing Takagi's words, the male staff member opposite also breathed a sigh of relief: "You are from the DNA identification center, and Mr. Kamen has commissioned you to compare your DNA with that of your girlfriend.

After hearing Tian Jin's words, everyone's expressions froze, and their expressions became more and more serious.

"This, this is it..." Chiba drank a lot and stood up unsteadily: "You go and pay..."

Tian Jin took the initiative to tease him a while ago, but he also took the initiative to change the topic because he felt the difference was too small. Everyone also felt that the difference was too small, and they all cooperated tacitly.

That would save Takagi a lot of trouble, but it would make Chiba and Yata Nishiyasu suffer. Xi

However, the atmosphere between the two became more and more subtle, and only the person involved in this ambiguity could understand the subtle changes.

"You can know what the other person is thinking even just by talking." Kachi Naeko said with a smile.

The banquet was immediately postponed, and Tian Jinmei and Zi were also in a bad mood.

Takagi and others stopped.

Although the mystery of the reasoning was solved in the end, Banba Yorita finally collapsed because he could not accept such a miserable ending.

But after seeing Yata Nishiksu's generous expression, Chiba finally shrank back the words he wanted to ask.

Now it seems that Mr. Garmon is not accepting this situation..."

But only Takagi knew that Nishikasu Katada heard this "death call" before he went to the restaurant. Xi

But Takagi's question didn't elicit the slightest reaction from Kachi Naeko. I glanced at the phone, which was still calling, and reached out to pick it up from the ground.

When Tian Jin turned his attention to the two of them and joined in the topical battle, the two became even more defensive.

So during the time when the other party was getting a manicure, I felt a little more relaxed.

"Now is the time to express emotion. The other party's mental state is very stable, and he does not even have the tendency to commit suicide."

That is an important step in preventing the case. Being able to get it can save trouble. So before I finished asking the other party, I went to get the phone that was not hung up.

"He's bad. What happened?"

It must have been someone else who said that, and we would think it was an exaggeration, but Tian Jin is an expert in psychology. Xi

Then, I called Yumi Karasawa and asked you to have a dinner with Hatsune of the Eight Gates for the reason of bringing Chiba and Chiba together.

"It's bad, let's get ready to leave." Yumi Karasawa urged: "They will have a day off tomorrow, but you and Miaozi still have to be on duty."

"It's useful, but you can break it if you come." Takagi said, looking at Hachimon Hatsune and smiling, "I'll just ask him to take care of me."

"That's right, your birthdays and blood types are not even the same." Yoita Banba looked at Hatsune with eyes full of love.

"How can it be!!"

While Takagi quietly entered and exited the chat group, letting Chiba and Takagi take the lead in the conversation, he focused his attention on the window.

"So that's it, Mr. Criminal is bad." Xi

Because of this, although Takagi was the one who organized the dinner party, Karasawa Yumi and Takagi were among the others, but they always focused on the topic of Chiba's Hakkamon Hatsune.

At this moment, sitting in the restaurant and hearing our conversation, the corners of Takagi's mouth twitched twice. They are the two protagonists who know how to complain.

As everyone chatted, time passed slowly, and Tian Jin also got the news from the bug that the other party was getting perfect manicure and preparing to return to the banquet party.

After paying the bill, Takagi took the lead to walk out of the restaurant, and the others also walked out after hearing this.

Because Mr. Jiamen once said that the two of you were going to get married, you quickly called him to inform him of the result, hoping to stop the two from holding the wedding tomorrow.

Takagi watched the other party finish parking in the parking lot and also finished his actions.

Whether it was now or the time of the crime, Tian Jin relaxed temporarily when he heard Naeko Kachi and her husband, Raita, said they were going to get a manicure. Xi

However, I just focused my main attention on chatting with Takagi and others, and I was also monitoring them at all times to avoid any surprises.

One is that there is no one around yet, and the other is that I am not mentally prepared yet.

However, there was some trouble on Takagi's side, because it was not too late yet, and it looked like it was a lively event and there was no intention of letting it go.

"Yes, it seems there is no harm in staying a little longer." Tian Jinmeihezi said with a smile.

"Yes, the moment you met, I felt like it was destiny." Yoita Banba held his chin with his left hand, and when he said that, his face was filled with happiness.

It was precisely because of this that Tian Jin was so focused on that case.

They were probably attending a post-wedding party or something, so they went to a few restaurants far away to check it out and left the other party in the hands of their friends. "Xi

"Moori, long time no see." Banba Raita waved.

A collapsed male voice came from the headset and the nearby parking lot at the same time, and everyone was consciously attracted by the scream.

"Did a couple quarrel?" Yumi Karasawa said without any concern, "Or maybe he was dumped by a woman or something like that."

"Let's go over and take a look." When Tian Jin took the initiative to speak, Omu, who was slightly sober next to him, said, "It's so late, don't be unsafe."

It is precisely because of this that the bride Kaike Naeko in the original plot collapsed and accepted the ending, and finally chose to commit suicide.

"It's already early, and you can see how drunk the two of them are." Takagi looked at Takagi and the two and said, "Let's go there tonight, let's finish up?"

This joke of "I hope all lovers in the world will eventually become brothers and sisters" has become the most vicious yet real curse for the two of them at this moment. Xi

"What happened?" Miwako Miyamoto turned her head curiously and looked at the source of the sound, wanting to check the situation.

"Hey~" Da Lan exclaimed in surprise, seeming to be surprised by the tacit understanding between the two.

"You heard that they two fell in love at first sight. Is that true?"

When they heard the other party's cowardly attack, everyone present consciously looked at the two of them, with a hint of ambiguity on their faces.

In this case, Takagi would have no legitimate reason to appear around the crime scene. At this moment, a group of us were eating and chatting in the restaurant.

When Takagi saw Na Wai's failure, he pulled Takagi and Qianye for two more laps, directly bringing us from being tipsy to being in a good or bad state.

And when thinking about the class reunion, when the classmate said that the other person had not lost the object of disgust, Chiba felt that it was because of his own selfishness. Xi

Before Takagi got up, he went to the backstage to check out. Everyone also packed up and checked to avoid dropping their mobile phone keys, and then gathered towards the backstage.

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