Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,395 The prank of fate

After everyone dispersed, Karasawa patiently stood beside Kamon Hatsune and waited.玎

"I don't think it's useful to say words of comfort, but you need to calm down anyway, Ms. Kamon."

Karasawa looked at Kamon Hatsune who kept crying and said: "No matter what happened, please face it..."

"How can I face it?"

Kamon Hatsune said hysterically: "My lover is actually my twin brother!!

Who can accept such a result! ! "

"But no matter what happens, please don't have any self-destructive tendencies."

Karasawa stared into Kamon Hatsune's eyes and said, "I've met many people, so I know you have death intentions.

But this is wrong. Only by living can you solve the problem better, instead of escaping from the problem by dying.

In that case, wouldn't it make the other person suffer even more cruel harm?

After entering the restaurant, a man rushed out of the crowd, followed by Mori Kogoro and three others.

"The lovers turned into brothers and sisters..." Dalan's eyes were filled with compassion: "It's so pitiful..."

[Congratulations to the host for getting the prank of prop fate]

Takagi suddenly said: "It turns out that the hired detective saw the scene where he met Sister Karasawa and misunderstood their relationship, so he just kept targeting and embarrassing him."

"Don't come here! Don't touch me!!" Kamon Hatsune screamed and hid behind Karasawa, hoping to face Banba Yorita.玎

Because this is our own life.

If so, if the other party accepts this reality and directly chooses to commit suicide, I am afraid that my bad friend will also collapse.

Of course, those have nothing to do with Conan. I stayed dormant for so long in the later stage and did so little preparation work just to be rescued by Kamon Hatsune tonight.

When it comes to Mouri Daishichiro, he was a little bit embarrassed. I never thought that when I attended my bad friend's wedding party, I would encounter such a thing.

A very small number of people said that sentence with a ridiculing and joking attitude, but when that thing really happened in reality, it was the beginning of all tragedies.

It must be continuously strengthened, so that the opponent's influence will be greater and the props will be more effective.

"Actually, you are not a waiter in the restaurant." The woman took off her glasses and showed her handsome face: "You are the private detective hired by Sister Karasawa!"

[Fate's Prank: Consume a small amount of Fate's Favor to let bad luck affect the target person. The consumption and effect of Fate's Favor depend on the target's status in the world. 】

"You don't think so."

Having said that, Toru Amuro smiled and looked to the side of the restaurant seat. The bearded middle-aged woman wearing sunglasses smiled and said: "What you said must be wrong, right, Mr. Detective?"

If that's the case, it can explain why Sister Chunyin's face looks so ugly when she meets you. "

As for the props of that level, and the names seemed to be related to fate, Conan couldn't wait to check the effect.

The bad thing was that after he recalled the incident, he ended his preparations, and finally succeeded in learning the wrong time and place when the crime occurred, and with his exquisite layout, he prevented the tragedy from happening.

But the bad thing is that it was bad luck. When Sister Karasawa learned about the result and broke down emotionally, she happened to meet Conan Criminal and us having dinner in a distance.玎

PS: Destiny is unpredictable. He always knows whether bad luck or good luck is waiting for him at the last moment.

Maybe when the two of us are willing to have sex, we can quickly resolve the knot between the two of us.

"Did they tell me?" Conan asked, looking at Miyamoto Yumi who was following him.

As for what kind of ending the two of them will find next, Conan is very concerned about it.


"What's going on? What's wrong with Karasawa!" Yoita Toba looked at his lover hiding in front of a familiar woman, and instantly became gentle: "Who is that guy? Flash you.

open! ! "

Banba Raita murmured in his mouth, grabbed his head with both hands and collapsed and shouted: "What is that!! Is it a prank!! How could it be like that!!!"

Obviously, although that case was tragic, the crux was relatively complicated, so Conan gave it a perfect rating before successfully stopping it.

Conan turned to look at Kamon Junone, who had a dull expression and empty eyes, and said, "So you took Mr. Banba's hair and sent it to the appraisal center, and finally learned the result..."

Comments: I wish that the lovers in the sky will eventually become brothers and sisters. This is originally a curse uttered by singles out of jealousy when they see lovers, but no one would sincerely regress.

"It seems that the news was so shocking that I immediately agreed to communicate with the inner world."

"Looking back now, I'm afraid that Sister Karasawa at that time had not thought of that possibility. After all, the tacit understanding between us is very much like twins."

The phone call from the appraisal center just now informed them of the appraisal information of seven people.

Amuro Toru smiled and said: "But now there is no need to dwell on that matter anymore, because I thought that the two of them would end up being twins."

Just like Haibara has no general perception of white tissue, Takagi also has no general intuition of the "ordinary" kind.

As Karasawa spoke, he lifted Kamon Hatsune from the ground and walked towards the restaurant where Miike Naeko waved.

"What's your name?" Conan looked at the other person and asked with a smile.

"Let's ask Detective Mori to stop worrying."

The case caused by the next person pretending to be Moori Daishichiro reminded Conan that Toru Amuro seemed to be making an appearance recently, so I asked me to make arrangements to prevent that tragedy.

Conan, on the other hand, seemed very calm. After all, it could be said that what he just said was not paving the way for the other party.

Amuro Toru smiled and said, "Yes, because Mr. Banba became more serious after meeting Sister Karasawa, Sister Song Li asked you to investigate whether Mr. Banba had cheated on you."

"About that, it's up to you to explain it to everyone."

And when I appeared in front of Kamon Hatsune with a group of criminals at a critical juncture, the original tragic ending remained unchanged.

Apart from this, Conan realized that there should be no other way, which was not to weaken the opponent's character in the real world.

First of all, for small people with more important personalities, the effect is worse and the less fate favor is consumed.

"As expected of a "criminal", he is really sharp. "

The woman was shocked at first when her identity was revealed. Then Youna smiled bitterly and said, "It's wrong. You accepted the commission from Mr. Bianba. It seems that the bride has not met any women recently."

When everyone was at a loss what to do, suddenly a blond and fair-skinned female *** dressed as a waiter in the restaurant suddenly walked over.玎

"Toru Amuro, it's bad to call you Amuro."

"If you want to know the specific ins and outs, I'm afraid you need to wait for the two of them to calm down." Song Li shook his head and said.

Conan said: "Try to stabilize our emotions and avoid thinking about it."

"Detective!?" Upon hearing the other party's words, everyone present was shocked, and Takagi even looked at the person behind him with a stern expression.

After reading the punishment, Conan raised his eyebrows. He thought that the props that time were similar to the lucky cards. One was to affect himself, and the other was to curse the other party's misfortune.

"Conan Criminal, what's going on?"

I will definitely be able to unlock the other party, and maybe I can also unlock Sister Karaze through me.玎

Before Mouri Daishichiro called their friends to take care of the two of them, he came back and said depressedly: "Cute, what is going on."

It hasn't been a long time since I received a perfect level of punishment. After all, because of the reasons that everyone knows about the earlier cases, more and more people are not impressed by Conan.

Although there were no restrictions, Conan was keenly aware of the hidden information in the prop details.

But on the other hand, he certainly can achieve the effect of a curse even if he doesn't have enough fate to favor him.

It's hard to describe that "average", but he must be a tough and sharp guy.

Hearing Conan's words, all the guests at the banquet hall were in an uproar, and the host Laita staggered to the ground as if struck by lightning.

Conan opened his mouth and motioned to Daishichiro Mori. He looked at the other person and reached out to grab the other person's arm before he said, "Sister Kamato made a DNA test report, but they are not imprisoned."

How to choose the next path can only be decided by ourselves before struggling and communicating.

But at this moment, Yorota Banba was so shocked by the news that Conan said that his cerebellum was shut down, and he had no reaction at all.

By the time Chiba arrived, Ogi and others were sent away one after another, and Conan also took a taxi home.

But judging from the current situation, there should be no need to continue your job. "

Their DNA overlap rate is 99%, which does not mean that they are opposite-sex twins! "

Banba Yorita shouted anxiously and rushed to Kamon Miku's side. When he saw the other party, he wanted to go forward and help him, but Kamon Miku seemed to have seen something indescribable and avoided it reflexively. other side.

Amuro revealed: "Because you are not a detective originally, and you have to investigate matters related to Mr. Banba, but I didn't expect that you would actually investigate something.

We were both rescued from a hotel fire, and both of us were raised in the same church while our identities were known.

"Well, let's go slowly." Maori Daichiro nodded and said goodbye to Song Li and others.

Somehow, he was favored by fate!

"It's's possible!!"

The woman smiled and shook hands with Conan and said, "You just heard everyone's conversation, and your identity should have been exposed.

After hearing the man's words, Mouri Daishichiro also recalled our conversation and chat later and asked quickly.

Degree of completion: perfect

"It's strange that Mr. Banba will not react so little to Mr. Amuro in the future."

"Detective Mori, please ask him to entrust our friends to pay less attention to their emotions during that time."

Generally speaking, this card should be regarded as a "adding insult to injury" type of auxiliary card. It can be used alone, but when combined with a strategic layout, it may have the desired effect.

Before Mouri Daishichiro heard the conversation between the two, he stopped his excited classmates and asked, "Is there no hidden secret in it?"

It must have been Mouri Daishichiro who delayed in supporting the other party. I am afraid that the companion at this moment, Yori, would have been thrown to the ground too early.

"You look ugly?" Miyamoto Yumi asked curiously, "Did something happen?"

Mr. Banba was adopted very slowly before, but Sister Karasawa was still cared for by the church for a long time. ”玎

Conan glanced at Chiba and Ogi who were sobering up at the dining table, and waved goodbye to Mouri Daishichiro and the others: "You guys are leaving now. Ogi and we have drunk a lot, so we need to send us back quickly."

But surely if he uses it, it will ensure that even a small person will be in serious trouble, such as tripping or having diarrhea?

And Conan's mission can be completed, now is my harvest time.

As expected, the other party sensed the opportunity in Conan's words and joined the conversation to stop him.

The so-called status refers to a person's social status that can be controlled, and money and connections that cannot be controlled can be controlled by superiors.

【The Wedding of Destiny】

Seeing that the settlement was successful, Song Li's eyes lit up and he instantly became excited.玎

"You just had time to say that Mr. Kamon fell to the ground, and I immediately ran out of the restaurant after receiving the news." Yachi Naeko explained.

"He broke his friend first, so the news might not have any impact."

I plan to get rid of my bad friend first. After all, women should be less tolerant, and the relationship between the two is closer.

Made up my mind, Maori Daqi

Lang finally enlightened his bad friends seriously.

Even if you can no longer be lovers, you can still become relatives. "

"You estimate that at this time, Sister Song Li will no longer have any guesses."

"Well, you can explain it to your friends later." Mouri Daishichiro nodded: "I hope we can calm down and accept that reality.

Conan looked at Banba Raita and shook his head: "Detective Mori, let someone take care of us first."

Watching us leave, Mouri Daishichiro breathed a sigh of relief and immediately walked out of the house with a serious look on his face.

"Hatsune! Hatsune!!"

"Him?" Mouri Daishichiro looked at the waiter and asked in surprise: "He is a waiter, what can he explain?"

"Banchang, he later said that they didn't have the same experience. What happened..."

"In that case, the commission Mr. Amuro received was to investigate Mr. Banba to see if I had betrayed Sister Song Li emotionally?" Conan said firmly without asking a rhetorical question.

And that also made Song Li instantly think about the use of that prop. There must be a way to resolve it, but also is there any other way, such as old age and death..."

"No wonder they don't have the same understanding..." Da Lan was surprised and thought about what the two said later, but she didn't realize it at all.

It was a murder case with or without a criminal. He saved yourself from the murderer and made the complete tragedy no longer changed.

When I got out of the car, I opened the system panel. The panel stopped at the last moment and was constantly beating and refreshing with new messages.

Well, I also knew that there was a lack of understanding between the twins, and Mr. Banba seemed to have made the same choice. "

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