Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,397 The Dark Tracker (Gathering)

Saburo Sakurada was once forced by society to the point where he had no choice but to sell his identity, and that ordeal also affected his later life.黵

He got a job at Meilikan under the introduction of Kudo Yusaku. Because he didn't want to lose his hard-earned life, he worked hard there and kept improving.

After the initial experience of running in a foreign country such as the language, he began to make continuous progress and became a scroll king.

Later, because of his excellent ability, he was poached by a headhunting company. Later, because of his continuous learning and progress, he successfully entered a large local enterprise.

In terms of love, this guy also had good luck and picked up a blond girl who was living on the street after her family was broken up due to a case and her house was taken away for repayment of the loan.

After asking Kudo Yusaku to help solve the case and find the murderer, he took the other party in and hired the girl as a housewife.

Then they naturally got together, and now the other person has changed his nationality with Melician's green card and has settled down there.

After knowing the other party's current situation, Tang Ze was also very surprised. He did not expect that the once down-and-out guy really seized the opportunity he gave him and finally became the winner in life.黵

But this is better. The more successful the other party is, the more he can cover up his past experience of poverty. Now that his nationality has changed, it will be even harder to follow the clues to find out about Miyano Akemi's identity.

Of course, these were just emotional thoughts that flashed through Tangze's mind. In reality, everyone was still trying to persuade Yuanta to give up climbing the tree.

At that moment, Mitsuhiko Miwako and Ogi walked over with a smile and greeted everyone: "Good morning~"

"Good morning." Conan came back to his senses and said hello with a smile: "I thought Detective Maori was also involved in that case."

Looking at Zuoyi and the other two people, Conan smiled and greeted, "I thought they would also come."

After a few pleasantries, Mouri Daishichiro stared at the hot male criminal in an off-white suit in front of them, and he couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Be aware of the danger." Ayako on the side warned her reluctantly.黵

"They are eating tree sap!" Ayumi said excitedly as she watched the rhinoceros licking the tree sap.

"Hey, has a case also happened in Saitama County?" Mouri Daishichiro was stunned for a moment and then responded.

"Now Ayumi, come and give them a name!" Ayumi said enthusiastically: "The girls will be called Cowherd, and the boys will be called Weaver Man!"

'Although I didn't expect it, I did think it was really a case related to "Ke Xue"...'

But he had a guilty conscience and pretended to criticize the beetle for leaving a note, which seemed like a weak move to change the subject.

Although Xiaojia comes from different places and has never met each other, after all, they are all colleagues and are about to cooperate in the investigation, so Xiaojia is actively socializing and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Accompanied by the contraction of the telescopic belt, Yuantai felt that he was getting closer and closer to the tree branch he was tied to.黵

"Hearing that Detective Mori is so unsure makes you worried."

"Ah, I never thought that the Saitama Prefecture Police Department doesn't even have a handsome police department." Daishichiro Mouri scratched his head and praised, obviously he was lustful again.

Mouri Daishichiro said politely, and then said seriously: "Did you hear that there was a small-scale serial murder case?"

"Who is worried about him? You are worried about Genta's danger." Ayako said angrily: "It's such a low tree, what if someone accidentally falls on it."

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other." Conan said with a smile, "I thought both of their brothers would also come."

Conan said as he got down from the tree with the telescopic belt, tied one end of it under the rope, and put the other end on it.

Just when Conan was dazed for a moment, Dalan also saw Conan before helping her father to tidy up his broken tie. He smiled and said hello: "Good morning, bad luck~"

"I see." Mouri Daishichiro said in deep thought, touching his chin.

"Ah, it's Conan Criminal."

"Hey, please don't take care of me that time." Yamamura Cao still looked like Ma Xiaoha was reliable, which made Conan feel ashamed.

On the contrary, it was the beetles under its wings that didn't make me feel unfamiliar at all, but I still knew where the strange feeling came from.

"Ah, stop slowly!!"

"How could such an important case involve you, Daishichirou Mouri!?"

Temporarily allowing himself to relax and deal with the difficult case expected tomorrow, Conan slowly fell into sleep.黵

But what makes people think is that on the day of the picnic in the forest, no incident occurred, and no other guests were even seen.

"It's true, it's too bad!" Ayumi took a closer look and found that the wings were covered with long strips of tape.

"Retractable strap?" Tangze asked with a confused look on his face: "What is this?"

"You are Ogino Ayumi, I have heard of these two nicknames for a long time." Ogino Ayami introduced herself with a smile.

As he said this, Dr. Ali took the beetle handed over by Karasawa and complained: "Who is it? You actually do such a thing!"

After arriving at the meeting floor with familiarity, they found Maori Daishichiro, Dalan and Takagi standing behind the door.

"That time, Detective Mori came as a general consultant." Mitsuhiko Miwako said, "That was requested by Director Matsumoto himself."

At that moment, a voice of agreement came from nearby, and everyone turned to look and saw a long-haired woman on crutches walking quickly.

"Xiaohe dares to help the police department, but there is no mountain village police department."

"Too bad, Genta." Ayumi smiled sheepishly when she saw that Genta didn't care about safety at all.


"Yes, it is also an honor for you to be invited as a general consultant."

In this regard, Haiyuan didn't say anything less. He just smiled to save some face for the old man who was over fifty years old.

After all, that person is really reliable... Hearing that the other party deliberately paused under the key words, Ruan Bo understood that the other party should be Zuichi who placed a bug under Mouri Daishichiro to facilitate the hearing of the case. intelligence.黵

The other party rolled his eyes at Uncle Ruan angrily: "I told him to be more careful."

Before Takagi on the side tied up Genta, Conan pressed the button and pulled Genta downwards with his telescopic belt.

"I feel the same way."

"Worry, the quality of the stretchable belts studied by the doctorate is still not guaranteed." Conan said with a smile: "It can happen unexpectedly."

Although Ruan Bo wants to know more in detail now, Officer Mu Mu said that the circumstances of that case are too simple. We are also sorting out the information so that we can explain it to Xiaojia at the meeting tomorrow.

"By the way, the man in front of them is..."

"It's not that. You made some upgrades and changes. As long as you press the button, you can freely expand and contract within a hundred meters." Dr. A Li explained with a smile.黵

That's not a child's slow joy, it's complicated and pure. It's okay to be depressed after getting two beetles.

Because obviously everything will be confirmed by tomorrow.

"Uncle Ruan and the others are waiting over there?" Conan asked with a smile as he looked at the two of them.

"He still has the same small voice as always, Sensu." Mouri Daishichiro said while picking his ears.

Seeing Genta who was not willing to do anything, Dr. Ali suddenly suggested.

"Don't let it run away!" Tang Ze also hurriedly chased in the direction of the One-horned Fairy.

"Because the victims who were killed in Tokyo lived in Tokorozawa, I called you there for coordination and cooperation." Ogino Ayami explained with a smile.黵

Conan's thoughts were flowing in his cerebellum, and he murmured to himself: "After that, Kaitou Kidd's battle is also very small. Tsukuru knows which theater version it is, and he will have to identify it later... There is no such thing as Beetle." A feeling...'

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you." Sengo Hengo said with an apologetic smile: "You are the Ogino Police Department of the Saitama Prefecture Police Department."

"Oh! Is that Mr. Mouri? It's been such a long time since we've seen him!" Henggou Sango, who discovered a coral, walked over excitedly when he saw Daishichiro Mouri and greeted him.

"After all, the case did not occur in the jurisdiction where your brothers are located." Henggou Shigego said, rubbing his head.

Yuantai was also startled, but just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a stag beetle crawling under the tree trunk and immediately said excitedly: "I found a stag beetle!! Sure enough, there are a lot of them in low places!"

Every time he saw the other party and saw that the other party relied on Takagi to be promoted to the police force, Conan felt worried for the residents of Gunma County.

"Fried chicken?"

Hearing this, Mouri Daishichiro said proudly: "Without you, this kind of case would have been solved in a matter of minutes by you!"

"See you soon, Conan." The crew-cut Jugo Yokomori had less bad feelings toward Conan than Mouri Daishichiro, and he walked over to greet his brother.

"Ogino was your senior when you were working in Saitama County." Hengo said with a smile.

‘Perhaps it’s a theatrical version. After all, it starts with a small battle at the Metropolitan Police Department’s search meeting, and the special case background is relatively small. ’

"Huh... I almost got slapped in the face." Conan wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at Ayako with a smile.

So Conan could only hold back his inquisitive spirit and wait for the end of tomorrow's cooperation meeting to learn more about the situation.

"Is it the one the doctor gave you just now?" Takagi took out a white rope from his pocket and asked.黵

Seeing that he was about to be knocked down, Conan quickly pressed the button to pause the retractable strap and stopped it safely.

"I almost hit my head."

And that development was exactly what Conan wanted. After all, I understood the circumstances of the subsequent cases. I shouldn't be able to compare them to see which cases overlap with those in my memory.

"There are no words under the tape." Tang Ze hesitated when he saw the English words below: "That is..."

"Anyway, it's better to retreat slowly." Conan urged: "Since there are so few cases, it would be vague to stand in there for a while."

"Hmph, you actually asked a detective for help, how unbecoming!" Henggou Zhongwu, who was on the side, heard that he was willing to make peace, and said fullly: "Can it be said that even Ruan Bo's criminal ability is trusted!"

Before seeing Uncle Ruan, Conan thought of yesterday's outing and Takagi's dream, and felt more and more that the case was unusual.黵

"Use that to hang Genta down?"

"A murder case occurred under the low-speed highway in Ohtawara City, and mahjong tiles were found at the scene." Takagi nodded.

"It's really hard to trouble Detective Maori to come over there so early in the morning." Takagi said politely.

After hearing Ruan Bomei and Zi's words, Conan looked as if he was thinking.

Just when Genta was struggling to catch the beetle under the tree, suddenly a unicorn flew past the eyes of Karaze and the others.

Although it was still early, the conference room was not yet filled with criminals from all over the country.

"Speaking of which, it's too late..." Wei

"It's the Unicorn Fairy!" Bumi said excitedly: "Slowly chase!"

"It's "open". It's quite common under the bento sold in convenience stores." Dr. Ali recalled that: "Speaking of which, the fried chicken bento you bought yesterday was not there..."

Early on the morning of the seventh day, Ruan Bo arrived at the Metropolitan Police Headquarters early in a blue suit.

"Ah ha ha ha..." Dr. A Li laughed twice at the needle-like gazes of several Haiyuan, and quickly looked at Tang Ze and said: "Give you the One-horned Fairy, and tear up the note!"

"Where's Mr. Mori, why are you out there!" Henggou Sengo asked excitedly, as if he was seeing an idol.

After catching the beetles, Xiaojia went on an outing for lunch outside the forest, and then returned home safely. There was no sign of a case at all.

Although it might just be an illusion, Conan, who had no such feeling, didn't have the intention to be on guard.黵

Tangze saw the rhinoceros staying under a tree with flowing sap, and said excitedly before running over: "Two of them in one!"

Conan said that when he thought of the dream he had after Takagi, and then thought of the Ichiyo Festival, he always felt that it was a sign of an impending case.

"That's right." Maori Daishichiro came to his senses and followed Ogi and others into the conference room.

"In that case, you should retreat first." Before Conan understood that Takagi's words conveyed the message that he needed my help, he greeted the two of them and retreated into the conference room.

After all, I have watched the theatrical version, and it is a complete punishment package for me. Even if I forget some details, I can still remember the plot. It is enough punishment to influence my planning.

"Yes!" Takagi smiled obediently: "Just wait there for uncle to "finish" the case meeting."

But in the evening, Conan received a call from Officer Megure, inviting me to participate in a cross-district cooperation serial murder case tomorrow, so I temporarily stopped thinking about it.黵

The two of them ran for a while, and then saw the rhinoceros fairy staying under a tree trunk without any sense of danger.

Conan reached out and took Takagi's telescopic belt: "Go down and tie it up. It feels quite boring."

"And the same mahjong tiles also appeared in seven murder cases in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Nagano, and Shizuoka." Mitsuhiko Miwako agreed.

Tangze looked at another unicorn under the tree and picked it up: "Look at the female unicorn, there is tape under its wings!"

"Morning." Conan nodded as a greeting.

"By the way, why don't you Yuanta try a retractable strap?"

"Okay, is he still worried about your skills?" Conan waved his hand.黵

After hearing what Dr. A Li said, Haiyuan glanced at Dr. A Li: "Did he secretly eat fried food again?"

"Yes, since those two are only one female and one male, they must be lovers!" Ruan Bo grabbed the male unicorn flying from under the tree and dreamed in his hand.

"Wow, not one yet!"

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