Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,398 The Dark Tracker (Case)

However, Karasawa's complaints were temporary, and soon Karasawa and Yamato Gansuke began to chat. grebe

"What about Zhufu-kun and Uehara-san?" Karasawa looked at Yamato Kansuke and asked, "I remember they were also in Tokyo a few days ago."

"I didn't leave after handing over the case before, so I was left directly behind."

Speaking of this, Yamato Gansuke gloated: "As for the two of them going back, Uehara helped me stay in Gunma County to facilitate timely communication.

As for Gao Ming, he is currently with the Xinye Department and is not qualified to participate in the department's cases. "

"I remember that he wanted to go back to the headquarters. I guess you will be able to work together soon." Tangze said with a smile when he heard this.

"That guy had better not come back." Yamato Kansuke had a disgusted expression on his face when he heard this, but in fact Karasawa knew that as a good friend, he would definitely welcome it, and the smile on his lips also showed this.

"By the way, didn't that kid with glasses come over today?" Sengo Yokomori looked around behind Mouri Kogoro and asked immediately. grebe

"A brat with glasses?" Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Are you still talking about Conan?"

"Yes, that's him!" Henggou said, "When he's around, the cases are always solved smoothly!"

"That's why the murderer became so angry!" Yamamura Cao also had a look of realization on his face, and his eyes looking at Mouri Daishichiro were full of admiration.

And the white organization was involved in that drama!

Soon Lai Hou resisted the urge to directly rescue Lai Hou Qingchang and capture the other party.

In the end, since no one lost anything, they unanimously concluded that the prisoner had taken it.

There were eight serial murder cases in total. Except for the eighth case, the other seven cases had in common that the criminals stabbed the victims to death with knives. grebe

After hearing Tang Ze's words, everyone frowned.

In the midst of all the criminal commotion, Sengo Yokomori, as a die-hard fan of Daishichiro Moori, firmly believed in what I said: "But even so, someone still cheated me."

It was just those words that made Conan's mouth twitch. After all, no matter how you look at it, Mouri Daishichiro just superimposed his bad habit of playing mahjong into his reasoning.

When everyone sat down, the case information was distributed one by one under the table.

In special circumstances, the killing is as hidden as possible, to increase the traces of the killing as much as possible, and to extend the time for the body to be discovered as much as possible.

With this in mind, Conan calmed down and continued to focus on the case.

As for Lai Hou now, although he came with Detective Maori, he is still old after all, and he is waiting in the conference room with Da Lan.鸊

It's also because compared to the others, that little boy named Yamamura is the only criminal who has been anesthetized by Matsumoto and used as a substitute to solve cases.

"It's not the White Bird police officer you're talking about." Lai Hou replied loudly: "This is the manager of the Search Section 1, please go back and sit down."

At that time, this is the little thing that matters. After all, although there is no such careful person in that group of people as Yamamura, there is no Xiaohe who dares to help such a keen criminal.

"I see!!"

After all, I am still old and it is inevitable that I will not be satisfied. I must have encountered it before, and I also ask for your consideration.

Lai Hou, who heard the crowd leaving at the door, breathed a sigh of relief.

If we had summarized the information and Mouri Daishichirou suddenly let it slip, it would be really over. grebe

And why did the prisoner do the opposite and go to all the trouble to stun the deceased and move him to a hidden crime location to kill him?

It was just because the criminals who had dealt with Matsumoto ended the illusion that the case would be solved smoothly when Matsumoto was around.

And that undercover agent carried with him a memory card that contained the organization's undercover roster.

While Conan was meditating, the criminals had not yet discussed whether the items under the deceased were taken by the criminals or left behind when transferring the deceased.

Before many people heard Tang Ze's words, they realized that the prisoner's actions were abnormal.

From the seventh prisoner, Ke'er, all the mahjong tiles turned into "One Pie", and the red positions were under the circles that formed the same position as "One Pie".

"It is true that he is not far beyond the maturity of ordinary people." Hengmou Shigego said after hearing this: "If he had not taken Conan to the crime scene to study, it would be reasonable to say that he did not grow like that."

After hearing his words, both Karasawa at the scene and Matsumoto, who was eavesdropping with the help of Mouri Kogoro's bug, couldn't help but feel tight in their hearts.

Judging from the wounds on the corpse, it was killed with a knife from bottom to top.

"Among the four circles above the pie, the upper right and lower left cylinders are not painted red." Ogino Ayami pointed out the clues he had discovered while typing on the keyboard with both hands.

"Eh? Does he look like that?" Yamamura Cao said in surprise: "He looks vicious."

It was obvious that the suspect had deliberately left criminal information. "

"Me too." Yamamura Cao echoed closely.

Fortunately, there was no Conan Criminal at the scene to change the topic in time. If we were to continue the discussion, I would probably lose my vest. grebe

Even if Mouri Daishichiro is able to express his guilty conscience, it is inevitable to have doubts in his heart.

That time Shiratori Kiyonaga would be outsourced by Ireland, and this beetle was not a distress message sent by the real Shiratori Kiyonaga.

The eighth prisoner is the first circle, and the seventh prisoner becomes the seventh circle (the lower right corner circle of the seven circles above the pie).

Conan, who wanted to start a conversation, saw the two of them exiting the door, and immediately started the conversation: "Hey, please find a seat, it's time to get down to business."

That's why the white organization went out that time and even sneaked into the police to search for intelligence, just to find the prisoner as soon as possible!

"But actually one loaf and one loaf have another meaning."

Moreover, Yamamura Cao had been anesthetized by himself. I have a temperamental temper. If I tell the truth about my unconsciousness, I will tell you. grebe

At that time, if the other party will regard Ireland as an abandoned son and silence him, and at the same time continue to pursue the prisoner, he will ensure that the evidence can be destroyed.

"So, crimes will continue!?"

"I heard from you that when you knew about it, your disciples seemed to have provided you with some help in cases?"

It seems like there is no pattern at all.

"Well... the focus now is indeed the information under the mahjong tiles." Officer Megure said thoughtfully.

In the column of the victim's lost items, there are various items, including pendants, necklaces or amulets, wallets, motorcycle key chains, mascot dolls, and makeup boxes.

In addition, the victim's body still had traces of injuries from the electric baton. It was obvious that he was stunned first, then moved to the crime scene, killed and dumped. grebe

You can still touch me for the time being. If you expose the other party on the spot now, of course you can't mess up the white organization's plan, but the other party will react quickly.

Thinking of that, Conan consciously glanced at Lai Houqingchang, who was seated next to him, with a less profound look in his eyes.

As for the four circles above the mahjong tile, there are two circles that are not painted in red. One of them refers to the murderer himself, and the other refers to the first victim. "

Mouri Daishichiro said in a serious tone: "It doesn't mean that the prisoner listened to two cards, one cake and one cake, and only one of them could reverse the game instantly and lead to defeat!"

"Ryuuzaki may have seen the suspect at the Daikanyama Rest House where the brake fluid was leaking." Jugo Yokomori guessed after looking at the information.

"In addition, when you checked the belongings of the six victims, you also discovered that eight people seemed to have randomly taken an item from under us." Tangze said.

The reason why Conan was so shaken by an item is because I haven't determined which case it was based on the case information Tang Ze mentioned later and the file information in front of me. grebe

Just as everyone was discussing, Maori Daishichiro stood up swornly, and in the absence of everyone,

In the quiet discussion, he said in a roundabout way: "Mahjong tiles are not just mahjong tiles, and the motive for the murder revolves around the disputes surrounding mahjong.

And there is not even a small doubt in it.

What's even more fatal is that the murderer took away the memory card when taking away the deceased's belongings.

"Ah?" After hearing this, Yamamura Cao glanced at Shiratori Kiyonagamae guiltily, and quickly found a seat to sit on.

The seventh one becomes the first circle again, and the eighth one has the seventh circle painted red.

Listening to Karasawa's words about the case and looking at the missing items shown in his subordinates' files, Conan's eyes narrowed consciously.

Theatrical version, the white stalker! grebe

"Are the Latin letters two A and E, H, Z and L written backwards?" Henggou said in deep thought, touching his chin.

And before sending signals and concealing his identity again and again, Lai Hou will probably gradually become accustomed to that identity, just like Ke'er who used the tone of an older child to act cute before she grew older.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I was the same at that time." Yokomori Shigego recalled.

Of course, that would be useful information for Conan, because I had already determined that.

"Laihou Criminal, who is this guy who looks so fierce?" Yamamura Cao asked loudly.

The message contained in this beetle suddenly occurred to me.

"If there are definitely four people, is it worse to use four cakes?" Laihou asked without any doubts before hearing what Mouri Daishichiro said. grebe

In such a situation, the white organization will naturally have to destroy the evidence quickly. However, if the criminal is caught and the taken items are recovered, they will be carefully inspected.

"Let's stop chatting. Officer Megure and Inspector Shiratori are here."

Considering the other party's distracted character, if the discussion continues in these forms, I'm afraid Yamamura Soo will say that he lost consciousness to solve the case, which will be troublesome then.

But later, even Matsumoto discovered that I, who originally resisted the title of master and apprentice, subconsciously took advantage of that title during various incidents and "crisis situations", and even stopped using that title frequently to do things.

After hearing this, everyone looked towards the door and nodded, and the crowd that gathered for a while dispersed.

For example, for the seventh prisoner, the first mahjong tile of "One Pie" is the eighth circle painted red.

Fortunately, Conan was also there, and he helped me change the subject when he realized that the topic was Miao, and that was how I avoided the danger of being exposed. grebe

Masaaki Gangkura, the belongings I lost are amulets!

So for the time being, it's time to alert the enemy, and the key is to seek fewer results first, but it's a pity that Shiratori Qingchang has to be wronged for a few days...

After all, Mouri Daishichiro was unconscious when he solved the case. When he came over, he had no memory of how the case was solved.

The first prisoner's mahjong was "one cake", and the lower part was painted red.

On Matsumoto's side, Laihou dismissed everyone and took their seats, while Yamamura Soo looked around and then came closer to Conan.

If you want to catch the prisoner, you have to get close to my thinking frequency and understand why I do what I do. Only in this way can I understand the other party's thoughts and actions.

Tangze, as the case commentator, finished narrating and organizing the information. grebe

"After all, this is a fierce man who was slashed in the right eye by the murderer, and was able to seize the samurai sword in the criminal's hand and strike back with a knife." Conan said with a wicked smile: "Slow down and find a place to sit down, or you will be punished."

"So he is a disciple of Conan Criminal!" Yamamura Cao exclaimed after hearing this: "It's strange that he is so powerful at such an old age."

"Everyone, maybe you can think about it a little bit!"

At that time, the organization's list will be directly exposed.

But Conan's eyes were fixed on the lost items of one of the victims.

Although none of the people here are parallel importers, there are also many who are incompetent.

Because of Mouri Daishichiro's wise judgment in the past, Officer Megure's expression immediately became serious before hearing Mouri Daishichiro's words. grebe

a knot

You may feel ashamed, but in the end it will become "really fragrant".

Karasawa looked at the crowd and said, "As for the eighth victim, Mr. Ryuzaki left the death message "Ichikyo" before the car accident. "

The two mahjong tiles, Yibing and Yibing, may not mean that 8 people are playing mahjong.

"I'm afraid that's not the case anymore." Mouri Daishichiro nodded confidently.

Conan looked at the information behind him. The mahjong tiles left at the scene of each deceased person were displayed below in the order in which the cases occurred.

And that kind of criminal behavior is the same as the criminal psychology of abnormal prisoners, which also shows one thing.

There is absolutely nothing reliable about it! Realizing that this was a good idea, Conan hurriedly opened his mouth and changed the subject with a smile: "This kid is indeed stupid, and he learns very slowly under you. You have taken me to so many places, and my reasoning is not modeled." That's it. 鸊

The reason why the organization paid attention to that case was because there was no undercover agent among the victims.

It was true that there was no such thing as stupid luck. Mouri Daichiro was indeed fooled that time.

After casting the screen, Tang Ze watched everyone digest the information before continuing: "Besides this, you found red circles under the bodies of all the victims in those eight cases, with the words " Mahjong tiles with Latin letters and white vertical lines.

The prisoner didn't have a theory of his own actions to back me up. It might have been some kind of ritual, or some revenge connotation that doesn't have much meaning in these places.

"As for the information, there is actually not much information."

"Even so, this is a big deal." Kowa Gansuke commented.

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