Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,399 The Dark Tracker (Trace)

In front of the conference hall, no matter how much Karasawa complained in his heart, Mouri Kogoro still continued his reasoning as always. Accurate


Facing the little fan's approval, Mouri Kogoro supported his left hand with his right hand and put it on his chin, and analyzed seriously:

"I'm afraid other victims have also played this kind of cheap mahjong, so the suspect can't bear it!!"

As he spoke, Mouri Kogoro seemed to be involved in the bad card game he encountered, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face: "This may be the prisoner's motive."

"Excuse me...what do the Latin letters stand for?"

While Mouri Kogoro was talking endlessly, Ogino Ayami suddenly stretched out his hand and asked.

"Why would the murderer specifically move the victim to another place to kill?" Yamato Gansuke continued to ask. Accurate

" should we explain the death message Mr. Ryuzaki left before his death?" Takagi followed closely and raised his hand to ask.


"Ah, you know." Anyu nodded, agreed, and reached out to open the car door.

With our skills and the habit of carrying guns at all times, we can easily complete the counterattack and retreat to pursue.

At such a critical moment, we must abandon so-called regional disputes and utilitarianism!

The serial murderer must be caught as soon as possible!

An Yuqing took a long look at Dalan and responded with a half-quick smile: "He is from Maori... Your man is still the same as usual."

"Yamamura, is he in the wrong mood~"

Seeing this, Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked fiercely at Matsumoto, who was sneering at the side.

"That's the place to talk outside." Conan glanced at the cars passing by in front of the Metropolitan Police Department: "Get off."

In addition, the six victims may not have any relationship with the murderer.

And you can also use your criminal identity to legitimately intervene in the case and fight with us. "

When Conan saw a criminal in a suit crossing the street and getting into a car, Matsumoto also rushed over from downstairs.

"Yes, I live in Detective Maori's house, and I have Conan Criminal as my teacher, so I don't have time to give crucial hints!" Henggou nodded. Accurate

Criminals in various areas usually meet each other, so although they don't care about their own behavior, because there is a discussion partner who has no common experience, the matter is naturally settled.

"It's a Porsche 356A." Conan looked at the car disappearing in the distance with a deep look: "This guy's car."

But just when Matsumoto was relieved, Yamamura Cao walked out of the bathroom humming a song.

What I went to was somewhere else. It was the place where I worked daily, and it was also my small base of scientific research. As the scene gradually became quieter, Officer Megure immediately looked at Xiaoran Kiyonaga: "Management Officer."

"Anyway, let's take action first. We have to tell Haiyuan what happened today." Conan warned: "It won't help if I tell you. It will only make you worried."

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, although everyone understood that it was reasonable to make such a guess based on the current clues, they could not help but feel a little regretful.

"In that case, Shiratori, he seems to have lost some weight." Mouri Daishichiro suddenly looked at Shiratori who was walking towards the drink machine and said. Accurate

It must be that Conan's halo is too dazzling and cannot cover up Yiqi to a certain extent. I'm afraid Matsumoto's unusual behavior has already caused an uproar.

"I'm afraid only the defectors are left."

A moment later, Matsumoto restrained himself and calmed down: "But you must also make the best plan.

When Conan heard that the conversation between the eight people was gradually shifting to Matsumoto, he quickly made up a reasonably reasonable reason to excuse it: "Of course, that kid is a genius in reasoning to a certain extent."

For example, let Chiba become

Thin, White Bird eats fat, Henggou brothers drank coffee that they used to hate drinking, etc.

"That's it, you can leave first. He can go down and join Dalan and us."

"There is a way. There haven't been a few murders in a row. If you add powdered sugar, you can survive." Yokomori Jugo replied. Accurate

It was only after listening that I realized that several people were asking questions about Ogino Ayumi, and there was no tendency to reopen the topic and go to Matsumoto, so I quickly opened my mouth to explain, hoping to stop the topic.

Later, when he heard the conversation between the criminals, Conan understood that it was a part of the theater version that used fog bombs, not to let the audience know who was the undercover agent pretending to be Irish.

Signing for Matsumoto to follow him, Conan and the other party came to the underground parking lot. The two got out of Conan's car. Matsumoto couldn't wait to speak and said: "What happened in that case!? Why was the organization organized? people..."

"Did he also listen to the entire search meeting?"

After all, the criminals were still discussing me just now. If I acted too conspicuously, Ireland would probably notice me.

Before he said complex words, Xiaoran Kiyonaga immediately looked at Mouri Daishichiro in front of him and said: "Moori brother, what are you looking forward to his performance?"

"This, Henggou Criminal..." Ogino Ayami shouted, but the Henggou brothers all turned around. Accurate

"Well, it can be said that I am happy to see Hunting Heart." Conan said with a smile.

Conan shook his head and said: "You are also vague at the moment, but what cannot be used is that we sneaked into the search meeting if we hope to gain something from the meeting."

Matsumoto said solemnly: "Yes, but so, the secret that makes the organization so relaxed must also be very important.

You have to catch the criminal before the organization finds the murderer and try your best to find what the organization is after! "

Miwako Sato heard this and echoed with a smile: "Even you professional police officers will be negligent sometimes."

"We've seen each other for a long time. Are you still bad, Mr. Daiuri?" Dalan asked with a smile and a bow.

The organization is not so gentle. If one of them is targeted by a murderer, he will basically protect his companions, unless he is a very important scientific researcher. Accurate

"You must solve the case after the organization."

"It should be wrong, but it should be the murderer."

Watching the criminals leave one after another, Da Lan closed the book he carried with him and said to Matsumoto with a smile.

"Huh?" Xiaolan Qingchang was stunned when he heard this, and his reaction was not very exciting.

Before Matsumoto heard Conan's analysis, he immediately came to a conclusion and quickly denied the former: "Yes, it should be a victim who has not been killed.

Seeing Daishichiro Mouri salute so excitedly to the impostor, Conan helplessly shook his head secretly.

"About that, I can only say that maybe it's because of the perspective of older children. They look at things from less or more of the same perspective."

"I can definitely get it..." A light flashed in Matsumoto's eyes. Although he said no more, Conan also understood what the other party meant.

Ogino Ayami smiled awkwardly, Yokogawa Jugo heard the words and left, and you looked at Yokomori and said, "Isn't this the Edogawa Matsumoto they mentioned later?"

After all, the trap that he poked out at that glance "exploded" today.

At the risk of criminal dignity, you must stop me after I continue to commit crimes!

Anyu said: "And the other party may have a big secret, and that secret was taken away by the prisoner before he was killed.

"Yes!" A hint of excitement flashed in Matsumoto's eyes after hearing this, "That must be the case, it's not you who take the initiative!"

I had just been mixed up in a criminal, and naturally I heard the conversation and discussion of the eight people, and understood that Conan helped put out the fire again. Accurate

The series of questions immediately made Mouri Kogoro, who was quick to express his unreliable thoughts, in a panic.

"Is it Belmod who retreated in disguise..." Matsumoto said as if he was facing an enemy: "Why, why did you sneak into the search meeting..."

When it comes out,

Just then I saw a criminal wearing glasses talking on the phone! "

It doesn't make any sense. You can definitely find it out, and you should be able to grasp the prisoner's actions and related clues.

In addition, Mori-kun's mahjong wheel does have that possibility. In addition, the Latin characters on the back of the mahjong tiles, vertical lines, and the death message of "Ichiyuki, Kyo" have to be thought of carelessly! "

In the corridor, Dalan saw his father, police officer Memu and Xiaolan Qingchang walking towards them. His eyes lit up but he greeted Xiaolan Qingchang first.

And watching Anyu leave, Conan also started the car and set off towards the destination. Accurate

"What he means is that we are interested in the case?" Matsumoto understood Conan's words and said solemnly: "So, no one from the white organization was involved in that case?"

"So he thinks people related to the organization are victims, or victims who are targeted by criminals?"

"Crow~Why are you crowing~"

And we must be formal members of the organization. We are more vicious than murderers.

Only by finding out what the six people have in common can we find out the true identity of the murderer as soon as possible!

"Really..." Ogino Ayami's face showed a look of surprise: "It's strange that he would be accepted as a disciple by Conan Criminal."

"Bad image, the meeting is over."

"Ah, Chiba Criminal, has he lost some weight?" Matsumoto suddenly said as he looked at Chiba.

Everyone is giving their best to you! "

It is precisely because of this that Matsumoto feels so guilty.

A child's nursery rhyme sounded, which instantly aroused Anyu's alert. I quickly wanted to stop and ask, but Conan stopped him with a step.

The bad thing is that Ogino Aya is not just a bad guy. She didn't say anything before hearing Conan's words, which temporarily stabilized the situation.

Anyu nodded and said: "First of all, it must be someone from the white organization. It is possible that the murders were carried out with such little fanfare to attract the attention of the police.

Thinking of Yamamura Cao, Matsumoto's expression changed and he immediately ran towards the window at the end of the corridor, not caring about Dalan's shouts in front of him. Accurate

It felt like nothing had been said yet, and knowing that now they had to race against time, the two of them said goodbye tacitly.

Takagi on the side looked at Qianye's belly and laughed a lot. He said something and left in a roundabout way.

And since the other party must have defected from the organization, he would do something so conspicuous. After all, what I have to face is the pursuit of the organization and the dual pressure of the Metropolitan Police Department. "

But after a while, Shiratiao and others also came out one after another.

Once you catch the criminal, the Metropolitan Police Department will become your shield. If the white organization wants to destroy the secret, it will naturally have to confront the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Eh? Didn't he see it?" Chiba patted her belly happily before hearing Matsumoto's words: "To be honest, you have been losing weight recently, not according to what is popular on TV."

But for those kind of people who live in seclusion and are strictly guarded by the organization, and are targeted by murderers, I'm afraid we won't even care. Accurate

"Ah, the doctor said you need to control your sugar intake recently." Hengo Sango looked at the drink in his brother's hand and smiled: "He is the one, does he hate sweets?"

But those are actually useful to Conan. After all, I don’t know who Ireland is pretending to be and sneaking into the Metropolitan Police.

"Stop...don't be joking..." Shiratori waved his hand in disbelief: "You have to go to the gym twice a week."

"Yes!" Upon hearing the old leader's expectations, Mouri Daishichiro saluted excitedly: "I, Mouri Daishichiro, will definitely go all out to repay your expectations!"


Once something is gained, the opponent even delays the plan to destroy everything. "

"'re calling me brother."

"Well, tomorrow he will ask Dr. Ali to take him to the crime scene to investigate. You two will act separately."

Yasuyu blocked Matsumoto and walked towards Yamamura Cao in a roundabout way: "Listening to the way he sang, did you find any clues?"

The helpless look was like that of a student who couldn't answer a single word when faced with a teacher's question.

"Yes, Conan, please stop laughing at you."

As the topic started, everyone ended the discussion and started investigating the previous case.

"But that's the case, I often pay attention to some boring things."

"An Yu Criminal!" Accurate

"It's so common that I know how to drink white coffee," Yokomori Shigego said, looking at his brother.

Therefore, it is worthy of organizing an active investigation..."

After hearing Xiaolan Qingchang's words, all the criminals nodded in agreement, and immediately stood up and walked inside.

Hearing this, Yamamura Cao waved his hands and said, "When you, Lieutenant Commander, were simply in the bathroom, you heard the sound of a cell phone key pressing that tone, so you spontaneously started singing.

"The bad image is here." Matsumoto nodded and stood up with Dalan, waiting for Mouri Daishichiro to come out.

All clues that have not been found will be disclosed and all the information in hand will be shared!

"Yes." Correct

But when Xiaojia gathered together, Xiaojia seemed to be less eye-catching when he talked about Matsumoto.

Having said that, Xiao Lanqing paused for a long time and looked at everyone seriously: "I've heard this, everyone, the possibility of the murderer continuing to commit crimes is very low!

Conan said: "I'm sure we didn't report to each other at any time. Now you need to race against time to find the murderer after the white organization.

It is precisely because of this that the white organization started a small war and even dispatched Belmode to find the murderer. "

After hearing this, Xiaolan Qingchang stood up and said in a roundabout way: "For the murderer, does leaving a murder scene have some general meaning?

Anyu already knew the result, so he didn't run towards the end of the corridor. Instead, he took the elevator directly upstairs.

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