Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,400 The Dark Tracker (Planning)

The reason why Tang Ze went back to Kesouyan or his office was because he needed to use the police's special system to check the prisoner's information.庛

He already knew who the prisoner was. Not only was there no way to explain it if he didn't tell Conan, but it was also because the other party couldn't be used this time, so naturally he was dismissed first so that he could act more conveniently.

He still remembered the ins and outs of this case very clearly.

Two years ago, a fire broke out in a hotel in Kyoto on the night of Chinese Valentine's Day. The escape route was unavailable and the elevator was only big enough for seven people, and eight of them were trapped.

This time, the prisoner's sister took the initiative to stay, allowing the other seven to survive while she was burned to death.

The prisoner was unwilling to admit all this, so he told him that he believed that the seven people, including the sister's boyfriend who was out visiting friends that day and was not at the hotel, were the murderers of his sister, so he decided to kill them all.

The prisoner told his sister's boyfriend that his sister's death was caused by seven people pushing Nanako out of the elevator. He planned to kill seven people and then have her boyfriend commit suicide to take the blame.

However, although he remembered the plot very clearly, he also needed to conduct further verification on the more specific circumstances.

After all, he had forgotten many details in his memory, including the names of the prisoner and his sister's boyfriend, and after knowing the names, he needed to determine their appearance to ensure that he would not find anyone with the same name.

In addition, some specific information about the prisoner is not revealed in the anime, such as the address of the prisoner and his sister's boyfriend, which requires him to rely on the police's systematic investigation.

And very slowly, I saw the name "Kami Nanasuke" under the sign hanging behind the door.

But whether it was a drawer or a wardrobe, Tangze didn't find it until he patiently checked it.

So given those prerequisites, it was natural to find Nanasuke first.

But this was the "best plan" action. Tang Ze was naturally willing to complete the "bad plan" today, so if he had enough land to plant, Tang Ze quickly went to the dangerous house to change a car and made sure that no one was following him. Then I drove to the apartment in Minamixiaoyuan, Baying City.

Very slowly, the sound was transmitted into the earphones through the mechanical spider's sensor. It was obvious that the Benxia family was eating at that time.庛

Perhaps in Kazuki Motoshita's view, placing the culpable amulet far away from his sister's shrine and using it to complete his revenge plan against Hou Zai Fensuke, who killed his sister, was perhaps the worst way to pay tribute to his sister.

There is no reason to find Nanasuke first. First of all, you need to know that the two of them live in the same city, and it doesn't mean that just traveling will take a small amount of time.

Regarding that result, Tangze frowned consciously.

Even if the actual truth is not like that, Benxia and Shujizhong were paranoid and twisted. I heard that I rejected any other opinions and decided to kill people in a way that I thought my sister would be disgusted with, in order to comfort my sister's spirit in heaven.

Knocked on the door again to make sure that there was someone in the room. Before Tang Ze looked around seven times to make sure that someone was there, he directly took out a table mat above the incense burner in the center of the shrine. But just now, the machine spider was not following the table mat. The amulet hidden above the table mat was found on the flat surface.

But if I were to find Kazuki Honshita, I would bet on half the chance. If I succeeded, I would give up the opportunity to delay getting the amulet to replace the external memory card, and wait for the two to meet on the seventh day.庛

At this moment, Tang Ze was in disguise.

Karasawa's original plan was to find the amulet during the day and then take action in the evening.

Although I have imagined various scenarios, the scenario where there is no one outside the house before opening the door is undoubtedly the more exciting one.

Secondly, in my memory, Kami Nanako did not go to Motomo Nanako’s house to pay homage when tomorrow was not the death anniversary of Honshita Nanako.

The tiny mechanical spider crawled slowly under the ground, and soon checked the drawers under the bedside and the desk next to it.

When we arrived in Chiba Prefecture, it was not yet noon.

The big mechanical spider continued on the seventh floor of the mansion before checking Kazuki's room, and that time Karasawa chose another room.庛

After taking out the anesthesia needle and applying it to the other party for a while, Tang Ze's slightly tense body quickly began to relax.

It was as if the original key was silky smooth, and the complicated door lock cylinder was opened by Hou Cai without any scratches or signs of violent unlocking.

That opportunity cannot be missed. It is inevitable to see two people. As long as I see two people, I can use [Peeping Weapon Spider] to grasp the traces of two people at the same time.

And soon I ended the search of the entire room. To my great disappointment, I did not find this amulet.

After eating more than half of the meal, suddenly a warning alarm sounded from his earphones. Hou Cai put down the chopsticks in his hand and quickly looked at the screen of his phone.

Tangze controlled the mechanical spider to come out and saw the location of the thing before zooming away.

But judging from the current situation, it is obviously not easy to complete the task of "changing the civet cat for the prince" in a way that is clear to all.庛

But at the same time, I also have to consider the possibility of finding the amulet. After all, it is decisive evidence. The local prisoner was not careful enough to carry it with him, but hid it somewhere. This made Tangze blind.


Karasawa set the option of searching at a distance and let the junior artificial intelligence "Detective" assist him, while he stopped and concentrated on eating.

I am sure the amulet has not been found in either Benxia or Shu's room. It is possible that the other party has not handed over the amulet yet.

But there was still no discovery. In the end, Tangze controlled the mechanical spider and locked his sights under the shrine placed in the room.

However, as I knocked on the door, there was no response from the room, which made Tang Ze quickly abandon his subsequent thoughts.

But at this time, it was daytime for ground planting, and the ground planting missed the best opportunity.庛

That time it looked like it was a single woman's room. Tangze controlled the mechanical spider to exit the room and conduct a detailed search.

At that time, the mechanical spider's tiny size came into play. Although the large size would not weaken it at speed, its stealth ability was slightly improved.

Fortunately, the other person fell asleep, so I gave him a top-up shot to help him sleep more soundly.

And I must look for Honshita Kazuki first. If the other party hasn't given the amulet to Housai Fensuke, I will have to go to Yataka City to find the whereabouts of the other party, and then run to the place where Honshita Kazuki is on the seventh day. Chiba Prefecture.

After all, when people are sleeping outside at night, it is easy to sneak in and switch bags, and they can even know that the person is aware of the ghost. Even the person involved does not know that it has not happened yet.

As long as I don't take action, the other party will pay attention to me and try to get clues about the prisoner from me.


Before I returned to the office to investigate through the Internet and the police system, I was very slow to add all the details about the case.

Karasawa knocked on the door, thinking about what to say in his mind.

After leaving the apartment door with a normal look on his face, Karasawa drove directly towards Chiba Prefecture.

Besides, the mechanical spider is also fast, at least with short legs, so the inspection speed is slower than expected.

If there was any place that had not been checked and there was no place where the amulet was least likely to be placed, it would probably be around the shrine of Nanako Motomoto.

If you want to replace the memory card, the best time is not tonight.

Taking into account the sense of ritual and revenge design of Kazuki Honoshita when he committed the crime, it is possible that the other party would place the amulet that framed Honoshita Nanako's room in the hope of avenging Hozai Fensuke who killed his sister.庛

Yes, I must have missed the opportunity because of my attentiveness. This is forgivable.

So the remaining time today is very important. I want to replace the memory card outside the amulet as much as possible today.

But tomorrow night is also the day when everything starts. I definitely want to change the amulet tomorrow, whether God knows the devil or not. It is too difficult.

Of course, that point is still 100% certain. After all, does the mechanical spider have such a small strength to lift the table mat and see what is above it?

Judging from the layout of the room, it obviously belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Benxia.

When I retreated into the outermost bedroom, I found a fat woman sleeping soundly.

There was no other person's name on the other person's name, so it was obvious that they were living together.庛

There is no mole in the Metropolitan Police Department. Borrowing someone else's computer to investigate will inevitably attract attention. After all, my reputation as a "criminal" is still very eye-catching.

The whereabouts of the other party have been determined, and he will stay in the rented house for the evening. The only chance to definitely find him is not tomorrow when his boyfriend's birthday is held.

If you are sure that the other party has not got the amulet yet, you only need to follow the other party sooner or later to see Kazuki Motomoto, and then lock the position of the amulet.

That way, the amulet would be within reach.

That was suspected to be a piece of news. After all, it meant that Karasawa had to find Nanasuke's whereabouts to get the memory card.

Because it was vague, Kazuki Motomoto did not hand over the amulet containing important information to Kaminanasuke, so what Karasawa could do was not investigate one by one.

After all, no matter how he got the memory card, there would be no trace.庛

Tang Ze rubbed his brows. Although he was not disappointed, he was not too discouraged. After all, such a situation was expected by me.

But before confirming that it was blue, Karasawa was not basically sure, because I remember that the one Nanasuke Kami took out in the first scene was also a blue amulet.

But because the room was randomly selected, it was obvious that I had not found the right target that time.


This does not mean that the best time is not to go out tonight. It will be less troublesome to wait until the memory card is confirmed tomorrow and then get the memory card without being noticed by the person involved.

Before confirming that point, Tang Ze decisively controlled the mechanical spider and headed to the room on the seventh floor near the stairs.

Use the stealing skill to steal from the other party. He needs to have physical contact with the other party. He must use an anesthetic needle to make him sleepy, and the other party will also feel surprised.庛

As a coincidence, the other party chose the amulet with organizational information.

In the picture transmitted through the mechanical spider, a blue cloth was exposed in a white and dark "channel" with the powerful light emitted by the mechanical spider. It looked like the amulet was hidden above.

That's a good thing, but if you go to the living room, you only need to watch the replay. You only need to control the spider to continue exploring outside.

Considering that Ben's family was probably having lunch at the moment, Tangze first went to the other party's house far away and ejected the [Peeping Spider] to the door of the other party's house, allowing him to sneak into Ben's house to check the situation.

In this way, the possibility of delaying getting the memory card becomes very high.

Even if he didn't notice anything unusual at the time, the white organization will continue to investigate if he notices anything normal.

Before the scene came out, Kazuki Motoshita was wearing pajamas and having dinner with his parents. Maybe it was because tomorrow was not his sister's memorial day, so the family's interest was low.庛

However, it seems that Kazuki Motomoto had no ordinary purpose in hiding the amulet here.

It doesn't mean that if you find Houcai Fensuke first and you find what you want, or if you find no trace of the other party, you can go directly to Chiba County and wait.

Although the speed of the mechanical spider is slow enough, its size is too small, so before the picture is loaded, only the picture from the entrance to the living room door is transmitted.

Judging from the layout and family situation, if my guess is wrong, that room should be the room where Nanako lived after she was born.

The most I can do is make sure that I find the amulet in Benxia and Shujia before I can continue with the previous step.


1 second to remember the vertex:.

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