Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,402 The Dark Tracker

After filling the logical loopholes and getting the expected answer, Tangze didn't have any troubles.

"It's an expected situation." Tang Ze said: "Since the prisoner is planning such a big thing, he will naturally be well prepared."

"By the way, brother Tangze, why are you here so late?"

After talking about his experience of being imprisoned, Matsumoto often looked at the dark forest outside, and then looked at Karasawa with surprise on his face.

"I was playing with Conan and the other children in the Rice Flower Forest catching beetles, and then I met a beetle with lunch stamps on its wings."

Tangze explained: "I didn't care at the time, I just thought it was some people's bad taste.

However, when I was investigating the case today, I encountered another child holding a beetle with tape on it, and I became a little concerned.

Because I encountered the same style of beetle two days in a row, the chance was really small.

The only explanation is that someone put a large number of sticky notes on the beetles.

In other words, this may not be someone's sudden bad taste, but it may be purposeful.

Considering that the first day I saw the beetle was in the Rice Flower Forest, I wondered if there was someone who wanted attention for some reason, or was in trouble and asking for help.

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought that the unicorn is pronounced "beetle" in English, and the combination of "beetle" and the "beat" of music rhythm is the famous "beetles".

And their 5th album is exactly that. "


After Matsumoto Kiyonaga heard Karasawa's associative reasoning, he couldn't help but be a little stunned, and then said with embarrassment: "But to be honest, I just did it with what I had on hand...

It’s not what you imagined, Mr. Tang Ze..."

"Of course I know asking for help can't be such an unpopular code association."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "But even without this association, the two encounters with beetles still made me a little concerned.

In addition, it happened to be about the serial murder case, and I thought it might be related to the zodiac sign, so I just came to the Rice Flower Forest, which was like killing two birds with one stone. "

Regarding this "Beetle distress code", he used a cold joke from Dr. Ali in his memory. Because he himself also likes "The Beatles", he still remembers this cold joke about the band quite clearly.

The reason why he used this serious and nonsensical reasoning was naturally to make Matsumoto Kiyonaga feel stunned.

This is the effect he wants.

After this seemingly unreliable reasoning, Karasawa only needed to give a more serious and reliable reason, coupled with the foreshadowing of the first sentence, Matsumoto Kiyonaga would figure out a reasonable logic on his own.

He would think that the beetle he released before was caught by the children, and then saw by Tangze, leaving an impression.

Then during the investigation of the case today, Tangze once again accidentally saw the one-horned fairy whose wings were also stuck to the lunch box, so he had some guesses in his mind.

In addition, because the case he was investigating required observation of the stars, Tang Ze specially came to the Rice Flower Forest, a place without urban pollution.

Not only to observe the stars, but also to verify the reasoning in my heart that has little basis.

Karasawa's words first laid the groundwork, then made him feel shocked and unreliable with his joking words, and then gave a serious explanation.

This time, Matsumoto Kiyonaga naturally trusted Karasawa's last words a little more.

In this way, the other party would not care too much about why Tang Ze came to save him at night.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga would only think that it was Karasawa's care and good luck that finally allowed him to be rescued.

Once the person involved, Matsumoto Kiyonaga, is dealt with, the rest of the people will gradually accept this statement.

At most, they would only lament that Tang Ze was careful, responsible, and dedicated enough to solve the case, and he was still investigating the case in the middle of the night.

Everything made sense.

"So that's it, I'm really lucky."

As expected, after listening to Karasawa's final explanation, Matsumoto Kiyonaga showed a look of surprise on his face, "Thank you for your hard work, Karasawa-kun."

“Luck is also for those who are prepared.”

Karasawa smiled and said: “If it weren’t for Manager Matsumoto’s insistence on putting out unicorns with lunch stamps on them, I wouldn’t have delved into the reasons behind this.

Naturally, it is impossible to rescue you, Manager Matsumoto. "

"But even so, it was because you were obsessed with the case and could not bear to be compassionate about the possibility of encountering dangerous people that you were able to rescue me in the end."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga smiled and said: "If it had been someone else's words, maybe I wouldn't have been able to be saved.

No matter what, you are my savior, no need to be humble. "

"I'll accept the compliment. Manager Qingben, let's leave quickly." Tang Ze accepted the other party's words with a smile, and immediately reminded him.

"Oh, yes!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked solemn after hearing Karasawa's words: "We still have business to do, we have to catch that impostor quickly!"

"Admin Qingben, I think it's best for you not to show your face for the time being."

Tang Ze said seriously: "The criminal kidnapped you and invaded the Metropolitan Police Department, it must be for investigation or to obtain some information.

Thinking of the recent big moves by the Metropolitan Police Department, maybe the other party's purpose is for this case. "

"Um...are you talking about that serial murder case that happened all over the place?" Matsumoto Kiyonaga heard this and said: "I was knocked unconscious and imprisoned in the forest not long after the case happened. How has the case developed now? Already?"

After hearing this, Karasawa sorted out the circumstances of the case and gave the summary to Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

"Judging from the information you are telling me now, this is simply a serial murder case."

After listening to Karasawa's words, Matsumoto Kiyonaga couldn't help but frown and said: "Although this case is also very serious, it is just a simple criminal case.

I can't think of a reason to kidnap me for this reason. What on earth do my kidnappers want to investigate? "

"I don't know about this either, but there are only a few possibilities as far as reasonable guesses are concerned."

Tangze shook his head and then listed a few possibilities and said: "First of all, the criminal in this case is the person or organization who kidnapped you.

I am most likely leaning towards a certain organization, because the method of infiltrating the Metropolitan Police Department in disguise is something that ordinary people, except for a master thief like Kaitou Kidd, cannot do.

And a guy like him is not someone who would do such a thing, so it is more likely that a gang committed the crime.

After all, if the person pretending to be you wants to update the progress of the case in real time, he can only sit in the Metropolitan Police Department and report the news at any time.

So in this case, someone needs to act in time according to the news. We just found the prisoner in front of us. "

"Well, that makes sense." Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded and said, "If that's the case, the other party must have something or someone they need.

So we must find the prisoner before our police do. "

"So I hope Administrator Matsumoto will not show up for now."

Tangze said: "Now that the enemy is clear and we are hidden, we can take advantage of this opportunity to fish for a big fish in the long run. As long as we can monitor the counterfeiters at all times, we might have a chance to catch all the organizations behind them!"

Tangze's words were of course reserved.

He made this judgment based on the fact that he had no idea about the existence of the "black organization" and combined with the existing situation.

After all, he needs to stabilize Matsumoto Kiyonaga and guide the other party to act according to his plan. This can also take advantage of the situation and allow him to reasonably use the power of the Metropolitan Police Department to compete with the black organization.

In addition, as long as you are involved in the struggle as an outsider, the black organization will not retaliate against you afterwards in order to avoid causing the wrath of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because you are a situation person, everything you do is reasonable. If you don't want to attract the attention and attack of the police again, what you have to do is to tolerate it, even if you have suffered a loss before.

After all, they are always thieves. They can act in secret, but they are willing to openly oppose the authorities.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you are an outsider. If the other party suspects that you have any tendency to discover the secrets of the organization, they will kill you with the most cruel and cold-blooded means.

No matter how big the trouble is, he will still do it, because if he doesn't do it and is traced, the trouble will be even greater.

This is the consistent style of the black organization. It hides in the darkness and is unwilling to confront the authorities, but if there is a risk of being discovered, you will be silenced immediately.

They seem to be two extreme styles, but in fact they all serve the same purpose. After seeing this through, Gin's action of flying a helicopter to shoot down Tokyo Tower in the theater version will not feel abrupt.

Because they were already at a critical moment of life and death at that time. If the memory card was not retrieved and all relevant personnel who knew their existence were not silenced, the organization would be exposed and suffered a devastating blow.

Rather than being seriously injured, it would be better to kill all the relevant people frantically and cover up the secret.

In this case, even if the police will be angry, it will naturally end after a long time without finding the target.

Of course, Matsumoto Kiyonaga didn't know these thoughts of Karasawa, but Karasawa's countermeasures were undoubtedly the best way to deal with them, so the other party pondered for a moment and nodded, which was regarded as an agreement.

"But if we want to fully seize the initiative, we need to find the prisoner before them!"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga said: "As long as we find the prisoner before them and hold him firmly in our hands, we will be completely invincible!

Maybe you can learn from the prisoner's mouth the reason why he is targeted by this mysterious organization, and defeat it in one fell swoop with what the other party has in hand! "

After hearing Matsumoto Kiyonaga's plan, Karasawa, who knew how powerful the black organization was, knew that this was simply unrealistic.

Not to mention that the guys in the black organization are ruthless and will cut off their tails in time to survive. This memory card does not contain all members of the organization.

It may indeed contain a large number of important lists of organization members, but that is only a list of spies sent by the organization to infiltrate major official agencies.

Although taking out this list can wipe out the tentacles of black organizations all over the world in an instant, it will also alert the snake and force the organization that has suffered heavy losses to retreat and lurk.

As long as "that gentleman" is not caught and brought to justice, they still have the brains to develop new members and infiltrate official organizations of various countries.

And the possibility of following the clues is not very high. He does not believe that these spies sent out will be important members of the organization.

I'm afraid they only know members with code names such as Gin and Vodka at most. This is also the core limit of their contact.

Therefore, we need to continue planning and wait for the opportunity to eradicate the "brain" in one fell swoop!

Of course, Karasawa, who does not know the details of the mysterious organization, still agrees with Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

"By the way, brother Tangze, you said you came here to investigate the case. I wonder if you have gained anything?"

After Matsumoto Kiyonaga finished his analysis, he remembered Karasawa's words and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I made some discoveries."

Tangze nodded and said: "The reason why I came here to check the stars is because I found that the place where the prisoner killed the victim and dumped the body was arranged in the shape of the North Star and the Big Dipper.

Considering that there are still two people left, I'm afraid the prisoner plans to kill two more people! "

"So that's it!"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga was stunned when he heard Karasawa's words, but immediately became serious: "We must stop the criminals from continuing to commit crimes and prevent new victims from being sacrificed!"

"Well, although we have figured out the criminal's pattern of murder, we still don't know the prisoner's identity or why he did what he did."

Karasawa said: "But the last deceased, Mr. Ryuzaki, left the death message "Nanabata Kyo" after the car accident.

I think this may be our breakthrough. What the other party wanted to say before he died must be the most important clue! "

"Tanabata·Kyo..." After Matsumoto Kiyonaga heard Karasawa's words, he unconsciously touched his chin and muttered: "What does he want to convey?"

"It sounds like it has something to do with the Chinese Valentine's Day...but this time period is too broad." Tang Ze shook his head and inadvertently reminded.


Hearing Karasawa's words, Matsumoto Kiyonaga was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "If the previous one represents the time that Mr. Ryuzaki gave me the reminder.

Could it be the place that the other party didn't finish talking about before he died? ? "

"It's really possible!"

Seeing that Matsumoto Kiyonaga had thought of the right direction under his guidance, Karasawa quickly analyzed the situation: "The deceased was seriously injured and was dying. It would be very reasonable if the last location was not revealed before death. of.

What happened in Tokyo, Kyoto, or perhaps on the day of the Chinese Valentine's Day in cities with "京" in them, that led to prisoners killing these unrelated people from far and wide. "

"During the Chinese Valentine's Day, everyone will travel, which will indeed allow people in different places to interact with each other!"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked excited and said: "We immediately found a place to investigate. I have a hunch that this may be the right direction to solve the case!"

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