Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,403 The Dark Tracker (Real Murderer)

Matsumoto Kiyonaga's hunch was destined to be right.

After all, it was prompted and induced by Tang Ze. It can be said that Tang Ze threw out clues to work backwards after knowing the answer.

However, Karasawa still patiently cooperated with Matsumoto Kiyonaga and planned to complete the play.

And the reason why he deliberately guided Matsumoto Kiyonaga to think of the key to the secret code was naturally to share the attention focused on him.

He found clues about the Big Dipper, and it was enough to be lucky enough to save Matsumoto Kiyonaga who was trapped in the rice flower forest.

Regarding the remaining clues, it would be appropriate to let Matsumoto Kiyonaga take the lead in discovering them, which would also make his action of going to the Rice Flower Forest at night more reasonable.

Otherwise, if you already know that "Qixi·Jing" is the password that can find the prisoner, why would you go to the Rice Flower Forest to look at the stars to confirm whether the stars are consistent with the location of the deceased?

After the two of them had clues, they drove towards the direction of Kesouyan at sunrise. This was his base camp. As long as Matsumoto Kiyonaga was allowed to hide in the back seat without showing his face, Karasawa, as the leader, could easily dispatch his duty. personnel.

After taking the elevator from the underground parking lot directly to Karasawa's office, Matsumoto Kiyonaga did not talk about rest and urged him to investigate whether anything happened during the Tanabata Festival in Tokyo and Kyoto in the past few years.

When someone like Karasawa, who knew the answer, went to investigate, it was easy to find out that a fire broke out in a hotel two years ago.

"The deceased was Nanako Motogami. File investigation showed that the hotel's safe passage was blocked and the elevator was overloaded. Nanako Motogami voluntarily got off the elevator. This result is officially recognized."

Karasawa said: "If it can be confirmed that all six victims stayed in this hotel when the fire broke out two years ago, then the prisoner may be a person related to Nanako Motojo.

The other party may have felt that these victims forced Nanako Motojo to get off the elevator, so they chose revenge.

Everything matched up. The vertical lines on the back of the mahjong tiles left by the criminal at the crime scene probably represented the elevator door.

The different red markings on the front of the seven cakes may represent the position where the victim was standing in the elevator at that time.

The Greek letters on the back of the mahjong tiles are the capital letters of each star. I have confirmed that the prisoners picked the North Star and the Big Dipper, and it is definitely correct.

Perhaps it was because Nanako Bengami liked the Big Dipper that the prisoner chose to commit the crime in this way. "

"Well, that's a very reasonable guess!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga said excitedly: "What we have to do now is to verify and confirm this information as soon as possible!"

"This is Ayanokouji Fumimaro here in Kyoto. It's half past five. It's a bit early for me to call him."

Tangze looked at the time and said, "And if it's so early, I'm afraid the hotel won't be open, so let's rest for now."

"Hmm... that's fine. I've basically been sleeping these days in captivity, so I'm not sleepy at all. You've been investigating the case yesterday, and you're probably already tired after worrying about it in the middle of the night and working on it all night."

After hearing what Karasawa said, Matsumoto Kiyonaga thought about it and felt that there was really no need to rush, so he nodded and said, "Let's rest for an hour first."

"Okay, I'll send a message by the way to ask someone to bring us breakfast."

After sending the text message to Koshimi Nanatsuki, Karasawa and the two of them closed their eyes and rested on the sofa. Fortunately, there was no movement in the previous family's house when he was squatting there yesterday afternoon, allowing Karasawa to rest for a long time.

Otherwise, running all the way and staying up late, even Tangze would be a little tired.

As for now, an hour's rest is enough for him to regain his energy.

It was a bitter experience for Ayanokouji Fumimaro, who was in Kyoto. He was woken up by two policemen, Karasawa and Matsumoto Kiyonaga, early in the morning while he was still asleep.

However, after listening to Karasawa's words, Ayanokouji Fumimaro immediately became serious. After repeatedly promising that he would keep it secret, he immediately went to the hotel where the fire occurred to verify.

"Everything is just as you theorized by Karasawa Criminal!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga was perked up after hearing this: "So the suspects are the deceased's brother, Kazuki Motojo, and her lover, Kosuke Mizutani. We must put these two together as soon as possible. Find the suspect and bring him under control!

The murderer can be identified later, but no more victims will be allowed! "

"I will personally lead the team to arrest you."

Karasawa pretended to be deep in thought and said: "During the investigation, Kosuke Mizutani lives in Mitaka City, while Kazuki Motogami lives in Chiba Prefecture.

But considering that today is the death anniversary of Nanako Honami, maybe Kosuke Mizutani will go to Honami’s home or cemetery to pay his respects.

I plan to ask Takagi and Miwako Sato to go to Mitaka City to find Kosuke Mizutani, and I will go to Chiba Prefecture myself. "

"Yeah, but you first have to make sure they haven't been dropped."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga warned: "Since they can disguise themselves as me, there is no guarantee that other members will not sneak in disguised as me."

"Don't worry, I have taken this into consideration, so I arranged for them to go."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "The two of them are lovers, and they work together. Normally, you wouldn't choose people like them if you were to disguise yourself. It would be too easy to be exposed.

Moreover, they and I are both old partners and are very familiar with them. After telling them the truth, both parties can prove to each other that the other party has not been dropped. "

"Well, just think about it,"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga said with a serious face: "But more importantly, they must keep it secret before taking action. If they encounter a suspect, they must immediately bring the prisoner back.

The organization lurking in the dark doesn't know the details yet, nor does it know what it will do. You must be careful in everything and remember to tell them to pay attention to safety. "

"I will."

Tangze nodded and said: "I won't take anyone with me over there in Chiba County. If there is too much movement, the impostors may find out. I'll just ask the local branch to send people to cooperate with me."

"It can only be the."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded and said: "If there is no other way, I really don't want you to go to Chiba County in person at this critical moment."

"It would be nice if you were here, Administrator Matsumoto."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "As long as you are here, the counterfeiters can't make trouble in our base camp.

My assistant Nanatsuki Koshimizu will be here soon. I will ask her to contact Officer Megure later and bring him to see you.

When I arrest the people there and return to Tokyo, I can immediately start the operation to catch the impostors.

When the time comes, we hold both in our hands and take the initiative, without fear of not being able to find out their purpose. "

"Well, it is indeed safer to do both lines simultaneously."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga couldn't help but nodded after hearing Karasawa's words, "After all, we have to consider the possibility that after alerting the enemy, the mysterious organization behind the impostor will give up on the guy pretending to be me and attack you directly on the road.

Brother Karasawa, you and Takagi must pay attention to safety. When you successfully bring the suspect back, it will be time for us to fight back! "

Speaking of Matsumoto Kiyonaga's terrifying face, there was a sinister look on his face, and he obviously hated this group of guys who did such a bold thing.

"Yes, I will."

Tangze nodded and said: "Whether they find anyone on Takagi's side or not, I will ask them to join us before entering the city, so that they can be taken care of.

Without further ado, I set off directly, and the people over there were waiting for me to arrive. "

"Well, be careful!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga warned again and then watched Tang Ze leave.

Of course, Karasawa also called Koshimi Nanatsuki by phone in advance, briefly explained the situation and asked her to cooperate with Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

"You really created a big scene without saying a word." After hearing the whole story, Nanatsuki Koshizui looked excited and said, "You can just leave it to me."

"Be safe and don't mess around."

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eager words, Karasawa gave a warning, and after getting the other party's response, he went to Chiba Prefecture again.

But this time he was no longer sneaking in, but arresting people openly.

After arriving in Chiba Prefecture, Karasawa directly contacted the local criminal minister and explained that he needed their cooperation in arresting the prisoner. The other party readily agreed.

After all, this case is also very famous internally. After all, it involves various counties and cities. Naturally, no one will think of it at this time and cause trouble for the search headquarters.

With manpower, Karasawa went directly to Honami's house and caught Kazuki Honami and Kosuke Mizutani who came to worship in one fell swoop.

The reason why it went so smoothly was that Tangze's Peeping Spider still stayed at Motoami's house, always monitoring what was going on in his house.

When he saw Karasawa leading a large number of criminals to surround his home, Kazuki Motogami was extremely shocked and couldn't believe that he had been exposed.

After he was surrounded by several big men from the police, he immediately focused his attention on Mizutani Kosuke, hoping that the other party would stand up and convict him.

"The culprit is me!"

Facing Honami Kazuki's gaze, Mizutani Kosuke, who was at a loss, remembered what he promised to the other party and stuttered: "I killed them to avenge Nanako, and it had nothing to do with Honami-kun."


Tang Ze smiled when he heard this and said: "Then please tell me the locations where the bodies of the first six people were dumped, the specific methods you used to kill each person, and what you took from them.

Say it now, immediately, immediately. If you don’t know who to say, I will give you a hint.

Where did the second Kaga Shizuko die, and what belongings did you take away from her? "

"I...I..." Mizutani Kosuke was confused by Karasawa's series of questions. He didn't know how to answer at all.

This is natural. After all, although Kazuki Motoami planned to let Kosuke Mizutani take the blame for him, he also planned to let the other party die.

Because in his eyes, Mizutani Kosuke was also the murderer of his sister.

And this idea of ​​not only seeking revenge, but also asking him to help take the blame, also made Kazuki Motoji not tell Mizutani Kosuke the details of his crime at all.

After all, in his opinion, it is impossible for the police to ask anything from the dead man's mouth. As long as he carries the victim's belongings with him, it is enough to identify the other person as the murderer of the serial murder case.

But he never thought that he would be caught by the police so suddenly, and that he would be caught by the police together with Mizutani Kosuke.

This caught him off guard and ruined his original "scapegoat" plan. He could only watch helplessly as the young criminal in front of him silenced Mizutani Kosuke with a series of questions.

After questioning Mizutani Kosuke one after another, Karasawa once again set his sights on Kazuki Motogami: "As a prisoner, do you have anything else to say?"

"You're slandering!" Although he was caught off guard and even the "scapegoat" trick lost its effect, the frightened Kazuki Honami still refused to plead guilty: "Why do you think I am a criminal!"

"If you hadn't looked at Mr. Mizutani just now, maybe I would have been unable to decide between the two of you for a while, but you made the stupidest choice in front of me."

Tangze smiled and said: "Although this is indeed not evidence, it is enough to support me to focus the investigation on you.

This is a crime involving six murders, and the relevant evidence you left behind is countless at each crime scene.

It couldn't be easier to get you to plead guilty. "

Speaking of this, Karasawa looked at Kosuke Mizutani and said, "Do you have anything else to say now?

I can see that you are a kind person, and you are even willing to take the blame for him, but do you know that there were eight people in his murder plan?

In other words, in his revenge plan, you will die from beginning to end.

I have seen the results of the investigation after the fire that day, and also asked about the last survivor named Shindo Sumire on the way here.

She told me that she and everyone else were grateful to Nanako Honami.

Because the other party took the initiative to get out of the elevator at the moment of being overweight, giving them the opportunity to escape.

Nanako is very kind. Even though she knew it would be dangerous to stay, she still let others escape first.

I don’t know what Kazuki Honami told you, but I know that the other party must have lied.

Ms. Shindo Sumire said that the seven of them would send flowers to the festival at this time every year.

If only one person sent flowers, it might be out of guilt and a desire to atone, but if all seven people sent flowers, it could only mean that they were expressing gratitude.

Ms. Nanako did take the place of those seven people's deaths.

But compared with her, as a lover, do you plan to use your life to do something as cheap as "scapegoat"?

Compared to her sacrifice, are you really not letting Nanako down by doing this? "

"Didn't Nanako get kicked off the elevator!?" Mizutani Kosuke looked at Kazuki Honami in disbelief: "Why did you lie to me!!"

"Yes. She is a considerate child, but even if she is voluntary, there is no way to change the fact that she died because of those people!!"

Seeing that everything could no longer be reversed, even the scapegoat who had communicated with him turned back and confirmed that he was the murderer. Feeling that he could no longer escape guilt, Kazuki Honami angrily spoke his mind.

"They deserve to die, and so do you!" The self-destructive Kazuki Motogami looked at Mizutani Kosuke ferociously: "If I hadn't eloped with you, my sister wouldn't have died!"

"how so..."

Looking at Kazuki Honjo, who seemed to have changed into a different person, Mizutani Kosuke murmured, obviously unable to accept the truth in front of him.

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