Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,404 The Dark Tracker (Gunshot)


Watching Kazuki Motogami being put into a police car under criminal detention, Kosuke Mizutani sighed with a complicated look on his face, and immediately thanked Karasawa.

"Thank you for waking me up, otherwise I'm afraid I would really let Nanako down and do something that would make her sad."

Mizutani Kosuke said sadly: "Compared with her, we are as different as the stars and pebbles in the sky."

"Suicide is a coward's escape, but surviving and carrying the burden is a brave man's."

Looking at Honami's parents standing in front of the police car, wailing and mourning, Karasawa sighed slightly: "Take good care of Nanako's parents. This may be what Nanako wants you to do."

"Yes, I will." Mizutani Kosuke nodded.

"Okay, let's go, this case also requires you to testify."

Tangze patted the other party's back and motioned him to get in the car, then asked a middle-aged criminal to get into the passenger seat with other victims' belongings that he had searched from Honami and Shu's house.

His arresting and finishing actions were very crazy. After all, there was still a serious confrontation ahead.

Although he has made plans based on existing intelligence, it is also unknown whether he can capture Ireland alive.

After all, without revealing his identity, he naturally had no way to elaborate on the intelligence of the black organization and its ruthless and reckless behavior when it came to the bottom line.

So even though Matsumoto Kiyonaga has carefully arranged it again and again, and has even approved the arrest with guns, I am afraid that the process of arresting the Irish side will still not be so smooth.

In order to prevent things from happening later, Tangze wanted to take the two people back as soon as possible and start the operation to capture Ireland.

So he seconded two cars from Chiba Prefecture, one to escort Kazuki Honami, and the other was responsible for transporting Kosuke Mizutani as a witness and the evidence searched from Honami's house.

After Kazuki Motogami felt that there was no hope of escape, he told the location of other victims' belongings, and finally dug up these evidences from the yard built by the other party's family.

However, Tang Ze did not touch these during the whole process, and instead asked the local criminals to collect them. Even now that he is returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, he is driving his own car to lead the way.

He did this, naturally, to cut off contact with Motomoto Kazuki. After the incident in Ireland, the provincial black organization suspected that he had predicted what they were looking for in advance. When arresting the prisoner, they took the opportunity to swap the memory storage. Card.

Even if the memory card had been replaced, Karasawa had planned to deliberately pretend not to know and let Ireland destroy it before arresting him.

But after all, everything has not been settled yet, so naturally Tangze also has to consider various situations.

If the worst happens and the black organization discovers that the memory card is fake through other means, then he must ensure that he has not come into contact with the physical evidence taken by the prisoner.

So whether it was at Honami's house or on the way back to Tokyo after arresting the other party, Karasawa kept a distance from the other party, proving that he had no possibility of obtaining the memory card.

All this seems like a battle of wits and courage with the air, but Tangze believes that with the energy of the black organization, the other party will definitely be able to investigate all his actions during the arrest.

This is the scary thing about the black organization. No matter where they are, there are people lurking there. Their huge intelligence detection capabilities mean that he has to be fully prepared to avoid leaks in any details.

It's a pity that the memory card is also encrypted and will be automatically destroyed after three attempts. It is still being cracked by "detectives".

Otherwise, when Tang Ze got the memory card last night, he would have made a copy and then returned the original memory card.

In this way, even if the black organization takes away the memory card in other ways and even verifies it, Tang Ze is still not afraid of revealing the secret.

It's a pity that there is no such a perfect and smooth plan, let alone the defected intelligence personnel of the black organization, so naturally they will not carelessly not encrypt the memory card.

Therefore, Karasawa didn't have any expectations for this top priority plan from the beginning, so he prepared various memory cards to replace it.

And the result was just as he thought, just like the top priority option of sneaking into Moto's house when no one was around during the day, it didn't appear at all.

You can only choose Plan B which does not rely on luck.

Although there will inevitably be some flaws in the implementation, at least the plan can be smoothly promoted, and Karasawa's actions of keeping a distance are essentially "patching".

Although he doesn't know how much effect this patch can have, the saying "details determine success or failure" has always affected him.

And his layout went far beyond that. Considering various subsequent situations, he also contacted Conan to make a lot of preparations.

But if possible, he still hopes not to use these back-ups.

But this is not something he can decide, but whether his subsequent plans can be executed smoothly.

The car sped all the way to the outskirts of Tokyo, and Takagi and Sato Miwako were waiting on the roadside early.

After seeing their vehicle, he immediately started his car and followed them.

As the car continued to approach the Metropolitan Police Department, even Tang Ze couldn't help but feel a little raised in his heart.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Headquarters, he thanked several Chiba Prefecture criminals who drove over and watched them leave.

"Let's go up too."

After Tang Ze got out of the car, he looked at the two people and said, "Let the two of them get settled first, and then it's time to get down to business."

"Hearing this, Takagi and Sato Miwako's expressions perked up, and their expressions became serious."

The three of them arrived at the interrogation room all the way. Takagi asked Mizutani, the witness, to rest in the reception room next to him. At the same time, Kazuki Motogami was temporarily detained in the interrogation room, and the evidence he obtained was handed over to the forensic department for storage.

However, when he was handing over the evidence, he saw a forensic lady holding a tray to pick up the evidence, and Tangze's eyes moved slightly as he looked at her.

Because he could smell the material of the disguise mask on the other person's face.

He has used this trick to spot Kaitou Kidd many times, so he is no stranger to such situations.


After realizing that the other person was a person in disguise, he immediately realized who the person in front of him was who was pretending to be a female colleague from the forensics department.

At this moment, Tang Ze was shocked, but on the surface he still handed the evidence to the other party with a normal expression.

"Then I'll leave it to you for appraisal and safekeeping. We have important matters here. Remember to check it carefully."

After a simple explanation, when Tang Ze turned around and left, his brain began to work rapidly.

He never expected that he would meet Belmod at this critical moment, when evidence was handed over.

Action exposed?

This was Tangze's first reaction after discovering the other party.

After all, according to the original plot, Belmod only infiltrated the Metropolitan Police Department when convening a search meeting for various criminal investigations, and then appeared again when he was arresting another suspect.

However, although the suspect had a grudge against one of the victims and had a criminal record, he was not the real murderer. After Belmode discovered this, he left the parking lot directly.

Because Yamato Gansuke didn't know that Karasawa had caught the criminal, if the case was promoted normally, the calculated time should be exactly when the other suspect was discovered.

So at this moment, Belmod should have gone to identify another suspect, but the other person actually appeared here, which shows that something has changed.

When he acted, the black organization may have also launched responses and actions.

Thinking about it again, this is natural. Nothing is static. After suffering so many defeats at the hands of Karasawa, if the black organization's behavior does not change, it will not be worthy of being a criminal organization that all countries find a headache.

But the other party's actions were different from the original plot. Tang Ze could understand it, but he needed to be extremely cautious about the information revealed behind the scenes.

Because it was too fast, the black organization reacted too quickly.

He rescued Matsumoto Kiyonaga last night. He set out for Chiba County early in the morning. Only he and Matsumoto Kiyonaga knew about it. He didn't say where he was going even to Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

As for Takagi and Sato Miwako, he only said that they needed to go to Mitaka City.

It can be said that the arrest process was completely confidential before arriving in Chiba Prefecture.

After arriving in Chiba Prefecture, because of the arrest process of the police in another place, he seconded the local criminal department to arrest people.

After arresting Kazuki Motogami, he immediately led people back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

It can be said that only on the way back, the information about his whereabouts and the inability to catch the prisoner could be leaked.

How long was this period?

Chiba Prefecture is also one of the important cities in the Tokyo metropolitan area. It can be said that the distance is very close. You can get there in 50 minutes by train.

Even though driving will be a bit slower, it will only take about an hour at most.

Within an hour, Belmode had disguised himself and sneaked into the Forensic Department, a department that would have immediate access to evidence.

Even though Matsumoto Kiyonaga used his identity to help Belmode get the original owner of the disguise, they got the news too quickly.

Organized members in Chiba Prefecture!

This is the only explanation. I am afraid that the moment he arrived in Chiba County to second people, the organization got the information.

Karasawa's behavior of going to Chiba Prefecture to arrest people by himself instead of reporting it to the search headquarters also aroused the vigilance of the black organization.

I'm afraid they realized at that moment that perhaps the probability of Ireland pretending to be Matsumoto Kiyoshi growing up had been exposed.

Maybe it was the other party's keen observation, or maybe the other party rescued me, but no matter what, it was exposed.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Karasawa, a "famous criminal", would go beyond the search headquarters and act on his own.

This is obviously a sign of distrust.

After realizing that the prisoner has fallen into the hands of the police, it is definitely too late to send people to pursue and set up an ambush. Moreover, there are too many variables and the opponent's route of travel is uncertain, which is not safe at all.

Therefore, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to deliver the prisoner and evidence has become their first choice.

So Ireland seduced the disguised candidate in a key position and knocked him unconscious. It was logical that Belmod disguised himself and replaced her at her job, waiting for Karasawa to take the initiative to deliver the evidence to her.

After all, in their eyes, Karasawa may have accidentally discovered that Matsumoto Kiyonaga in the Metropolitan Police Department was fake, and they probably guessed that their target was the criminal in the case they were investigating, but they would never know the more specific target.

In this way, it became a matter of course to send the information messenger Belmode to intercept the enemy.

But that's fine, since in this case, we can take advantage of the trick and force Belmode to destroy the memory card.

This is the most important purpose, and only by destroying the memory card can his plan of "changing the civet cat for the prince" be successfully completed.

Thinking of this, Tangze sent a text message to Conan who was waiting nearby, telling him that Belmode was suspected to be there, and asked him to pay more attention and remember to stop him.

And his operation to arrest the counterfeiters was already imminent and had to be launched, and there was no way to escape.

Conan, who understood Karasawa's current situation, had no doubts and hurried towards the floor where Karasawa was.

On the other side, Tang Ze quickened his pace and rushed to search the first class.

There, Officer Megure was already waiting eagerly with his men from the First Search Section.

Of course, Memu didn't say the specific goal, but told them that there would be actions next to prepare them.


Seeing Tangze walking quickly and knowing that the other side had been taken care of, Momu immediately ordered in a deep voice, "Everyone, follow me and prepare for the arrest!"


Although they didn't know the target, because Officer Megure had told them about the action before, everyone had no choice but to follow the order with doubts.

But when Officer Megure led everyone towards Matsumoto Kiyonaga's office, everyone's doubts became more serious.

"Officer Megure, what's going on?"

Seeing this white bird, he couldn't help but said, "Why did you come to the office over here?"

"The arrest target is here!"

Officer Megure said solemnly: "The manager Matsumoto here is fake!

Last night, Karasawa Criminal accidentally rescued the imprisoned Manager Matsumoto while solving the case!

I have just gone to Kesouyan to confirm the situation with Management Officer Matsumoto. I will explain the specific situation later. Now everyone is ready to arrest immediately!

Be careful, this gangster is unusual, he may have a gun! "


Everyone looked stern when they heard this, and immediately realized why they were not only armed with guns before the arrest, but also gathered in advance to ask them to hand over their mobile phones to keep them secret, and they didn't even inform the criminals from various counties.

It turns out that the enemy has sneaked inside, and the colleagues who came because of the case can no longer be trusted. Maybe there are "ghosts" among them too!

Although everyone was eager to know the ins and outs of this matter, now that they were in action, they naturally had no choice but to suppress their curiosity and brace themselves for the arrest.

Officer Megure and Karasawa led a large group of people to quickly arrive at Matsumoto Kiyonaga's office.

Without any hesitation, Tangze turned the handle to open the door, but found that the office door was closed.

Just as Tangze was about to violently break down the door, a huge gunshot rang out from outside the building the next moment!

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