Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,405 The Dark Tracker (Last Words)

Bang! !

A huge gunshot came from outside the building. The gunshot instantly made all the tense criminals raise their guns, aiming at the door in front of them, ready to shoot at any time.

After Karasawa heard the gunfire, combined with Gin's ruthless determination in the original plot and the newly discovered trace of Belmod, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

The plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

He obviously knew that Karasawa was beginning to become suspicious, but he used Ireland as an outcast and deliberately did not tell him about his identity being revealed.

Because of the lack of intelligence, Ireland thought his infiltration was still safe, so he continued to pretend to be Matsumoto Kiyonaga to attract the attention of Karasawa and others.

While waiting for them to carry out arrest operations, their attention to witnesses and evidence will naturally weaken.

And Belmod was naturally able to take away the memory card from the amulet without anyone noticing.

As long as the memory card in the amulet is removed, the Metropolitan Police Department will lack the most critical clue, and the witness will also know nothing.

Even if they wanted to investigate in the future, they had already obtained the only clue. If the clue was broken, they would naturally be unable to pursue it.

It was a very successful plan.

Because for the police, instead of finding what this mysterious organization sneaked into the Metropolitan Police Department to look for, it would be better to catch the person involved directly.

After all, when the evidence and witnesses that the other party wants are already in hand, it is obviously more beneficial to arrest the fake Matsumoto Kiyonaga immediately, and it can also prevent the other party from escaping after knowing the news.

As long as we catch the counterfeit, we can naturally investigate slowly when the time comes.

This plan is to create an information gap.

They took advantage of the fact that the Metropolitan Police wanted to expand their victory and capture Ireland alive to attract their attention and secretly obtain the real target.

Judging from the design of this plan, they may not have wanted Ireland to survive from the beginning!

After all, if they had asked Ireland to evacuate early, the Metropolitan Police Department would have known that the plan had been exposed, and would have paid more attention to Kazuki Motogami and the relics of the deceased that the other party had taken away.

As long as each relic is carefully inspected according to the process, their secrets will not be hidden at all.

Therefore, they must take out the memory card hidden in the amulet as soon as possible, no, they must take out the memory card hidden in the amulet as soon as the relic is delivered to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Otherwise, they will definitely be exposed.

Therefore, Ireland, who was still pretending to be Matsumoto Kiyonaga, became the outcast that attracted their attention, making them focus on the arrest operation in front of them and ignore the evidence.

But they didn't intend to let the Metropolitan Police eat this piece of meat.

After attracting the attention of hunters and stealing prey that even the hunters didn't notice, they decisively chose to silence them.

And Ireland is probably still unaware of everything before opening the window.

And these were just the thoughts that flashed through Tangze's mind at the moment the gunshot was fired. In reality, it was just a moment of commotion after the gunshot.

"Calm down, the gunshot was fired outside!"

Officer Mumu shouted in a deep voice. Seeing that the crowd's agitation had calmed down, he immediately ordered: "Prepare to break down the door and put on the explosion shield!"

Upon hearing Officer Memu's order, several heavily armed criminals holding explosion-proof shields stepped forward and came to the door holding explosion-proof shields.


The door was directly destroyed by tools. The moment the door opened, several criminals holding explosion-proof shields filed in to form a shield formation. The next moment, the scene in front of them made everyone look shocked.

In the office, the target they planned to arrest was lying in a pool of blood.

"There are snipers, be careful!"

Seeing that the other party was shot in the chest and lying in a pool of blood under the window, Tang Ze immediately realized the situation at the scene and quickly yelled to remind everyone to be careful.

Seeing the situation in front of them, everyone behind them immediately bowed and avoided the window, while the criminals holding explosion-proof shields reacted faster.

They were the first to break into the room. When they realized there was a sniper, they immediately rushed to the window with explosion-proof shields to block the sniper point for their teammates.

Also approaching with them was Tangze, who had even locked onto the sniper outside the window with his extraordinary vision.

Looking at the blond hair's back, Tang Ze was filled with surprise.

‘It’s actually bourbon! ? Why wasn’t the sniper this time Chianti? ’

Because Kiel continued to be disconnected while being watched by Gin and no information was sent, Karasawa, who was unaware that the relationship between the two parties had broken down, had such doubts flashing through his mind.

But now was obviously not the time to think about it in detail. The fleeting thoughts in his mind did not affect the movements of his hands, and he closed the window directly.

"Call an ambulance!"

Officer Megure saw "Matsumoto Kiyonaga" lying in a pool of blood and his chest was still bleeding. He stopped the follow-up personnel from entering and immediately started to rescue him.

After Tangze closed the window, he asked his colleagues holding explosion shields to disperse, and he came to Ireland to check the injury.

Seeing the location of the gunshot wound, Tangze knew that the other party was already beyond saving.

And as if he sensed someone approaching, Ireland grabbed Karasawa's hand as if in a flashback, murmuring and struggling to say something.

But the other party's injuries were too serious, and even with the little bit of support he had, he could only open his mouth but couldn't make a sound.

"What is he talking about?" Officer Megure, who rushed to Tangze, also saw this scene and quickly leaned closer to listen, but even though he got closer, he still didn't hear any sound.

But Tang Ze understood the message the other party wanted to convey. With his lip reading, he could clearly see the words the other party wanted to convey.

——"Kudo...Conan...are the same person..."

After interpreting the meaning of Ireland's words from the lip reading, Karasawa's mind was pounding and his body couldn't help but tense up.

He had obviously asked Conan to remove the Black Knight's helmet in advance, so why did Ireland still notice the secret of Conan's identity just like in the original plot?

How did the other party notice it? Has the information been exposed?

For a moment, thoughts appeared in Tang Ze's mind.

But when he looked at Ireland, the other party seemed to have noticed that he had received the message he conveyed, and the unwillingness in his eyes turned into a smile, and he stopped making any sound.

"No need for an ambulance, he's dead."

Taking a look at the blood on his wrist, Tang Ze understood the source of the information that the other party finally realized he had received.

The CIA's lie detection method is based on the other person's carotid artery, observing the other person's eyes and blood pressure.

The moment Ireland grabbed his wrist had the same effect, and he did react instantly by tightening his body after seeing the message conveyed by the other party through lip reading.

I'm afraid that the other party also noticed this and realized that Tang Ze could lip read the message he conveyed.

The words before his death were spoken smoothly, and Ireland naturally lost his last breath and died in peace.

"Brother Tang Ze, let's deal with it first. You go wash the blood on your hands."

Officer Megure walked over to look at Tang Ze and sighed: "This guy is obviously an abandoned son, and he was silenced after being exposed.

I now believe more and more that there is a huge mysterious organization behind him, even a multinational one. "

The reason why Officer Megure had this idea was because the disguise mask of "Matsumoto Kiyonaga" in front of him had been taken off, revealing the Irish face that was obviously foreign.

The fact that the race is not Asian is very telling.

"Yes, and the sniper showed up just in time."

Tang Ze frowned and said: "I'm afraid someone secretly reported the information, otherwise it would be impossible to get the information so quickly and come to silence him."

"Are you saying there is a traitor among our people!?" Officer Megure's expression darkened after hearing Karasawa's words: "But the person in charge of operations here handed over his mobile phone after entering the house."

"No, maybe I was exposed after I got to Chiba County."

Karasawa shook his head and said: "If Officer Megure and your side were exposed because of recruiting people, then the other party should have been silenced long ago."

Karasawa felt that his judgment was correct on this point. After all, if Officer Megure was exposed, he would have been robbed and killed on the way back.

After all, after he set off for Chiba County, Police Officer Memaku also began to recruit manpower. The journey to Chiba County was enough to organize responses and set up an ambush on the road.

Only after Karasawa captured the prisoner in Chiba County and the information was spread by the local undercover, the organization would have no time to set up an ambush and finally choose the current method.

This is a manifestation of the timeliness of intelligence. The earlier the intelligence is obtained, the more calm and beneficial the response can be.

The enemy's final choice has already helped Tangze filter out the answer.

"It seems that this organization is more threatening than we thought. I will report this and make sure to dig out that guy."

After Officer Memu finished speaking with a solemn expression, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that the undercover agent was too seriously injured in the end, and he didn't have the strength to say what he wanted to say. Otherwise, we would have been able to get very important information."

"There's nothing we can do about it. The enemy has sent snipers, and ordinary people can't hide from them."

After hearing Officer Megure's words, Karasawa comforted him and at the same time felt relieved.

Officer Megure obviously felt that although Ireland wanted to say something before he died, he was unable to say it due to his severe injuries.

In this way, there is no need to worry that the black organization will suspect that Ireland leaked some information to him, and then come to silence him.

After feeling relieved, Tangze realized Ireland's final intention of leaking that piece of information.

He specifically told Conan that he was Kudo Shinichi in order to draw Karasawa into the water.

Before his death, Ireland must have realized that he was being treated as an outcast.

And Ireland, who had a grudge against Gin for killing his adoptive father, was naturally not willing to be killed by the other side without doing anything.

So the other party used the information they found that could bring down Gin, that is, the information "Kudo Shinichi is Conan" to lure Karasawa into dealing with the organization.

There will be two situations when telling Tangze this information.

The first one is Conan's identity, which Tang Zeben knew.

In this case, Tang Zeben is the enemy of the organization, so Ireland will naturally not worry.

The second situation is that Karasawa didn't know Conan's true identity.

If this is the case, then Karasawa will naturally verify the intelligence from Ireland.

Whether it is learning about the existence of the organization from Conan, or secretly investigating it yourself.

As long as Tang Ze is unwilling to give up the idea of ​​​​tracking, sooner or later there will be a day when he will confront the black organization.

And perhaps that's what Ireland wants to see.

Although he didn't know how much of his arrest by the police was caused by Tang Ze, he also knew that the other party was a difficult enemy.

The other party is already in a high-level position in the Metropolitan Police Department at a young age. As long as he has the slightest idea of ​​continuing to pursue the case, it may bring huge trouble to Gin and the organization in the future.

Creating such a formidable enemy for Gin was obviously the greatest act of revenge that Ireland could do before his sudden betrayal.

Thinking of this, Tangze seemed to understand Ireland's final relief and smile. It was obvious that the other party realized that his "revenge method" had actually worked, and that was why he reacted like this.

After confirming this, Tang Ze's heart suddenly dropped.

There was no way, and it wasn't that he was timid or cowardly, but that he really didn't expect that Ireland could still find out Conan's identity even though he had made preparations in advance to eliminate the evidence.

This is equivalent to you opening a predictable plug-in, but in the end the enemy still broke your plan, and because you disrupted the plot, you didn't even know whether the other party had leaked this fatal information.

This will naturally startle him into a cold sweat. After all, if Ireland really delivers the news, Conan and the people around him will be the first to be silenced.

And there is a high probability that it includes myself.

At that moment, Tang Ze almost felt that this would be the trigger for the two sides to formally break up and start a war.

And it was a sudden, unforeseen trigger.

But fortunately, judging from Ireland's final reaction before his death, there is a high probability that Ireland has not had time to reveal Conan's identity just like in the original work.

Because if he tells this news, then Ireland's "digging holes" to make enemies of the organization should become an aboveboard "reminder."

In other words, before he died, he would change his words, such as "Conan's identity is exposed."

And once Ireland says something like this, it will undoubtedly remind them to act immediately. If they don't want to suffer a loss, they must strike first.

Such a reminder will cause more trouble to the organization and is also a form of revenge against the organization.

But there was a flaw in this statement, that is, he didn't know if Karasawa knew Conan's identity.

If Karasawa really didn't know, then Karasawa might have failed to convey this information to Conan in time because he didn't know what he was talking about.

In that case, Ireland's revenge would not be valid, and he might even become a loyal minister who performed meritorious deeds before his death.

This is totally inconsistent with Ireland's vindictive mentality.

It is estimated that he will not be able to rest in peace even if he dies.

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