Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,406 The Dark Tracker (Ending)

From Ireland's perspective, he worked hard and lurked in the Metropolitan Police Department, and even helped Belmode infiltrate the Metropolitan Police Department one second ago.

But as soon as the front-foot task was completed, the back-hand was sold by Gin and even silenced him directly. The ruthless scumbag who pulled an X cannot even describe this kind of betrayal.

No normal person would be able to bear this, not to mention that Ireland has an irreconcilable conflict with gin.

In this case, if Ireland is not vindictive after being plotted to death by the other party, it will really be a licking dog.

So unless things are irreversible and Conan's identity has been revealed, he would not make this choice under normal circumstances.

Because this may cause his revenge to fail and allow the organization to eliminate a hidden danger.

He would only say this unless he had no choice. Otherwise, he would still choose the safer statement before his death.

After all, according to the current situation, regardless of whether Karasawa knows about the organization's situation, as long as he knows Conan's identity, there is a high chance that the other party will confess.

Then sooner or later Karasawa will become a sharp blade secretly stabbing the organization.

This is undoubtedly in line with Ireland's revenge mentality.

After all, he wanted revenge, so he naturally hoped that his enemies would hit Gin and the organization as hard as possible.

Combined with the fact that Ireland took the bullet for Conan in the original plot, I hope he can continue to pursue him and find out the behavior of the BOSS.

The other party's psychology at that moment may not be any different from now.

Although the black organization has always used a cold-blooded and ruthless style of criminalization, this style of being devoid of any human feelings internally will lead to the fact that the members of the organization will not be loyal to the organization when they die.

What's more, there is still a huge hatred between Gin and Ireland, and even Ireland, which has openly quarreled with Gin because of Karasawa's involvement before.

If before he died, he felt that Karasawa, as a secret "bullet", could cause greater damage to the organization at a critical moment or destroy it in one fell swoop, then he would naturally hope that the other party would lurk and slowly accumulate strength, rather than immediately The detonation causes a bit of painless and itchy habit.

After analyzing the situation, Tang Ze also slowly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was really not ready to directly raise the table with the black organization.

For this deeply lurking organization, he still needs more preparation and layout, so that he can protect himself more securely when "turning the table".

To a certain extent, Ireland got what they wanted. After all, the hostility between Tang Ze and the organization was inevitable, and it was already a serious problem for them even now.

However, in order to avoid making mistakes in his guess, Tangze immediately sent a text message and planned to take insurance.

'I just don't know if I can make it in time...' Tang Ze thought to himself.

"We will investigate the sniper side. In addition, brother Tang Ze, please worry about the people and the physical evidence you captured."

Officer Megure watched the body being carried away, looked at Karasawa who was in deep thought and said goodbye: "I still need to report the situation to my superiors with Manager Matsumoto, so I'll leave first.

If you find anything new, tell me immediately. "

"Don't worry, I will investigate carefully." After coming back from his thoughts, Tang Ze nodded and responded seriously.

But he knew that there would be no new discoveries in terms of physical evidence and witness, and the investigation of this matter would stop here.

On the other hand, Officer Megure was still unaware of the destined outcome. After hearing Karasawa's words, he safely took people to find Manager Matsumoto to deal with the subsequent commotion.

The incident just now can be said to have caused a huge commotion in the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, the First Investigation Section actually carried out an arrest operation within the headquarters.

Not only that, this arrest actually failed, and a sniper silenced the target.

Even people who don’t know the inside story know that things are going big this time!

As a person involved or even the central figure in this commotion, Matsumoto Kiyonaga naturally wanted to explain clearly quickly and quell the commotion.

As the executor of this operation, the police officer naturally needs to report the situation on the scene.

As for Tang Ze, he quietly left the center of the storm after this action.

This was actually discussed by Matsumoto Kiyonaga and Karasawa. After all, Karasawa was indeed too dazzling in his actions at this time.

In order to prevent Karasawa from being targeted by the mysterious organization, and to protect Matsumoto Kiyonaga, Karasawa was not allowed to appear again. Although the key role he played in the operation will be mentioned, it will be mentioned briefly and not discussed in detail.

But even so, Karasawa's performance and attack in this incident were dazzling enough.

However, as the person involved, Tang Ze was not complacent. He just looked at the text message sent back on his mobile phone and let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, I realized that everything had settled, my tense nerves relaxed, and a feeling of fatigue came from the bottom of my heart.

There is no way, this is really too draining.

Not to mention anything else, just Ireland's message before his death made Tangze's brain run wildly, and he didn't know how many brain cells he had lost.

Even Tangze, after running around all day and night, and tensing up his nerves to confront the black organization the next day, couldn't stand such high-intensity consumption.

The content of the text message that asked Tangze to relax and tell him that everything was over was only two words.

But these two words are not enough. He also needs to know what happened on the other side at the same moment when he captured Ireland.

So he called Conan, then took the elevator to the underground parking lot, picked up the car and left the Metropolitan Police Department.

On the third street away from the Metropolitan Police Department, Karasawa parked his car next to an elementary school student who was standing at a newsstand and reading the reasoning carefully.


A slight whistle caught Conan's attention. He turned his head and saw Karasawa's car number. He reasoned and opened the passenger door.

"He went back?" Tang Ze looked at Conan and asked.

"Well, we are leaving separately, don't worry." Conan smiled and said, "The connection between you and me will not be exposed."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Tang Ze started the car and drove towards the offset corner, while shaking his head and saying: "Actually, this operation has revealed our connection with the Metropolitan Police Department.

Even if the other party may not be able to contact me for a while, the fact that we have members in the Metropolitan Police Department may have shown it.

After all, if this were not the case, there would be no way to explain such timely intelligence sources. "

"If there hadn't been that last text message, I could still have covered up one or two things..."

Conan frowned, obviously a little upset about the last message: "I have obviously cleared up the flaws, how come Ireland still notices it..."

"Oh? Is the other party's codename Ireland?"

Hearing Conan's words, Karasawa pretended to have heard it for the first time and said, "Did Belmod tell you?"

"Yes." Conan nodded, looking a little absent-minded, obviously still thinking about why Ireland was able to discover his identity.

After all, this is related to one's own safety. If Ireland can discover it this time, then it does not rule out that others can discover it next time.

It was good luck this time that the enemy was silenced before he could leak the information, but he may not be so lucky next time.

So Conan was also very anxious, as if there was a sword of Damocles hanging above his head.

"Don't worry, I guess you were discussed during this criminal meeting at various criminal gatherings, and the other party heard it."

Tangze said: "Although I was there and helped you change the subject in time, you also know that some seeds will sprout once they are planted.

The guy codenamed Ireland is pretending to be Matsumoto Kiyonaga. It is easy for a commander like him to obtain information.

Perhaps after becoming suspicious, he tricked someone into telling him that Kudo Shinichi was not dead yet.

The two messages were then combined to discover your identity. "

"But I have obviously changed the fingerprints on the Black Knight's helmet." Conan frowned and said, "How did the other party find me?"

"Perhaps there is some grudge between the other party and Gin, and he wants to attack Gin urgently."

Tangze guessed based on the known intelligence: "If there is such a factor of hatred, the other party's obsession will make him paranoid."

"This reminds me that the woman did say there was a gap between the two of them." Conan said after hearing Tangze's words.

"Then maybe after he verified your identity again, he didn't believe the results in front of him, and it was this paranoia that made him mislead and stumble upon the truth."

Tang Ze said: "And his status at the time also provided him with convenience.

Maybe he got the fingerprints left in the case that you and Kudo Shinichi solved, and finally compared it to your identity.

I think this is the most reasonable conjecture. I will help you investigate later. Anyway, as long as your identity is not exposed.

You don’t need to worry so much. Ordinary people will not investigate to such a deep level. However, when you resume your identity as Kudo Shinichi, you still need to pay more attention. "

"Understood, I will keep a low profile." Conan looked indescribably serious at this moment. Compared with Tangze's previous attitude when preaching, this time he was obviously much more pious.

Thinking about it, every time Tangze said this before, it was like a threat, without any real experience at all.

But this time, a big one actually came. If the organization hadn't silenced him quickly, his identity would have been exposed, and he would naturally have a deeper memory.

"What about you?" Conan said that he would remember it, and then said: "Akai Shuichi will probably think of your identity this time, right?"

"It doesn't matter, we are not enemies. We have cooperated so frequently, and I didn't expect to be able to hide it forever."

Karasawa stopped the car and smiled: "Even if he knows that I am a member of the organization, it would be fine as long as the "Zoo" remains a mystery."

"That's true." Conan nodded after hearing this, and then complained: "But haven't you ever thought of giving this organization a serious name?

Every time I use the term "zoo", I feel like it's an organization where children play house. "

"Haha, you already feel this way, so naturally others can't guess the true identity." Tang Zeman waved his hand nonchalantly, "Isn't that good?"

"Since you are ready to show up, I won't say much more." Conan looked at Tang Ze and said, "But if you don't admit it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to verify it."

"That's right, so this is nothing to worry about."

Tangze smiled when he heard this and said, "Okay, let's stop talking about this. You can also tell me about your encounter with Belmode."


Conan also knew that Karasawa was looking for him for this matter. After organizing his words, he said slowly: "This starts with you sending me a text message saying that you found traces of Belmode."

As Conan told the story, an unknown secret war quietly unfolded in front of Tangze.


Because this operation involved the arrest of Ireland, Conan called in Shuichi Akai as a helper and lurked around the Metropolitan Police Department according to Karasawa's plan.

This is of course done so that if an uncontrollable situation occurs, the two of them can act as backup to make up for the situation.

After all, in the original plot, after Gin received the news that Ireland was about to be arrested, he had a helicopter shoot up Tokyo buildings.

And if the arrest plan goes smoothly this time, Ireland and the evidence will fall into the hands of the Metropolitan Police.

Although this is a very good bait, Tangze is also afraid that the prey he lures will be too crazy and will directly be confused by the hunter of the Metropolitan Police Department.

If a maniac attacks the Metropolitan Police Department, there will probably be a large number of casualties.

But it was different with the sniper Akai Shuichi, whose precision and ultra-long range deterred their actions.

But I didn't expect that due to the early exposure of the intelligence, the black organization already knew about Ireland before he was captured.

So Conan also changed his response in time.

Because he had already learned about the candidate for Belmod's disguise from Karasawa, Conan shamelessly followed him the moment he went out.

The reason why he dared to do this was naturally because he knew that Belmode would not hurt him.

If the other party wants to leave, he must get rid of him, but this is definitely not possible within the Metropolitan Police Department, and if Gin finds out after going out, he will definitely silence him without hesitation.

So Belmod had no choice but to take the elevator and go down to the underground parking lot with Conan.

"Can you put your watch away, guy~"

When the elevator door opened, Belmod said as he walked towards the underground parking lot.

"You knocked me out before I had any other choice." Conan held the anesthesia watch in hand and slowly walked out of the elevator and pointed at the woman: "If you're not careful, you will definitely knock me out and leave."

"You have gone to great lengths to have a conversation with me."

Belmode smiled and said: "Okay, in that case, let's talk to you. What do you want to ask?"

"Since you are planning to leave, it means you have got what you want, right?"

Conan watched Belmode nod, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes: "It seems that what you are looking for this time is not the prisoner, but the personal belongings of a victim that the other party is carrying.

I'm afraid you relied on the information your companion snuck into the Metropolitan Police Department to collect information in the past few days, and easily obtained the criminal who had immediate access to the evidence, and then asked him to knock the other party unconscious, and then you disguised yourself.

In this way, as soon as the prisoner is brought to the Metropolitan Police Department, you can get what you want as soon as possible.

Am I right, Belmode? ? "

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