Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,409 The Dark Tracker (End)

After counting the rewards, Tang Ze fell into sleep peacefully.

And the influence he had had is still fermenting.

The Metropolitan Police Department and the mysterious organization drawn out by this case have been meeting to discuss it since the afternoon.

But before the meeting ended, people from the police suddenly broke in. This time they even drove away many people, leaving only the top management for the rest of the meeting.

In the dark corner, Belmode also came to a certain stronghold to join his companions.

"Belmod, have you got the things?"

The motorcycle had just stopped but before it turned off, the words of Gin Jiu Yinjiu came from the darkness.

"I can't wait."

Belmod parked the motorcycle and smiled charmingly: "Of course I got it, and because something unexpected happened, I destroyed it as soon as I got it.

Don’t worry, it’s impossible to recover after being crushed by my high heels. "

"Why didn't you bring it back?" Gin asked after hearing this: "The situation was very safe at that time, and there was no possibility of anything happening, right?"

"No, I actually noticed someone lurking in the dark."

Belmode shook his head and said: "When I left the Metropolitan Police Department, that sight was always surrounding me, so I destroyed it the moment I got it.

However, they seemed to be concerned about the sniper Bourbon. After realizing that the memory card was destroyed, they chose to continue to lie dormant. "

"It's those beasts again!?"

Gin's expression was stern when he heard Belmod's words: "It's really haunting..."

"I'm afraid they have great power in Neon and have very good intelligence."

Belmod's eyes flickered: "Have you figured out the reason why Ireland was exposed?"

"According to the investigation our eldest brother asked us to do, we found that Matsumoto Kiyonaga was rescued."

Vodka on the side said: "This time it was our miscalculation. I didn't expect Matsumoto Kiyonaga to be discovered by Karasawa Genichi so quickly.

But it’s unclear exactly how it was discovered, and we still need to send people to investigate. "

"How about leaving it to me?"

At this moment, Toru Amuro walked out of the darkness and said, "As for the intelligence, I still have some confidence."

"Well, in that case, I'll leave it to you, Bourbon." Gin nodded and said, "Ask Belmod to cooperate with you and be sure to find out what caused Ireland to be exposed."

"Oh, you're being pretentious."

At this moment, Chianti, who was leaning in the corner, sneered: "Even if Ireland is exposed, you are the one who sent him to the guillotine, Gin!"

"Whatever the reason, it is an indisputable fact that Ireland was exposed."

Hearing Chianti's provocation, Gin's face flashed with displeasure, but he knew that he was indeed suspected of killing people with a knife to eliminate dissidents this time.

Even though he did have this idea, in order not to chill the rest of the organization members, he still said patiently: "If he is allowed to evacuate early, it will naturally alert the snake.

When the time comes to face the pursuit of the Metropolitan Police, even with our support, whether Ireland can escape smoothly is still a problem, and we will even have to face police encirclement and suppression.

In addition, they will also strictly guard key witnesses and physical evidence.

When the memory card falls into the hands of the Metropolitan Police, members of the organization lurking around the world will be arrested and killed.

I don’t think you understand this, Chianti. "

"So you spent the life of a man in Ireland to save the situation this time?"

Chianti said coldly: "I hope that one day when you face the same situation, you can make the same choice.

At that time, I wouldn’t mind giving you a ride myself. "

Such blatantly provocative words were spoken by Chianti. Gin looked sulky, but in the end he suppressed his anger and said hoarsely: "If one day comes, I don't mind if you do it."

"Humph, then you'd better hope that that day never comes!"

After hearing what Gin had said, Chianti had no room for further provocation. He just recited a song, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

"Ah, she is really a rebellious little girl." Belmode lit a slender lady's cigarette and said with a smile: "It seems that the gap between you and her is getting more and more serious."

"It doesn't matter, as long as that adult still orders her to obey me, even if she wants to kill me, she will still carry out the tasks I gave her."

After Gin finished speaking expressionlessly, he looked at Bermode and said: "If nothing happens, cooperate with Bourbon as soon as possible to figure out the whole story of how Ireland was discovered.

I want to determine whether it was an accident or if there are those beastly people lurking in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Especially that Karasawa Genichi, it seems that the other party is responsible for all this this time. You should carefully investigate whether there is anything unusual in the other party's actions.

If there is anything unusual..."

Although the words were not spoken, the cold murderous intent revealed in Gin's scarlet eyes had already explained everything.

"Understood." Belmode nodded lightly, turned and left without saying anything.

After exchanging pleasantries with Bourbon and returning to the room, Belmod looked slightly relaxed.

Because Kudo Shinichi was not mentioned in this conversation, this means that Conan's identity was not revealed before Ireland died.

And Belmode also felt that this was very possible, because from an Irish perspective, this was not only a hidden danger for the organization, but also a good opportunity for him to seize Gin's defeat and seize power.

So Conan was safe for the time being, which was why Belmode was relieved.

But when he thought of the tasks that Gin had assigned to him, Belmod's eyes flickered.

In fact, she deliberately misled Gin in the conversation just now.

She had no choice but to avoid Gin from suspecting why she didn't bring the memory card back, so she naturally had to have a valid reason.

And obviously there are enemies lurking in the dark, waiting for opportunities to rob, which is the most legitimate reason.

But using this excuse will also cause another problem.

That's how the mysterious organization with animal codenames knew their whereabouts.

And this situation is undoubtedly divided into several types. There is a traitor in the organization or the other party has members working undercover in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Just like they will send undercover agents to infiltrate major organizations.

Among them, Karasawa Genichi, who led everything to happen, is naturally the top priority of the investigation.

Although Belmode didn't know if Karasawa had any contact with that organization, the relationship between him and Conan was very close, and he was even his apparent master!

Even though the other party never showed up again, the mysterious organization around Conan appeared too suddenly.

Belmode, who knew the background of Kudo Shinichi, knew that he would never have such great energy.

So Belmode suspected that all this seemed to be related to Karasawa Genichi, who was secretly escorting Conan.

Of course, there is no evidence for all this, but a bold guess she made based on intelligence and what happened this time.

But regardless of whether it is or not, the reasons that led to Ireland's exposure this time cannot be transferred to the other party.

After all, the other party is too deeply involved with Conan. Once Gin really doubts the other party, maybe even Conan, who has a close relationship, will be implicated.

And if the other party is really a member of the mysterious organization, then the other party must be with Conan, and she can't let Gin doubt it.

After all, one party has a close relationship with his own son, openly or secretly, and is even a protector. The other party wants his own son's life, and even a fool knows how to choose.

It was precisely because of this that Belmode said at the time, "I'm afraid they have great power in Neon and have very good intelligence."

This is to mislead Gin and pave the way for clearing Karasawa's suspicion later.

She must make Gin feel that this organization's intelligence network is the same as theirs, and they have sent many unimportant peripheral chess pieces as part of the intelligence network.

And such a chess piece is a tool man, and it will not hurt even if it is found.

And based on Tangze's ability, financial resources, and background, the other party will be an important member of any organization.

So no matter whether her guess is correct or not, whether Tang Ze is an insider again this time, Tang Ze must be an uninformed outsider in her investigation!

And the result of her investigation can only be that "the enemy has a very large intelligence network in Tokyo."

Thinking of this, Belmod's eyes flickered and he began to think about how to guide the investigation results in a direction that is beneficial to him when investigating with Bourbon.

'He also said that this was the only cooperation between him and them, so he turned around and started to help cover...'

After a while, Belmode, who thought of several feasible operations, laughed to himself, mixed with bitterness.

If she was absolutely loyal to the organization, it would be time to raise her suspicions and conduct a deeper investigation.

But she couldn't expose Conan, so not only was she unable to suspect him, she even had to cover for him.

For Belmode, this is more like a silent irony, and it is also a punishment for someone like her who is so hesitant and caught in the middle.

‘Heh…leave a way out…’

Belmode laughed at himself: "For a person like me, there is no way out, but I am just getting stuck in the quagmire deeper and deeper..."

"As for the light..." Belmod murmured softly, narrowed his eyes slightly and turned around to walk into the darkness.


Tangze didn't know anything about what Belmode was doing in secret.

He is only a human being, not an omniscient and omnipotent God.

What's more, the future has already undergone new changes due to his constant changes, and he doesn't know what the future will be like.

But even if he knew that Belmode had vaguely noticed some clues, it would not be surprising. After all, it is impossible for people to leave no traces in this world, and he has never regarded anyone as a fool.

In particular, Belmod has a woman known as the "Change Witch".

Although this reflects her skill and changeability in disguise, it also illustrates her sensitivity to intelligence.

In addition, he was indeed too high-profile in this operation, and the other party knew Conan's identity, so it is not surprising that this association would occur.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care, because he would also feel that Belmode would not reveal his identity.

Because if he is exposed, it will cause a series of problems and even lead to a war between the two organizations, which is inconsistent with her purpose of protecting Conan.

Because they all understand Conan's temperament and know that the other party will definitely participate.

And Belmod also hopes that Conan's "silver bullet" can defeat the organization.

Then as a biological mother, it is impossible for her to destroy her son's power.

So this is a paradox.

If Belmode had nothing to do with Conan, he would naturally not detect clues through Conan.

And since he was tied to Conan, there was no reason to tell the truth.

Generally speaking, after this turmoil, everything returned to calm again, and the organization also went into hibernation silently after losing its manpower.

But everyone in the know knew that this was just a temporary lull.

Things in Ireland were such a big deal this time. Although Gin barely kept the secret, the organization's whereabouts were once again exposed to the police's sight.

Therefore, they need to keep a low profile for the time being to quell the anger of the Metropolitan Police Department. After licking their wounds, they also want to avoid the sight of hunters.

As for Karasawa, he was specially called over the next day to recount in detail how he solved the case and discovered Matsumoto Kiyonaga with a kind of boss.

After hearing Tang Ze's revised version, many big shots praised Tang Ze's dedication and also lamented Tang Ze's good luck.

Otherwise, Matsumoto Kiyonaga might be doomed.

Of course, in order to act more like him, Karasawa also asked about the investigation of the mysterious organization pretending to be Matsumoto Kiyonaga, as well as the subsequent tracing arrangements for this organization.

Regarding this point, Karasawa had actually heard about the follow-up arrangements for this case from Takagi and the others.

The police took over the subsequent investigation.

The criminals involved knew this, and although they were unwilling to do so, they had no choice but to accept it under the orders of their superiors.

As the youngest police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department and a person deeply involved in it, Karasawa naturally knows more than they do.

Of course, this news is only a little more than them.

After the meeting, through Boss Saitama, the public security side just said that this involved an organization that they had been tracking for a long time.

This is a dangerous trans-international organization that cannot be interfered with by ordinary criminals.

If Tang Ze really wants to get involved, he needs to be transferred to the police, and they are also eager for talents like him to join.

This was conveyed by Boss Saitama. Although the police promised that he would be reused after he adapted to the case, Tang Ze refused without thinking.

Just kidding, he is hiding well now and knows more information than the police. Why go to the police?

Now that he is hiding in secret, he is the biggest threat to the black organization. If he joins and is discovered by the organization's spies again, it will be a disaster for him to start paying strict attention to himself.

The list he got is still being deciphered by "detectives". He will never show any intention of pursuing it until he has figured out the informants planted by the black organization in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Therefore, Tang Ze decisively refused to join the police and stated that he would not continue to pursue this mysterious organization.

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