Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1410 Invitation

"Okay, since you don't want to participate, then I will help you reject them."

After hearing Karasawa's words, Saitama said with a smile.

"Sir, why do I feel like you are in a good mood even though you rejected the invitation over there?" Tangze looked at Mr. Saitama and joked: "Are you relieved?"

"You are really smart, I can't hide anything from you."

Boss Saitama nodded when he heard Tangze's words and said with a smile: "But don't say it, I'm really relieved.

There is a guy in the police department who wants you to work for him, and I naturally refuse to do so, but I owe that guy a favor, and he has been insisting, so the final negotiation between the two of us is that I should respect you. own wishes.

If you are determined to continue investigating that mysterious organization, then you will naturally choose to join the police, and I can't stop you.

But since your kid is not interested, then he has no reason to take you away. "

"So that's it." Tang Ze said suddenly after hearing this: "You two are robbing someone this time."

"Hmph, you are a talented guy, so naturally some people want to snatch him away." Saitama said with a smile, "Okay, nothing else is going on. You can go."

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

Karasawa nodded, turned and left Chief Saitama's office.

After returning to his office, Tangze closed the door and sat quietly on the office chair for a while, and then began to review the actions this time.

First of all, the plan was completed successfully. He took advantage of saving Matsumoto Kiyonaga to successfully expose Ireland's disguise.

However, the black organization also responded quickly. After receiving information about the local traitor, it immediately dispatched Belmode to enter the Metropolitan Police Department in disguise to steal evidence.

By the way, the female criminal from the forensics department who Belmode disguised herself as was also found. The criminal was knocked unconscious by Ireland and hid in the storage room of the bathroom.

It was the other person who woke up and kept kicking the door to ask for help, and then he was discovered.

And it is precisely because the organization has taken away what it wants from the evidence that it is so unsure when a group of criminals ask to continue investigating the case.

After all, even the most important things have been taken away, and there is no clue about this mysterious organization, so naturally there is no way to trace it.

Rather than wasting manpower and material resources, it would be better to hand it over directly to the police who are originally responsible for the investigation.

Regardless of the criminals' desire to wash away their shame, it is the most appropriate situation to think rationally from the perspective of a superior.

After all, according to the information they received from the police, this mysterious organization is huge and extremely brutal in style.

If you conduct a general criminal investigation, you will easily be silenced by the other party, so it is better to leave it to professional public security personnel.

The Metropolitan Police ended up with this situation for the time being, but privately the situation on their side was pretty good.

With the cooperation of Conan and Akai Shuichi pretending to be "Aoki", they successfully forced Belmode to destroy the memory card that was subcontracted by Karasawa, and the plan to hide the secret was successfully completed.

And with the help of the artificially retarded "detective", sooner or later the list will be opened.

That's right, in Karasawa's eyes, "detectives" are now artificially retarded, not artificial intelligence.

Because although he has a foundation in artificial intelligence, he has only just started to function.

For example, it is smart enough and can follow Karasawa's voice commands, but the actual operation efficiency is very slow.

This is also the reason why Karasawa complained about being artificially retarded, because it was too slow.

But in fact, Karasawa knew that this was just the "detective" who was still in the growth stage. If he had to describe it, the other party could be regarded as a newborn baby at best.

Only if the other party continuously extracts computing power to upgrade itself can it become as intelligent as in science fiction movies.

Of course, understanding is understanding, and you still have to complain. After all, when you use it now, you can only give him a little simple help at most.

However, the potential of "detectives" is still very promising, because with the advancement of technology and the development of the Internet era, there are many things that "detectives" can do in the future.

Generally speaking, although this plan had some twists and turns, it was successfully completed in the end.

Not long after, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also came to the office. She had been accompanying Matsumoto Kiyonaga, who was inconvenient to show up, to help coordinate matters, and she also played a big role in the arrest.

And thanks to her excellent performance and the fact that she had helped solve many cases before, plus the manpower trained by Tang Ze, Tang Ze naturally wanted to raise a hand.

The promotion process is also very simple. As the person in charge of science research and research, he has the right to promote. After submitting the other party's promotion proposal to Saitama, the other party agreed to Koshizui Nanatsuki's promotion.

Koshimi Nanatsuki has also been promoted from the lowest-level inspector to the inspection director. In the future, he can be promoted to the police department as long as he has enough qualifications or has accumulated enough merits.

For a non-professional group, Koshimi Nanatsuki's promotion speed is indeed fast enough.

Moreover, her subsequent promotion to the police department was not difficult at all. On the one hand, she was indeed good enough and could solve the case and gain credit, and on the other hand, there were naturally others behind her.

Of course, this is not without its "side effects", that is, after participating in every corner of this case, Koshimizu Nanatsuki became extremely curious about the mysterious organization that kidnapped Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

"Don't ask, this case has been investigated by the police." Tang Ze said helplessly: "I haven't received any information here."

"You're a liar." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes: "I believe others if they don't get the news, but I don't believe you if you don't get the news.

They must give you, a great hero, an explanation. "

"I gave it." Karasawa felt that it was necessary to dispel Koshizui Nanatsuki's death-seeking curiosity, so he said directly: "But I refused."

"Eh? Why?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki heard this and said eagerly: "Aren't you curious? Don't you want to pursue it further? This is not in line with your character?"

"Because I want to know that the price of pursuing it is that I have to join the police."

Tang Ze rolled his eyes and said, "And I didn't want to go there, so I refused.

How about it? If you are interested, would you like me to recommend you to go to the police?

But with your skills, if you join the police, I'll be spending money on your grave within two months. "

"Even if you don't want me to get involved, you don't have to say it so harshly." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes and said, "You don't even expect me to do anything good."

"Say nice words can't make you realize the reality, so it's better to say cruel words."

Tang Ze waved his hands in a sign of expulsion: "Okay, okay, you'd better just drink tea honestly, and don't even think about participating in the follow-up matters."

"I know." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes helplessly, but in the end he chose to accept Karasawa's suggestion.

After all, Tang Ze has said that there is a high chance that she will die soon, which is basically not false. Since she doesn't want to die young, she will naturally give up.

After thinking about this, Koshizui Nanatsuki skillfully took out tea leaves from the drawer and brewed black tea. Then he took out a few bags of snacks from the cabinet to the left of Karasawa's desk and placed them on the table.

"Good guy, you are really rude." Tangze said speechlessly: "You are probably the only one who treats your boss's desk cabinet as your own snack cabinet."

"Hehe, I can be considered as "lower than upper"." Koshizui Nanatsuki laughed when he heard this. He didn't feel any embarrassment at all. On the contrary, he was very proud.

"In that case, I will allow you to sit on my throne for a few days." Hearing Koshizui Nanatsuki's words, Karasawa smiled playfully.

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Yueshui Qigui immediately jumped up from his "boss chair" as if he had been pricked by a needle: "You guy, you are planning to let me be a tool man and you can be the boss." Enjoy it, right?

No, no, I won't do it. I won't sit in your bad position. Be careful and I will report you for skipping work! ! "

"Haha, I can't help you."

Tang Ze stretched out his hand and pressed Yueshui Qigui on the seat, and said with a smile: "You also know what happened to me before and the hard work I put in, so the superiors sympathized with me and specially allowed me to take a vacation."

"you are vicious!"

Realizing that it was useless to speak harshly, a salty fish slumped down on the seat and complained: "I feel like I haven't learned anything from you. I just learned how to fish and let others do the work for you." ”

"Then you have to study hard, and then you can let others work for you and fish for yourself."

Tang Ze smiled and said goodbye to the other party immediately: "That's it for now, don't call me if there's nothing important."

"You're welcome to leave!" Koshizui Nanatsuki took a vicious bite of the snack, as if to vent his resentment.

After pricking Koshimizu Nanatsuki's heart, Karasawa sent a text message to Ayako, saying that he would not go back for dinner at noon, and then drove towards the Mori Detective Agency.

Although he has planned to take a rest, he still needs to make arrangements for the follow-up before taking a rest.

After all, "Bourbon" has already connected with Mouri Kogoro in the previous case of "lovers eventually become brothers and sisters."

Just like in the original work, Toru Amuro became a disciple of Kogoro Mouri on the pretext of paying tuition, and stayed by Kogoro Mouri's side by working part-time at Polo Restaurant.

Such changes in the appearance of new characters often lead to frequent cases in the subsequent period.

What's more, the first case after Toru Amuro appeared on the scene was a super long story with four consecutive episodes. How could Karasawa not remember it.

It even included a famous scene of "the most deadly gangster in history".

Because in this case, the gangster actually kidnapped Conan with a gun.

This move was called "the bravest gangster in history" by netizens in his previous life.

After kidnapping Conan, the other party attracted the joint pursuit of MI6 peripheral members Masumi Sera, FBI ace Shuichi Akai, and Neon police ace Toru Amuro.

The luxurious lineup that even Gin and Jiu had never put together allowed a little bank robber to enjoy it, and the ending was naturally "cold".

It is estimated that the other party's heart collapsed at that moment. After all, the oppressive feeling of being chased by them was a very terrifying experience, and she didn't even know how she provoked these "gods".

Therefore, in order to guard this case, Karasawa plans to continue to send him to Mouri Kogoro's office, hoping to guard this case.

He remembered that the criminal used the Moori Kogoro Detective Agency, so he naturally had to monitor the place where the crime occurred at all times.

Of course, in addition to this, he also wanted to meet Toru Amuro, who was now employed at Polo Cafe.

He was also very curious about this colleague.

Not only curious about him, but also curious about what the other party thinks of him.

After all, the two of them can be considered colleagues. Thinking back to the time when Ireland was being sniped, he looked at the blond figure fleeting across the window. Undoubtedly, something has changed.

Thinking back to the conversation between Conan and Belmod in the underground parking lot, the other party admitted that there was a conflict between Ireland and Gin, which also led to Gin using a knife to kill people to eliminate dissidents.

Karasawa was clear about the origin of the conflict between the two, but according to what Bermod conveyed, it was obvious that the conflict between the two parties had even been made explicit.

The person who killed Ireland changed from Chianti to Bourbon, which also indicates that Chianti may be on the side of Ireland in the conflict between the two parties.

He didn't know exactly what happened within the organization, but the internal cracks were obviously something he was happy to see.

When meeting Toru Amuro, he naturally didn't want to know this information from the other party's mouth.

What he wanted to know was whether Toru Amuro suspected that he was involved in his work?

After all, he played a very important role in the previous actions, and there is no problem saying that he single-handedly caused Ireland's death.

In this case, the black organization will definitely try every means to investigate the whole story, try to figure out what's going on, and even assess the threat posed by Tangze is not impossible.

As an undercover agent in Neon Police, Toru Amuro would probably take over this investigation. After all, for him, this investigation report is within reach.

And just because of work needs, he will also learn about the situation from the Metropolitan Police Department, and combine the two to restore the truth of this case.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Even after learning the information from the Metropolitan Police Department, during the follow-up investigation, he and Belmod, two people with ulterior motives but the same purpose, helped him to a certain extent. cover.

When reporting the investigation information to the organization, he described in detail how he accidentally rescued Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

When they learned that the operation was exposed because Matsumoto Kiyonaga, who was imprisoned by them, kept sending out distress signals with beetles, and Karasawa appeared in the Rice Flower Forest a few days ago, Gin and others could only attribute it to their luck this time. not good.

After all, their operation had just started at that time, and Ireland was even in the period of lurking and adapting, and had never met Tangze at all.

The other person appeared in Rice Flower Forest, taking the children for an outing.

This was obviously an accident.

It's just that this accident was caused by luck and Tang Ze's super insight and reasoning ability.

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