Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,411 Meeting with Toru Amuro

Naturally, Tangze had no way of knowing the results of the black organization's subsequent investigation.

And when he met Toru Amuro this time, he just thought that he might be able to get something from the chat with Toru Amuro.

Of course, this is just Tang Ze's feeling. Tang Ze has no idea what will actually happen.

After driving to the Mori Detective Agency, Karasawa did not go upstairs directly this time. Instead, he parked the car and entered the Polo Cafe.


The wind chimes at the door rang, and Azusa Enomoto's energetic voice came over.

"Ah, it's Karasawa Criminal, I haven't seen him for a while~" After seeing that he was a regular customer, Azusa Enomoto smiled and greeted Karasawa.

"Yeah, I haven't been here for a while. I've been busy with work after all."

Tang Ze smiled and looked at the blond man busy at the front desk and said, "On your side, you have hired new people."

"Yeah, this is our store's new employee."

Azusa Enomoto smiled and said: "He is Toru Amuro. I heard that he became a disciple of a Maori detective. In order to learn reasoning from the Maori detective, he applied for a job as a clerk here.

But his craftsmanship was very good, so the boss immediately took a liking to him. "

"So that's it. Do you have any special dishes to recommend?" Tangze asked with a smile.

"The sandwiches made by Amuro-kun are very popular." Azusa Enomoto recommended after hearing this: "Recently, many customers come for the sandwiches made by Amuro-kun."

"Is that so? Let's have a sandwich and a glass of mocha." Karasawa ordered with a smile.

"Okay." Azusa Enomoto looked at Toru Amuro, who raised his head and smiled at the two of them: "A sandwich and a cup of mocha, right? Wait a moment."

After ordering the meal, Azusa Enomoto gave Karasawa a glass of ice water and then went to the front desk to get busy, and soon Toru Amuro brought two things over.

"Hello, Karasawa Criminal, I've heard of you for a long time." Toru Amuro came from the front desk and greeted Karasawa with a smile: "I am Toru Amuro, a new employee of Polo Cafe."

"Do you know me?" Karasawa asked knowingly after hearing Toru Amuro's words.

"Yeah, of course."

Toru Amuro looked at Karasawa with a smile and said, "We almost became colleagues."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

After hearing the other party's words, various thoughts kept flashing through Tangze's mind, but he still pretended to be surprised and asked.

"Actually, I have considered whether to join the criminal profession, but in the end I hesitated and felt that the criminal life is not suitable for me."

Toru Amuro smiled and said: "In the end, I chose a career like detective. After all, it is more free and I can experience various professions.

If I were a criminal, I would definitely not be able to consult the Mori teacher while working part-time like I am now. "

"But maybe you will come to study under me." Tang Ze said with a smile, "I think you also have great potential."

"Stop kidding me."

Toru Amuro pretended to be embarrassed and waved his hands repeatedly: "I heard that I want to study under you, Karasawa Criminal School, but I have to get the top grade in the criminal school to be eligible.

I don't have the confidence to compete with those outstanding people for first place. I heard that it broke my head. "

"Is this such an exaggeration?" Azusa Enomoto looked at Karasawa and said, "It turns out that Karasawa is so powerful in crime, but it always feels like there is no real sense."

"I also heard it from my friends."

Toru Amuro heard this and said with a smile: "But after all, he is one of the "Tokyo Two Heroes" alongside Mr. Mori. It is not normal for him to be sought after by his juniors in the Metropolitan Police Department."

"too exaggerated."

Tangze waved his hand and wanted to continue talking, but the welcome bell at the door suddenly rang. The two of them apologized to Tangze and then started to greet the new guests.

After that, one of the two was busy at the front desk, and the other was greeting the guests to order food, but they did not continue to chat.

Seeing this, Karasawa picked up the sandwich made by Toru Amuro and started to prepare lunch in advance.

I have to say that the other party's craftsmanship is really good, and a simple sandwich is delicious.

The crust is steamed soft bread slices, and the lettuce is washed with warm water.

The ham is sliced ​​into thin slices, brushed with a layer of olive oil and lightly grilled, then smeared with two spoons of mayonnaise and half a spoonful of miso sauce.

After one bite, the softness of the bread first spreads to the tongue, followed immediately by the taste of lettuce and ham.

As you chew, the flavor of the mayonnaise mixes the flavors of the three ingredients together, making it simple but very delicious.

While eating his sandwich, Karasawa thought back to what Toru Amuro said at the beginning.

He always felt that when the other party said that the two almost became colleagues, it was not a casual greeting, but a subtle allusion.

This may refer to the fact that the police wanted to invite him to join, but he finally refused.

The reason why the other party said this was obviously to convey information and a subtle temptation.

Don't blame Tang Ze for overthinking it. After all, the invitation from the public security department was just a matter of time, and the only people who knew about it were probably Tang Ze, Mr. Saitama, and the senior police officials.

It's unlikely from Saitama's side, so it's almost certain that the senior police officer told Tohru Amuro.

And what Karasawa is thinking about is if Toru Amuro is testing and passing on information, what is his purpose?

The first thing Tang Ze thought of was that the other party was conveying his identity in a subtle way, indicating that he was a police officer.

After all, he will be lurking next to Mouri Kogoro for a long time, and the two sides will inevitably have to deal with each other.

If Tangze detects something strange in his skills, reasoning, etc. and starts investigating him, it will naturally cause unnecessary trouble.

So Toru Amuro hinting at his identity at this moment may be to avoid the trouble of being investigated by Karasawa in subsequent actions.

After all, he also has an identity as an undercover agent of a black organization. If Tang Ze becomes curious about his identity and starts investigating, being discovered by the organization may lead to danger.

By hinting to Tangze about his identity as a police officer in advance, he not only avoids trouble, but also protects him.

Not only that, the more he carefully studied the other party's words, the more Tang Ze felt that the other party's words were very good.

Because no matter what possibility arises, his words are enough to deal with it.

For example, Karasawa actually knows about the existence of the black organization, and is even a member of the "Zoo" and already knows that he is a member of the organization.

If you hear the hint in his words, you will know that he is an undercover agent sent by the police.

Because he said that the two almost became colleagues, and only a few people knew about the invitation from the police, which could also corroborate his identity.

Even if Tangze doesn't believe it, if Tangze confronts him in the future, he will show mercy even if he has no concerns about confirming his identity.

It can be said that Toru Amuro used such a subtle hint method to avoid many misunderstandings that may arise between them.

This is a "vaccination" given by smart people to smart people. No matter what Tang Ze's situation is, as long as he interprets the meaning conveyed by the other party, he can avoid a lot of subsequent troubles.

What about people who are not smart?

Then there is no need to worry, because it is impossible for people who are not smart to participate in their secret battles.

If that were the case, Toru Amuro wouldn't be worried.

Tang Ze even felt that there was another concern for the other party to take the initiative to pass on information to him.

That is because the other party was worried that Tang Ze would see him when he was sniping at Ireland before. He was afraid that Tang Ze would feel familiar and would investigate him non-stop.

In fact, Karasawa did see it, because the sniper point on the tall building closest to the Metropolitan Police Department was not far away, and his eyesight was far superior to ordinary people.

But even if he saw it, he would pretend not to see it. After all, Tangze knew that the other party was a friendly force and it was impossible to arrest him.

As for the other party's killing of Ireland, this involves the nature of his special work, so Tangze will not simply regard him as a murderer.

This is not an anime, and being undercover is not something that looks so cool. On the contrary, it is a very cruel job.

In order to gain trust, it was impossible not to get his hands dirty, so when arranging for him to be an undercover agent, the police had imagined various situations, and maybe the other party had a "license to kill."

This is actually a kind of emergency escape. After all, if he fails to carry out the order or leaves Ireland alive, Gin will kill him next.

So Tang Ze is not involved in this matter.

As for the meeting between the two, Tangze felt that this time it was really the right time.

As for the information conveyed by Bourbon, Karasawa has not yet decided what to do, or in other words, he has not yet decided how to contact Toru Amuro.

Karasawa came to his senses when his thoughts reached this point, suppressed his thoughts, and quietly finished his sandwich and drank his coffee.

After saying hello and farewell to the two of them, Karasawa walked out of the restaurant, then turned around and went up to the second floor towards the Mori Detective Office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mouri Kogoro sitting alone in a chair, frowning and thinking. Even though there was a horse racing competition on the TV, he was not attracted at all.

"Hey, why are you here?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the door in surprise when he heard the movement at the door.

"It's like this. The previous serial murder case has been resolved. I wonder if you heard about it, Detective Mori?" Karasawa, who had already asked Officer Megure before coming, asked knowingly.

"Eh!? It's actually over!?" Mouri Kogoro said in shock after hearing Karasawa's words: "When did it happen? What happened!?"

"Just yesterday, the criminal was arrested in Chiba Prefecture."

Tang Ze said: "Because something else happened in the middle, I won't tell you the specific details because they need to be kept confidential.

But I can tell you only the information related to the case. "

"It seems that a lot of things happened yesterday."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Mouri Kogoro nodded with understanding and said: "I have also been in a criminal organization, so I naturally know the rules.

Just tell me what you can say. "

Karasawa nodded upon hearing this, and then recounted the circumstances of the case and the prisoner's motive for the murder to Mouri Kogoro.

"So that's it." Mouri Kogoro suddenly said: "As for why you solved the case yesterday but forgot to notify me, is it because of that unspeakable thing?"

"That's right." Tangze nodded and said, "This is somewhat related to the case, but I won't say more about the case of serial murders that were accidentally implicated."

"Yes, I understand." Mouri Kogoro nodded to express his understanding.

"Because what was said on the phone might not be clear, so I stopped by." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I've finished explaining the situation, so I'll take my leave now."

He stood up and said goodbye to Mouri Kogoro. Karasawa had achieved his goal and left without delay. After all, he had already achieved his goal in the previous chat and let go of the Peeping Spider.

While they were chatting, the mechanical spider had crawled to the blind corner of Mouri Kogoro's desk and fixed it.

"Then I won't send you off." Before Karasawa could get up and leave, Mouri Kogoro couldn't wait to sit on the sofa and start watching horse racing.

Seeing Mouri Kogoro's unattractive appearance, Karasawa couldn't help but laugh.

Before the case was over, he was being serious. But when it was said that it was over, there was no room for him to play, so the seamless connection started to break down.

But Mouri Kogoro has this kind of character, and Karasawa has long been used to it.

In addition, Karasawa didn't see Conan on the way home from school.

However, he had nothing to discuss with the other party, and he had no way to explain Amuro Toru's identity. Naturally, he could not discuss the other party's temptation with Conan.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't discuss it with Conan. After all, Toru Amuro is an ally, and even in terms of their closeness, the two of them are serious colleagues.

But even so, Tangze had no intention of exposing his identity.

As for wooing the other party to become one of the "generals", Karasawa decided to let Conan make contact.

After all, contacting him rashly may lead to his exposure.

But if you want to win over Amuro Toru as a non-staff combat force, one thing you need to worry about is Akai Shuichi.

After all, Toru Amuro has been targeting Shuichi Akai and even wants revenge.

But in fact Tang Ze knew that there was a misunderstanding between the two on this matter.

However, even if Toru Amuro knows the truth about his best friend's death, whether the other party can accept this fact is something Karasawa needs to consider in the future.

However, this information was a breakthrough.

After Conan comes into contact with Toru Amuro in the future, perhaps he can disguise himself as Kizaru to contact Toru Amuro, and then exchange this information for the other party's initial favor and trust.

This has two benefits. The first is to ease the gap between Amuro Toru and Akai Shuichi, so that the two friendly forces are not at odds.

The second one is that the other party probably doesn't mind borrowing the name "Zoo". After all, being able to move freely while wearing a vest is much better than being restricted at all times while undercover.

If this step is achieved, Tang Ze can even directly dispatch the "three generals" at critical moments to act in front of the organization or even prove the confrontation.

And with the skills of the three of them, they can naturally cause huge trouble to the organization.

Moreover, the three of them acting at the same time will further deepen the black organization's trust in Karasawa's fictional organization.

In this way, the truth is hidden in the invisible depths, which is more conducive to their safety.

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