Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,424 The Kidnapped Takagi

After asking the little ones about their purpose, Karasawa immediately looked at Toru Amuro.

Seeing Karasawa's focused gaze, Amuro Toru smiled and said, "I had some other things to do and had to go to the Metropolitan Police Department, and then I heard from Detective Mori that some children wanted to be photographed, so I thought I could I had someone to take care of me, so I came with him.”

"So that's it." Karasawa nodded suddenly, but in his mind, Toru Amuro might have other important things to do when he came to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Amuro Toru smiled and walked away immediately.

Looking at Tohru Amuro's leaving figure, Karasawa quickly withdrew his gaze.

However, what Toru Amuro wants to do does not require much attention from Karasawa. After all, Karasawa already has a plan for how to win over him in the future.

What concerned him now was the sudden disappearance of Takagi in front of him.

And the few little ones in front of me are most likely to be the beginning of the case.

In other words, they should have relevant clues to the case.

Thinking of this, Tangze was still thinking about how to reasonably inquire about information, but he didn't expect that before Tangze could speak, Mitsuhiko on the side took the initiative to speak.

"Karasawa Criminal, have you seen Sato Criminal?"

"Sato? What are you looking for her for?" Tangze's thoughts suddenly changed, but he asked with confusion on the surface: "Aren't you going to take pictures?"

"That's it, we brought a gift from my sister."

Ayumi explained: "Because he said it was fresh food, we wanted to give it to Sister Miwako as soon as possible."

"So that's it. Let me take you to find Criminal Sato." Tangze nodded and said, "Just now I was chatting with Criminal Sato about Takagi, and that kid asked for leave without saying a word."

"Has Takagi Criminal asked for leave?" Conan heard Tang Ze's words and quickly followed him.

"Well, I can't reach you by phone." Tang Ze nodded: "By the way, what does the person who asked you to hand over this thing look like?"

"I didn't see it at the time." Conan turned to look behind him and motioned for the three little ones to describe it.

"He can't see his face clearly with the sunglasses on, but his hair is gray." Yuantai thought for a while and said, "He is an uncle with a rough voice."

"All right."

Hearing Gentai's description, Tangze nodded helplessly, feeling that it was difficult to get any useful clues from the other party's description.

The other two little ones did not add anything further, indicating that the brief contact only left such an impression on them.

As for Conan on the side, he and Tangze looked at each other, and both of them saw the hidden seriousness in the other's eyes.

Obviously, Conan also sensed something wrong from Karasawa's words.

The two of them looked at the gift box in Ayumi's hand, but they had a tacit understanding and did not ask for it directly.

After all, the other party said that this gift was given to Miwako Sato by Takagi. Even if they felt something was wrong, they could not open it past Miwako Sato.

After all, feelings are just feelings and not evidence. If you open the other party's gift without authorization, you will definitely be stopped by a few little ones.

If you don't have the time to explain, it would be better to go directly to Miwako Sato and ask her to open the gift and everything will become clear.

Returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, as soon as Karasawa entered the door, he saw Sato Miwako standing menacingly in front of Chiba's table.

"What did you say!? Takagi shed tears while looking at the photo posted on the notepad!!?"


Facing the extremely oppressive Miwako Sato, Chiba said with a smile: "Yes... I saw the border and thought it was a very cute photo with a photo..."

Then I asked him if that was Miss Sato’s photo…

As a result, he said very angrily, "Don't talk nonsense", and then said that he would explain the reasons later, and then he would not let me ask any more questions. "

"Shiratori, have you seen Takagi today!?" After listening to Chiba's words, Sato Miwako looked at Shiratori angrily and asked.

"I do not know."

Seeing Miwako Sato's angry expression, Shiratori was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "I haven't seen him yet today."

"I have clues about Takagi here."

Karasawa at the door looked at the angry Sato Miwako and shouted, then waved to him.


Seeing Karasawa go and come back, she had clues about Takagi. Sato Miwako said suspiciously as she walked: "You are not lying to me. I just asked you and you don't know anything."

"I don't, but they do."

Tangze smiled and pointed to the few behind him and said: "They met a man downstairs, and the man said there was a gift that Takagi Criminal asked him to deliver to you."

"A gift?" Sato Miwako became even more confused after hearing this: "What the hell is that guy Takagi doing?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I always feel like there's something weird about it."

Tangze shook his head and said: "Anyway, you should open the gift and take a look. Maybe there will be clues about Takagi inside."


Hearing Karasawa's words, Sato Miwako's face became a little more serious. After all, she felt that she couldn't contact Takagi, and there was something wrong with a stranger handing over a gift.

"Let me see what's in there."

After taking the gift from Ayumi's hand, Sato Miwako opened the packaging outside the gift box.

Then a tablet was revealed inside.

"Is this a gift?" Sato Miwako took off the wrapping paper and looked at the not-so-new tablet in her hand, with a look of confusion on her face.

"No, that uncle clearly said it was fresh food." Yuantai said in surprise: "Why is it a tablet?"

"Don't worry about that yet, maybe the information is in the video inside." Tang Ze saw this and said, "Let's open it first and take a look."

"Is it the video recorded by Takagi Criminal?" Mitsuhiko said excitedly: "This is also in line with Takagi Criminal's character. After all, it will definitely be embarrassing to say it directly."

"After all, Takagi Criminal is so shy!" Ayumi agreed with a gossipy face.

"We're still not sure what the situation is." Because she had heard Karasawa's words before, Miwako Sato was not shy when she heard a few teasing words. Instead, she clicked on the video with a serious face.

But when the tablet was just turned on and before Miwako Sato could operate it, the screen jumped directly to reveal Takagi's face.

However, the picture of Takagi in the picture is not like the warm scene where Takagi is shy and about to confess, as I thought. Instead, it is the completely opposite and terrifying picture.

At this moment, Takagi's mouth was sealed, and a rope was tied around his neck. It seemed that there was still a narrow wooden board lying underneath him.


Seeing such a scene, Sato and Miko looked panicked.

"There's a rope around his neck!" Ayumi said nervously.

"This means that Takagi Criminal has no way to escape, right?" Yuantai asked worriedly.

"But tying up Takagi Criminal and putting him to sleep means..."

Before Mitsuhiko finished speaking, the picture on the screen turned and the angle changed.

This time, the angle was no longer a close-up of Takagi's face, but a panoramic view of Takagi's current position from the side.

I saw a suspended wooden plank lying across the middle of the blue fence, and Takagi was lying on the wooden plank with a rope around his neck and his hands and feet tied.

In other words, if he accidentally turns over, he will be hanged directly by the rope around his neck.

"In this case, Takagi will fall if he turns over!" Sato Miwako said with a frightened look: "Get up quickly, Takagi-kun!! You must quickly grasp the current situation!"

Although the tablet obviously did not have a call function, as Miwako Sato shouted, the voice seemed to span a distance, and Takagi's eyes opened with difficulty.

After waking up, Takagi immediately trembled, but fortunately, the strangeness on his neck made him realize that something was wrong, and there was no violent movement of his body.

Suppressing his fear, Takagi twisted his head slightly and saw the hemp rope tied around his neck.

The next Takagi didn't dare to look down anymore, because it was too high below.

But fortunately, as a criminal, Takagi's qualities when encountering danger are much better than ordinary people.

Although he was scared, after chanting "calm down" and "calm down" in his heart, Takagi really calmed down and began to recall what happened before he fell into coma.

In his memory, he met that person yesterday, and the other person said he had a scenery he wanted to see, so he brought him here.

Then the other party suddenly attacked from behind with a drugged handkerchief, and then passed out.

'But why...'

Takagi was originally still confused, but after seeing the camera above his head, his face changed color instantly: 'Could that person have taken my affairs...'

At this moment, Takagi guessed the purpose of the fixed camera around him.

I'm afraid that the other party has transmitted his image to the Metropolitan Police through these cameras.

But these guesses, even if Takagi guessed correctly, would have no effect on his current situation.

Because at this moment, he was already a flying insect caught in a spider's web, and was so trapped that he couldn't move at all.

On the other side, the Metropolitan Police Department.

Miwako Sato couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Takagi didn't make any major movements after waking up and quickly grasped the current situation.

But the next moment, she ignored the little ones around her and immediately ran to the office with the tablet in her arms to explain the situation to Officer Megure.

"What are you talking about? Takagi was kidnapped by unknown persons!?"

After hearing what Miwako Sato and Karasawa said, Officer Megure and his colleagues in the office gathered around them.

"The video is here."

After Karasawa finished speaking, Sato Miwako put the tablet on the table. Officer Megure and others all saw Takagi's current situation.


Seeing Takagi whose mouth was gagged and a rope was tied around his neck, Officer Megure's expression changed.

"From our previous observations, there were probably three cameras."

Without any nonsense, Tangze directly introduced the situation: "The viewing angles should be front, side and

The captured images will be played randomly and transferred to the tablet. "

"Can you find out where the signal source of the image is?" Officer Megure looked at Shiratori and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, as long as it is handed over to the Cyber ​​Crime Countermeasures Division, the source should be able to be identified." Shiratori nodded.

"But if you want to lock it in for a while, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

At this moment, Tangze spoke directly, "I just checked this tablet, and the only interfaces that can be operated at present are the buttons to open and close the image.

In addition, the power button, touch panel and even the charger socket have been transformed by the prisoners into a state that cannot be used. "

To be honest, when he saw Takagi's surveillance, he immediately wanted the "detective" to connect to the tablet to locate Takagi's location.

But what he didn't expect was that the person who made the tablet was also a master and cut off all the interfaces, leaving no opportunity for Tang Zeke to take advantage of.

"At this point, I think we just need to take the tablet apart and be able to charge it directly from the inside."

Shiratori smiled when he heard this: "Not only that, but you can also directly retrieve the data from the hard drive inside and locate the place where the signal is received, thereby locking Takagi's position."

"As for this method, I actually considered it, but in the end I gave up."

Hearing Shiratori's words, Tangze shook his head, looked at the puzzled crowd and explained: "Don't forget that our current opponent is a master who can modify the tablet and block all functions such as the control panel and power supply.

Such a technical master, do you think he will not consider our countermeasures?

If the image will be forcibly cut off after we disassemble the tablet, then we will lose Takagi's image.

This will undoubtedly make our subsequent search even worse.

Although there are ways to directly trace the source of the image signal supply to the tablet without taking these risks.

But generally, these criminals will use overseas private servers as a springboard to cover their location.

Therefore, it is difficult to trace the source of the message in a short period of time. "


After hearing what Karasawa said, Officer Megure couldn't help but frown and said: "What if we spend a little more time to determine the source?

In this way, we can directly determine Takagi's location, right? "

"To be honest, this can only be used as a backup measure if there is no other way, but we must not place our hopes on it."

Tang Ze said in a deep voice: "We must find Takagi as soon as possible, because the deadline may be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..." Bai Niao and other criminals looked shocked when they heard this.

"Because that's what the uncle who gave the tablet to Ayumi said so."

Looking at the criminals who were a little confused and didn't know what the basis was, Conan repeated: "The items here are "fresh food". If it is late, it will not be used until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

After hearing what Conan repeated, the faces of all the criminals present turned heavy.

Because it is obvious that the perpetrator's words are a veiled threat and a countdown to Takagi's life.

At this moment, a sense of urgency instantly arose in everyone's hearts.

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