Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,425 3 Suicide Cases

Depression and urgency filled the entire Investigation Department, but soon the experienced criminals adjusted their mentality.

"Brother Karaze, do you think this is a murderous warning from criminals?" Officer Megure said with a solemn expression.

"I'm afraid not. The prisoner is probably stating the facts."

Tang Ze shook his head and said with a serious face: "With the current situation of Takagi's hands and feet being tied up, three days without food or water is the limit.

Moreover, the weather is now cold, and Takagi must be found as soon as possible considering the temperature issue. "

"In other words, is the day after tomorrow the deadline to find Takagi?" Looking at Takagi on the screen, Chiba, a good friend, couldn't help but look worried on his fat face.

"But, but..."

Sato Miwako said with a low expression: "Why would he encounter such a thing..."

"Indeed, with Takagi's good-natured character, it's hard to believe that he would be resented by others." Shiratori on the side agreed.

"It is completely normal for a criminal to be resented by others. There is no way of knowing when he was resented by whom."

At this moment, Matsumoto Kiyonaga walked in from the door, and his appearance made all the criminals straighten their bodies.

"Megure, I heard that Takagi stayed somewhere for a night because he met someone last night. Is this true?"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga came over and looked at Memu and said, "I asked you for leave for this reason."

"Yeah, that's right." Megure nodded and said, "I remember that he was very concerned about the departure time of the train. I guess he might have gone to Haneda Airport."

"In that case, please quickly send someone to contact Haneda Airport to confirm whether there was a passenger named "Takagi Wataru" last night."

"Yes!" Officer Memu accepted the order in a deep voice.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga immediately took over the command of the scene as soon as he arrived, but no one had any objections. Instead, he found a backbone, and everyone suppressed their impatience and calmed down.

"Shiratori, go to Takagi's current apartment immediately and check the mailbox on his computer or the emails in the recycle bin."

When Matsumoto Kiyonaga saw Shiratori respond, he immediately looked at Chiba next to him: "I will leave the image monitoring of the tablet to you Chiba. Watch Takagi carefully and report any situation in a timely manner."

"Remember not to leave it on all the time." Tang Ze reminded: "The battery capacity is limited and the viewing range is only 10 hours, so use it sparingly."

"Well, brother Tang Ze has thought carefully about it. Let's watch it for ten minutes an hour."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded when he heard this and said: "Remember to turn on the camera and record the scene later.

If you can find a landmark building where Takagi is, please report it in time! "

"Understood!" Qianye nodded in agreement with a solemn expression.

"Administrator...I..." Miwako Sato asked with hesitation.

"Sato, go to the reception room and ask the children about their encounter with the suspect."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked at Sato Miwako and gave her an important task that she would not go out into the field: "After all, they have personally contacted her and are important witnesses.

You need to help them recall the suspect's appearance, movement habits, and tone of voice, and help them recall it thoroughly. "


After finishing the arrangement, Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked at the surrounding criminals and said: "The rest of the people are looking for all the suspects who may have a grudge against Takagi during the search work so far!

Regardless of the suspect or the relative of the victim, as long as there is a possibility of resentment, everyone will be found for me! "


All the criminals responded one after another and immediately dispersed.

Watching everyone leave, Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked at Tang Ze and said, "You should act according to your own method. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time."

"Understood." Karasawa nodded, "I'll talk with Sato and the children first to see if we can sketch a portrait of the prisoner."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded and said, "After the portrait is completed, pass it on to everyone as soon as possible."


Karasawa nodded, then looked at Miwako Sato and said, "Let's go."

‘I will definitely save you, Takagi, wait for me! ’

The worried Miwako Sato glanced at Takagi who was tied up on the tablet, and finally turned off the tablet.

After the three people left the office, they found a few little ones waiting in the corridor and led them to the living room.

Afterwards, Karasawa found paper and pen, and Miwako Sato guided the inquiry, while he drew the prisoner's face based on the description.

And soon, the image of a man wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf around his neck appeared on Karasawa's drawing paper.

"This is the man who gave you the tablet, right?"

Miwako Sato held up the drawing board and showed it: "Do you still remember what he said to you at that time?"

"We mentioned Takagi Criminal before when we were chatting, and then he may have heard it and came over and asked us if we knew Officer Takagi Wataru." Mitsuhiko said after hearing this.

"After we answered that he was right, he asked us to give the tablet to Takagi Criminal's girlfriend." Ayumi nodded.

"Then maybe that person might be the guy who resents me."

Miwako Sato frowned when she heard this.

"I don't think so!"

Conan on the side denied Miwako Sato's guess: "Because that person called out Takagi's full name, but when he mentioned you, Sato Criminal, he only knew Takagi's lover, Criminal.

I don’t even know your name. This is obviously for Takagi Criminal. "

"So does he have any habitual movements or special oral habits?" Miwako Sato asked.

"This doesn't seem to exist. It's normal, right?" Yuantai said.

A few little ones nodded, indicating that there was indeed nothing special about it.

Sato Miwako frowned, feeling a little helpless because there seemed to be only so much information at the moment.

"Let's pass the portrait to everyone first." Upon seeing this, Tangze knew that he wouldn't be able to get any useful information out of the follow-up questions, so he stood up and planned to pass the prisoner's portrait to his colleagues who were searching.

By spreading the word earlier, you can increase the chance of finding the prisoner.

However, before Karasawa could get up, Chiba, who was responsible for monitoring the tablet, ran over in a panic.

"Sato Criminal, Karasawa Criminal, no good, Takagi, Takagi him!"

Before Chiba finished speaking, Sato Miwako suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. However, Karasawa remained calm and followed Chiba and asked, "What happened?"

"Takagi is in crisis." Chiba said while running towards the office: "He seemed to want to do something, and then he suddenly fell into crisis."

Hearing Chiba's words, Karasawa couldn't help but quicken his pace, but Miwako Sato in front was completely panicked. She even knocked over a colleague holding materials in the corridor and had no time to apologize.

Panting, she came to the tablet and looked at Takagi sideways. Miwako Sato asked impatiently: "Why is he suddenly about to fall!!"

"When I opened the tablet for the third time, he suddenly became like this." Chiba said.

"After all, I have been stationary for several hours before." A criminal next to him said: "In a helpless state, it is not surprising that he would give up on himself..."

"Cheer up, Takagi!!"

Although she knew that Takagi on the other side of the video couldn't hear her at all, Sato Miwako still couldn't help but yell nervously.

And at this moment, Takagi on the wooden board made another move. This situation immediately made everyone around him nervous.

Under everyone's breathless gaze, Takagi slowly changed from lying on his side, about to fall, to lying on the board.

Moreover, Takagi also deliberately tilted his upper body downward.

After a moment, due to gravity, the criminal evidence fell from Takagi's arms.

"Criminal documents!?"

Everyone looked shocked when they saw what had fallen.

"It seems that Takagi has not given up on himself, but is carefully saving himself."

Tang Ze said: "He took away his criminal certificate, probably because he wanted others to pick up his criminal certificate.

In this way, if someone picks it up and notifies the police, we will be able to locate Takagi. "

Conan on the side also took the opportunity to look at the anxious Sato Miwako and reassured: "It's okay. Look, Takagi Criminal has always remained calm. Sato Criminal, you should also calm down."

"Well..." Miwako Sato heard Conan's comfort, and her irritable mind gradually calmed down.

However, along with the investigation, the search and rescue was in trouble.

Because police officer Megure who went to Haneda Airport to investigate did not find Takagi's name on the plane passengers.

Not only that, there was no information related to this kidnapping case in the cases he handled or on the computer at home.

"Damn it!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga banged the table angrily: "I don't even know which city Takagi went to. Even this blanket search has become like finding a needle in a haystack!"


At this moment, among the criminals reporting, a young criminal spoke cautiously, attracting everyone's attention.

"Do you care?"

Tang Ze saw the young criminal flinching in the face of everyone's gaze, and he spoke to save the situation: "If you have anything to say, just say it. Maybe it will be a breakthrough. It doesn't matter even if you are wrong."


The young criminal no longer hesitated after hearing Tang Ze's words, and immediately said: "That's right, a week ago, I saw Takagi Criminal walking out of the data room.

Because I saw tears in his eyes at that time, I was a little concerned about what information he read. "

"What!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga immediately stood up when he heard this, looked at everyone and said, "Bring me all the dossier information that Takagi has read before immediately!"

After hearing what Matsumoto Kiyonaga said, a group of criminals rushed to the data room to investigate.

Soon, the information that Takagi Criminal was looking through in the information room was investigated, and after reading the information, Karasawa and Sato Miwako left the room.

"How is the situation? Do you have any clues?" Conan, who was waiting in the corridor, saw the two going out and couldn't help but come up and ask.

"Takagi looked through the files to investigate cases a week ago, and they were all cases about women who committed suicide by hanging a year ago."

After hearing what Conan said, Karasawa said: "There were three cases in total, and they were all cases that were originally handed over to the jurisdiction for handling because they were judged not to be homicides."

"What are the specific circumstances of these three cases?"

"The first case is named Yuko Deki. She is a sixth-year student at Toto University School of Medicine."

After hearing what Conan said, Karasawa didn't hide anything and said directly: "Yuuko Deki committed suicide in the living room of the apartment where she lived.

Although the overall layout of Guangyu's room is not very feminine, the entire room is cleaned very well.

There was also a suicide note at the feet of the hanging body, which contained a confession about her running away from an accident a few days ago. The main idea was that she could not bear the condemnation of her conscience and finally committed suicide. "

"The second one is Natalie Laijian. Her mother is a beautiful woman and she is an English teacher in an English training class."

Sato Miwako followed closely and said: "The other party also hanged herself. According to the "Date" marked on the calendar hanging in her room, it seems to refer to the date when the other party went on a date with her boyfriend.

However, subsequent investigation revealed that he seemed to have been abandoned by his boyfriend and eventually committed suicide out of despair.

He even made a date on the day of his suicide. He probably couldn't bear the emotional breakdown and chose to end his life. "

"There was a date that day, which means that the deceased had no intention of committing suicide. Logically speaking, it is also possible that he committed suicide, right?"

Conan on the side heard this and asked with some doubts.

"Because after receiving the report, the first mobile search team that rushed to the scene found English text messages sent by the deceased and his mother during the investigation, so the case was closed as a suicide at that time."

Hearing this, Karasawa said: "As for the third messenger, she is mainly the most popular bartender in the Roppongi bar, Miss Hikogami Kyouka.

She obviously made a lot of money, but she only lived in an old apartment and beer cans.

Empty beer cans were scattered haphazardly around the hanging feet and on the table.

And judging from his diary. She discovered that the boyfriend she had been helping was actually a marriage fraudster.

Because all his money was defrauded, he even gave up and hanged himself. "

"The fraudster was also arrested later."

Miwako Sato added: “But the crime is not to defraud money but to commit murder.

In addition, according to the records on the scroll, the man borrowed a lot of money outside and accidentally stabbed someone to death during a dispute with an underground bank. "

I remember it was Mr. Ida who arrested this prisoner. "

"Mr. Ida?"

Conan was a little confused when he heard the name Sato Miwako said.

"Oh, by the way, neither of you have seen him."

Miwako Sato reacted after hearing this: "Mr. Date, he died in a traffic accident shortly after he arrested the prisoner.

I remember Takagi once told me about Mr. Dai, who was hit by a dozing driver because he was trying to pick up a fallen notebook. "

"Is Takagi also present?" Conan asked in surprise.

"Well, the two of them stayed up late at night and were preparing to go home during the day. When Mr. Date took out his notebook and was about to show Takagi something, he was accidentally hit by a car."

Miwako Sato explained: “The notebook that Takagi often uses is a relic left by Mr. Date.

Takagi is very motivated and hopes to fill up his notebook. "

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