Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,435 The Suspect of Suicide

meeting room.

Although it was not yet time for the meeting, because of the suddenness and seriousness of the matter, the senior officials arrived very early.

Of course, as far as the nature of this matter is concerned, they don't think it is very serious. If it were an ordinary form, even if it was a professional group, they would not worry too much. At most, it would just be a meeting and go through the process.

But whoever let this matter involve Karasawa and Saitama, the person above who made the mistake must be careful, otherwise a political fight will easily arise.

Therefore, everyone arrived very early, so that the meeting started early.

Of course, before the meeting started, it was not to directly punish Naoki Kamei, but to ask him to explain what happened, which was considered to be a hearing, and then to discuss how to deal with it.

Originally, Naoki Kamei had collapsed because he was chasing the suspect and causing someone's death. However, after hearing Karasawa's encouragement, he still cheered up and began to slowly tell the ins and outs of this case.

The cause of these cases was the death of a female shareholder in a restaurant run by Naoki Uye's girlfriend's father.

So when his girlfriend told him the news in a casual chat, it made him a little concerned.

The reason why he was a little concerned was because when his girlfriend took him to his father's restaurant for dinner, he happened to see the husband of the female shareholder coming to see him.

The two are a combination of an old wife and a young husband. The woman is very old, but the man is still very young.

This kind of combination is not common, so Ueki Ueki also asked his girlfriend at the beginning.

His girlfriend said that because there was a big age difference between the two, she was really worried at first.

But Keiko Kimie is obsessed with each other, and the man has a good personality, and they get along well with each other, so she gradually feels relieved.

But the good times didn't last long. Junjie Keiko died suddenly after two years of marriage.

Takeda received a huge amount of insurance compensation because of this incident.

"So you suspect that this is an insurance murder case, but you can't confirm it based on this."

One of the middle-aged criminals frowned slightly when he heard this. It was obvious that after listening to Uye Naoki's words, his impression of him changed slightly.

As far as attitude is concerned, Naoki Uyei is able to suspect the other party of committing insurance fraud and killing people despite minor anomalies in life. This attitude proves that the other party is serious about his work.

For those who don't worry about it, it doesn't matter whether they are an old wife, a young husband, or an old cow eating young grass. At most, they just treat it as a joke and laugh it off.

So although his words seemed to be questioning, they were actually giving Naoki Uye an excuse to explain in detail what he had done.

In this case, the officers will have a different impression of him after listening to his words.

"If it were just this, I wouldn't think there's a problem, but I found out that Takeda obtained money from multiple women to make a living."

Uye Naoki explained: "I have investigated this man, Takeda Changping. He is thirty-one years old. His parents died long ago and he is an orphan.

After coming out of the orphanage, he worked in a restaurant and kept changing jobs.

Later, he became a pretty boy, kept by an older woman, and later married the deceased.

And during the time I was following him, I knew that he had been in contact with several women.

As for his wife's death, it was deemed to be death from illness. "

"Then tell me in detail how you came into contact with the other party and then pursued the other party." Saitama nodded after listening to Uye Naoki's previous story and asked him to continue repeating.

"This started when I followed him."

Uye Naoki said: "One day I followed him and found him meeting a good-looking woman of the same age.

After that, the two separated, but while riding his motorcycle, he glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, suddenly became furious, and then started smashing his motorcycle like crazy.

His behavior also scared the passers-by. He even yelled and cursed at them angrily, looking like he was looking for trouble, which scared the passers-by and ran away again and again. "

"Then how did you do it?" Tang Ze asked.

"I wasn't scared by him. Seeing that his hand was injured, I asked him to bandage it."

Uye Naoki said: "At that time, he said that he hated hospitals and criminals, so I helped him cover up. After that, the two of us started chatting casually."

"What exactly did they talk about?" one of the bald executives asked.

"He said that my waistcoat has good taste and asked me where I bought it." When Naoki Uyei said this, everyone unconsciously looked at his clothes.

Speaking of criminals, they usually wear two-piece suits, but young people like Karasawa will occasionally change their style and wear a vest under their coat.

In winter, it can also play a role in keeping out the cold.

Naoki Ueijing naturally saw everyone's looks, but he just paused and continued: "Later, he asked me if it was a gift from my girlfriend, and also asked me if my girlfriend was beautiful.

After I admitted it, he said that he was also waiting for a woman, but a super ugly one, and then she said goodbye and left.

Later, I came to the house for the second time and wanted to talk to him again, but who knew that he was not in the house but had just come back from outside.

He heard what I and the apartment manager said, and then he chased me to the rooftop..."

There is no need to mention the rest. Everyone present knew that Naoki Kamei was mainly persuading, but when he retreated, he took the initiative to get on the edge of the rooftop fence, and then jumped down with a roar. .

"The investigation file shows that the insurance amount was 60 million, and the deceased died suddenly of a heart attack."

After listening to Uye Naoki's words, Saitama clicked on the investigation report on the table. He did not talk about the jumping case, but instead talked about the situation of the other deceased: "After preliminary investigation, Kimie Keiko has always been in good health. Yes, the other party’s physical examination records in the hospital three years ago also confirmed this.

But the strange thing is that the local doctor believed that Junjie Keiko died of illness, and the man did not request an autopsy in the end...

Saitama's words reached this point. Although he did not say it clearly, everyone present understood the meaning of his words.

The combination of large insurance amounts and sudden physical illness is indeed problematic.

Obviously, the other party's intention was to side with Naoki Ue, and he felt that there was something fishy about Takeda Changping's death, and there should be some hidden secret behind it.

"Indeed, Takeda's death was very strange."

The Hakuba police chief, who had been sitting silently in the main seat, spoke up: "Then let's find out what's the secret behind Takeda Tsunehira's death.

We cannot let people die in vain, and we cannot let our outstanding young people be punished in vain. "

Hearing the words of the White Horse Police Director, the expressions of some of the people present who were about to speak changed slightly, and when the words came to their lips, they quickly changed their words and agreed.

There is no way, the second-in-command of the Criminal Investigation Department and the first-in-command of the Metropolitan Police Department have spoken out about this matter, so there is no room for objection even if they want to.

Although the Criminal Investigation Department is the superior department of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is very special. If the police chief has different opinions, Saitama's orders will not be effective.

But on the contrary, if both parties reach a consensus, then even if some people have different opinions, they have to hold it in, because even if they are spoken out, it will have no effect.

But Tangze also knew that saying this didn't mean that he had no worries.

Although the other party's last sentence seems to be supporting their side, it can also be seen as a reverse understanding.

If there is nothing strange about Takeda's death, then I'm afraid Naoki Uyei will have to bear the responsibility himself.

But even that is enough. In this case, it seems that the White Horse Police Chief still maintains a neutral attitude, and that is enough.

In this way, a political dispute was stopped because of the White Horse Police Chief's statement before the other party could say anything.

Of course, everyone knows that this is temporary and everything still depends on the investigation results of the case.

But even that was enough. What Saitama and the others had to do was to avoid punishing Naoki Uei as soon as the meeting started.

If this is the case, when facing media reporters later, the spokesperson will directly state that the person involved will be severely punished.

If it were really published, there would be no room for reversal from this punishment.

Even if the investigation does come up with other results by then, because the decision has been announced to the public, this matter can only go on like this.

Because the decisions made by the Metropolitan Police cannot be changed overnight, for the sake of face or credibility, I have no choice but to aggrieve Naoki Kamei.

This is what the political opponents at the conference table want to achieve.

Don't think that they are purely suppressing and looking for trouble. This time they are totally here for Naoki Kamei.

In other words, it's for the position behind him!

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Naoki Kamei was trained as the successor to the head of the group class.

If he were to get rid of him, then the successor would be replaced, and the position of team director would be available.

This is an important official position at the same level as the Minister of Criminal Affairs. Mastering this position means that everyone in the team will be able to use it. This is a considerable force.

In political battles, you cannot just take any trivial matter at face value. If it had been someone else, this case might have been reduced to a minor matter, but it happened to be Naoki Uyei who got into trouble.

In this way, even small things will be taken advantage of by others, because they are "drunkards who are not interested in drinking" and are aiming at the position behind him.

So after the meeting, Karasawa had no intention of taking a rest. After a few words of comfort to Naoki Uye, he took Nanatsuki Koshimizu to the room of the deceased.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, the person suddenly jumped to his death, and it is impossible to ask questions. Then naturally, the only choice is to come to the other person's house to see if the other person has written a diary or left a suicide note.

But it was obvious that Takeda Changhei was a serious person. He did not write a diary, and there was no suicide note in the room.

But this is normal. After all, it was an emergency that the other party was forced to the rooftop. Even if he was determined to die, it was normal not to write a suicide note in advance.

This room looked like a normal man's room, but there was still something that attracted him.

That is a pot of flowers placed in the house.

Tang Ze had never seen this kind of flower before. A small pot was placed in front of his desk.

I don’t know if it’s because of the heating in the room, so this pot of flowers is blooming very well. The small blue flowers give people a sense of remoteness and tranquility.

There are two books next to the flower pots, titled "Children with Heart Disease" and "Children's Heart Disease and Surgery", which introduce children's heart disease.

Tang Ze took the titles of these two books into his eyes, but soon his eyes fell on the brochure next to them.

The brochure shows an old woman with a bright smile on her face, and the brochure says "Youth Support Club Sunny Garden".

Tangze flipped through the promotional page and found that the introduction was quite good. It was a kind of aid for unemployed youth.

Tangze remembered the above information in his heart, and then looked elsewhere.

"Karasawa Criminal."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's voice came from the balcony. He stepped toward the balcony and found Koshimizu Nanatsuki pointing at a vest hanging on the clothes rack: "This."

"This should be the vest that Naoki Kamei bought after he said it." Tangze looked at the silver-gray vest on the clothes drying rack, frowned and said, "Why do people who buy new clothes commit suicide? What’s on my mind.”

"Who knows, maybe the deceased wanted to be luxurious before he died?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki guessed.

"Let's go, there shouldn't be much useful in this room."

Karasawa left with Koshisui Nanatsuki: "Go back to the science and research. Narumi-kun should have finished dissecting the body by this time."

"The deceased jumped from a building and died. I'm afraid the autopsy report won't yield much." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed without hope as he got into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

"No gain is gain, at least the autopsy can help us eliminate some options." Tangze started the car and returned to Kesouyan.

However, after arriving at Aso Minoru's office and seeing the autopsy report handed over by the other party, Koshimizu Nanatsuki scratched his head and said, "This is really a slap in the face. There is something really different about it."

"The cause of death was undoubtedly falling, but trace amounts of alkaloid-based poisons were detected in the blood?"

After reading the autopsy report, Tang Ze couldn't help but frowned: "In other words, the deceased was poisoned? Could it be that he originally planned to commit suicide by taking poison?"

"This amount is very small and will basically not cause death in a short period of time." Aso said, "This amount is a bit like eating by mistake."

"Yes." Karasawa nodded: "I will verify this later. Koshisui, didn't you send someone to investigate Takeda's business records before? How is the situation?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned around and left, and soon came over with a bank statement.

"Takeda Tsunei received 60 million in insurance money due to the death of his wife two years ago, and he immediately withdrew half of it after that."

Koshizui Nanatsuki handed the transaction record to Karasawa and said: "The remaining 30 million has not been touched a year ago and has been deposited in the bank.

But by the time he died, his savings had dropped to eight million. "

"In other words, his expenses suddenly increased."

All kinds of thoughts kept flashing through Karasawa's mind. After pondering for a while, he decided where to investigate tomorrow, and then made a phone call, intending to tell Naoki Uyei about the information he had investigated today.

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