Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,436 Uekai Naoki’s Investigation

The Kamei family.

After the hearing, Naoki Kamei returned to the apartment in a daze.

After such a big thing happened, he naturally knew about himself and also knew that Tang Ze Criminal was investigating his matter.

Logically speaking, he should have cheered up and tried his best.

After all, this is the trouble he caused, and he will bear the punishment. Naturally, he will do everything he can to investigate and exonerate himself.

But he couldn't do it.

Because as soon as he closes his eyes, the image of Takeda Changping before he committed suicide by jumping off the building will appear in his mind.

The scene at that time kept circling in his mind, making it impossible for him to calm down and do other things.

The huge sense of guilt and guilt continued to interpret his heart, and also suppressed his steps, so that he could no longer muster the courage to leave home and investigate the deceased who was forced to a dead end by himself.

At this moment, he just wanted to numb himself with alcohol, and that's exactly what he did. After drinking glasses of red wine, his brain was numbed by alcohol soon, and he seemed to have given up thinking and pain.

But it was not enough. Naoki Kamei wanted to continue drinking, so he continued to pour wine into the glass to get drunk and lose consciousness.

But before Naoki Kamei could continue pouring the wine, his phone suddenly rang.

After seeing the caller, Uye Naoki immediately cheered up and suppressed his drunkenness to talk to Karasawa.

Listening to Karasawa's investigation today, a warm current flashed through Uye Naoki's chest.

After drinking, his mind was a little confused at the moment, and he just responded blindly when he heard Tang Ze's words.

In the end, Tang Ze Criminal didn't know whether he heard something wrong in his tone or something else. After talking to him, he specially sent him the results and conjectures of his investigation through text messages.

Looking at the short and powerful information in the text message, Uye Naoki's eyes were slightly red.

He put down the wine glass in his hand, made himself some instant noodles, and walked directly to the bed after eating.

It was already very late today, and he had drank, so it was naturally impossible for him to go out and do anything.

Originally, he planned to drink until he was drunk and continue to be drunk when he woke up tomorrow.

But this call from Tangze woke him up like a stick, and he kept telling himself that it wasn't time to give up yet.

With these words in mind, Naoki Kamei gradually fell into sleep under the influence of alcohol.

Early the next morning, Uye Naoki shaved, had breakfast brought by his worried girlfriend, and then drove out.

But after he drove out, he did not rush to investigate the case. Instead, he bought a bouquet of flowers and went to a temple in the suburbs.

Most of Neon's tombs are at the back of the temple, so Naoki Kamei came here not to become a monk, but to pay homage to Takeda Changping.

It had been two or three days since the death of the other party. The other party was an orphan without any relatives. After the body was returned for autopsy, his friend, with the help of the police, performed a ritual for Takeda Tsunehira and buried him early.

Uye Naoki placed the white flowers in his hand in front of the grave, and looked at the tombstone with a complex look on his face.

He clasped his hands together and expressed his sincere condolences.


Suddenly, a female voice sounded from behind. Naoki Uye opened his eyes and looked back, and found a young girl standing behind him.

The other party was wearing a yellow cotton-padded jacket, holding flowers in one hand and a small bucket in the other.

"Are you here to visit Mr. Takeda's grave?" Seeing Uye Naoki turn around, the girl asked curiously.

"Ah...are you a relative of Mr. Takeda?"

As the instigator who indirectly or even directly caused the death of Takeda Tsunehira, Naoki Uyei looked very restrained when facing the people related to the deceased.

"Am I his friend?" After the girl answered Naoki Uye's question, she looked at him and said, "What about you?"

"Ah, I'm his friend too." Naoki Kamei looked at the tombstone and said with a guilty conscience.

When the girl heard this, she didn't say anything more, but came to the tombstone and placed the flowers and offerings in front of the tomb.

After Naoki Kamei and the girl placed the sacrifices in silence, they took the incense brought by the other party and lit them in worship before leaving together.

"You said you were Takeda-kun's friend before, but why haven't I seen you?" After leaving Takeda's tombstone, the girl looked at Uye Naoki and said, "Where did you meet?"

"We met in a motorcycle shop. We are about the same age and have the same interests, so we naturally became friends."

Naoki Kamei has been working as a criminal for so long, and he was in a department that often dealt with extremely evil and cunning criminal gangs. In fact, he has naturally become much more sophisticated and mature.

Therefore, he had predicted that the other party might ask questions before, so he found a reasonable excuse based on his previous contact with the deceased.

"So that's it." The girl nodded suddenly after hearing Naoki Uye's words, and seemed to have believed what he said.

"What about you?" Naoki Uyei wanted to know more about Takeda, so after answering the question, he asked, "Where did you meet?"

"Almost a year ago, at Super Mom's place," the girl said.

"It's the Clear Sky Garden."

After hearing what Naoki Kamui said, the girl casually explained: "It's an aid station for adults.

Many adult orphans who are not doing well, or whose families are desperate, will go there to seek help. "

"Are you talking about Qingkong Garden?"

But after hearing the name mentioned by the girl, Uye Naoki's pupils unconsciously began to shrink violently into pinhole shapes.

Because Qingkong Garden is an organization that their group has recently put on the list of key observations.

Although it seems to be a welfare facility for young people opened by an old lady, which will provide young people with some part-time jobs, meals, etc., this welfare facility is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Because there are a lot of stained young people in it!

Many of them were gangsters who had committed crimes, and many of them were regulars in juvenile detention centers and remained stubborn as adults.

But as adults, they will experience severe beatings from society. After being released, many people gathered in Qingkong Garden for unknown reasons.

Although it is indeed a good thing for the elderly to take care of the homeless young people who are covered with stains and use the kindness of the elders to correct their evil ways, so many young people who have been in prison have entered the same place, so naturally they should pay more attention to it.

Therefore, Qingkong Garden has become their focus of observation recently.

Of course, because no harm has been investigated for the time being, those gangsters seem to have become much more honest after being severely beaten by society, so the higher-ups have decided to remove them from the key observation list after a while.

But he didn't expect that he would actually hear the name "Qingkong Garden" from the mouth of the girl in front of him in this situation.

This had to make him think more. After all, Takeda Changping's suicide revealed something strange, and he also had the experience of staying in Qingkong Garden.

Thinking of this, Naoki Kamei took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Karasawa while chatting with the girl, informing him of this information.

Of course, this small talk was not casual. After introducing himself, he also learned the basic information of the girl.

Minami Reika graduated from high school, and her parents died and she was homeless.

Because he was interested in exploring Qingkong Garden, after a conversation between the two, Naoki Kamei expressed his curiosity about Qingkong Garden, and Minami Reika took him to Qingkong Garden as he expected.

Needless to say, Naoki Kamei was not wearing a suit today but casual clothes. In addition, he looked a little haggard, and he looked like a down-and-out young man.

Qingkong Garden is said to be a welfare organization, but it is not a high-end place.

If I had to say it, it was just an old lady who had a large bungalow with a courtyard in the outer ring of Tokyo, and took in some young people to take care of her.

Under the leadership of Minami Reika, Naoki Kamei quickly entered the "Sunny Sky Garden" smoothly.

It was noon when they arrived, so when the two entered the door, they saw a large number of young people eating at the dining table in the living room that had been transformed into a restaurant.

"Sister Minami." Everyone called out after seeing Reika Minami, and immediately looked at Naoki Uyei next to them: "This is..."

"He is Takeda-kun's friend." Reika Minami introduced, "I'll bring him here to see you."

After hearing Minami Reika's words, everyone's expressions softened a lot, and many young people smiled kindly at Uye Naoki.

"The food is here~ You all should eat more~"

At this moment, a neat old lady came over with several dishes and placed them on the table.

"Ah, Minami, is this your friend? I've never seen him before." After putting down the food, the old lady looked at the two people standing next to her and asked with a smile.

"Hello, I am Naoki Uei." Naoki Uei introduced himself with a slight bow.

"I am Hoshino Miwa." The old woman said with a smile: "Naoki-kun, if you have any questions, you can come to me. At least you can have a full stomach by coming to my place."


Uye Naoki smiled and nodded, while Hoshino Miwa looked at Minami Reika and said: "Minami, come here for a moment."

Hoshino Miwa's tone was slightly cold when she said it at the end, and Uye Naoki could clearly see a trace of fear on Minami Reika's face.

But Reika Minami followed quickly, while Naoki Uyei was enthusiastically pulled to the dining table by other young people and asked him to eat together.

Uye Naoki, who wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two, couldn't get away at all.

However, he also discovered something incongruous, that is, there were two people next to the dining table who seemed to be "isolated" from the others.

No, or maybe it was because of fear that I subconsciously avoided the other person and distanced myself from him.

While eating, Naoki Uyei also noticed that the two young men who frightened the people around them had faint traces of tattoos on their necks.

Obviously, these two people are the target group they focus on.

And he was pulled away from eating enthusiastically by the people around him, maybe at the instigation of the two people next to him, in order to keep him out of sight and avoid Hoshino Mei and their conversation from being heard.

Thinking of this, Uye Naoki couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and faint worry in his heart.

But it has to be said that Uye Naoki’s worries have come true and are happening.

Minami Reika followed Hoshino Miwa to the balcony yard, and saw Hoshino Miwa banging the sliding door glass of the balcony with a cold expression.

The huge sound also made Hoshino Miwa behind him tremble subconsciously.

"Grandma Hoshino..."

Before Minami Rei could say her sweet words, Miwa Hoshino said coldly: "I'm telling you, your fiancé Mr. Yumimae called me.

He said you locked yourself in the bathroom and didn't come out at all. "

"I'm sorry..." Minami Reika shivered immediately after hearing Hoshino Miwa's words.

Seeing Minami Reika's trembling and frightened look, Hoshino Miwa smiled instead of getting angry, "Mom is not angry with you, she is just worried about you~"

Hoshino Miwa stroked Minami Reika's head and smoothed her hair with a kind expression.

Minami Reika was completely under the touch of Hoshino Miwa, but she didn't dare to move at all, as if a poisonous snake was sticking to her face. Although she was scared, she didn't dare to make the slightest move.

And those gentle and kind words were more like the thin tongue of a poisonous snake, licking her cheek.

"Mom is also happy for you~" Hoshino Miwa touched Minami Reika's face in a soft tone: "You also know that you are helpless, and being with that person is the best choice."

Miwa Hoshino came behind Reika Minami and put her in her arms: "Look how pitiful you are. You were abandoned by your parents, and Chang Ping, who took care of you like a brother, is also dead."

Minami Reika's eyes turned red when she heard this, and her body couldn't help trembling slightly. The kind-looking woman touched the girl's chin and looked at her: "The only relative you have now is your mother, right?"

"Hmm..." Minami Reika responded in a low voice, but her face could not stop showing resistance and fear.

"How good~" Hoshino Miwa said with a smile: "This is good news, I want to tell everyone~"

Hoshino Miwa took Minami Reika's hand and came to the restaurant, and then announced the matter with a joyful expression.

And when they heard that Minami Reika had a fiance and it was going smoothly, the young people present were very happy and kept congratulating Minami Reika and wishing her happiness.

After hearing the news, Naoki Kamei was very surprised, but he did not show it, but quietly observed the expressions of the people around him.

The first thing to notice was naturally the two gangsters with tattoos. For some reason, they looked very happy after hearing that Minami Reika had confirmed her fiancé.

But the greed revealed in his eyes also made Naoki Kamei understand that the other party's blessing must have some hidden meaning that he didn't know about, and it must be beneficial to them.

On the contrary, the two older young people sitting next to them were not as happy as the young people around them. Instead, they had worries on their faces and the smiles on their faces were so reluctant.

When they were just eating, Naoki Kamei also noticed that the two young people sitting on both sides of the gangster seemed to be the backbone of this group of young people. They were sitting next to the gangster to protect the others.

And obviously, they may know some hidden secrets behind this.

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