Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,438 Erin Jasmine

Group lessons.

At this moment, in front of the whiteboard in the small conference room inside the group meeting, the criminals from the group meeting class were already standing.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Karasawa watched the last two people enter, then looked at Naoki Ukai and said, "I'll leave the explanation to you."


Uye Naoki nodded, picked up a pen and stood in front of the whiteboard where various information was listed: "Youth Support Club Qingkong Garden, I believe everyone is familiar with it. This was our previous focus of observation.

However, we have never found any illegal behavior in this organization before. It seems to be a positive public welfare organization.

In fact, it is not the case, but the other party's method of obtaining money is not selling anesthetics or making phone calls, but killing people and defrauding insurance companies.

The "super mother" headed by Miwa Hoshino instigated young people who had nowhere to go to live with middle-aged and elderly people who were much older than them, and then secretly poisoned them during their lives, killing them in a very chronic way. "

"As for the method of poisoning, it was the Irene jasmine grown by Miwa Hoshino."

Karasawa placed a flowerpot with beautiful blue flowers on the table and showed it to everyone: "The leaves of this flower contain alkaloid toxins, and only a very small amount of toxins can be extracted from a plant.

But if a small amount becomes a large number, it can cause death.

Not only that, because this flower is an ornamental flower and has moderate toxicity, it can be purchased even in ordinary flower shops.

Even if Mi Hoshino and the "super mom" raised these words openly in the yard, no one would doubt it.

In the container contracted by Clear Sky Garden, we found a large number of leaves of Irene jasmine and the necessary chemicals to produce toxins. "

After going to Takeda Tsunehira's house and seeing Irene Jasmine from the other party's house and later confirming the toxicity, Karasawa basically determined that this might be a crime of murder and bail fraud.

But at that time, the evidence basically pointed to Takeda Changping, the deceased, who committed murder and defrauded bail, and Karasawa's investigation direction has always been this.

It wasn't until Naoki Kamei's text message told him that Qingkong Garden was an organization that was included in the key investigation of group inspections, that Tang Ze combined with the brochures at the deceased's home and realized that there might be an organization behind this case of murder and insurance fraud. crime.

And knowing that there is a problem in Qingkong Garden, Karasawa will naturally investigate.

Later, during his investigation, he also learned that this was a key observation object included in the team meeting, so Tangze went to get their investigation materials first.

However, the result of the investigation was that although the gangsters sometimes bullied Qingkongyuan's companions, they did not target transactions such as narcotics smuggling.

To verify this, they also followed them for a long time to make sure they had not touched them.

After reading this, Karasawa ruled out some of the commonly used criminal methods of the Yakuza. Finally, combined with Takeda Changhei's case of defrauding insurance companies and killing people, he speculated that Qingkong Garden may have chemicals and a large amount of raw materials for the container storage system.

And it was precisely because of this that they happened to encounter the scene where Minami Reika locked Uye Naoki in a container.

It can be said that if it hadn't been for the information sent by Naoki Ue, it would have been impossible for Karasawa to notice Qingkong Garden and happen to meet Naoki Ue and fall into the trap.

It feels a bit like drinking and pecking.

"It is such a beautiful flower, but it is actually more powerful than the thorns of roses." The middle-aged criminal on the side looked at the blue jasmine in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, and jasmine tea can be said to be a very common type of scented tea, so even if people who drink the tea are poisoned and drink it, they will not be defensive when they hear that it is jasmine." Nanatsuki Koshizu agreed.

"Because 'Irene' is the only female name that can fool Sherlock Holmes."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Maybe its name also has such a meaning."

"Among the harmless flowers, is there a poisonous flower that is indistinguishable?" Koshizui Nanatsuki said after hearing this: "It's really vivid."

"Introduce young people to middle-aged and elderly people who have no way to get married, and then deliberately choose an area where there is a shortage of forensic doctors after getting married. They use poison made from Irene jasmine to weaken the other party bit by bit, and then wait for their death and then pretend to be dead of illness to defraud insurance."

Uye Naoki's eyes were full of coldness: "This method is hidden and cruel, as vicious as the iron worm parasitizing the body of a mantis and eating away the nutrients.

Not only that, those gangsters are also in the same group as Hoshino Miwa.

Some desperate young people simply thought that they had arrived at a rescue and support center, and naturally they were unwilling to kill people after Hoshino Miwa showed her fangs.

At this time, those gangsters will force them to submit, forcing them to commit crimes and join them in the crime.

This is why this organization has been committing crimes for so long, but no one dares to report it.

They were originally a group of marginalized young people who were desperate and could not even afford food. After intimidation, inducement and survival crisis, they had no choice but to succumb. "

"But the other party's methods are too covert, so these of us can only be regarded as indirect evidence, right?"

A bearded criminal rubbed his chin and frowned: "It's not easy to nail them."

"The deceased Naoki Kamei once pursued left a list of names for Minami Reika, whom he regarded as his sister."

Tangze clicked on a list of names on the whiteboard: "We have investigated these people, and the youngest among them is only 19 years old, and the oldest is only 25 years old. Both men and women are married.

And just like the previous crime pattern in Clear Sky Garden, the spouses are all middle-aged and elderly people who are much older than them.

What needs to be focused on is the man named Komuro Takashi. He and his marriage partner have just been married for about a month.

At this time, the other party should have just started poisoning, so there is a high chance that Irene Jasmine's poison can be found in the other party's home.

Not only that, if a blood test is performed on his wife, there is a high chance that the same alkaline poison will be detected.

If these are consistent, then we have decisive evidence and can directly arrest all those involved in Clear Sky Garden. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Just do it!" The grumpy man couldn't help but urge.

"Then I will start to arrange the arrest operation."

Tangze said: "We need to divide our troops into two groups for this operation. One side will arrest Komuro Takashi and confirm that his wife has the same toxin in her blood.

On the other side, people at Qingkong Garden need to be watched first to prevent them from learning that something happened to Komuro Takashi.

If there is no time to verify the evidence and there is something unusual in Qingkong Garden, arrest him immediately! "


All the criminals responded one after another, and everyone was determined to solve the case and tide over the difficulties for their little brother.

To be honest, the most difficult part of criminal work is when you use your brain. As for the conventional arrest process based on the crowd tactics, there are basically few criminals who can make waves.

So it took them almost an afternoon to obtain physical evidence and a confession from Komuro Takashi, and successfully arrested all those involved in Qingkong Garden.

And because of the relationship between this case and Naoki Kamei, the opportunity for interrogation was given to him and Karasawa.

"Naoki, get me a cigarette."

In the interrogation room, when they saw Karasawa and the others entering, Miwa Hoshino held her chin and urged impatiently, as if an elder was ordering a junior around without politeness.

Naoki Kamei looked at Karasawa, asking with his eyes whether he should give the other person a cigarette, or just lose his temper and kill the other person's prestige, so as to facilitate the subsequent questioning.

"Give her one."

Tang Ze smiled nonchalantly, "Don't be like this, you won't have the chance to smoke again if you go in.

Just let her have one last smoke before quitting smoking. "

"There's so much thorn in your words, kid."

Miwa Hoshino took the cigarette sent by Naoki Uye, lit it and lit Karasawa: "At first glance, he looks like a guy full of bad intentions."


Hearing Hoshino Miwa's words, Naoki Kamei was furious and threw the table. "Be careful what you say, Karasawa-senpai is not someone like you who can question you at will!!"

Hoshino Miwa, who successfully asked for cigarettes, thought that the two of them had no intention of showing off. After all, she had spoken so rudely before, and neither of them said anything bad to her.

But she didn't expect that when she was ridiculing Karasawa, she stepped on Uye Naoki's point of view, and her angry look scared Hoshino Miwa for a moment.

"Are you really going to scare me to death?" After coming back to his senses, Hoshino Mihe scolded her seductively: "You little liar, men are really unreliable!"

"If you have to say it's a lie, you must have deceived everyone." Naoki Uyei snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Miwa Hoshino smoked a cigarette and remained silent, apparently not wanting to argue with Uye Naoki at all.

"You look a lot like Erin Jasmine."

Looking at Miwa Hoshino smoking silently, Karasawa suddenly spoke.

"Ara, this is the first time that a handsome guy like you has compared me to a flower." Miwa Hoshino took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile.

"Want to know the reason?"

After Karasawa finished speaking, he didn't wait for Hoshino Miwa to speak, and said to himself: "You look like you have a gentle smile on the surface, and you perform heart-warming good deeds.

But on the contrary, it has a completely opposite and extremely poisonous true face.

Just like the Eileen jasmine, drinking ordinary jasmine is good for people's health, but drinking it can only bring death to people. "

Hoshino Miwa sneered twice, then returned to her expressionless look: "Whatever my true identity is, I am who I am."

"Takashi Komuro has confessed and found the poison you provided in his home. He admitted that you forced him to commit insurance money murder."

Uye Naoki looked at Hoshino Miwa and said: "In addition, several others also said that they were coerced by you to commit insurance money murders."

"You were the one who followed their confessions, taught them the killing techniques and decided the target."

Tang Zedan said calmly: "You rely on your kind appearance and Qingkongyuan to find and get close to middle-aged and elderly people who have no partners.

Then after getting acquainted with them, he introduced partners to them and claimed that those were poor children and hoped that they could take more care of them.

Not only that, your helpers also admit that they help you control those young people and force them to accept their significant others who are much older than them.

These are all the confessions they provided. Do you have anything to defend? "

Hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshino Miwa seemed very angry. She took a deep drag on her cigarette and said with a stern face: "Those guys have all betrayed me. The only one who has not betrayed me is Chang Ping.

Oh, by the way, he must have been chased to a dead end by you and finally jumped off the building. What a pity. "

"I forgot to tell you that it was Mr. Chang Ping's text message that provided the list."

After hearing Hoshino Miwa's words, Karasawa immediately told her the fact of being arrested in a heart-wrenching manner.

As expected, after hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshino Miwa's face immediately turned gloomy, "I thought that boy was easy to control, but I didn't expect..."

"Perhaps some people are weak and can be controlled by you, but the goodwill and moral sense in their hearts will also make them escape from your control." Naoki Uyei looked at Hoshino Miwa's cloudy eyes and said: "You can't win the hearts of the people. So it is inevitable that we will end up like this in the end.”

"I'm just one move away from you, so I'm willing to admit defeat."

Hoshino Miwa's expression was horrifying: "But it was obviously me who took in those helpless brats so that they would not be treated as dregs by society.

It was me who showed them the path of life and allowed him to survive. It was you who really killed him, Naoki! "

Hoshino Miwa no longer had any scruples when she said this, and completely exposed her bad nature: "And those people who were killed were all freaks who were older than they were yet married.

It can be said that they are the dregs eliminated by society, a group of marginal characters that no one pays attention to.

I allowed them to spend an unimaginable happy time with young people, which is much better than them dying alone. "

"The reason why you understand so well the psychology of people being deceived is because you have also been deceived before?"

Karasawa looked at the shattered Hoshino Miwa and asked: "After investigating your information, I discovered that when you were 20 years old, you also encountered a fraudulent marriage and was deceived of everything by your young partner.

Was it what happened at that time that made you who you are now?

After you were deceived, not only did you not feel ashamed of it, but you admitted this path and started killing people and defrauding insurance companies. "

"Stop talking, stop talking about me!"

Hoshino Miwa, who originally didn't care about anything, suddenly started to look flustered. His original unscrupulousness was now revealed by Karasawa's words, which revealed the part of his heart that he didn't want to see others the most.

The so-called murder and heart-breaking is nothing more than this.

"Your sins are great, so you must atone for your actions."

Tang Ze said calmly: "Spend your old age in a cage and wait for death every day. The death penalty will definitely be carried out before you die of old age and peace."

Based on the crimes Miwa Hoshino committed and the number of people she instigated to kill, it was inevitable that she would be sentenced to death for betrayal, and the other party was also very old. In order to prevent the prisoner from dying of old age in a cage, perhaps the death penalty would come to her sooner.

Under this situation, Hoshino Miwa has to wait in the cage every morning for the sentence of death.

This kind of fear will cruelly torture her to death.

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