Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,439 The truth behind suicide

Hoshino Mei and the "Super Mom" ​​were arrested.

Behind her arrest was an organized crime gang.

Killing middle-aged and elderly people through marriage to defraud insurance.

For the Metropolitan Police Department, this is not only a serious serial murder case, but also a new type of crime.

When the case was solved, it immediately attracted widespread attention from the Metropolitan Police Department and media reporters.

After all, this involves double-digit deaths, and at the same time, this kind of behavior of using the lives of the parties involved in exchange for money is really too bad.

Miwa Hoshino also changed from a "super mother" to a "super vicious woman" and was dubbed "the most vicious man-eating witch" by media reporters.

The impact of Tsunehira Takeda's suicide by jumping off a building on Naoki Kamei was also minimized, because the existing evidence clearly confirmed that the other party was the murderer.

This kind of suspect was afraid of running away because he was suspected by the police, and finally chose to jump off the building. At best, it can only be regarded as an accident on duty, and the outside media will not say anything if they find out.

In the final analysis, public opinion is like this. No matter how many hidden reasons are behind it, as long as you kill someone, you have no human rights.

When external public opinion reverses, there is even less pressure within the Metropolitan Police Department.

When arresting criminals, it's all a matter of keeping their heads in their belts. Some criminals can be shot dead on the spot during the arrest process.

Just go through the normal process and write a report and that's it.

He even had a blessing in disguise because he finally uncovered such a large murder gang.

There is no way, it is just so realistic, everything will be decided based on the final result.

Fortunately, the person he was chasing this time was indeed a murderer. If it were an innocent person who was hunted down and killed, then Naoki Uyei would really plummet.

This is the "consequential theory", which is very cruel and realistic. After all, the motivation is the subjective consciousness of the person, and it is possible to lie, but the result is objective.

But Naoki Kamei was not happy. He still could not get out of the gloom and even thought of resigning. Naturally, Karasawa did not allow his resignation and directly called Naoki Kamei and asked him to come to his office.

"Karasawa Criminal..."

After knocking on the door and entering, he looked at Naoki Kamei who was writing a case report at his desk. He looked at Karasawa with a bitter look on his face and bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your kindness...

But I know that Takeda Changhei is not such a heinous person, and he was also coerced.

And I drove him to death during the hunt..."

"Do you think I'm here to persuade you not to resign?"

Tangze finished the report and stood up immediately: "The case is not over yet. Even if you want to resign, you have to finish this case with me before you think about it, right?"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Naoki Kamei smiled helplessly. The hidden meaning in the other party's words was already obvious, that is, he hoped that he would wait until the follow-up finishing work was completed before reconsidering whether to resign.

Naoki Kamei didn't know what method Karasawa chose to convince him, but he was indeed frustrated.

But in the face of Karasawa, Naoki Kamei couldn't refuse in the end. He finally nodded and said, "Okay... I'll accompany you, senior."

Karasawa patted the other party's shoulder and led Uye Naoki to an apartment.

After the doorbell rang, someone quickly opened the door, revealing a woman with long hair.

She looked to be about thirty years old, but her age did not conceal her beauty. Instead, it gave her eyebrows a hint of charm and mature charm.

"You are here..." the woman greeted Tang Ze with a smile.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Shimizu." Karasawa smiled at the gentle woman with a beautiful face in front of him, then looked at Naoki Ukai and said, "Do you know her?"

"She...I have met her, she is Takeda Tsunehira's..." Naoki Uyei got stuck mid-sentence because he didn't know how to describe the relationship between the two.

After all, according to his investigation, Takeda Changping had many women or targets, and she seemed to be one of them.

It would be inaccurate to say they are lovers, but having one lover seems a bit hurtful.

"One of the lovers?"

Mrs. Qingshui looked at Naoki Kamei, who looked a little shocked, and smiled kindly: "It doesn't matter, I know. You two should come in first. You can't let the guests stand in front of the door and talk."

After hearing Mrs. Qingshui's words, the two stepped into the house, and then saw the woman carrying the girl who was playing wildly in the living room into the house, comforting her daughter to play in the house, and then walked out.

After serving tea and pouring water, the woman looked at Tang Ze and said, "Tang Ze Criminal, you said before that you would tell me the real reason for Chang Ping's death. Can you tell me now?"

"Before that, please tell my companion about the relationship between the two of you, right?" Tangze looked at Mrs. Qingshui and said with a smile.

"That's it." Mrs. Qingshui nodded, and immediately her eyes filled with memories: "It was almost five years ago, when I took care of Takeda with my wallet.

Although I liked him very much, I also knew that to him I was just one of his many lovers, and we broke up later. "

"That child..." Uye Naoki said hesitantly.

"It seems that men subconsciously think this way."

Hearing what Naoki Kamui said, Mrs. Shimizu smiled and said: "Two years ago, I met Chang Ping again by chance, and I had this child with me at that time.

Then when he saw Nao, he asked me if the child was his.

Maybe it was because I still couldn't forget him, so I admitted it by mistake.

But in fact, it was my child with another man. "

"Mr. Takeda will believe it after that." Karasawa said.

"Yes." Mrs. Shimizu nodded: "After Takeda started paying alimony, he actually said that he wanted to change his household registration and register as the father of the child."

"He likes Nao very much, right?" Karasawa asked.

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Mrs. Shimizu's face was filled with nostalgic memories: "This is the first time I know that he actually likes children so much.

He goes crazy and plays with his children, and we seem to have become a happy family of three..."

"Then why is he so impulsive to commit suicide..." Naoki Ueijing said with a look of confusion on his face, "Obviously he still has children..."

"Is Nao-chan sick?" Karasawa asked.

"How do you know?" Mrs. Qingshui looked at Tang Zedao with a surprised expression.

"In Mr. Takeda's room, there are several books about children's heart disease."

Tangze turned to look at the girl in the bedroom and said, "But from the way she was lively before, she didn't look like she had a heart disease."

"I lied..."

Mrs. Qingshui looked guilty and said: "In order for him to give me more money, I told him that Nao would spend 20 million because of a heart disease..."

"Mr. Takeda, do you believe it?" Naoki Uyei asked.

"He believed it and cried, saying that it was his fault and that he had done something bad that made Nao sick."

Mrs. Qingshui said guiltily: "At that time, he firmly believed in what he said to me, and I was a single mother and my life was very difficult. Then I couldn't stop.

The last time we met, he was still telling me not to worry about money..."

"Please look at this."

Karasawa took out an insurance policy and handed it to Mrs. Shimizu: "This is the insurance policy purchased by Takeda Changhei."

"This is...!!" Mrs. Qingshui was shocked when she saw the policy.

"Mr. Takeda tried every means to raise the medical expenses for Nao's treatment."

Tangze explained: "Based on his past experiences, he thought of a way to collect money, and that was to kill people with insurance money."

“Insurance money kills!?”

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Mrs. Qingshui was suddenly shocked: "How could this happen? Then who did he kill?"

The case of Qingkong Garden had caused quite a stir before, and Takeda Changping's death naturally made the news, so Mrs. Shimizu also knew what he had done.

But if she was tempted to kill again for her daughter Takeda Changping, then she would be responsible for this person's death.

"He didn't kill anyone, because this time he chose to kill himself." Tangze's words made Mrs. Qingshui freeze on the spot: "How could this happen..."

"According to Mr. Chang Ping's autopsy report, we found alkaline poisons in Mr. Chang Ping's body."

Tangze said: "You should know their criminal methods after watching the recent news about Qingkong Garden.

And Mr. Chang Ping used that criminal method to continuously drink small amounts of poison, intending to let himself die of a sudden heart attack and leave the insurance money to Nao.

And when he was chased by Kamijing-kun, he thought of another way and chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

In this way, not only can you get the accident insurance money, but you can also get a compensation from the Metropolitan Police Department.

But luckily Nao-chan didn't get sick. "


Hearing Tangze's words, Mrs. Qingshui showed a guilty look on her face. She stood up and said, "That's enough for the conversation. I have to take care of the child."

Hearing Mrs. Shimizu's obvious farewell words, Karasawa stood up and stretched out his finger: "One last thing, there is a restaurant receipt among Mr. Takeda's belongings, and there is a children's meal inside.

I think this is proof that the three of you had dinner together, right? "

"He said he might not see us for a while, so he wanted to treat us to dinner." Mrs. Qingshui explained.

"He probably regarded the meal he spent with you as his last meal."

Karasawa looked at Uye Naoki and said, "Wear the new shirt and vest you recommended to him."

"Yeah, I was surprised when he came in wearing a vest because I had never seen him dressed like that."

Mrs. Qingshui choked: "He was very happy to say that this was recommended to him by the person who bandaged his hand, and said that person was really good..."

After saying this, Mrs. Qingshui could no longer hold back the pain in her heart and burst into tears.

Maybe she also regrets that she lost a man who loved her and her daughter because of her deception.

Regret that because of his deception, Takeda Changping chose death.

Nao in the room heard her mother's cry and ran out quickly. Mrs. Shimizu held Nao in her arms and comforted her daughter, indicating that she was fine.

Seeing this scene, Karasawa and Uye Naoki silently chose to leave.

"Do you still remember the last words Mr. Chang Ping said to you?"

After leaving the apartment and walking on the street, Karasawa looked at Naoki Kamui and asked.

"He said, "How could you give up?"..." Uye Naoki replied.

"I think at that time he wanted to pretend that he died due to a fall due to an accident under investigation."

Karasawa said: "He tried his best to save Nao, so when he was chased by you, he suddenly thought that you were someone who could be used, so he ran to the rooftop.

Although it is a case full of lies and misunderstandings, his love for his children as a father is true. "

"So it's not because of my coercion..." Uye Naoki's face was complicated, and the frown he had been frowning unknowingly relaxed.

"Yeah, it's not your fault."

Karasawa patted Ue Naoki on the shoulder and said, "Even without you, he would choose to commit suicide.

From his point of view, although he will be panicked at first when you appear, he doesn't want his plan of committing suicide and defrauding insurance to fail because of your arrest.

But during the escape process, he may have realized that your pursuit can also help him complete his plan, and even get more money to save his daughter.

From that moment on, his purpose changed, so he ran to a place like the rooftop that had a high probability of being a dead end. "

"I know, I won't consider leaving my job anymore."

After listening to Karasawa's restoration of the truth, Naoki Kamei's inner guilt quietly dissipated, so he looked at Karasawa and bowed his thanks: "I'm sorry for making you worry, senior."

"It doesn't matter."

Karasawa patted Uye Naoki on the shoulder: "When you go back later, remember to thank everyone in the team. They have also worried a lot about your affairs."

"Yes, I will." Naoki Ueijing nodded. His originally young face, coupled with the firmness after regaining his strength, seemed to be a little more mature.

"If you need my help, just ask." Tangze was filled with relief when he saw Uye Naoki choose to cheer up.

"Well, there may be something I really need your help with, Karasawa Criminal." Naoki Kamei smiled sheepishly and scratched his head.

"What's the matter?" After hearing Naoki Kamei's words, Tang Ze became curious, not knowing what the other party was planning to ask him to do.

"Well, I would like to ask Karasawa Criminal to help Miss Minami and her companions find a job."

Uewai Naoki explained: “Most of the young people in Qingkong Garden are homeless, and most of them have been arrested, but there are also some poor young people who were not involved in crime who have lost their place.

The Metropolitan Police Department will definitely not care about their stay, so I think you are the only one who can handle this matter easily, Karasawa Criminal Investigation. "

"That's it. You're quite thoughtful."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this and said: "This is easy to handle, and my factory doesn't mind adding a few more young people.

The job is definitely not that easy, but if they perform well in the future and there is room for improvement, ask them if they are willing. "

"It's definitely possible." Naoki Kamei said happily: "Thank you, senior."

"It's a small thing." Karasawa hugged Naoki Uye and smiled: "Let's go and eat."

"Please let me treat you!" Naoki Ueijing said quickly.

"Okay, watch me feast on you today." Tang Ze responded with a smile and walked towards the restaurant on the street.

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