Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,445 The horrified Toru Amuro

Seeing Karasawa starting to put out the fire, two boys, Genta and Mitsuhiko, were a little frightened after just escaping from death, but they still rushed to help.

However, the two of them were smart enough to know that there were two bags in the room, so they rushed in, took out the backpacks, and rummaged through the water and drinks in the bags.

"Wait, don't pour it directly, wet your clothes first."

Seeing the two little ones opening the bottle caps and pouring water on the flames, Tang Ze quickly stopped them.

After hearing what Tang Ze said, the two people quickly poured water onto the clothes in Tang Ze's hands. When Tang Ze said it was enough, they poured the remaining water directly into the wooden house, while Tang Ze also took the wet clothes and continued to extinguish the flames.

With the joint efforts of Tang Ze and the two little ones, the fire that had gradually become fierce was finally contained and eventually extinguished quickly.

After finishing all this, not only Tang Ze breathed a sigh of relief, but the two little ones even sat down on the ground.

For them, this nightmare scene is finally over.

"You two, you did a good job." Tang Ze looked at the two little ones and praised them with a smile, and his encouragement instantly made them happy.

It was obviously praised by Tang Ze, which was more useful to them than drinking a big tonic.

Letting the little ones rest in place for the time being, Tangze took out his cell phone and directly chose to call the police. Then he took the coat in his hand and twisted it into a rope to roughly tie up the prisoner.

Although it was possible for the opponent to break free from such a rough binding, after Tang Ze's previous attack, the guy learned the lesson and lay still on the ground.

On the other side, Conan and Sera Masumi, who were heading to another direction in the forest, found a mysterious train ring left by an unknown person next to a warning sign showing snakes.

And through this ring, they also discovered the half-buried body.

This discovery immediately shocked Conan and both of them, and what followed immediately was unstoppable worry.

After all, the body was half buried by the prisoner, and a mysterious train ring fell next to it. It's hard not to think about the relationship between the two.

Conan ran to a nearby place with a signal to call the police, and then he and Sera Masumi continued to search for the bodies of several small animals nearby.

When the police arrived, he learned from the criminal department that someone had called the police not far away, saying that a murderer had set fire to silence several children.

After learning the news, Conan couldn't sit still. He immediately asked for the direction of the nearby wooden house, and then ran non-stop in the direction pointed by the other party.

As he ran along, Conan soon saw the black smoke floating in the sky.

After getting the direction, the two quickened their pace again and soon arrived near the wooden house.

"Hey, are you guys okay!!"

Looking at the few slumped on the ground and Karasawa standing next to him talking to Yamamura Cao, Conan quickly ran over.

"It's okay. Fortunately, Tangze Criminal Arrival arrived in time, otherwise he would have perished in the flames." Haiyuan said while looking at Conan who hurried over.

"We found a body next to the warning sign that read "Snake Infested". Did you happen to meet the prisoner?" Conan looked at Haiyuan and asked.

"Yes, we met that uncle burying the body with a shovel."

Yuantai pointed to the prisoner next to him with a bruised nose and swollen face and said: "We were hiding in the wooden house at that time. He planned to set fire to us. Fortunately, Tangze Criminal Arrival arrived in time."

"Anyway, it's fine." Conan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the prisoner, then looked at Tang Ze and said, "Have you found out the ins and outs of the case?"

"He and the deceased were in a relationship that originally planned to get married, but he was claustrophobic, but his girlfriend locked him in the cabin."

Tangze said: "Then in panic, the other party picked up an ax and hacked the deceased's back to death.

Although it's pitiful to say this, he didn't deserve sympathy because he attacked Haiyuan and the others after killing the prisoner. "

Conan nodded in agreement upon hearing this, and immediately stopped paying attention to the case. Instead, he gathered around a few little ones to comfort them.

And this case has come to an end.

Because the prisoner has been arrested and the murder scene is in the wooden house, there is nothing to argue with when there is irrefutable evidence.

After finishing the notes, Tangze returned to the campsite with a few puppies.

Such a thrilling thing happened, and the little ones were a little distracted at first, but when Conan took out the lost ring, the three little ones immediately confirmed it, and finally found that Ayumi had dropped it when she ran away.

Tang Ze looked at the rings on the small fingers and his pupils shrank violently. Although he already had a guess in his mind, he still pretended to be curious and asked: "What kind of ring is this?"

"Hey, this is the ring of the Mysterious Train Suzuki!" Mitsuhiko stretched out his hand to show it to Karasawa: "We can experience it next week."

"Mysterious train." Tangze's mind was full of thoughts, but on the surface he still looked interested, listening to the three little ones happily talking about the mysterious train.

Conan, who was standing by, saw that the three little ones were attracted by Tang Ze's topic and gradually began to lose their fear. He also joined in and guided them.

In this way, the three little ones quickly got out of the previous haze, and it didn't take long before they began to concentrate on Tang Ze's delicious skewers.

Looking at the three little ones who became lively and vigorous again, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel that they were worthy of being a "young detective team" who often encountered cases. Apart from anything else, they had developed their psychological qualities.

If children usually escape death, how can they be so energetic? It would be nice if they are not frightened to the point of shadow. How can they be so arrogant and continue to eat and drink while camping?

As for Karasawa, when Conan took out the dropped ring, he finally confirmed that this camping trip was not an ordinary camping case, but an introduction to the main plot of the train chapter.

To be honest, when he rescued people, he was roughly sure that this might be a case in his memory, but at that time, he could not just sit back and watch Haiyuan and others encounter danger.

After all, the plot is the plot and reality is reality. If there is a butterfly effect and they suffer casualties, that is what Tang Ze does not want to see.

After preventing the plot, Haibara did not take medicine to grow bigger because of the timely rescue, and Mitsuhiko did not record the video at that time. It was eventually posted to Mouri Kogoro's website and Toru Amuro saw it.

As a result, the "train chapter" is no longer even possible!

Thinking of this, Tangze subconsciously clicked on the panel, wanting to check the system rewards to further judge the situation, but found that the usual reward settlement did not pop up on the panel, but a prompt message.

[Because this case involves important clues that trigger the subsequent plot, and this time the clues have been eliminated through the change of the host, so the host's decision and subsequent development will be the subsequent rewards. 】

Seeing the words in front of him, Tang Ze's eyes finally locked on the word "choice".

Although the hint of this passage lies in the word "choice".

Tang Ze knew that he had to make a choice.

Should we let everything go and see if the future can go smoothly, or should we let everything get back on track and detonate this undercurrent in advance?

After thinking for a moment, Tang Ze smiled bitterly unconsciously.

On the surface, this is indeed a choice, but in fact he has no choice at all.

The current situation of the confrontation with the black organization does not mean that he can prevent the general situation from happening by unilaterally eliminating a key node.

Because Belmod's murderous intention towards Haibara has not been eliminated, Toru Amuro also hopes to use this to achieve his own goal and even find Shuichi Akai.

So even if there is no "Train Chapter" this time, their actions will not stop.

If we really choose to cut off the clues and let the train chapter disappear, Toru Amuro will be fine, but Belmod's murderous intention will not change.

Karasawa couldn't be sure what else Belmod would do using Tohru Amuro if her murderous intention was not eliminated by Conan this time.

So in the end, instead of betting on an uncertain outcome and uncontrollable changes, it is better to take the initiative in your own hands.

After all, the "Suzuki" is considered his own property, so he can get inside the train and familiarize himself with the location before it even opens.

He can even know some of the settings inside the train through the design drawings, such as escape routes, emergency stops and other information that ordinary people cannot know.

This is very helpful for his layout and backup.

However, the back-up plan must also be prepared, in case Belmod discovers the bait plan, or the other party fails to convince Gin not to intervene.

It would definitely be a mess on the Suzuki.

Thinking of this, Tangze lit a Xingshen cigarette.

Although the props are precious, the importance of the situation in front of him is worthy of his use.

Because this move seems to have no change from the development of the original plot, but in fact, there have been huge changes internally.

While smoking a cigarette, he began to work his brain crazily, considering various possible situations based on the existing information.

"Just do it."

Tang Ze's eyes flashed with sharp light, and he had quietly decided in his heart how to deal with this part.


Late night, Tokyo.

Because of the strong wind, the city lost its previous liveliness and seemed a little deserted.

On the third floor of the accommodation floor of the Maori Detective Agency, the Maori father and daughter are eating at the moment.

"In other words, those little devils have returned?"

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Mouri Kogoro said casually while eating: "What about that little devil Conan? Why haven't you seen him come back?"

"Conan said he wanted to live with Yuanta and the others at the doctor's house, so he won't come back." Xiaolan said, "After all, they have experienced such horrible things, so they can be less scared if they are together."

"But having said that, it's really easy for these little devils to get into trouble." Mouri Kogoro couldn't help complaining after hearing this.

"Ah, Dad, did you hear something moving downstairs?"

Xiaolan just smiled, and suddenly she felt some movement downstairs, and she was a little scared.

"It must be the wind, you see how strong the wind is tonight." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand nonchalantly, and when Xiaolan heard this, she also put down her thoughts and began to concentrate on eating.

But on the second floor where the two of them were unaware, Toru Amuro was thinking about the password in front of the laptop in front of him.


He typed the password he got from Kogoro Mori on the keyboard, hit the Enter key with his white-gloved right hand, and successfully logged into the computer.

‘The file sent is not a photo, but a video? ’

Looking at the file transferred from the computer, Toru Amuro directly chose to play it.

Looking at the raging fire burning in the video, Miyano Shiho was holding the girl in front of the burning house and was seriously telling the boys to run for their lives.

Seeing the woman in front of him, Toru Amuro couldn't help but be shocked.

Because this is exactly the goal that the organization is pursuing, Miyano Shiho was rescued by the mysterious organization using secret means!

The next moment, he noticed the ring on Miyano Shiho's hand and immediately paused to enlarge it to see the badge on the ring clearly.

‘This is Mystery Train’s invitation ring. ’

Toru Amuro looked at the lines on the enlarged screen and immediately determined the origin of the ring.

But before he was about to continue playing, the video screen suddenly flashed and began to freeze and distort.

'who is it! ’

Toru Amuro immediately started to operate the notebook, but naturally he couldn't save the situation since the other party attacked first.

But just when he was about to give up, the computer screen suddenly turned black, and then white text appeared.

[Jiang Gu Ling, I want to make a deal with you. 】

On the other side of the computer, through the laptop's front camera, Karasawa clearly saw Toru Amuro's gaffe when he saw this sentence.

At that moment, Toru Amuro's face flashed with horror and reflexive caution.

If there is any trouble at this moment, Toru Amuro will definitely fight back without hesitation.

But it only took a moment for Toru Amuro to calm down, and he approached the computer again and reached out to type on the keyboard.

【Who are you? 】

Seeing that the other party was able to adjust his mentality in such a quick moment, Tang Ze was impressed and began to type on the keyboard to give the other party a reply.

[The person you have been looking for, you can call me "Kizaru". 】

After this sentence, the chat between the two took on the prefix name.

Before the sentence he spoke, the nickname "zero" appeared, while the nickname of the person opposite became "Kizaru".

Seeing this, Amuro's pupils shrank and his hands kept moving.

Zero: [I know you exist, but how do you know me? 】

His fingers paused, and Toru Amuro added another sentence.

Zero: [You know my true identity, who are you? 】

The question in this sentence has two meanings, one is the superficial meaning, and the other is a kind of temptation.

Because his identity is also top secret among the police, there are only a few insiders, but the other party actually knows his true identity.

So does it mean that there is someone from this organization in the Metropolitan Police Department or the Public Security Bureau, someone who is so powerful that he can even check his information?

At this moment, various thoughts flashed through Fangtani Rei's mind, but he knew that no matter what he wanted to do, he had to get through the difficulties in front of him.

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