Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1446: Meeting with “Zero”

Inside the dark detective agency.

The faint blue light illuminated Toru Amuro's face, making his expression increasingly gloomy and uncertain.

But on the screen, after he asked the question, the other party did not answer his question, but said something irrelevant.

Kizaru: [You should leave, you will be discovered after a long time. 】

Seeing this, Toru Amuro typed the keyboard calmly.

Zero: [Then how should I contact you after I leave? 】

Kizaru: [This is a website. You can log in directly to the web page after you leave. This is a private chat room. The password is "Zero". 】

Zero: [I will contact you later. 】

After Toru Amuro took a picture of the website address with his mobile phone, he closed his laptop and unplugged his headphones, and left the Mori Detective Agency with a gloomy expression.

After getting into the car, he sped towards the rental house. The speed was like a wild horse, which showed the owner's inner peace.

On the other side, the Kudo family mansion.

"Is it done?"

Looking at Kizaru stretching, Akai Shuichi walked in with a bottle of "Bourbon" in his hand: "Would you like a drink?"

"Although I'm not done yet, it's okay to have a drink."

Kizaru stretched his waist and took a sip of the drink handed to him, then smiled in a weird accent and said: "If the plan succeeds, then we will also ask you to contact your superiors to cooperate with us, Mr. Akai~"

"No problem, it is also my wish to protect her."

Dark green eyes reflected the man's bohemian look. Akai Shuichi looked at him and said, "But do I know when I can contact Mingmei?"

"I really want to help you with this, but there's a problem here."

Kizaru held his forehead and looked at Akai Shuichi and smiled: "Miss Akemi's sister, Miss Shiho, seems to be very dissatisfied with you.

She feels that you pushed her sister into a desperate situation but failed to protect her, causing her to fall into a desperate situation, so she has been blocking the connection between you and Miss Mingmei. "

"is that so?"

Akai Shuichi nodded expressionlessly after hearing this: "I understand, I will convince her."

"I don't mind that."

Kizaru spread his hands: "If you can convince her, I don't mind if you contact her.

Speaking of which, that child was really a headache. He stubbornly believed that staying with his sister would put her in danger, so he stayed with Conan's child.

When you encounter such a stubborn child, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for you to accomplish your goal. "

Karasawa's words basically made it clear that Miyano Shiho was Haibara's identity.

For Akai Shuichi, this is undoubtedly a further expression of sincerity by the other party.

Even though he had basically confirmed Haiyuan's identity, he obviously didn't know this from the other party's perspective.

Therefore, he had no doubts about Kizaru's description of Haibara's interference.

For Karasawa, the reason why he revealed this information was because he knew that Shuichi Akai basically knew Haibara's identity.

If Akai Shuichi is allowed to continue to doubt the investigation, he might become suspicious of Narumi Sakurada, who is now pretending to be someone else.

But now he inadvertently revealed some information about the two of them, saying that they were separated, and revealed that Haibara was Miyano Shiho.

This made Akai Shuichi believe his words which were 80% true and 20% false, and he was misled into thinking that Haiyuan and Haibara were separated and did not live together.

This is the power of intelligence. He successfully took advantage of the intelligence gap and successfully misled Akai Shuichi's correct judgment without revealing any new information.

"It doesn't matter."

Sure enough, after hearing Kizaru sincerely hinting at Miyano Shiho's identity, Akai Shuichi had no doubts about his words.

He nodded and said: "There are many opportunities to meet, sooner or later there will be a chance.

Before that, I will protect Mingmei for her. "

"Anyway, you'd better be careful when coming into contact with that child."

Kizaru smiled: "It seems that you have been undercover to experience the dangerous smell on your body, so she is very wary of you."

"Is that so?" Akai Shuichi nodded after hearing Kizaru's words: "Thank you, I understand."

As soon as the conversation between the two ended, the computer sounded a prompt tone that seemed to attract their attention.

"It seems that the person has contacted you." Akai Shuichi took a sip of his drink and turned to leave: "Then I won't disturb you."

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you."

Kizaru smiled and said: "As for the Scotch whiskey, I would like to ask you to record the situation in person and use it as a transaction condition for his willingness to cooperate with us.

There are pros and cons to doing this. If the recording naturally reveals that you are still alive, "Bourbon" will definitely be chasing after you.

But the recording, in which you explain the situation in person, may be able to ease the conflict between the two of you.

So you think about whether you should decide to record or not. "

"Just record as you decide. After all, even if there is no recording, he doesn't think I am dead and has been tracking my whereabouts."

Akai Shuichi opened the door and walked out: "After all, that man is not a man who changes his will casually, so it has no impact."

"That's true." Tang Ze thought for a moment and said, "Then send it over. It will increase the sincerity of the transaction."

"Let's do it." The last words gradually faded, and Akai Shuichi quickly left the room.

"Then let's see what effect this recording can have." Tangze smiled and looked at the chat room window on the computer.

Zero: [I’m here, can you answer my question now? 】

Zero: [Who are you? 】

Kizaru: [You will know, but not now, but at least I can guarantee that we are on the same side. 】

Zero: [You hidden rat, why should I trust you? 】

Kizaru: [At least I know your identity and can put you to death at any time, but I still kindly contact you for a transaction. This is enough to provide preliminary proof. 】

Seeing this, Toru Amuro's face turned gloomy, but he still calmly continued typing and asking questions.

Zero: [This is a threat, not a deal. I don’t see any benefit to me. 】

Kizaru: [You are an undercover agent. Any action against the black organization will be beneficial to you. I only need you to cooperate with my actions. 】

Zero: [Your plan has nothing to do with me. It will only disrupt my plan and do me no good. This is not a deal. 】

Zero: [And you can’t guarantee that you will continue to threaten me with this matter after cooperating with your actions.

None of us are fools. If this were the case, I would rather quit my undercover status now and return directly to the police. 】

Kizaru: [Cooperation naturally requires showing sincerity. As the saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." We have a common opponent, which is the basis of cooperation. 】

Kizaru: [I said it’s a transaction, so naturally I won’t blackmail you into doing a transaction based on your identity. 】

Zero: [So, tell me what I can get. 】

Kizaru: [Although what I can give you will not be of any benefit to the public security, it should be a good private benefit to you personally, and you will definitely be satisfied. 】

Zero: [What? 】

Kizaru: [How about the truth about the death of Scotch whiskey? 】

Seeing the message popping up on the screen in front of him, Amuro Toru's pupils shrank violently in an instant, and a hint of murderous intent gradually appeared on his originally calm face.

This murderous intention was not directed at Kizaru, but was an instinctive killing intention when the death of a friend was mentioned.

But he had to admit that what the other party proposed to trade was exactly what he wanted.

Although he always knew that Shuichi Akai killed his friend Kagemitsu Morofushi, he didn't know exactly what happened at that time.

So when he saw the other party offering this information for trading, Toru Amuro's heart was naturally shaken violently.

But it has to be said that the deal proposed by the other party really hits the target, and it is something that Toru Amuro will never give up.

Zero: [How can I confirm the authenticity of this information. 】

Seeing the words in front of him, a smile appeared on Tangze's lips, because he knew that when the other party asked this question, the deal had already been hammered down and he was just waiting for the "goods" to be obtained.

Karasawa typed on the keyboard and hit Enter to send out this message that shocked Toru Amuro again.

Kizaru: [Akai Shuichi’s recording, can you prove the authenticity of the audio? 】

Kizaru: [You also know that with that man’s character, he would not bother to lie about this kind of thing. 】

Zero: [Akai Shuichi is not dead after all! 】

Zero: [Where is he! 】

When Rei Fangtani saw the transaction information sent by Kizaru, he even stood up from the seat in front of him.

Obviously, the information he had been pursuing so hard was just delivered to him, and even he couldn't sit still.

Kizaru: [This is the deposit, but the second question is not part of our own transaction. 】

Seeing the message on the screen, Jiang Guling's face looked as ugly as a cloudy day with depressing terror, and his eyes shone with a scarlet light.

'Akai...I will find you...'

But he soon forced himself to calm down, drank the wine in the water glass next to him, and then let out a long breath.

After a moment of silence to collect his emotions, Feng Guling regained his energy and typed on the keyboard.

Zero: [I understand, what do you want me to do next? 】

Seeing the other party's answer, Tang Ze's face unconsciously showed a smile.

After defeating Toru Amuro, his plan was more than half successful. After all, Toru Amuro played a very important role in his plan.

He took a sip of the bourbon, feeling the mellowness and softness, the aftertaste with a bit of sweetness and the long taste of wood, and began to explain in detail the plan that he needed to implement with Toru Amuro.


Watching the computer shut down, Karasawa turned off the power supply as well, stood up and said goodbye to Shuichi Akai.

Part of the reason why he came to Kudo's house to implement this plan was that he needed to communicate with the other party in advance.

After all, there are links in this plan that require the other party's participation, and he also needs Shuichi Akai's skills as a backup.

This ensures that when something goes wrong or an unexpected situation occurs, he can use force to ensure that others escape unscathed.

In addition, misleading Akai Shuichi in the direction of investigating Miyano Akemi's location is also one of the reasons.

It was precisely because of various reasons and comprehensive considerations that after Karasawa sent a few more little ones back to Tokyo, they came directly to his door.

‘Phew…it’s finally over for now. ’

After leaving the Kudo family's mansion and driving to his base, Karasawa couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He got out of the car, threw the wine glass into the trash can, replaced it with his usual holder, and drove toward home.

After arriving home, Ayako looked at Karasawa who opened the door and entered the house, and was a little surprised that he came back today. After all, he had said before that Gunma was going to camp overnight.

Tangze briefly talked about what happened during the day, and after expressing that the little ones were unwilling to live there, he went to wash up and go to bed to rest.

Of course, my eyes were closed, but my mind was still thinking about what I had done at night.

After the murder case in the wooden house occurred, he already knew that this was the prelude to the main line "Train Chapter".

So he naturally knew that Toru Amuro would secretly sneak into the Mori Office to investigate Kogoro Mori's computer tonight.

And this gave him an opportunity to contact Toru Amuro while hiding in the dark.

So I posted a video of Haibara as an adult according to the original work to attract Toru Amuro's attention.

As for where the video came from?

Of course it's a fake. He has the artificial intelligence "Detective", and it's no problem to use hacking technology to make a short fake video.

And the reason why he did this was naturally to hide the secret of Miyano Shiho becoming smaller and becoming Haibara. After all, the fewer people who knew about becoming smaller, the better.

After reviewing everything he did tonight and confirming that there were no major omissions, Tang Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past, he always followed the trend, relying on the intelligence in his mind to take the lead, and acted at key nodes to solve the case just right.

But this time it was different, because his actions had even eliminated what was waiting to happen in advance, but he took the initiative to stir up trouble.

And although the confrontation is about to take place on the mysterious train "Suzuki", the development is destined to be completely different trajectories.

Although he knows that sooner or later, due to the influence of his own existence and actions, the future situation will become more and more confusing, and everything will be out of his control.

But when it came to this moment, Tang Ze inevitably became nervous.

After all, even he doesn't know where his plan will ultimately lead.

But he has done everything he needs to do, and all that is left to do is to keep a normal mind, recharge his batteries, and wait for things to ferment and arrive.

And just as Tangze, the initiator of the plan, fell asleep soundly with his lover in his arms, countless people quietly started to move that night because of his move.

The beasts lurking in the darkness want to take this opportunity to kill the hunters hiding behind baits and traps.

Karasawa, the hunter, also wants to complete his plan. While deceiving this difficult beast to protect his companions, he also tries to further weaken the enemy.

And all of this will revolve around the "Suzuki" that is about to depart.

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