Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1452: Train (Boarding)

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If you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people.

It’s impossible for Gin to not understand this truth.

Because sometimes only a true reaction can make the enemy believe that the situation has really become like this and step into the trap with confidence.

Therefore, no matter how ugly the quarrel between him and Gin was, and how hard Gin was to get off the stage, as long as he could tell Gin this reason, the relationship between the two would never become as completely broken as in Ireland.

And doing so is in line with her usual style, so Gin will not even have much suspicion.

In this way, Belmode was able to conceal what he had done before and rationalize all his previous actions.

As for Keir, whom she regarded as a victim?

To be honest, she didn't care.

Even if Kiel really chooses to side with her during the confrontation between the two sides, Belmode will sell him out without hesitation, even if Kiel is not an undercover agent but sincerely surrenders to her.

After all, Belmode is a cold-blooded person, and use and betrayal are commonplace for her.

Even if she is a comrade of the same organization, she will not hesitate to use and betray them.

Because she knows very well that in this organization, no matter how many people surround her, it is only superficial prosperity, and it is not beneficial to her status in the organization.

Only by making tangible contributions to this organization can we survive in the organization like a fish in water.

Apart from that, everything else is available.

Standing at the entrance of the carriage, Belmod's rapidly running brain was thinking a lot because of the important information that Conan's companions had inadvertently leaked.

From decisions to follow-up plans, possible situations, possible tricky situations, and how to deal with and end them in the end.

Although it seemed complicated, it was actually just a momentary thought in Belmode's mind. In reality, she was still queuing up to enter the carriage, and even there were only two people checking tickets in front of her.

After regaining consciousness, Belmod lowered the brim of his hat again, turned around and separated from the team, heading out of the station.

Behind her, a figure followed quietly.


In front of the car, Conan was still focused on taking pictures of the three little ones in front of the photographer.

[The target has confirmed to leave and begins executing the plan according to pnaa. 】

Listening to the information transmitted from the invisible headset, Conan looked slightly relaxed.

Since Belmod has left, it means that their plan has been initially successful. He had previously

When he induced the three little ones to leak information before, he was really afraid that Belmode would see the flaw.

But fortunately, he followed the instructions and said he was taking pictures of the three little ones from a long distance. He turned his back to Belmode to make the other person think that he had not noticed her at all, thus lowering the other person's vigilance.

And then, he deliberately mentioned Haiyuan in a low voice to prevent Belmod from hearing the information he had deliberately leaked.

Without his words, the words of the little ones were like the sincere regret that their companions did not come after taking pictures.

After that, Conan deliberately looked like he didn't want to mention it and quickly ended the topic.

But the information that was intended to be leaked to the enemy was achieved.

Standing in front of the train, Conan looked at the figure walking out of the station with a smile on his lips.

After taking photos with the three little ones, Conan said it was time for the three little ones to get on the train.

Since they had also taken pictures outside, the three little ones did not object and showed their train rings to the ticket inspector and boarded the train.

Not long after, the Suzuki began to slowly turn its wheels and drive towards the fixed end point after making a roar of steam.

After the three little ones entered the box, they felt excited for a while and kept lying outside the window looking at the distant scenery.

Conan, on the other hand, sat there with his arms folded, quietly waiting for the next step of his plan to be implemented.

"This chocolate is delicious. Conan, do you want to try it?"

At this moment, Ayumi came up with chocolates: "You frowned and didn't speak just now. You looked serious. Did something serious happen?"

"And soda for you too."

Mitsuhiko mainly took out a bottle of drink and stuffed it directly into Conan's hand: "If you need anything, remember to tell us, we are all companions!"

"That's right, as long as we work together, nothing can be difficult for our young detective team!"

Genta said, holding a bag of potato chips and handed it to Conan: "I'll give you these potato chips too, this is my favorite flavor!"

"I was just thinking about some difficult problems and didn't encounter any trouble."

Seeing the three little ones holding up the snacks in front of him, Conan was moved and a little bit dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, he was just quietly thinking about how to proceed with the follow-up plan, but they became worried.

Touching himself, Conan frowned at some point. He sighed inwardly and realized that this plan had brought him too much pressure.

He cheered up, looked at the three little ones with a smile, and took all the snacks from their hands: "But since you gave me snacks, I will accept them without any courtesy, thank you~"

Seeing Conan accepting the snacks with a smile, the three little ones also smiled and became happy.

And just when the atmosphere in the box was harmonious, the door suddenly rang.

Conan and Xiaosan were stunned for a moment. After looking at each other, Conan quickly opened the door and saw an envelope placed in front of the aisle of the private room door.

After taking it apart, it said that they had been selected as detectives and asked them to find the culprit.

This is a consistent detective game on the train. Every year when this train departs, there is such a process.

So after seeing this letter and confirming that their box was selected as a detective, the little ones all looked excited.

‘He really calculated it. ’

Looking at the contents on the envelope, Conan sighed and then calmed down, knowing in his heart that the prisoner was probably taking action.

The reason why he confirmed this was because he knew the specific content and gameplay of this train detective game.

In addition, he also knew that the paper would be a special black cardboard, and the signature would be printed with a picture of a detective smoking a pipe.

The reason for this is because Karasawa considered the possibility that the prisoner might use the detective game on the train to commit crimes a few days ago.

Although they had arranged for their own people to guard the carriages next to the murderer and the deceased.

But in order to prevent the murderer from using the inherent games on the train to commit crimes, Chen Cang was secretly kept secretly so that they had no time to detect the murderer's plot.

Karasawa not only gave them the train layout, but also made some modifications to the detective game that would take place on the train and informed them of it.

But now that he saw that the prisoner actually acted as Karasawa predicted, Conan couldn't help but be a little amazed.

However, he quickly suppressed these distracting thoughts and began to lead a few small animals towards the carriage where the prisoner was.

Although he knew that this was the prisoner's trick, he already knew how the other party would attack and the prisoner's goal.

Then using the trick will make it easier to block the prisoner's plan.

In this way, Conan led the three little ones to Murohashi's box in a swaggering manner, and then happened to see the scene of the prisoner "shooting" the prisoner.

As if aware of their arrival, the prisoner in the game decisively killed Etsuto Murohashi with a fake gun.

Seeing this scene, the three little ones immediately chased after them in a panic and shouting.

As for Conan, he followed behind the three little ones, deliberately lagging behind and getting farther and farther away from the three of them.

Watching the three little ones run away, Conan took the initiative to turn around and go to the room of the "victim" Murohashi Yuuto.

Although he became a "victim" in the game, the other party was looking at the red paint stained on his coat with an unhappy expression at the moment, showing no intention of playing the role of a corpse.

"Kid, what are you doing?"

Etsuto Murohashi, who was frowning at his stained coat, saw Conan entering the box with an impatient look on his face.

"Ah, such an uncle."

Conan pretended to be a child and explained cutely: "My companions and I have been selected as detectives. Please ask your uncle to cooperate~"

"Since you have become a detective, why don't you go after the criminal who killed me?" Murohashi Etsuto looked at Conan and pointed at the stained coat and said: "You don't expect me, a "dead man", to tell you the murderer. Who is it?"

"Of course not, but I don't think my companions can catch up with the prisoner."

Conan smiled and said: "As a detective game, it must be a bit dramatic, and there must be tricks. Naturally, we will not fail to consider the possibility of being chased by detectives.

Since the murderer dared to commit the crime, there must be a plan, and our game must be moved to the crime scene.

So I leave the pursuit to my companions. I will seize the time to stay here to look for clues and try to catch the prisoner as soon as possible! "

"I'm telling you, haven't you thought of a possibility?"

Murohashi Etsuto was a little speechless when he heard Conan's words that sounded very reasonable. He looked at Conan and asked speechlessly: "If the prisoner simply rushed in and shot me, he didn't stay at all. What evidence is that?”

"No, my teacher has a saying that everyone will leave traces when they walk by." Conan insisted on his point of view like a stubborn child: "He must have left clues!"

"Although I don't know who your teacher is, and I agree with what he said, have you forgotten that this is not reality, but a game!"

Murohashi Etsuto complained: "Although I shouldn't speak as a 'corpse', I really want to say that the 'murderer' rushed in and beat me to death without leaving anything behind."

"Okay, okay." Conan agreed with a perfunctory expression, but he didn't move to leave the other party's box.

Murohashi Yueto looked very impatient when he saw the kid in front of him standing still, even sitting down and chatting with him.

But the game is not over yet. As a detective, he can indeed stay at the scene of the crime, and as the "dead man", he has no reason to speak and drive away the other party.

Just like that, the two of them had a stalemate in the box.

When the three little ones on the other side were chasing the murderer, they lost the prisoner as expected. At the same time, they also noticed that Conan had fallen behind.

However, because they wanted to catch the murderer on their own, they were not surprised but overjoyed that Conan fell behind.

Because in the past, Conan alone stole the show, this time they also wanted to challenge Conan to catch the prisoner before Conan could, so as to gain everyone's praise.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but the reality is very cruel.

They clearly saw the prisoner escaping into the No. 7 carriage, but when they opened the door, they found that it was not the prisoner in the box, but the familiar sisters Xiaolan, Sonoko and Sera Masumi.

When asked about them, the three people said that they were in carriage No. 8.

Not believing in evil, they ran again, but once again came to Xiaolan and others' box.

In this case, the three little ones were instantly confused.

Because Car No. 7 is missing!

This strange situation left Yuantai and the three of them puzzled. Several people tried to solve it without believing in evil, but they couldn't solve it.

So the three little ones became discouraged and planned to go back to find Conan.

However, Mitsuhiko was a little reluctant, so he encouraged the two friends to rely on themselves, so they walked back and forth in the carriage to think of countermeasures.

As time went by, the three little ones also came up with a stupid way, which was to rely on the number of people to guard one carriage to determine how many carriages there were and whether carriage No. 7 had disappeared.

For the little ones, although this method is a bit clumsy, relying on dialectical means can naturally find the truth about Xiaolan and others' lies.

While they were having fun playing the detective game, Conan, who was staying in Murohashi's private room, quietly welcomed a guest who was bound to come.

"Anton? Why are you here?"

Seeing the box door being pushed open, Murohashi Etsuto quickly stood up to greet the other party and winked at him: "I have a little detective here to investigate the scene. After all, I became the deceased before."

Obviously, Murohashi Etsuto was afraid that An Dongyu, the murderer of the game, would spill the beans, so he immediately reminded him.

But as everyone knows, An Dongyu returns again with the intention of turning his "fake corpse" into a real dead person!


After An Dongyu heard Murohashi's pleasant words, he was stunned for a moment and then looked at Conan who was smiling and waving to him in his seat.

This time he was also confused.

He specially arranged this situation in order to successfully kill Murohashi Etsuto. For this reason, he also specially arranged detective identities for several children to facilitate his control.

But who knew that the plan went wrong, and the kid in the box actually stayed in his target's room and refused to leave! ?

For a moment, Murohashi Yueren's expression kept changing, and he didn't know how to face this situation.

"Hey, kid, I have a guest, please leave quickly." Murohashi Etsuto didn't know the plan of the person in front of him, but turned to look at Conan, and wanted to expel him and leave: "Don't delay our conversation. "

"Master said that some prisoners like to return to the scene of the crime after committing a crime."

Conan jumped down from his seat and looked at An Dongyu with a smile: "Sir, if my guess is correct, you should be the prisoner, right?"

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