Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,453 Train (Case)

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The Suzuki continued to roar towards the terminal station, and the people on the train also briefly left the city and became temporary residents of this small world.

And of course, everyone has their own journey and purpose.

Among them, some people have no goal or terminal. They board the train for other purposes.

While Conan was waiting for the same number of guests, these passengers with other purposes also started their own actions.

"Damn it, they said they asked us to come up to investigate, but there's no specific way to do it."

Returning to the box from the corridor, the middle-aged woman pretended by Chianti sat directly opposite the young short-haired woman and said impatiently: "I said I came here to investigate the enemy, but how can I investigate if there is a box!?"

"Don't worry, our goal is to find Miyano Shiho." Kildan said: "If you find her, the enemy will naturally appear!?"

"But is that guy really in the car?"

Chianti shook her legs impatiently, her shoes clicking on the ground: "We started taking action from the moment we got in the car, and I didn't notice anything at all.

Kiel, what about you? "

"not found."

Hearing Chianti's words, Kil shook his head with a calm expression, but his eyes that were obscured by the brim of his hat were filled with confusion for a moment.

She recalled the gestures made to her by the squinty-eyed man wearing glasses in the corridor, and felt some fluctuations in her heart.

That was the code she had agreed upon in advance before she was sent back to the black organization by Conan and the FBI!

This was when they were formulating a plan. Considering that she might not be able to contact them via mobile phone after returning to the organization, they designed a secret code to deal with complicated situations.

For example, if a certain action of the organization is learned by friendly forces, then when you see yourself in disguise, you can send a code to remind yourself.

Then, based on the situation, you decide whether to contact friendly forces. All the choices are yours.

But she didn't expect that the first meeting would be on this train, and even more so when both parties were disguised!

‘How did they know my identity after I disguised myself? ’

Because this connection was so bizarre from her perspective, Kil even had some doubts about the safety of this connection.

After all, she was in disguise at the time, and no one except the core members of the organization who were working together could know her identity.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

Either the black organization accidentally got this information from the FBI and tested her, or there is still one of their people hidden in the organization.

The other party was better lurking than me, and her actions were more unrestricted, so she passed on the intelligence of this operation and told the friendly forces about her disguise.


Thinking of the people who agreed on the secret code, Keir ruled out the possibility of intelligence leakage.

If the enemy can really get information from them, let alone find her out directly, it can be said that their side is completely defeated.

So it's the latter?

Reminiscing about the fact that Shuichi Akai also worked as an undercover agent, Reina Mizuno was a little more confident about the latter possibility.

But who could it be?

The faces of the many members who acted together this time flashed through his mind, but Reina Mizuna could not pinpoint the person in her mind.

Because every one of them looks flawless.

The cunning vulture speaks to Gin, and the loyal vodka who is inseparable from Gin is eliminated first.

Although Belmode goes her own way, she is not only an old member of the organization, but she has also done many things for the organization through her disguise, so it is impossible for her to be an undercover agent.

Although Mad Dog Chianti and Gin were not at odds with each other, that was what happened now. Before his companion died, Chianti was the one who killed whomever Gin asked him to kill.

As for the final bourbon

To be honest, she didn't have much dealings with her, and compared to the others, she looked most likely to be an undercover agent.

But his hatred for Akai Shuichi doesn’t seem to be fake.

For a moment, Shui Wulian felt that there were so many clues that it was impossible for her brain to make a clear judgment.

Shui Wulian quickly eliminated distracting thoughts, gave up guessing who was the undercover, and turned her mind to the joint matter.

She knew that if it was not a big deal, Akai Shuichi and others would not take the risk to contact her.

"Tsk, seeing how confident you said it, I thought I had discovered something!"

Chianti on the side didn't know that while Kil in front of her was prevaricating and perfunctory, her mind was already filled with thoughts.

After hearing her words, Chianti complained with some disappointment.

"Perhaps they didn't intend to rely on us in the first place."

Kil smiled and said: "I'm afraid Belmode and Bourbon are the main force in the investigation. As for us, I'm afraid we are just the "gunners" responsible for dealing with the enemy."

"Tsk, what kind of mission are you assigning in this case?" Chianti smacked his lips in displeasure, "Just let us just obey the order."

"When it comes to finding people, the more people, the better." Kil heard this and smiled and said: "And Bourbon and Belmod also said that you only need to use fear to make the mice behave obediently. Surrendered."

"That's so mysterious." Chianti heard this with a look of doubt on his face: "Would anyone really choose to die just because they feel fear?"

"Will do."

Keir smiled and said: "In short, just follow Bourbon's words and continue to perform the mission.

Although nothing has been discovered before, maybe someone will be found in the car later. "

"Tch, this game of hide-and-seek is really unpleasant!" Chianti smacked his lips: "Especially when both sides are disguised, it's really unpleasant."

"It's still early, we just got in the car." Kil smiled and said: "Then let's continue to go out and explore, together this time?"

"Let's divide the troops into two groups." Kil waved his hand impatiently: "The two of us were together just now, and I feel that we are quite conspicuous in this carriage."

When he heard that his induction was initially effective and the other party took the initiative to separate, Keer was delighted. He didn't expect it to succeed so easily.

But immediately she became wary, because she didn't know if this was a trap that Kil deliberately said to make her relax her vigilance.

Remaining vigilant, Kil walked out of the box first and looked at Chianti and said, "Then I'll look into the back car. You go to the front?"

"Yes, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions." Chianti nodded nonchalantly and immediately walked towards the first few cars.

Seeing Chianti's back gradually disappearing, Keir also turned around and walked towards the cars behind.

In the corridor of the train, Gere and Chianti continued their exploration outside the compartment.

In the box, the two people who heard Conan's words were stunned, and the next moment their expressions became extremely exciting.

But Murohashi Etsuto didn't expect that the child in front of him would actually find the prisoner by relying on the words of an unknown teacher he said.

When An Dongyu heard Conan's words, his expression became even more exciting.

He never expected that he would meet such a weird kid, who not only ruined his plan for such a reason, but also actually found himself who was the culprit in the conspiracy.

For a moment, An Dongyu was really stunned, feeling like he had done something wrong.

But it's too late to say anything now. The child saw him coming to Murohashi Etsuto's room. As soon as the child died, the child told the police that he would definitely be the first suspect under investigation.

Thinking of this, An Dongyu's expression kept changing, and he fell into a struggle of choice.

But soon he made up his mind to still take revenge, but not now.

After all, even if you want revenge, you can't involve a child.

Thinking of this, An Dongyu gave up the idea of ​​​​revenge at this moment, and planned to find an excuse to stall now, and then find an opportunity to kill the other party.

"Yes, I am the prisoner. Congratulations on your success." Thinking of this, An Dongyu wanted to let Conan leave as soon as possible, and after a few words of prevarication with Etsuto Murohashi, he decisively admitted his crime.

But it was clear that he had miscalculated, and what he said stunned him.

"I've finally waited for you, Mr. Murderer."

The boy who found the murderer walked up to him and said with a smile: "My master said that he would like to invite Mr. murderer and Mr. deceased to go to the box where he is and have a chat.

Now that I have waited for you two, would you like to come with me? "

"Your master wants to invite the two of us?" Murohashi Etsuto was a little surprised when he heard this: "Who is he, and why are he looking for the two of us!?"

"I don't know the specifics." Conan said with a smile: "But I am certain that this will definitely be a choice that will change your destiny."

"Why are you still babbling?"

Murohashi Etsuto looked at Conan speechlessly when he heard this: "I just heard you say what your master said. I thought he was a detective. Why do you think he is a fortune teller now?"

"Hehe, maybe my master can really predict the future~"

Conan looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "If you are curious, how about we go together and find out the truth for ourselves?"

Murohashi Yue and An Dongyu looked at each other in shock when they heard this, not knowing what to do.

But in the end, Murohashi Etsuto hesitated and said first: "Okay, I also want to know who your master is, and why are you looking for us?"

Hearing Murohashi's pleasant words, An Dongyu on the side did not hesitate anymore, but nodded and said: "Then let's go and meet."

"Then two, come with me."

Conan smiled and opened the door and led the two of them towards the luxury box: "My master's carriage is right over here."

After leading the two of them into the box, Conan knocked on the door and said "come in" before opening the box, revealing the young man sitting inside.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the strange young man in the box, both of them were a little confused, wondering why they were invited by the other party.

"Mr. Anton and Mr. Murohashi, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The young man smiled and introduced himself: "My surname is Karasawa Genichi, and I am a criminal from the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Tang, Tangze"

Hearing the self-introduction of the young man in front of them, the two of them unconsciously shrank their pupils, and they felt a little restrained while standing there, as if an invisible thing was squeezing their space for movement.

"Are you the famous criminal?" Murohashi Yuito looked at the man in front of him, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Excuse me, why did you come to us?" An Dongyu's eyes flickered, and a feeling of guilt arose in his heart.

"I came here this time to persuade Mr. Anton to give up his original plan."

Although the words from Tang Ze's mouth were still calm, they sounded like thunder in An Dongyu's ears, and he even subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch his chest.

"Mr. Anton."

At this moment, Conan's voice suddenly rang out: "I advise you not to do this. Since we invite you here, you are naturally fully prepared.

And my master is very powerful~"

Conan said this, but actually he had already held the anesthesia transmitter in his hand. As long as An Dongyu dared to make any abnormal movement, he would use the anesthesia needle to knock him down without hesitation.

If the person sitting here is really Tangze Criminal, he naturally has nothing to be afraid of. With the opponent's skills, there is no chance that the opponent will draw a gun.

But sitting here now is his father who is disguised as Tang Zejing. Does he still know how much money his old street has?

In terms of design level, it is pretty good among ordinary people, but his skill level is that of a weak scholar.

So although what he said was full of confidence, it was actually just a bluff. He was really afraid that the other party was a fool, no matter if he just pulled out a gun or not.

In that case, the father and son would be in big trouble.

Fortunately, An Dongyu looked uncertain after hearing Tang Ze's words, and finally chose to give up and sit opposite Tang Ze Criminal.

"Mr. Murohashi, please sit down quickly."

Conan looked at Etsuto Murohashi who was sweating, and gave instructions with a smile.

"Ah, okay." Murohashi Yueto showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Of course, all the conversation between them just now stopped in Murohashi Etsuto's ears. Although the words were not so clear and clear, it was enough for Murohashi Etsuto to hear that something was wrong.

Thinking back to what he had done before, and how the boy had been invited along with him, Murohashi Yueto felt increasingly guilty and uneasy.

Thinking that An Dongyu subconsciously went to take out something and was warned to give up by the child next to him, Murohashi Etsuto's legs started to tremble a little.

But now he had no choice in this situation, so when Conan asked him to sit next to An Dongyu, Murohashi Etsuto almost collapsed.

It was as if the person sitting next to him was not a human being, but a vicious wolf that could kill him at any time.

When An Dongyu saw this, he no longer covered it up, and his face showed an angry killing intent, making Murohashi Yueren dare not look at him at all.

"Then, you two, let me tell you a story from the past."

Kudo Yusaku saw all this, but his expression was as calm as ever: "This story started five years ago."

Hearing this familiar opening, the two people in the seats had different reactions, but the only thing in common was that the expressions on their faces became increasingly ugly.

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