Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1311 The Lost Xiaolan

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"For example, Ms. Jinghua~?"

Looking at the panic expression on Hattori Heiji's face, Karasawa smiled playfully: "How about me?

I think Ms. Jinghua will be very pleased to see her son grow up and find a daughter-in-law for her~"

"you are vicious!!"

Hattori Heiji looked at the calm Karasawa and bit his back molars hard for the first time.

But it's a pity that even if he almost chewed his back molars, he couldn't change the fact that he was behind Tang Ze's control and toying with applause.

As for the situation Tang Ze mentioned, his scalp felt numb just after thinking about it.

If my mother really found out, it would be the biggest social disaster.

And he couldn't guarantee whether his mother would tell Ginshiro Toyama and Aunt Toyama after knowing that the two were together.

Just thinking about that scene, Hattori Heiji felt his scalp go numb.

So even though he was reluctant and even suspected that Karasawa had ulterior motives, Hattori Heiji was forced to bow his head and repeat everything he said before.

Deep down in his heart, he was already glad that the other party would fly directly to the country tomorrow.

After all, it's just today, no, it's been less than half a day since he confessed, and he has already been manipulated by the other party. If it takes another day or two, he will probably collapse.


After finishing the recording, Tang Ze put the phone away with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't use the recording you mentioned for anything, it's just a testimony.

Okay, I'm going to wash up first. You can also take advantage of this moment to send a text message to that guy Kudo and tell him the good news from your side.

By the way, you should have defeated him this time. After all, that kid Kudo ran away right after he confessed because he was afraid that the antidote would fail.

In other words, although he confessed earlier than you, he is indeed far behind you in terms of progress. "


Hearing Karasawa's words, Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up. Although he and Kudo Shinichi had Karasawa as their common enemy, it did not mean that they were no longer competitors.

Whether it is reasoning or emotions, there has always been competition between the two.

Needless to say in terms of reasoning, except for the first time when I came to challenge, there was some failure, and the subsequent matches were always tied.

Moreover, he also revealed Conan's hidden identity at the gathering of Sherlock Holmes fans, which was considered a win.

The reasoning between the two was one to one. Originally, this kind of competition was nothing.

But when Kudo Shinichi confessed to Xiaoran, Hattori Heiji became a loser.

Whenever the two of them had a quarrel, the other party would proudly talk about their feelings and say that he was just a coward and didn't dare to confess.

That made him angry before, but there was no way to refute it. After all, what the other party said was indeed the truth.

But now it's better, I keep catching up with that guy, and even overtake him in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but pick up his phone and wanted to call the other party to show off.

But after thinking about it, Hattori Heiji finally endured it.

Because he thought that He Ye might also share the news with Xiaolan. Since the other party would know about it, it would be better to act calmly.

This will also prevent Conan from saying that he is a villain and using such an excuse to be tough and refuse to admit that he has overpowered the other party.

After knowing what Heye told Xiaolan and contacting him again, if he "accidentally" mentioned the success of his confession, the effect might be better.

Sometimes, the more you show off proudly, the more people will feel rebellious.

On the contrary, he acted calmly and was able to kill people silently.

This move was based on the experience he gained from being tortured by Tang Ze too much. Sometimes the opponent's behavior was obviously outrageous, but he always acted like it was not worth mentioning.

And he will be hurt by the other party invisibly. After all, what the other party takes for granted may not be possible for him.

This kind of behavior has a very vivid word in later generations, called "Versailles".

Although Hattori Heiji doesn't know this word now, he has gradually learned this behavior, and even plans to "pretend" quietly to give Conan a blow.

In fact, this was indeed the case. When Ayako was washing up, Kazuha, who was giggling in a daze, also thought of his other best friend Xiaolan who was not here, and quickly called her to tell her the good news.

After Xiaolan heard the news that Hattori Heiji confessed to Kazuha, she happily wished Kazuha that her wish would finally come true, and then gossiped about the details of the confession.

Although He Ye was very shy, after all, he couldn't resist He Ye's constant requests over the phone, so he told Xiao Lan about today's events intermittently.

However, after learning that Hattori Heiji's first love was actually Heiji who was wearing a kimono, Xiao Ran couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's actually like this!"

Xiaolan's eyes sparkled with gossip, and her eyes were full of stars: "This is really romantic. It turns out that Hattori-kun has liked you since such a long time ago.

Even though I didn’t recognize you because you were wearing makeup and a kimono, I still regarded you as my first love.

And more than ten years later, because of a case, he finally discovered your identity, and today, he chose to confess to you in the place he liked.

This is so romantic, just like the plot of a movie! "

"Movies and stuff, it's too exaggerated." Hearing Xiaolan's words, He Ye's face turned red with embarrassment, but the unstoppable smile on his face still showed the sweetness and joy in the beauty's heart at this moment.

"What happens next?"

Xiaolan listened to Heye's silly smile and guided herself not to ask further questions. It might take a long time for the other party to come back to her senses, so she kept urging: "What happened next? How did you agree?"


Hearing this, Toyama Kazuye's mind flashed unconsciously, and the scene in the evening flashed through her mind. The touch she had never experienced before seemed to still linger on her mouth, and even made her feel like she could not breathe in the same place.

When He Ye came to his senses, he found that Xiaolan had called many times on the phone and was even ready to hang up.

"Sorry, sorry!!" Heye hurriedly picked up the phone: "I was so distracted just now."

"Are you distracted?"

But on the phone, Xiaolan didn't quite believe what He Ye said: "You didn't remember what happened this evening, did you?

After all, just now we were discussing how you agreed..."

Speaking of this, and then thinking about He Ye's reaction, a thought suddenly flashed in Xiaolan's mind, and Fu Ling asked sincerely: "You don't know how to kiss, do you?"


Hearing Xiaolan's question, Heye's face seemed to turn red for a moment, and smoke suddenly appeared on his head.

But no answer is the best answer. Based on Xiaolan's understanding of Heye, generally speaking, she is thin-skinned. She should have refuted her words as soon as possible after hearing her words.

But this time when faced with her question, Heye didn't refute immediately, but instead let out an unexplained moan.

Although the answer is not revealed, it is no different from announcing the answer.

"Really? What does a first kiss feel like?"

Xiaolan was excited again and there was a flash of envy in her eyes.

After all, although she and Kudou Shinichi had been dating for so long, they were still in a "long-distance relationship" and had never even held hands, let alone kissed.

"Don't ask me this!!" He Ye's voice was already weak at this moment. Even though they were separated by a mobile phone, the conversation could not continue at all.

"Hehe, I'm sorry." Xiaolan also realized that her question was a bit abrupt, and smiled apologetically: "Then I won't ask you for details. Anyway, congratulations."

"Yeah..." Heye smiled sillyly,

After that, he and Xiao Lan talked about their feelings after being confessed.

This point is quite common with Xiaolan. After all, the two of them have just fallen in love, and they share many of their feelings and opinions.

For a moment, the two young girls started communicating with each other on their mobile phones.

After Ayako finished washing, Heye said goodbye to Xiaolan and hung up the phone.

On the other side of Maori's house, Xiaolan, who hung up the phone, also got up and was going to drink some water.

"Did Sister Xiaolan just call Sister Heye?"

Conan on the side had already noticed Xiaolan's call. Although he was kicked out by the other party and did not hear the content, he still knew the identity of the caller through only a few words at the beginning.

It was precisely because of this that Conan could resist eavesdropping. Otherwise, Xiaolan's happy look after receiving the call and her actions of driving him out would definitely set off alarm bells for this jealous person.

But even so, Xiaolan's long phone call with Heye still aroused Conan's curiosity.

Especially after the other party came out, there was still an unstoppable smile on his face, which made Conan even more curious about what the two of them said.

"Hehe, that's a good thing."

Hearing Conan's question, Xiaolan did not hide it. Instead, she glanced at her father who was concentrating on watching TV in the living room, and happily pulled Conan into the bedroom.

"What on earth is going on? It's so mysterious." Conan said in surprise.

"Listen to me! Listen to me!" Xiaolan looked at Conan happily and shared, "Hattori-kun confessed to Kazuha-chan, today!"


Conan was really shocked when he heard Xiaolan's words. Even he didn't expect to hear such news so suddenly.

He really didn't expect that Hattori Heiji would do such a big thing quietly.

"Yeah, you're surprised, right?" Xiaolan saw Conan's shocked expression and said with a smile, "Just today."

"What's going on?" Conan asked quickly after hearing this: "Why does Brother Hattori suddenly want to confess to Sister Kazuye?"

"I heard that Karasawa Criminal was behind the plan, otherwise Hattori-kun wouldn't have taken action."

Xiaolan said with a smile: "He helped Hattori-kun choose the most suitable place for him to confess, which was at Sannoji Temple, and then pushed him from behind, and that's how he confessed today.

In addition, I just found out that Kazuha was Hattori-kun’s first love when he was a child. It’s so romantic, just like a story in a movie. "

"This is really a good thing." Conan couldn't help but be happy for his friend after hearing this.

After all, Hattori Heiji has also been worried about the confession for a long time. It is a good thing for lovers to finally get married at this time.

But just to be happy for my friend, the next moment it became heartbreaking to be killed.

Because Xiaolan leaned close to his ear and whispered something.

When he heard this, Conan felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Because he never expected that Hattori Heiji would not only confess and hold hands, but even have Kazuki's first kiss.

At this moment, Conan's whole body was numb.

After all, he confessed his love to Hattori Heiji before him, but the progress was not as fast as the other's. He even couldn't even hold Xiaolan's hand properly because he couldn't change back.

In this case, Conan was completely autistic.

He could even foresee that Hattori Heiji would make an issue out of this in the future. After all, he had made trouble about the other party's single status in the past.

Now that has really taken a turn for the worse.

When I thought about how bad Conan was, feelings of envy, jealousy, and hatred arose in my heart, but then came frustration and unwillingness.

After all, it was obvious that he confessed first, but there was no progress with Xiaolan, but you see that Hattori Heiji has made progress as soon as he confessed, all because of his current status.

Conan, who was stimulated by Hattori Heiji, has never had such an urgent desire to change back. Now he even wants to

Went to Haiyuan to get the antidote.

"Yeah, that's a good thing."

But what makes Conan heartbroken is that his unintentional words touched Xiaolan's little daughter's mind.

Thinking of my friend's happiness, and then thinking about my missing sweetheart, my heart that was originally happy for my friend suddenly turned into self-pity and self-pity.

As soon as he saw Xiaolan's expression, Conan couldn't help but feel excited. Then he looked at Xiaolan cautiously and said, "Sister Xiaolan, do you... miss Brother Shinichi..."


Xiaolan was not shy, nor did she retort with shame or annoyance. She insisted that she didn't care about the other party or anything like that. She just hummed softly, then sat on the bed and fell into a daze.

At this moment, Conan's heart sank into the valley.

What he just said was a test, but actually he wanted to adjust the atmosphere. If Xiaolan retorted in shame and he took the opportunity to change the topic, Xiaolan would basically stop thinking wildly.

Although the person the other party is thinking of is himself, which should be a happy thing, he can't admit his identity now, which makes people unable to laugh.

Because he knew that now was Xiaolan's most vulnerable time, and there was nothing he could do.

"Sister Xiaolan..." Conan opened his mouth and said in his heart: "I'll tell you something secretly. Brother Shinichi didn't let me tell you originally!"

"Huh? What?"

When Conan suddenly mentioned the news about Kudo Shinichi, but still refused to let him tell her, Xiaolan was immediately diverted.

Facing those eyes that suddenly burst with energy, Conan felt the pressure increase suddenly, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Actually..."

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