Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,312 Trip to London

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"What? Did you tell Xiaolan that Kudo would be back within a month at the latest?"

The next day in the restroom of the airport in China, after listening to Conan's words, Tangze looked speechless: "Aren't you making random promises? This is obviously impossible."

"I represent myself, why did I make such a random promise!"

Conan said angrily: "As for the impossibility, isn't there an antidote over at Haiyuan?"

"That's an unfinished product, it's drug-resistant, so you can't eat it until the critical moment." Tang Ze said angrily: "When the antidote is developed, you won't be able to change it permanently, and you won't even have time to cry. "

Because he was in a foreign country at this time and there was no one in the bathroom, Tang Ze was not afraid of eavesdropping, and he said that without any politeness.

"This is my emergency moment!"

Conan became anxious after hearing this: "Please, help me ask Haiyuan for the antidote. I begged her before, but Haiyuan had to ask you to nod in agreement!"

Because Karasawa is the savior of the Miyano sisters, Haibara is obedient to Karasawa, and Conan has no say in her.

In particular, Conan's desire for the antidote also made Haiyuan wary, fearing that the other party would eat it like a jelly bean, which would eventually lead to the antidote becoming too resistant and unable to change back.

Speaking of which, Haiyuan was doing it for Conan's own good. After all, if she followed his wishes, she wouldn't have to study the antidote soon.

She couldn't change back even after taking medicine, and she had no intention of changing back, so why was she still researching the antidote?

So since Karasawa explained to her, even though Haibara has made great progress in antidote research and the side effects have been further weakened because of the information Karasawa obtained, she didn't tell Conan, but only told Karasawa.

Not only that, but the decision to use the antidote was given to Tang Ze. This is why Conan called Tang Ze now.


Without thinking, Tangze rejected it outright: "The use of antidote is definitely not for you to use it for such unimportant things.

You must know that in the current situation where antidotes have serious side effects, every time you take an antidote can be regarded as the last time you return to being an adult.

Once you abuse it, you can only live the rest of your life the way you are now. "

"I know!" Conan said excitedly, "But now is the emergency!"

"A man-made emergency is not an emergency."

Tang Ze replied calmly, "Anyway, I refuse, you should think about the trap you created and how to solve it yourself.

Okay, I'm about to leave the airport, so I'll hang up first. If you have nothing else to do, don't call me to interfere with my vacation. "

After saying that, regardless of Conan's continuous shouting on the other end, Tangze hung up the phone.

Putting away his cell phone, Karasawa walked out of the bathroom and met Ayako who was waiting there not far away.

As for Conan?

The antidote will naturally be given, but it is up to him to decide how to give it.

After all, it is not easy to cherish what is obtained too easily. If Conan feels that he can get the antidote just by asking for help, then he will never have a peaceful life in the future.

Based on his understanding of Conan, he would definitely not be able to bear it when Xiaolan was sad.

Xiaolan, however, has eyes for her sweetheart and wishes she could go to and from school with him every day. This is definitely something Conan can't do.

Even if Kudo Shinichi is active for a day, the risk of being noticed by the black organization will increase. This is something no one can afford to bet on.

You know, this guy is also a celebrity in school, and his cool personality made many people become his fans.

This guy is the eye of the storm wherever he goes, so he has to be on guard.

Therefore, he planned to let the opponent go for a while to artificially make it more difficult for the opponent to get the antidote.

Thinking of this and seeing the phone call from Conan again, Tang Ze directly set up a blacklist for Conan to save him from harassing him again.

When he couldn't get through the phone, he understood that Tang Ze


Wait until he calms down later, then pull him out, and call him next time to ask for the antidote, and Tang Ze will agree directly.

As for now~

Thinking of Conan's furious but helpless look, Karasawa came to Ayako's side in a prepared mood.

"What took you so long?" Ayako looked at Karasawa and asked.

"I received a call in the middle." Tang Ze smiled and changed the subject without wanting to say more: "Okay, let's go out quickly."

"Oh yes!" Ayako reacted immediately after hearing this: "Sophie is still waiting for us, hurry up, hurry up, we are waiting for you."

The two of them followed the signs and left the airport, and finally arrived at the exit of Station 3. They saw a butler in a suit holding a sign that said "Welcome Miss Ayako and Mr. Karasawa."

Next to it is a stretched luxury car.

The two walked towards the luxury car. Just after confirming their identities with the housekeeper, a young girl with blond hair appeared in the car and hugged Ayako.

Friends who had not seen each other for a long time met again, and the two girls suddenly became enthusiastic.

Soon the housekeeper spoke up to ask his lady to calm down, and Ayako came to her senses and quickly introduced Karasawa's identity to Sophie.

Although it was their first meeting, Karasawa was not afraid of such social situations. After introducing himself generously, he and Ayako got into the car together.

I had heard from Ayako before that Sophie's family was a noble of the country of Yu. When Tang Ze came to the other party's manor, this feeling became even deeper.

The ancient manor is full of the characteristics of the times. Even though some things have been updated with the development of the times, the style accumulated over hundreds of years is still difficult to change.

Not long after Sophie arranged for them to renovate the room, the housekeeper came to inform the two of them to have lunch.

Although it was still a little early, considering that the two of them had just gotten off the plane and were going out for fun later, Sophie arranged lunch early.

Well, Sophie's chef actually cooks Italian food, which is really good and makes Karaze relax.

After all, in the country of Yu, there is a saying that "the most delicious food is foreign food", which is enough to show the high level of the country's dark cuisine.

And obviously people are not stupid, and they know what tastes good. For example, nobles will not abuse their tongues. Even during the meal, Sophie was still complaining about dark dishes such as black pudding.

The name of this thing seems pretty good, but it is indeed almost on the same level as "looking up at the stars".

It's food made with pig blood, lard and oats. It looks black like coke, which is completely unacceptable.

By the way, in order for the two of them to taste British specialties, both of them were served, but Karasawa and the two of them split a little and stopped eating.

There was no other way, I really couldn't accept it, but fortunately this was food and it wasn't specially made for them. The old housekeeper liked it and walked away with the food with a accustomed look on his face.

Obviously, this was originally a dish for the butlers. I just gave them a little bit to taste it, and I knew they couldn't accept the food.

Seeing this, Tang Ze could only lament that the soil and water support one person, and there are some things that they cannot eat. For the locals,

After eating, Sophie looked at the two of them and smiled and said, "I have already planned the route for you and assigned you a driver. If you don't plan to come back tonight, just tell me."

"Aren't you going with us?" Ayako couldn't help but said regretfully after hearing this: "I want to play more with you."

"I'm not going to be a light bulb."

Sophie heard Ayako's words and said with a smile: "You go and play for a few days first, and then the two of us will go shopping alone.

As for Mr. Karasawa, please find a place to entertain yourself when the time comes. I will borrow your girlfriend for a few days~"

"No problem." After hearing Sophie's words, Karasawa smiled and replied in English: "Don't worry about me then, you go

Just play. "

Hearing Karasawa's words, Sophie nodded with satisfaction, while Ayako on the side heard the conversation between the two and said helplessly: "Hey, you two arranged it for me without consulting me as the client? "

Unexpectedly, the two of them looked at each other, looked at Ayako and said in unison: "You have no right to speak!"

After saying this sudden and strange tacit understanding, the two of them burst out laughing, and the barriers between them when they first met disappeared a lot.

On the contrary, Ayako looked at the two of them and laughed helplessly.

It was obvious that she could not control the tacit understanding between the two of them speaking in unison.

After reaching a consensus, Sophie didn't say anything more, but said goodbye to the two of them, letting them have fun.

Tangze and the two also embarked on a comfortable trip, with Sophie's specially equipped driver responsible for all the itinerary arrangements.

And their first stop was Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England works. Not only that, but they also happened to catch up with the changing of the guard ceremony.

This was one of the reasons Sophie arranged for them to have dinner as soon as they arrived at the mansion.

When the time came to 11:30, the Royal Horsewomen riding white horses began to maintain order in front of Buckingham Palace.

Under the leadership of the drummer, royal soldiers wearing red military uniforms and bearskin hats walked from the park on the left towards Buckingham Palace. The neat procession walked along the diameter of the left side of the square towards the main entrance of the palace for the changing of the guard ceremony.

Well, Tang Ze has always regarded this kind of ceremony as the best in the world, so he watched such ceremonies in other countries with a knowledgeable attitude.

After the visit, the two bought tickets and walked through the long corridor to the State Hall, which is also the most luxurious part of the building.

Of course, their visit was limited to the West Building, and other places were still not allowed to enter.

This is normal. After all, it is still a place for normal use. It would be good to let tourists visit part of it.

"You don't seem very interested. How about we go to St. James Park for a walk?"

Seeing Ayako's lack of interest after admiring it, Karasawa suggested with a smile: "I'll take a picture of you over there."

"Yeah." Ayako was startled when she heard this, nodded and asked with a smile, "Did you see it?"

"Of course, it's a pity that we can't take pictures in the palace." Karasawa said with a smile, "But the scenery in St. James Park over there is quite nice. Let's just go there and take some pictures."

"Then please ask my photographer to take a better picture of me." Ayako smiled and hugged Karasawa's arm and walked towards the ancient park adjacent to Buckingham Palace.

This is King Henry VIII’s Deer Park, which is naturally close to Buckingham Palace. Of course, it is now just a place where Londoners visit during their holidays.

"There are actually squirrels, and they are not afraid of people." After entering the park, Ayako was surprised to see squirrels running around in the trees.

"After all, this is a former royal garden, and there are no people who can catch them here, so they are not afraid of people."

Looking at the chubby squirrels here, you can tell that these guys are not afraid of people at all. Tangze raised his camera and took a photo.

The two of them walked all the way through the park, and soon they came to the huge lawn. The golden sunlight shone on it and even dyed it golden.

There were many people camping here, and there were also children feeding the squirrels with bread. This must be why these squirrels are so fat.

Continuing to walk forward, they came to a vast lake. Ayako's eyes couldn't help but light up when she saw this: "Look, look, there are many water birds on the lake."

"Then you pick a place and I'll take pictures for you."

Karasawa waited until Ayako found the place, but did not take the photo directly. Instead, he waited for Ayako to pose and then praised her a few times. Then he asked Ayako to change her movements slightly. He waited until Ayako's expression relaxed before taking the photo.

This is actually a little tip for taking pictures. If you don’t have much confidence in your skills, then you need to communicate more with the other party.

After all, the person taking the photo cannot see the camera, so it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous. Communication at this time will make the other party relax and absorb.

Attract the other person's attention and his expression will naturally relax.

In this way, the efficiency of film production will naturally be much higher, and the party taking the photo will not have to be tortured repeatedly.

After playing here until the afternoon, Ayako and the two went directly back to Sophie's villa.

Without it, after traveling and traveling to visit two more places, the two of us were actually tired, so we planned to go back and rest quickly.

Back at the manor, in addition to Sophie, the other party's parents also came back. After seeing Ayako, there was inevitably another round of greetings.

As for Tang Ze, who was on another level of relationship, the first meeting was even more awkward.

However, he was also a social expert and knew many things. After a while, he started chatting with Sophie's father about chess.

Even after finishing the meal, the other party took the chessboard and wanted to try his hand at Tang Ze.

Regarding this, Tangze was really right. The opponent's hobby level was higher than his, but he still had D-level skills, plus he was very smart and had an overall view, so the two of them were matched.

Well, it can also be said that they are pecking each other.

But no matter what, the relationship between the two quickly changed from strangers to familiar friends, and later they were dragged to play darts.

But these are Tang Ze's specialties. The other party in the darts show stopped playing and asked for advice instead.

In this way, the first day of arriving in the country gradually came to an end.

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