Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,313 Conspiracy

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In the following days, Karasawa and Ayako went to many places one after another.

During the day, they took a cruise on the Thames River, and at night, they took a ride on the London Eye to enjoy the night scenery of London. There were also various places. The two of them had a great time for five days in a row.

Of course, on the second day after arriving in the country, Tangze used the [Safe and Sound Card], so that he could play with peace of mind for five days without having to worry about the case at all.

Well, the day I went to Buckingham Palace was another day of free prostitution, plus the day in Kyoto, Tang Ze had seven days of peace and quiet.

Coupled with the fact that there were still two days of vacation, Tang Ze was very happy and relaxed a lot.

Not only that, there is another good thing.

Hattori Heiji and Kazuha briefly changed their identities after their confession, and quickly adapted to their relationship as a couple.

On the day he used the [Safety Card], Tangze also received another message about system reward settlement.

[It was detected that the main character's romance was reached in advance, causing fluctuations in the fate line. 】

[Destiny fluctuation calculation is in progress. 】

[Calculation result: benign change]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Yuanyang Ring]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving a lot of favor from fate! 】

This was the reward he received for bringing Hattori and Kazuha together, and for general changes in relationships, the props given to them were all props given by fate to protect their marriage.

This time it was no surprise either.

[Mandarin duck pairing ring: When a couple wears this ring, they become a community of destiny, and they can enjoy the blessing of each other's fate and protect their safety. 】

Note: How come they are mandarin ducks with their necks crossed, soaring together.

The effect of this prop is very simple, but its effect is also very powerful.

A community of destiny means shared luck. If one of the parties is in danger, it will turn the danger into good fortune at the expense of both parties' luck.

It can be said to be a very good shelter prop.

To be honest, what I worry about most as a criminal is that the people around me will be involved in the case and be in danger.

Especially detectives and criminal lovers, these are high-risk professions, and you may encounter danger if you are not careful.

Therefore, with this ring, Ayako's personal safety is greatly guaranteed.

After all, apart from other things, Karasawa still has a lot of favors from fate, and it is not a problem at all to help Ayako turn danger into good fortune several times.

After all, he gets this thing every time he prevents a case, but he rarely uses it.

The props that can be used by fate's favor are the props at the bottom of the box. They are stored by Tang Zezhen with great care and will never be used until the critical moment.

Moreover, the shape of this ring is also very beautiful. The material is made of platinum, the pattern is luxurious but not complicated, and it is also inlaid with diamonds. Tang Ze directly used it as a wedding ring when proposing.

Today is the sixth day after arriving in the country, and there are still two days left for the [Safety Card] holiday.

But today Karasawa went out again, but there was no Ayako by his side.

There was no other way, after playing for six days in a row, almost all the places that should be visited were visited, and Sophie happily took Ayako to go shopping.

Tang Ze was directly abandoned, but he was also free.

After exiting the gate of the manor, Tangze got into the car prepared for him by the butler, and there was no good place to go for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally decided to go shopping at 221B Baker Street, which he had booked early. As for where to go later, he would decide when the time comes.

For a person who is a mystery enthusiast and whose job is also a criminal, the feeling of coming here is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Entering the room, Karasawa even felt like he was "cruising through a holy land", but he didn't feel like a pilgrim.

He is not a fan of Conan who worships a virtual character. To him, the other person is just one of his favorite virtual detectives.

But when it comes to Chongqing, that doesn’t even count.

The furnishings of Sherlock Holmes’s former residence are all based on Chinese

The plot was arranged to support the situation, and the layout of the office was the same as in Karasawa's memory.

In addition, visitors to this place can sit next to the stove in the study on the first floor and imitate his sitting posture while holding his pipe.

Because today was just an ordinary working day for Koreans, there were only a few scattered tourists at 221B Baker Street in the morning, so Tang Ze sat in Holmes's seat without even queuing.

Of course, he asked the surrounding tourists to help take photos, and in return, he took a Polaroid photo of the couple and gave the photo to the two of them as a gift in return.

After a simple exchange, the other party learned that Karasawa was a tourist here and recommended several good coffee shops and restaurants to him, as well as flea markets and other places where only locals would go.

After thanking him, Tangze went to the flea market immediately with the intention of taking a look. Of course, he didn't buy anything, he just felt the atmosphere.

We walked and stopped all the way, and when we were hungry, we went to the restaurant the young student mentioned to eat. In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

At around three o'clock, Ayako called and said that he would accompany her to a banquet hosted by Sophie that evening, and Karasawa immediately agreed.

Time passed slowly and came to the last day. Tang Ze was still wandering around the city with nothing to do. At the same time, the neon time continued to flow forward.

Downstairs of the Mori Detective Agency.

Poirot Restaurant.

"Damn it, I missed it again this time!"

Mouri Kogoro, holding a horse racing newspaper and wearing headphones, complained unhappily.

"Really, it's rare that we all come out to have a parfait and feel the summer atmosphere. Why don't you read some horse racing newspapers here?!"

Opposite Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan waved a spoon and looked at her father dissatisfied.

But Mouri Kogoro turned a deaf ear to Xiaolan's words. After putting down the newspaper, he looked at Xiaolan's parfait and said with some greed: "That strawberry of yours looks delicious. If you don't want to eat it, I'll help you." Bar?"


Seeing this, Xiaolan grabbed Mouri Kogoro's wrist and said aggressively: "I specially saved these strawberries until the end, and I plan to enjoy them slowly!"

"What does it matter? It's just a strawberry. Can't you honor your father?"

Mouri Kogoro didn't take his daughter's words seriously at all. He pinched the strawberry and tried to put it into his mouth.

But Xiaolan was serious. She immediately used her palms to grab Mouri Kogoro and shouted repeatedly.

The pain caused his palms to loosen unconsciously, and the strawberry covered in cream fell straight off the table and rolled to the ground.


Seeing the strawberry fall to the ground, Xiaolan shouted angrily: "I've been looking forward to it for so long!"


Just when Xiaolan was angry, a cat meow suddenly broke the tense atmosphere, and the three of them couldn't help but look under the table.

I saw an elegant white cat playing with the fallen strawberry with its front paws.

"What is this guy doing?" Mouri Kogoro asked suspiciously.

"Do cats also like to eat strawberries?" Xiaolan couldn't help but asked in surprise as she watched the cat love strawberries.

"Probably just playing with the strawberries as balls." Conan looked at Xiaolan and replied.

"Hmph...where did this cat come from?"

Mouri Kogoro pinched the white cat Destiny's neck and looked at the cat in front of him.

But it seemed that the cat was very unhappy when someone touched it. As soon as Mouri Kogoro got closer and wanted to observe the cat carefully, the cat immediately started scratching with all four claws.

In an instant, there were several scratches on Mouri Kogoro's face, and Moori Kogoro was so frightened that he quickly took them away.


At this moment, a lady in purple clothes with golden-gray hair rushed over in panic and hugged the cat: "I'm so happy to see you're okay!"

Speaking of this, the foreign woman looked at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Thank you.

Thanks for helping me find it! "

Because the rich man spoke English, Mouri Kogoro looked confused.

But Xiaolan was still by his side. After hearing what she said, she said to her father, "She seems to be thanking you."

After speaking, Xiaolan replied to the woman in English and introduced: "My father is a detective."


Hearing this, the foreign woman exclaimed: "How awesome! Actually, I am a mystery fan. I really want to hear you talk about the cases your father solved!"

But now I have to fly back quickly, which is such a shame...

If you don't mind, can I invite you to my house?

Come to London. "

The woman spoke so quickly that even Xiaolan couldn't hear her clearly, and Mouri Kogoro was even more confused.

On the contrary, when Conan heard what the other party said, his eyes lit up and he immediately replied in English: "Great!"

"Oh~ are you willing to come?"

After hearing what Conan said, the old woman looked very happy and invited her directly: "Then when do you have time?"

"Our school will be on vacation next week!" Conan replied with a smile.

"It's done. I'll arrange your itinerary as soon as I return to China!" The old woman said happily: "I'm Diana. This is my phone number. Please note it down..."

"This kid can actually speak English."

Looking down at Conan who was taking out his mobile phone and playing with it, Mouri Kogoro couldn't believe it.

"It seems like this..." Xiaolan was also impressed by Conan's show, and nodded blankly.

On the other side, the two people who were talking happily had reached a deal.

After the other party left, Maori and his daughter immediately asked Conan about the content of their conversation.


After hearing Conan's words, Mouri Kogoro was surprised and said: "That foreign woman said she wanted to invite us to the country of Yu? And you agreed directly?

How can you have that time? "

"It's okay. Both Didan Elementary School and Didan High School are on commemorative holidays. Plus Saturday and Sunday, we have 4 days to go."

Conan said happily: "And Diana, that woman seemed to be a very wealthy woman. After learning that we were going, she said she would arrange our itinerary when we got back.

The other party paid for all the round-trip air tickets and accommodation.

I just left my phone number with the other party, and I guess they will contact us after returning to China! "

"Really!" Mouri Kogoro was shocked when he heard this.

"Go to the country of Ying...!?"

Xiaolan was also very excited. When the father and daughter saw Conan nodding, they even clasped their hands together and jumped up happily.

Conan on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw the excitement of the two people.

In fact, he was very excited and even decided to go to Yu!

Although his father often took him abroad before, he had never been to the country of Yu.

I think of Baker Street where Sherlock Holmes is, Hyde Park where I went for a walk with Watson, and the Dayang Museum where I often go to check out information...

Even the Reichenbach Falls, which he fell with his old enemy Moriarty, these are the places he wants to visit! !

But after turning his back to the two of them, his face became calm again.

Because he still has one more level to pass, which is to get the antidote!

That's right, he has already planned. This time he will go to Yu country not only to satisfy his desire to travel, but also to complete the things he promised Xiaolan before!

He wants to go on a date with Xiaolan in the country of Kudo as Kudo Shinichi, fulfilling what Conan said before!

Not only that, the reason for asking for the antidote is also included in this invitation!

That's right, when Conan heard that Diana invited them to go to the country, Conan's first reaction was excitement. In addition, he also realized that this was an adventure.

Good opportunity to ask for the antidote.

Karasawa would not let Haibara give him the antidote without a necessary reason, but what if someone else caused an emergency?

For example, he went abroad with Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro, but he did not have a passport due to identity issues and was unable to go abroad.

Then in order to go abroad, he must restore his identity as Kudo Shinichi.

And recovery requires an antidote, so he can justifiably ask Tang Ze for it.

If the other party still doesn't agree, then he will say that he promised before, and his sudden absence will arouse the suspicion of Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan.

It can be said that this was a conspiracy. In order to prevent the two of them from becoming suspicious, Tang Ze had to give him the antidote.

Thinking of this, Conan took out his cell phone and checked the time, and then planned to make a call later.

It is now five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is a nine-hour time difference between the two countries. It is only eight o'clock in the morning for Tangze, so it is not easy to disturb him.

After preparing to salute and have dinner with the Maori father and daughter who were happy to go home and pack up their gifts, Conan couldn't wait to run out to a nearby park, found a corner and called Karasawa to explain the situation.

"What, you said you also want to come to Yu?"

After hearing Conan's words, Tang Ze on the other end of the phone felt bad.

After all, he still had one day to go on vacation, and Conan had already informed him that he was coming over. Wasn't it obvious that a case was going to happen?

Although the other party did not come now, but confirmed that the time would be next Wednesday, Tangze's peaceful life had a few more days, but he still couldn't be happy.

After all, no one wants to receive news that there is a lot of follow-up work before the vacation is almost over.

However, Tangze soon suppressed his helplessness and directly agreed to Conan's request for the antidote.

Anyway, the antidote was meant to be given, so this was killing two birds with one stone.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze gathered his mood and began to analyze the pros and cons.

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