Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1314: Reunion in a different place [Happy New Year’s Eve! 】

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After calming down and sorting out his mood, Tangze quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

Aside from being slightly upset, this should be considered a good thing.

Because of Conan's notification, he had taken the initiative in advance of the upcoming main case.

Yes, that's the main line. After all, this guy only comes to London once.

It was also here that the other party confessed to Xiang Xiaolan.

Of course, with Tang Ze's intervention, the two of them had been together for a long time.

Naturally, Conan will not confess his love again when he comes to the country this time. The possibility of cherishing the antidote and going on a date is actually greater.

On the other side, Conan jumped up excitedly after hanging up the phone.

He really didn't expect that his plan to force her to marry him would go so smoothly, but he agreed directly after hearing what he said.

This made him feel a little elated. After all, this was the first time he had won a battle of wits and courage with Tang Ze.

Although this is just a small victory, it is also a big victory with a different meaning!

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but giggle, and even walked a little fidget.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take out his phone and call Hattori Heiji to show off the good news.

"Originally, Karasawa Criminal was not willing to give me the antidote, you know."

Conan said with a proud tone: "But I just used a little trick to make him have to give me the antidote.

I reversed the situation when the situation was not in my favor, and my opponent was that Tangze Criminal! "

"So you called me just to talk about this?"

Hattori Heiji listened to Conan chattering on the other end of the phone and couldn't help but said speechlessly: "How boring you are.

And how do you know that it was not that Tang Ze Criminal originally planned to give you the antidote, but he just encountered you again, so he just gave you the antidote?

After all, if the antidote is given to you as soon as you ask, you will definitely get worse in the future.

But if the process of asking for the antidote becomes difficult for you, then you will only ask for the antidote in more critical or urgent situations in the future. "


Conan felt bad after hearing Hattori Heiji's blow, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"The previous rejection must have been sincere, not to tease me!"

"Haha, you think you have promised Xiaolan, can Tang Ze not let you change back?"

Hattori Heiji said disdainfully: "As soon as you break the contract, Xiaolan will doubt whether you are in danger or something.

Xiaolan cannot be contacted when you are around, and your absence will arouse Xiaolan's suspicion.

Not only that, if you told this news as Conan before, Xiaolan would definitely question you, and it would be difficult for you to end it, right? "


When Conan heard this, it seemed like he was refuting Hattori Heiji's words, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

After all, no matter how reluctant he was, he had to admit that what the other party said did make sense.

"Anyway, now that you have the antidote, let's take advantage of the opportunity."

Hattori Heiji didn't wait for Conan to say anything more, and then directly reminded: "I finally went to the country of Yu, and Karasawa Criminal Police can also cover you. You can accompany Xiaolan by returning to the identity of Kudo Shinichi." Bar.

After all, someone's progress is too far behind mine. I really don't know who confessed to me first. "

"Hattori, you guy!" Conan couldn't help but have a dark look on his face after hearing what the other party said. Just when he was about to speak, he found that the other party had hung up the phone, leaving him without even a chance to say harsh words.

Hattori Heiji, who was far away from home, happily put away his mobile phone and finally left humming a song.

Just listening to Conan's last words, it was obvious that he already knew the fact that he and He Ye were together, otherwise the other party's attention would definitely be on the confession.

And since the other party didn't have any reaction to his confession, it means that

The other party actually already knew about this, so he was attracted by his ridicule.

It was precisely because of this that he was in a happy mood. After all, this meant that his previous plan was executed exactly as he thought.

I invisibly showed off Conan's face, and then hung up the phone when the other party wanted to refute.

Thinking of the other party's angry but helpless look, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but smile evilly.

Conan, who was injured again, was numb. He never thought that he was going to show off his achievements, but was inadvertently backhanded by the opponent to show off.

And although he didn't want to admit the speculation the other party mentioned, based on his understanding of Tang Ze, it was really the other party's character, and he could really calculate it to this point.

Before, I was too excited and got carried away, but now that Hattori Heiji poured cold water on me, I suddenly regained my consciousness.

However, after a brief period of heartache, Conan returned to his previous happiness.

Being stabbed in the heart by Hattori Heiji is nothing. I have always stabbed the other person's heart before. It's normal for you to come and go, and you can just return it next time.

But thinking of Hattori's last words, Conan couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

The other party had already exchanged their first kiss with Ye Kiss, and even started to tease him about it, which reminded him of the previous scene when he mocked the other party for being single.

Things have really turned around at this moment.

Conan felt that he couldn't bear it when he thought that when the two of them quarreled, each other would use this to stab him in the heart just like he used to do.

"No, let's find a way to stop that guy Heiji from bringing this up again!"

The thought flashed through his mind, but the next moment Conan realized that if he really wanted to take away Hattori Heiji's advantage, he would have to reach the same level as him, or even surpass him.

But when he thought of the action to achieve this goal, Conan immediately eliminated the thought of surpassing the opponent in his mind, and even thought that thinking about it for a second longer would be disrespectful to Xiaolan.

And if it's even...

At this moment, Xiaolan's angelic face flashed through Conan's mind, and then the face got closer and closer, until finally only her pink lips were left...


Conan covered his mouth and nose, his whole brain shut down, and even the top of his head began to steam.

At this moment, Conan seemed to have returned to the day he took the antidote and became bigger. No, his body's reaction was even bigger than that!

My heart beats faster and my body feels hot. Except for the severe pain, there is even more!

Just when he thought that he wanted to kiss Xiaolan, Conan couldn't even walk. He staggered back home as if he had drunk too much.

After arriving home, Mouri Kogoro was already in a happy mood and continued to watch the horse racing competition, while Conan came back and sat on the sofa next to him in a daze.

Mouri Kogoro didn't care about Conan's appearance. He waited until Xiaolan came out after cleaning up and saluting. When he saw Conan who was unconscious, he couldn't help but ask: "Conan, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Ah!" After hearing Xiaolan's words, Conan quickly came back to his senses and said, "No, I'm not uncomfortable..."

Before she could finish her words, Xiaolan had already lifted up Liu Hai in front of her forehead and pressed her forehead against her forehead.

At this moment, the faint fragrance of shampoo poured into his nose, and the faint hot air blew across the skin of Conan's face, making him realize that the two of them were almost face to face at this moment, and even the target of his previous fantasy was close. So close.

But he didn't move at all, and even froze in place like a puppet.

"It's okay."

Leaving Conan's forehead, Xiao Lan gestured and looked at Conan and said, "Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

"No, no!"

Conan's face turned red and he waved his hands hurriedly: "I was thinking about something just now. I'm fine, Sister Xiaolan!"

"So that's it, that's good."

Xiaolan smiled and said:

"We will go abroad soon, so we must ensure our health during this time~

If you are unable to travel to the country due to illness, you will regret it to death! "

"Well, don't worry, Sister Xiaolan." Conan stood up with a smile and said, "I'm going back to the room first. I have to think about some things carefully."

"Okay, let's go." Xiaolan stopped asking further questions after hearing this, and just let Conan leave.

And he had no excuse, he just wanted to escape from Xiaolan.

After all, just seeing the other person's face made Conan feel his face burning hot, and he couldn't think calmly. Naturally, he had to stay away to calm down for a while.

But he soon discovered that his calmness was of no use at all, because as soon as he calmed down, Xiaolan's face kept flashing in his mind.

Even because Xiaolan had just taken his temperature with her face to forehead, the previously imagined scene suddenly had a realistic preview, and he became even more unable to calm down.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the scene of Xiaolan approaching appeared in front of him again, making him unable to rest at all.

"calm down!!"

Patting himself on the face, Conan forced himself to calm down, but in the end, he couldn't sleep that night or the rest of the night.

It was still the same until the day I left for the country of Yu.

However, after getting on the plane, Kudo Shinichi calmed down and even caught up on his sleep on the plane.

After getting off the plane, Kudo Shinichi quickly found a car, confirmed the ticket number and got in directly.

"I really didn't expect you to come to Yu country earlier than me, Tangze Criminal."

After getting in the car, Kudo Shinichi smiled and said, "Yeah, I was thinking about what to do if no one comes to take care of me when the time comes for the antidote. Now I don't have to worry."

"I'm giving you the antidote this time. You agree to Xiaolan's request and travel to the country of Yu. The more important thing is to test the effect of the antidote."

Looking at the excited Kudo Shinichi, Karasawa poured cold water on the side and said, "If you think this time is an excuse to go abroad to force me to give you the antidote, you are totally wrong.

I originally planned to postpone it for you for a while, but it just happened to catch up with your going abroad. "

"I know, I know!"

When Kudo Shinichi heard these words, they were completely consistent with Hattori Heiji's speculation. When he thought that he had always been in the opponent's calculations, he responded with some displeasure.

"Where are Xiaolan and the others?" Seeing Shinichi's impatience, Karasawa didn't urge him anymore, but changed the subject and asked, "What time is the flight?"

"About half an hour later than me." Kudo Shinichi said with a smile: "In order to be half an hour ahead of schedule, I specially flew to Osaka and came here in advance."

"That's right. After all, although your antidote does your best to extend the time, the time is limited after all."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "If this is the case now, you only need to pick up the other party and then go on a date directly."

"Well... I guess." Having guessed his little idea, Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but scratch his head.

"Then have you ever thought about how to deal with your father-in-law?" Tang Ze joked with a smile.

"Uh..." Kudo Shinichi's expression froze when he heard this, and then he said sheepishly: "Leave it to you, Karasawa Criminal..."

"Hey, are you going too far?"

Hearing this, Tang Ze was speechless and said, "You go on a date with someone else's daughter and let me deal with my father-in-law's anger?"

"Then please cooperate with me when the time comes." Kudo Shinichi said, "I have a good idea."

"What can I do?" Tangze asked curiously.

"Keep it secret." Kudo Shinichi chuckled when he heard this, but he kept it secret and refused to say anything.

Hearing this, Tang Ze stopped delving further. Anyway, it was only half an hour, so he would just wait and see in person what the other party would do.

The two of them sat in the car and waited. Half an hour flew by, and soon they arrived at the flight of Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan.

Because he also invited Dr. A Li to accompany him, there was no need to worry about finding him.

Not to them.

As soon as he got off the plane, Dr. Ari immediately contacted Conan and told them the exit.

Because there are very few Asians here, Conan easily found the three of Mouri Kogoro.

"This way, this way."

Kudo Shin shouted immediately after getting out of the car. When they heard the familiar native language, the three of them unconsciously turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.


Seeing the person waving, Xiaolan screamed in disbelief.

"Kudou boy?" Mouri Kogoro also looked at the person in front of him in surprise, somewhat disbelieving: "Why are you here too?"


But Kudo Shinichi simply ignored him, smiled, came to Xiaolan and opened his hands: "How are you, are you surprised?"

"I didn't expect you to actually come. Conan didn't lie to me!" Xiaolan said excitedly.

"Ah, that guy leaked my plan?" Kudo Shinichi heard Xiaolan spill the beans and immediately agreed.

This is also to clear the suspicion between the two. After all, Xiaolan has suspected that Conan is Kudo Shinichi not once or twice. Blaming Conan like this can make the two of them more distinct.

"Well, don't blame him. I was in a bad mood that day and Conan did this to make me happy." Xiaolan quickly explained to Conan after hearing this.

"Okay, then why are you unhappy?" Kudo Shinichi asked knowingly.

"Keep it secret." Xiaolan couldn't help but blush when she heard her sweetheart's question.

After all, she couldn't say that she was a little sad because her best friend and her lover finally got married, and they even got each other's first kiss, which made her think about the stagnation of her relationship with him, right?

That would be too embarrassing.

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