Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1319 Contradiction

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The location method is actually based on the location on the notice letter.

Just connect the locations on the notice letter in order on the map, and finally you will get the shape of a tennis racket.

This is also the reason why there is another "bell" in the fifth line, because after connecting from "Big Ben" in the first line to the cake church with the secret code in the fifth line, "Big Ben" needs to be connected again.

This creates the shape of a racket, and the handle is added to the ceramic shop on row six.

I have to say that Hades is also a smart man, able to think of such an exquisite code.

"It's a pity that I didn't take the right path..."

Sighing regretfully, after going over the secret code in his mind, Tang Ze came to his senses, put away the letter, and turned back to the hotel.

Cracking the code or something was just what he said to Apollo and the two of them. He already knew the time and place of the crime.

But his actions must follow the logic and laws of reality, so he must first prepare the ground for his actions.

As for this "investigation" time, he didn't need to actually investigate, so he would naturally return to the hotel to rest.

After all, you can say whatever you want about using your brain, even if you are really caught being lazy.

As for the time, it's not too early. All that's left is to wait for things to ferment.

The summer white nights in the country are very long. It was already eight o'clock when Tangze returned to the hotel after dinner, but the sky was still bright.

However, since tomorrow is Saturday, Karasawa decided to take a rest early.

After hailing a taxi and asking him to take him to Baker Street, Karasawa drove back to the hotel.

When Ayako was here before, it was okay for him to use other people's homes, but after the two of them went out to play, he felt a little awkward staying there.

In addition, he knew that Conan was coming, so he found a hotel in the city center and checked in directly.

Although five-star hotels are expensive, you get what you pay for. At least he was satisfied with the dinner.

After dinner, he had a phone call with Ayako and heard where she had been in the past two days. He didn't go to bed until late at night.

Although he had to face a bomb case involving tens of thousands of people the next day, Tangze still slept soundly without any pressure.

After all, for him, he has not experienced any more serious cases than this, not to mention that this time he also knows the follow-up development, so it can be said that everything is under his control.

Without any pressure, Tangze fell directly into sleep.

Early the next morning, Tangze got up early.

After washing and eating the breakfast prepared by the hotel, he went out to buy a newspaper from a nearby newsstand.

Opening the newspaper, I saw the headlines occupying a full page.

Published on it is the true identity of the prisoner who issued the crime warning letter yesterday.

According to the fingerprint test on the notice letter, the prisoner's name is Hades Shabala, a serial murderer who is currently on the run.

And the other party is now a very dangerous criminal.

He used to be a serious office worker, but because his mother was seriously ill, he borrowed money from acquaintances to raise money for her mother's surgery.

But later, when he didn't have enough money, he invested the borrowed money in stocks and gambling. Naturally, he lost everything.

In the end, the mother was unable to undergo surgery and died in July last year.

After that, Hades began his own criminal path and began to continuously kill acquaintances who repaid his debts and friends who suggested investing in stocks.

In the end, he came to a dead end and met a woman named Hestia during his escape. She was a down-and-out giantess who was proficient in making bombs.

The combination of the two caused a large number of casualties at once.

With the support of bombs, Hades began to continuously blow up hospitals that refused to operate on his mother. He transformed from an ordinary serial murderer into a more terrifying bomber, causing a large number of casualties.

Of course, according to reports, the whereabouts and hiding place of this woman were known to the police. During the arrest, the woman directly exposed herself as dead.

However, because the body was blown to pieces, it might just be a fake death created by the corpse prepared by the other party in advance, and it is not certain whether the other party is still alive.

The reason why the guy hasn't been arrested yet is because he has been undergoing plastic surgery while escaping, so the police have no way to pinpoint his whereabouts.

Back in the hotel room, Tang Ze searched for information about Hades on the Internet again.

Even if he already had a plan for this case, he still needed to learn more about the prisoner's personality and construct a profile.

In this way, we can also better understand the prisoner's personality and construct the other party's action pattern.

Even if he already has plans and plans for subsequent cases, in order to avoid accidents, it is better to be fully prepared.

After searching for information about Hades on the Internet, information about the other party soon appeared on the web page.

In addition to this widespread warning letter, Hades will also send out a warning letter full of coded messages before blowing up the hospital.

Even after the hospital was bombed, he recorded a video of the hospital explosion and sent it to the police.

In addition, it also comes with a letter interpreting his code text, which is undoubtedly a provocation.

Tell the police at Scotland Yard in no uncertain terms that they will come and arrest me if they can.

After understanding these situations, Tangze also had a basic profile understanding of Hades based on this information.

First of all, this guy has a strong desire for self-expression, otherwise he wouldn't act with such fanfare every time.

In addition, he is arrogant, arrogant, contemptuous of others, and also looks down on the police. He is the kind of smart person who puts his eyes higher than his head.

Of course, sending videos to the police and deciphering codes is provocative and humiliating.

It can be seen that the other party has completely fallen into the pleasure of revenge, and it is unreasonable to reason with such a person.

To deal with such a person, you must defeat the enemy with one strike without giving the opponent any chance to react.

Otherwise, with such an extreme character, the other party will definitely choose to self-destruct without hesitation. If the other party is lucky enough to escape, then the other party will definitely retaliate crazily.

At that time, it was no longer a matter of humiliating people with ease, but an angry and indiscriminate attack.

After having an idea in mind, I took out my mobile phone to call Apollo and asked him to help arrange for him to enter Wimbledon Stadium in the afternoon.

After all, the crime scene is over there. If you can't get in, no matter how good your plan is, it will be in vain.

But just as the call was connected, Apollo's excited words came from the other end of the phone: "Karasawa Criminal, did you read today's newspaper!? Those predictions you made yesterday were all right!"

"I just bought a newspaper."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "The identity of the prisoner is already known. I have seen his previous criminal actions. I am afraid that the other party will also use bombs this time."

"So, Karasawa Criminal Investigation, have you deciphered the code on the prisoner's notification letter?" Ares' expectant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It has been cracked." Tang Ze smiled, and informed the other party of the general situation of the password cracking in response to the other party's excited inquiry.

Of course, what he mainly explained was the decryption of the location. After all, the decryption of the time also involved the various arrangements of the prisoners, so he briefly explained it.

"So, we already knew in advance that the prisoner was going to commit a crime!?"

Ares said in an excited tone: "Doesn't that mean we can call the police to arrest the criminal?"

"It's okay to call the police, but you can't take it lightly."

Tangze reminded: "Don't forget, since he is a fugitive and has not been caught yet, it means that he has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

It is impossible for such a person to accidentally leave his fingerprints on the notice letter, which means that he deliberately let the police know his information.

In other words, he

He had to complete this crime at the risk of being arrested.

It is foreseeable that the other party's actions this time may not be small.

After you call the police, tell the police the information I deduced, but tell them that they must act covertly and not make a big show of it.

If the police's actions are too big and make the prisoner feel a sense of crisis, it may stimulate the prisoner not to follow the plan in the code.

And don't forget, Wimbledon Stadium can accommodate tens of thousands of people, so it is even more difficult to find a specific prisoner among them. "

"Then what should we do!?"

Like a basin of cold water, it directly doused Ares and the two people who looked excited on the other end of the phone. They had learned that Tangze had cracked the code and fell into joy. However, they had no idea that unlocking the code was just the beginning.

As for how to find the criminal and arrest him, there is no clue or method at all.

The thought of finding the prisoner among tens of thousands of people made the two of them feel numb and didn't know what to do. They quickly asked Tang Ze with anticipation, hoping that the other party would hear good news from the other party.

By now, they had no doubts about Tang Ze's words. After all, since their meeting yesterday, the reasoning made by the other party had been gradually confirmed over time.

If it weren't for the other party, everything would be traceable. They all thought Tang Ze could predict the future.

Not only that, after the other party was able to guess the prisoner's target based on Apollo's retelling of the prisoner's words, they still did not relax their vigilance in deciphering the code to open the notice letter, which also gave them great trust in Tangze.

So when they realized that the situation was still not optimistic, the two subconsciously sought Tang Ze's help.

"It's your sister's game this afternoon, right? I'll drive there later, and I'll call you when the time comes and I need you to pick me up."

After hearing the two people's inquiries, Karasawa was not polite and immediately commanded: "In addition to you two, I need the cooperation of your sister Mineba Glass and your mother.

According to my profile of the prisoner, your family of three is most likely to be targeted.

So while I am on my way, you must tell your mother and sister the whole story and tell them the seriousness of the matter. "

"I know!" Apollo said seriously on the other end of the phone, "I will definitely make them take it seriously!"

"Don't worry, Apollo, I will also explain it to you." Ares echoed beside him.

"That's it for now, we'll talk about the rest when we meet."

After hearing the conversation between the two on the phone, Tang Ze ended the topic and hung up the phone.

There was nothing to pack. After Karasawa put his phone in his pocket, he hailed a taxi and headed to Wimbledon Stadium.

Although he did not buy a ticket, Minerba Glass specially greeted the organizer after learning about the situation, so the two Apollos quickly and easily led Karasawa into the Wimbledon Stadium.

"Scotland Yard moves very quickly."

Following the two of them towards the VIP room where Minerba Glass was, Karasawa glanced around and said with a smile.

"Did you notice?" Hearing Karasawa's words, Ares looked around in surprise.

"Of course, it may not matter to other people, but to me, the sight of people betting from all directions is still very noticeable."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Okay, keep going and take me to see your sister."

"Yes." After listening to Tang Ze's words, Apollo showed unabashed admiration on his little face, and led Tang Ze to the lounge behind the stadium.

After entering the door, in addition to Mineba Glass and her mother Gino Glass, there was also a middle-aged man in a suit standing.

"Hello, you must be the person in charge of this case, right?"

After entering the room, Tang Ze did not greet the two ladies first, but looked at the man and said hello first.

"Hello, Mr. Karasawa, thank you for your help to our police." Although the man smiled and extended his hand

He introduced himself: "I am Alva. As you said, I am the commander in charge of this case."

Karasawa nodded, then looked at the two ladies and said, "Ms. Minerba and Ms. Gino, I think you all understand the current situation, right?"

"Well, Apollo told us everything."

Although Ms. Gino's eyesight was bad, she still followed the voice and looked at Karasawa to thank her: "Thank you for helping us."

"You are welcome."

Tangze said: "Now that we have encountered it, there is no reason to sit back and do nothing. After all, I am also a criminal in Neon."

"Well, Mr. Karasawa, do you have any good suggestions?"

Mineba Glass looked at Karasawa and said, "The police officer told me that it is probably impossible to give up the game under the current circumstances."

"Indeed, since the criminal has already targeted you, canceling the game rashly will probably alert the enemy."

Alva reluctantly advised: "If you cancel the game, without the target, the prisoner may look for another opportunity, or he may be stimulated to directly detonate a bomb at the venue. We cannot gamble on the prisoner's mentality."

"But now that the prisoner can't be found, my family and I will be in danger."

Mineba Glass looked anxious and said: "I can continue the game to buy you time to find the bomb, but our mother and the others..."

"If you move rashly, I'm afraid the prisoner will notice it." Alva also looked embarrassed when he heard this.

For a while, the atmosphere was deadlocked here.

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