Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,320: Mastering Sovereignty

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"You two should stop arguing first, our time is limited."

Watching the two people arguing, Tang Ze spoke up at the right time: "I understand that both sides have their own concerns, but now it is more important to come up with a plan that is acceptable to both of us, rather than just arguing."

"I know this too." Alva frowned and said in distress, "But no plan is perfect."

"Based on the prisoner's personality profile, I have extended the derivation of the prisoner's actions. Why don't you give it a listen?"

Looking at the focused gazes of everyone in the room, Tang Ze spoke at the right time.

"Please tell me." Alva on the side did not get angry or question when he heard this. Instead, he waited for Karasawa to speak with a slightly expectant expression.

Seeing the other party's expression, Tang Ze understood clearly and knew that the other party had probably already conducted a preliminary investigation on him.

In fact, this was indeed the case. After Ares reported the crime and said the code that Karasawa had cracked, Scotland Yard immediately asked for the identity of the person who cracked the code.

And Ares only told the other party what he knew about Karasawa's surname and that it was relatively famous in Neon.

But for Alva, even this little bit of news is enough. After all, Scotland Yard and the Neon Metropolitan Police actually cooperate.

Every year they exchange people to learn from each other. If the other party is really as famous as he said, then you should be able to find out by asking Neon.

However, before the news reached foreign countries, the person responsible for communication and docking recognized Tang Ze.

After all, he had also studied at Scotland Yard, and Alva confirmed Karasawa's reputation in Neon.

Coupled with the fact that the other party cracked the code that was giving them a headache, Alva was naturally very polite after seeing Karasawa.

If an ordinary person were to intervene in the case, he wouldn't look too good, but the other party was different.

Even among the upper-level leaders of Scotland Yard, they are not very generous. In addition, the other party is indeed capable, so he naturally hopes that the other party will have a good way to solve this difficult case.

After all, the prisoner is eyeing Wimbledon Stadium, which is a place with more traffic than the hospital.

Once an explosion occurs and a stampede occurs due to panic, the number of casualties will probably be unbearable.

It can be said that this is not just an attack, it can even be regarded as a terrorist attack.

When Tang Ze saw the other party's attitude, he had almost figured out the details behind it, and he was naturally happy with it.

After all, for him, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and the local police's willingness to cooperate also saved him a lot of trouble.

"First of all, regarding the issue of prisoner attacks, I think prisoners will continue to use bombs."

At this point, Karasawa looked at Alva and said, "Although his helpers self-destructed during your arrest not long ago, I'm afraid Hades should have a batch of bombs in his hands."

"Well, we think so too."

Alva nodded and said, "But the problem now is how do we find the prisoner and the bomb among this huge crowd. Both of these problems are very difficult."

"Two questions?" Apollo was confused for a moment.

"Yes, those are two questions."

Alva explained: “Because by the time we find the culprit, the opponent may have already crashed the bomb somewhere on the court.

Even if we are lucky enough to catch the prisoner and not let him detonate the bomb, if we cannot find the location of the bomb, we will still face the threat after the bomb timer expires.

And even if you are lucky enough to find the bomb, it won't work, because the prisoner is probably hidden among the audience, always watching.

Once you try to dismantle it, the other party will probably detonate the bomb immediately without hesitation.

But I want to solve both at the same time..."

Alva shook his head and did not say what he said next, but what he said already made the Glass family feel heavy.

"As for the bomb issue, based on my understanding of Hades after profiling

, I think his target is most likely Ms. Gino Glass. ” Karasawa looked at the blond woman sitting in the wheelchair and expressed his judgment.

"What!" Minerba's expression changed after hearing Karasawa's words, and Apollo even ran to his mother's side worriedly, and was hugged and comforted by Ms. Gino.

"Mr. Karasawa, there must be a reason for your judgment, right?"

Gino Glass asked while stroking his son's head to comfort him.

"Well, I researched Hades's experience online. He went to extremes because he bought stocks and gambled, and was ultimately unable to pay for his mother's surgery."

Tangze looked at everyone and said, "Throughout his previous series of criminal actions, they were all targeted at those prisoners who he believed killed his mother.

The friend who advised him to buy stocks refused to pay for his mother's surgery. So have you ever thought about why the other party chose Wimbledon Stadium to take revenge on Miss Mineba Glass? "

"You mean!? Gambling?"

Hearing Karasawa's question, Alva suddenly became alert and immediately reacted: "In addition to stocks, he also lost another part of his money due to gambling.

So this time it’s revenge for the “lost money from gambling” part?

Could it be that...the type of gambling Hades had at that time was tennis? "

"It's very possible."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the patterns in the prisoner's code are connected to "tennis racket".

Of course, you have to confirm the details. "

"I will ask someone to investigate Hades's gambling records." After hearing this, Alva immediately took out his mobile phone to contact his subordinates and asked them to investigate Hades's gambling records.

After making these arrangements, Alva looked at Karasawa and said, "If we confirm that Hades lost all his money gambling on Miss Minerva's tennis match.

Then the other party will indeed have a high chance of retaliating against Ms. Gino. "

"That's right. After all, he lost his mother because he lost medical expenses while gambling. Naturally, he will hold a grudge against Miss Mineba who caused him to lose money."

Karasawa said: "So after I collected his experience and profiled him, I speculated that the target was Ms. Gino.

This is easy to understand. After all, in his understanding, he lost his mother because of Miss Minerba, so he naturally wanted to use the same method to retaliate against Miss Minerba.

So I think if the other party plants a bomb, there is a high probability that it will be directed at Ms. Gino. "

"In other words, is it more likely that Ms. Gino will have bombs installed around her?" Alva looked at Gino in the wheelchair with excitement and said, "Mrs. Gino, do you usually watch your daughter's games? Where are the seats for your relatives and friends? Please let us search!"

"Sorry, I don't have a fixed seat for friends and family."

When Mrs. Gino heard this, she shook her head and explained: "I don't like the family and friends seats very much, so I always sit in the ordinary audience seats.

Because I couldn't see the real game, if I were sitting in the family and friends table, the TV station would definitely show a close-up of me, saying that I supported my daughter even though I was blind.

But if Mineba saw my face, she would definitely be distracted.

Although I don’t know why, this kid always manages to find me before the game is over..."

"This..." Alva heard the astonishment on Mrs. Gino's face. He never thought that the other party had no fixed location.

"This..." Alva looked at Karasawa, as if he wanted to know what the other party thought. After all, the other party's reasoning had just reached the first stage of implementation, and it seemed that it had "failed" and could not go any further.

But Karasawa was not anxious at all. Instead, he smiled and answered Mrs. Gino's question: "I think the reason why Miss Minerba was able to find you was because of the sight problem."

"Sight?" Karasawa's aroused Mrs. Gino's curiosity: "Are you saying that this is how Mineba found me?"

"Yes, Mrs. Gino must have some vision problems, right?"

Karasawa smiled and said, "The reason why Minerba was able to find you so quickly is probably because she used a ball to attract the attention of the audience."

"You guessed it."

Minerba nodded and smiled when she heard this: "Indeed, every time I look for my mother in the audience, I will hit a lob, and it is the kind of ball that just goes out of bounds.

At this time, the eyes of the spectators on the court will be attracted by the sight of the golf ball and they will raise their heads. All I need to do is look for people who are not attracted by the sight. "

"I see."

Mrs. Gino smiled slightly when she heard this: "I asked you how you can find me every time. It turns out this is the method."

"Mom, why don't you want to be a relative seat every time? I also want to say hello to you after I win." Minerba said coquettishly.

"This method is actually very good. Even if we want to find the prisoner Hades among the crowded audience at Wimbledon Stadium, we can also use the same method." Karasawa said with a smile.


Alva and others were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then asked: "But Mrs. Gino's vision is damaged, so she won't be attracted to the ball, right?

How can you ensure that Hades' eyes will not be attracted by the tennis ball? "

"Do you think a guy who is waiting for subsequent crimes will concentrate on watching a football game?"

Karasawa's rhetorical question made Alva stunned for a moment, and he did not wait for the other party's reply but directly reminded him: "Don't forget that Hades didn't have a video except when he killed someone, and when he got a bomb to attack the hospital later, he did it every time. Video recording was conducted.

At this time, his mentality has been transformed from a citizen who has just started committing crime. His criminal personality has begun to awaken, and he has become a happy criminal who takes pleasure in revenge against society.

The Happy Criminal happens to have a relatively easy-to-understand criminal behavior pattern. Since he has recorded videos of previous explosions, I am afraid this time will be no exception. "


Alva's expression brightened, "If Hades wants to record the crime, he will definitely hold the camera and keep his attention fixed on the place where the bomb is placed!

After all, for him, only bombs are the most important, and the excitement of the game is not important to him at all.

Therefore, Miss Minerba's method of finding her mother can also be used to find Hades.

Of course, methods like lobs still need to be modified.

Change it to a protracted battle, so that the back and forth fierce battle can attract the attention of all spectators. When their attention is on the ball, their heads will naturally move with the ball's sight.

Of course, all this requires the cooperation of Ms. Minerba, but I think with the strength of the "Queen of Greenland", this method should not be difficult. "

"Leave it to me. If necessary, I will control the situation to achieve a protracted battle where we are evenly matched."

Minerba nodded when she heard this, but then she changed her tone and looked at Karasawa: "But this is just to find the prisoner, right? How to find the key bomb?"

"If we can arrest the prisoner directly, we can arrest him and then use the remote control he carries to turn off the bomb..." Alva quickly explained after hearing this.

"This method is too risky."

Minerba frowned upon hearing this and said, "If the bomb he designed does not have the cancel function, or if you made a mistake during the arrest, what if the prisoner detonated the bomb?"

"It's actually very simple to find the bomb. All you need to do is put yourself in someone else's shoes."

What Karasawa said with a smile made the somewhat tit-for-tat atmosphere between the two disappear. He looked at the people with doubts in his eyes and said with a smile: "Don't forget, if we can't confirm Mrs. Gino's actions, The prisoner is even more difficult to identify.

And if the target of his revenge cannot be determined, then how can he seek revenge?

So he had no intention of planting a bomb in the seat from the beginning. "

"Then what exactly is Hades planning to do?"

Erva couldn't wait to ask aloud.

At this moment, he was completely impressed by Tang Zede's reasoning thinking. It was obviously something that was included in the existing evidence, but they just couldn't think of it.

The other party's broad vision and structure can easily dig out the information hidden in the existing clues.

The experienced Alva did not feel that it was just a fluke, but knew that this was the real gap between the two parties.

He once met a writer. He and the other person worked on cases together, and the other person's reasoning ability was also very powerful. The two of them gave him exactly the same feeling.

Precisely because he knew how powerful the opponent was, Alva acted very modestly.

"Since we can't find Mrs. Gino's seat to plant the bomb, we just need to find another way."

Tangze, who had no idea that Alva had become his younger brother, felt that the other party's praise was too enthusiastic, but he really needed someone to praise him, so he didn't say anything more.

He directly expressed his judgment: "I can think of the most likely method that the prisoner will use, which is to send the bomb to Mrs. Gino's hands, so that she will not realize that she is holding the bomb.

In this way, not only can it avoid police search, but it can also ensure that the target of the bomb will not be deflected. "

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