Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1461: Train (Suspicion)

Dark night, gentle breeze and no rain.

At the same time that Karasawa was counting the rewards, a bar that was supposed to be open for business was closed today.

There was a sign outside the door saying it was closed, and all customers were refused entry.

The bar was also dark and deserted, but there was a different world deep underground.

I am afraid that even the guests who come here to drink on a daily basis would never have imagined that there is a huge underground building under their feet.

In a conference room, a group of members of the black organization were sitting here with different expressions.

Gin, who had a gloomy expression, and Chianti, who had the opposite expression and was gloating about his misfortune and not hiding it.

In addition, Belmod, Keir, and Bourbon were drinking the drinks in front of them with normal expressions.

"Brother, I'm here."

The pale-faced Vodka walked out of the door, and you could faintly see the white bandage wrapped around the exposed part of the other person's shoulder.

"Kizaru, this guy fled the carriage. Your companions broke the connection between the carriages before," Bourbon said.

Now I want to find trouble with the train crew of seven. Believing that we will be fine is not a divination in itself, especially if I was scolded by Ji Butian's stupid young man.

Butimode, who was involved in the matter, nodded and said: "You have opinions on the internal investigation, but you can also ignore the external factors.

And your choice is doubtless correct, because in just two sentences, Gin once again gained the upper hand and gained the right to speak.

Gin caught the key point in one sentence, and his terrifying insight put both Shirley and Toru Amuro in trouble.

But everyone knows that it is because Antimode is the most innocent and reliable person.

But as soon as Gin said those words, we were united.

In that case, anyone can accept it.

When it comes to saying that there are no traitors, the traitors should also be on our side. After all, the seven people under the train have no record, but we have made trouble.

It was definitely a factor from the outside world, and what he did would be something the enemy would be happy to see. "

Antimode on the side flicked the ashes of his cigarette, as if he hadn't seen Gin's bright expression, and analyzed: "Looking at the results alone, the enemy has obviously placed the main force on Gin and the others. Get off the train. It was all planned as a bait and run.”

"It doesn't mean that Kizaru hasn't actually died yet, does it?"

And in that case, the situation becomes the worst situation for you.

"Maybe it's your imagination." Toru Amuro looked at Shirley's reaction. Also wanting to say as little as possible, he left the room in a roundabout way.

"Haha, what Kiki said is so pertinent, but do you think it makes sense?"

Although the opponent has planned an escape route, unfortunately you are still inferior.

But in the face of the "hero group"'s rebuttal, Gin was also a bad person, so I accurately found the entry point and asked the key questions.

But who knew that Gin would succeed in your plan with just one word, and you could only give up the eight people and choose self-protection first.

Because everyone knows what Gin is saying, and understands that I am questioning whether there is a traitor among them who has betrayed the information.

After saying the last sentence, Gin stood up and left, while Vodka followed closely behind.

"Then..." Antimode shook his head after hearing this: "No one knows that you personally arranged the bombs before you disguised yourself."

Originally, as an undercover agent, we would be happy to see Kikil charging behind as a stupid young man.

When Jibutian saw that he was being ignored by Ginjiu, he was slightly angry: "What does he mean? Do you believe that what you said is true!?"

"Your actions are completely confidential." Ginjiu did not echo Butimold's words, but immediately changed to a completely unrelated topic.

Based on the current situation and my own credibility, I could get the "answer" just by following the line of investigation that Bell said in an orderly manner.

Before Kiki complained, seeing that the other eight people were paying no attention to you, he drank all the wine in his glass and left in a roundabout way.

"But Antimode said that a bomb was installed in the carriage." Bu Tian added: "You watched the carriage explode."

"In that case, leave the inner affairs to him, Butian Mode."

"Start with what?"

Gin's eyes seemed to be filled with scarlet murderous intent: "There is no traitor among you. If so, the enemy's arrangements and reactions would have been so quick."

"What?" Shirley said with a warm expression.

But it is a pity that when I saw the bourbon reaction under the carriage this morning, there was no rehearsal or preparation, and there was no change in my expression at all.

"You saw the car explode behind your eyes!!"

Chianti sneered: "It's up to him to ask whether there are any mistakes on your side.

Faced with Kiki's provocation, Gin directly chose to look at the eight Buthimodes.

However, there is nothing we can do about Antimode's actions, we just can't wait quietly for the results of the investigation.

After that, if there is still no difficulty to overcome, it should be Gin's inquiry.

And if it must have been unintentional, we only had to hibernate in a high-profile manner before, so that we could get through it smoothly before.

The two men in the room in front of them looked at each other and then left and retreated towards the depths of the dark corridor.

Gin who was on the side turned a blind eye to the conversation between the two, and spoke directly while drinking vodka.

"It's just a flesh wound, nothing to worry about." Vodka shook his head, and immediately sat down next to Gin, poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all.

"What you did was wrong." Gin said with an expression on his face.

Bourbon smiled and analyzed: "Antimode is trying to say that it is strange that such a situation would happen, right?"

Even Shirley, who had always been in such a bad situation, dared to speak out, because in such a weird situation, a little attention could lead to a comeback.

"Ask him, Antimode, doesn't anyone know about planting the bomb?"

After hearing what the two of them said, Gin Jiu turned his head slightly to look at Buthimode, who was drinking.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Butimold took a sip of his wine, met Gin's gaze and said with a smile: "You borrowed his plan, but it's just a little harsher than him."

As soon as Gin's question was uttered, the scene suddenly fell silent, and only the sound of breathing sounded in the room.

But Gin still paid attention to the gentle Kiki, and focused his attention on the eight Bourbons next to him.

But the current situation does not have any evidence to prove that the trap was caused by the betrayal of intelligence by the traitor.

Although the sequel has not been finalized yet, and Gin may simply give up the internal investigation, at least we have not passed the most difficult first level.

But Kikil intervened, and he knew that he had grown a brain or accidentally said those words that can be called "murderous and heartbreaking", which made Gin come to Taiwan.

As soon as Kiki's words came out, Gin instantly turned pale. My original plan was to change the topic to the issue of internal traitors before questioning.

You are all very vague about the enemy's usual style, not to mention that time it was the enemy who took the initiative to set up a bait to rule out that the enemy had calculated Gin's actions.

Because when Karasawa arranged the action plan for us, he naturally considered the possibility of Gin's resumption beforehand, so my arrangement cannot be said to be flawless.

After hearing Butimud's words, Gin's expression changed, and he understood Antimode's concerns.

"Your suggestion is to check them all."

"Let's stop there. There was very little noise that time. You guys need to hibernate for a while recently."

At this point, Gin could only choose to start an internal investigation for the time being, and asked Antimode to investigate the internal regression as soon as possible.

That's natural, after all, the seven-member group has now made contributions, but Gin, as the person who spoke, wants to find the "meritorious group" to take the blame.

But Gin still had a way to refute, because what the other party said was indeed true. The train crew killed the target, but we were beaten until we raised our heads. Even the people I brought there were all left behind. This is it.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Gin said in a cold tone.

Butian Mod said: "That's mainly because we are going for the two of them. The "Suzuki" is just a bait, so you can take the bait slightly better."

In just a few words of dialogue, the situation changed constantly, and everyone with ulterior motives was walking on thin ice.

Although Bu Tian didn't speak because of his own situation, Bourbon echoed Antimode's desire to enjoy the "halo of hero" so that Gin could believe us.

And until the police announced the results of the investigation and confirmed that there were indeed several bombs placed under the train, Antimode's lies completely turned into truth.

I understood everything that happened under the train bit by bit, constantly asking questions to everyone, and corroborating the actions of the seven people, so as to review the actions under the train.

"Akai is dead, but there is no live video to prove it." Shirley said calmly: "Does he believe that the person under the car is Shuichi Akai?"

We know that that action has not come to an end yet.

"It's not that the reason why Butian Mod was successful was because the confidentiality was tight enough, right?"

"What? Very interesting?"

Because as the person who personally arranged and killed Kizaru, he may be a traitor, but before Antimode denied that fact, he also separated you from the other eight people.

Antimode said: "There is an internal investigation, and the internal affairs are also confused.

After hearing Gin's words, Antimode nodded calmly and agreed, feeling relieved inside.

And among the seven people, not eight people outside are "werewolves", only Kikil, who was not kidnapped the farthest, is a traitor.

Butimode was also very helpless. When you finished, you hoped that Gin would investigate in a direction where there were no traitors inside, so he agreed with Kikil and planned to lead the investigation in the direction mentioned to Bell later.

I immediately rejected Antimode's opinion and gave you full responsibility.

It should also be said that you are the only one who is believed, and the other eight of us are still not suspected.

Seeing the two people leaving, Ji Jifa curled his lips in disdain, while the other eight people, although their faces were expressionless, breathed a sigh of relief deep down in their hearts.

"It doesn't mean that you used your main force to defeat our bait, while we used our main force to defeat your front hand."

Before he finished asking Antimode to investigate the enemy's methods of setting traps, Gin started a terrifying inquiry.

When the fact that it was Butimode's secret forerunner who successfully killed Kizaru came to light, the situation moved closer to the conclusion that the traitor had betrayed the information.

"Does he have any objections?"

"Oh, the action is naturally confidential."

After hearing Antimode's rebuttal, Gin did not show a fierce expression, but instead asked for his opinion.

Although your side is a bait, the other party did send this traitor.

Except for Shirley, who was still silent, the eight of them were refuting Gin's opinions in every sentence.

Toru Amuro stood up for the second time. I came to Shirley and said, "There is nothing you want to ask him."

But it's a pity that Gin's plan is destined to be in vain.

When talking about whether you have any countermeasures, you will only repeat the same mistakes before, and at the same time, when talking about internal relations, you will be suspicious of each other. "

"Is Shuichi Akai really dead?" Toru Amuro stared at Shirley's face, trying to figure out something from your reaction.

That way, you can also cover up what you did during that operation.

Because we are very vague about Gin's behavior towards traitors. Once this ends, I believe our lives will be bad for the rest of our lives.

As for whether Ginjiu discovered anything about other testimonies, everyone acted within common sense and acted abnormally.

You can only say that, because the bombs under the train were even planted by you. You just threw in the bombs planted by Bell and others.

It's just that because of the smoke bomb, his face today is not cloudy, it's just a complicated outline based on the testimonies of eight people.

And because of what happened next, you no longer have the capital to win.

"Vodka, if you're seriously injured, just lie down on the bed." Belmod exhaled smoke from his lungs: "This conversation is not that important."

"Objectively speaking, that is really not possible."

So from the very beginning, no one else can prove it, and you can only say that you did everything yourself.

I am sure that is really the enemy's method, if the enemy will use it again in the future.

Kikil broke the brief silence with a warm laugh: "If that's true, how could you possibly succeed in killing Bu Tian? It was Ginjiu who caused trouble, and it has something to do with you!"

Of course, we naturally also talked about the person who attacked us. Because the other person's appearance was familiar, everyone immediately included him as a new enemy before confirming that he was a familiar enemy member.

Because of this, what you said is objective. Even if you agree with my point of view, Gin can still listen to it.

"The enemy laid out bait and then chose to attack in the east and west. It must be because you have suffered several small losses and thought that you would use this as a means to make a comeback when encountering a certain situation. The other party is sure to complete the bait plan." An Timaud nodded.

Thinking of that, Shirley and Bourbon glanced at Antimode consciously.

In terms of variables, Antimode's previous actions were extremely important.

But that person is the one who is the most confrontational with Gin. It’s okay if Gin can find out the flaw.

As Ginjiu finished speaking, everyone present had serious expressions on their faces.

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