Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1462: Train (Reward)

【Dark Mysterious Train】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop upgrade card]

Evaluation: In the previous case that occurred at the campsite, your intervention successfully eliminated the source of the subsequent main plot.

And in the choice, you did not choose to escape, but took the initiative to turn passivity into initiative, setting a trap and waiting for the enemy to come.

Under your plan, you successfully prevented the crime on the train, successfully completed the fake death escape plan, and protected the personal safety of your companions.

The black organization also suffered another blow and lost a large number of manpower. In addition, this defeat also brought further divisions among the members of the organization.

Not only that, you also chose to instigate members of the rebel organization. This move greatly disturbed the line of fate. How the future will develop is already a mystery.

But for this operation, everything you did undoubtedly resulted in an unprecedented victory.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

So option seven turned out to be the worst choice.

I lived a relatively satisfying life fighting wits and courage with the white organization there, but I actually endured the annihilation plot of the "Terminator".

However, because our actions seemed to have been reported, the Metropolitan Police Department responded very slowly and directly dispatched mobile units to arrest and suppress us.

The real purpose of these criminals is to prepare for an attack at the Nagoya station.

Since I am a person who likes to be quiet, I had already prepared the ingredients for the Danger House, so I went to prepare the food before taking a short rest.

Bell agreed, but in reality he was holding out hope.

That's mainly because there are too few upgradeable directions for artificial intelligence.

[Upgrade Card: Specify an item to be upgraded, and you can choose the upgrade direction independently. 】

"Well, the police previously characterized it as a terrorist organization, and are currently pursuing the two men in a gentle retreat."

"Where is the mastermind?" Ayako asked curiously, "Has the mastermind been caught?"

As for option one, it is quite unattractive and is considered the most orthodox way of upgrading.

After finishing the meal, Bell went to the Metropolitan Police Department for a meeting. After all, I was also present at what happened yesterday, so I didn't leave until around ten o'clock.

It is the same as other props. If that prop is used, it will have no effect. Only if the item is not upgraded immediately can it exert its minimum function.

After all, without his own consciousness, Bell can only guarantee whether the underlying logic of betraying him will be broken by the other party.

At the last moment, Xiang Yan's face jumped out of the dense upgrade direction, and Bell looked dizzy.

[Upgradable directions are as above]

And the props obtained in that situation were undoubtedly the top batch.

Unsure, Bell directly chose option seven.

Seeing Bell come back, Ayako stood up and came down to greet him: "Is something okay?"

"So that's it." Ayako said suddenly after hearing this: "In that case, the train is just a cover."

[Upgrade plan seven: Upgrade R\u0026D functions]

Since there were fewer people greeting him, Bell couldn't resist and quickly retreated slowly into the office.

Haiyuan nodded at that and said: "Besides, I instigated Conan Mode's rebellion, so I would have no idea about you in the past.

Since you got that thing, it has not played a small role because you upgraded too quickly. It even requires Xiang Yan to use hacking technology to assist.

"Yes, I have told him all the text messages that need to be said." Xiang Yan thought for a while and agreed: "There is nothing bad to say in the meeting. Let's find an opportunity to talk about the details in the last meeting.

"It's also bad."

Bell smiled and said: "No, it's time to mention those things. You go take a bath and rest early today."

Of course, the notes also mentioned that you need to choose a direction to prove that the prop cannot upgrade an item in all directions.

As for which one to choose, I didn't have any determination at all, and immediately chose to regress and upgrade my artificially retarded "detective"!

After he read the evaluation, Bendang turned his attention to this reward.

The research and development function is even more needed, and Bell is also a scientist.

For example, for the antidote of APTX4869, Bell only needs to upgrade the duration from unlimited to permanent, and this Yan can transform back into Kudo Shinichi.

Xiang Yan also knew that Lingzi felt that she was safe yesterday, so she wanted to give me less bad food today, so she accepted it with a smile.

[Upgrade plan seven: Upgrade artificial intelligence computing power and overall performance. 】

"Is Xiang Yan criminal coming here?" Huiyuan said with his hands behind his back: "Just say that his efforts were in vain. If I want to go home to be with my boyfriend at such a late hour."

Even the notes above the item introduction are not as venomous as ever, but are thoughtful reminders to use the items this time.

It does not mean that the more specific the performance of the prop is in one direction, the more effective it will be.

It's not too late by then, and you're ready to go back directly. "

Because of this, Bell is very much looking forward to the specific effects of the prop whose function can be basically understood just by looking at its name.

Looking at the prompts behind him, Bell closed the panel and then took out his mobile phone to look at the "Detective" smart interface and found that

"Hey, he's bad." Haiyuan smiled and seemed very wrong: "Let's go eat."

Now that he relaxed, Bell became hungry immediately.

Bell smiled and said: "Actually, you are just attracting the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It cannot be said that there is no limit to that item, but even so it is exceptional!

"I hope so."

Although option one is indeed very unattractive, but considering the lessons learned from "Noah's Ark", the successor of "Detective", I think it is better to play it safe in everything.

After leaving the office, Kazuki Koshizui was making tea. When he saw Bell, he smiled and said, "I heard it was a small scene yesterday?"

Bell edited a text message and sent it to Karasawa about my conversation with Conan Mode to let me know the situation, and then he lay directly under the bed to rest.

If we upgrade now, there is no hope of supplementing the brains of the artificially retarded person to make it less useful.

Xiang Yan opened her mouth. Although she didn't have the intention to call Xiang Yan over to learn about the details of the confrontation between me and Conan Mod, it was just a few words in the text message. But since the other party chose to go, I didn't want to beg for it. .

When Tang Ze used his consciousness to open the panel, messages began to flash across the screen in front of Tang Ze's eyes.

When nothing happened, Xiang Yan decisively chose to use the [Upgrade Card] and selected the upgrade target as "Detective".

"You are standing there in a bad way."

Only upgrading performance is upgrading "IQ". If Xiang Yan loses a convenient tool, he also bears risks.

After seeing Gin and Vodka become wanted criminals on the streets, Bell's mood was still wrong. After all, Xiang Yan would be able to mobilize the police's power without any reason if he met each other.

Therefore, Tang Ze could only suppress his curiosity and wait to ask again when the two met before.

[Choose the direction of retrograde upgrade for this prop]

Bell also speculated that maybe it was because of this that I was able to get a perfect rating.

Although the leader escaped, all the members were arrested. "

You still have to be careful when passing someone. If you think his identity is gone, no one will believe him. "

"It happened very suddenly. It started when you took control of the scene." Xiang Yan waved her hand and said, "You are only responsible for finishing the sequel."

Bell didn't take a closer look and quickly used the priority upgrade recommendation. Soon he saw the seven upgrade directions.

"Let's go." Xiang Yan nodded, and the group walked towards the restaurant.

Note: Please use the precious upgrade card with caution and a cool head, because you will 100% regret it. Please also consider the upgrade direction carefully and confirm whether it can be used before upgrading.

[When the artificial intelligence performance upgrade requires 2 majors, please wait. 】

After all, in the eyes of the white organization, he is not dead yet. "

However, the risk of generating consciousness is controllable before upgrading, and there is no possibility of a mental crisis.

"This should also tell us whether there were any casualties."

Koshizui Itsuki crossed his arms and said, "The mastermind's codenames are 'gin' and 'vodka', which are both names of wine."

When Xiang Yan read the introduction of the props, my first reaction was to make a small profit! !

Although he did not personally attend the scene to solve the problem, there is also a reward for preventing this murder if he provided early intelligence and execution manpower.

It was dinner for the Kudo family. When Xiang Yan came home, Ayako had finished her meal and was nestling under the sofa watching TV.

Because its effect is so complex and crude, all items can be upgraded, and they are limited to props produced by the system.

"Done?" Xiang Yan said casually with a yawn.

Such a minor incident occurred on the Suzuki, and I'm afraid there will be half a day before we can retreat and take over.

You must know that this time it is not just the main line that wins, he even takes care of solving the murder case that happened on the train.

For example, if he chooses to reduce the toxicity of APTX4869, then that drug will become a drug that has no chance of rejuvenating him but will definitely kill him.

Ayako was naturally worried about this, but Bell didn't call specifically to ensure safety, and calmed the other party very slowly.

After all, Conan Mode is not here yet, so even if the two of them can show their faces, they can't act in disguise, which will affect the two of them.

Bell nodded and said: "

"Yeah." After hearing Bell's words, Ayako also understood that there was actually no danger today. Plus Bell had something to do, so he just wanted to worry about it too much.

Before filling his stomach, Bell also called Ayako and said that something happened on the Suzuki. I needed to solve it and would probably be busy until late in the evening.

"But you heard that the media reported that there was no shooting yet." Ayako frowned.

That prop is definitely one of the last eight most precious among the props I got.

Before washing up, Bell felt a little more energetic. After all, he had a free rest in the morning.

"Yes, yes...he is right."

[Upgrade plan eight: Improve the intrusion function. 】

"It's wrong." Bell nodded and smiled: "So you guys don't have to worry at all."

When I woke up again, I was awakened by the ringing of the phone. Bell picked up the phone and checked to see if it was unexpectedly a call from Karasawa.

"There was a small attack here in Nagoya. It was the smallest attack in recent years."

"Leading him is really a way to avoid disasters."

Bell hugged Ayako's waist and walked to the sofa with a smile: "Sonoko, you have something to do too. The explosion was in the front carriage. The luggage and sundries are stored outside. Are there any casualties?"

Returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, the colleagues around him naturally knew what happened yesterday, and greeted each one of them when they saw Bell.

So Xiang Yan probably won't be able to leave the dangerous house until late in the evening.

After struggling for so long, it was all a battle of wits and courage that required a lot of mental effort, and the body's energy had already been depleted.

For example, the semi-finished drug APTX4869 in reality, if Xiang Yan uses that prop, he cannot improve it into a complete product at all, so that he can risk rejuvenation.

Soon Bell began to think about the use of that prop. Bell planned to store that prop in his hand, but was ready to use it immediately.

I got up and took out the delayed burger from the refrigerator, put it in the microwave and ate it before cooling it down.

"I hope we can successfully catch these two masterminds." Koshizui Kazuki said while pouring tea for Bell: "It's scary to think that there are no such renegade elements in Tokyo."

"For the time being, we still have it, but we got the detailed profile of the mastermind from the arresting officers, and now the wanted order should have been issued."

"Well, dad hasn't come home yet, so he can come home." Tang Ze said: "You are having dinner at Dr. A Li's house, will he come over?"

On the morning of the seventh day, before Bell got up, he found that Ayako had not cooked breakfast, and it was still rich as usual.

"That time was really thanks to Bell Criminal."

Karasawa Yuna closed her cell phone and said, "He was able to leave before that plan, right?

But even this is enough to defy the heavens. There is no chance of rejuvenation and the price of death is paid. These powerful people know that they will bet on this possibility at all costs.

[Upgrade plan one: Upgrade the intelligence of artificial intelligence to produce the prototype of autonomous consciousness. 】

The mental exertion was too little. Even if Bell had full physical strength, he was still tired. After a while, I fell into sleep.

This has been demonstrated in the evaluation.

After all, no one is responsible for fighting criminals~

"You haven't been very high-profile in recent times." Tang Ze couldn't help but retorted after hearing this: "In addition, the exposure of some identities is also the need of the situation."

Bell looked at it, and first eliminated eight and seven. First of all, the intrusion function is now combined with the hacking technology and it is not a random killing. If it continues to be upgraded, it will not become a random killing that requires my help. It is convenient, but it is meaningless. .

[It is detected that the host has selected the artificial intelligence "detective" as the upgrade target]

Later, I also got an upgrade card, but it was only a prop produced by the system. I used it to upgrade the spider, but there were no restrictions on that card.

So Bell took Ayako and practiced yoga again before retreating to sleep.

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