Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1528 Kyogoku meets his parents

She did send a text message before they were to go on a night out.

【The two of us are leaving for a trip. 】

That sentence actually did not mean that the two of them were going to elope, but that they were going to die for their love and go to another world.

But halfway through their love affair, the man was suddenly afraid of going back on his word at the last moment.

But he was saved, but he didn't save her from falling into the water, and just left the cliff!

"You...are you telling the truth..." Michiko Mennai's lips trembled as she said, "My sister...was abandoned..."

"It's true." Masaki Suba said angrily, "That guy Tanba kept talking to me after he finished drinking..."

Tears fell from the corners of Masaki Subha's eyes, "That guy is a hopeless coward, but even that kind of person is still someone my friend will love even if he is willing to die for love.

Therefore, I will help her send it there, to the water where she is waiting..."

After hearing Masaki Sububa's words, everyone present fell silent.

Although killing is wrong, the relationship between Masaki Subha and Mena Michiko's sister is indeed touching.

What makes Tang Ze regretful is that he was clearly aware that a case would happen later, but he still fell short and failed to prevent the case.

In other words, the deceased might have been drowned when Masaki Sububa and the two came over to talk to Kyogoku.

After all, a lot of rainwater had accumulated in that corner because of the rain, and it only took a while for the air to burn out and the coal lamps to go out and water to enter.

Not long after Shan Cunfeng entered, the gas lamp went out, and then he started yelling.

It only took a few minutes for the water to spread so much that he had to step on the toilet.

Calculating the time, it is estimated that by the time Kisuba made all the preparations and walked to the bowling alley, Tanba would have been basically hopeless.

The discovery was too late this time, and Karasawa did not expect that the trigger point of this case was actually his brother-in-law Kyogoku Makoto.

Looking back now, he estimated that this case was also a case that pushed the timeline, but because it was not too special, he had no impression of it at all.

But if you missed it, you missed it, and Tangze didn't get too entangled. After all, he had watched so many episodes intermittently in his previous life. It was enough to be able to remember the main plot. Other cases were not required.

Moreover, the prisoner in this case was not a good person, which relieved Tangze's psychological pressure.

Received 300 fate points from this case.

Including the reward from the romance novelist case that disappeared before, his wallet balance reached 2,600 destiny points again at an extremely fast speed.

This should be the fastest he has ever accumulated. He had just spent a huge amount of money to buy the props he needed, but it still made Tangze feel a little unreal to have returned to the level of savings he had worked so hard to accumulate after only two cases.

But this was a good thing, so Tangze accepted the good news happily.

If lottery skills were important in the early stage, then a large number of destiny points are important now. After all, he has to consider props that can be effective in various environments.

Just like now that he has money, he can also add the [Remote Control Self-Exploding Toy (for maritime use)], so that if he fights at sea, he can also use it to sneak attack the enemy and gain an advantage.

Of course, because there were very few cases at sea, Karasawa did not immediately spend a lot of money to buy the sea version of the bomb.

After all, the current savings are just enough. It is still a bit wasteful to use it to buy an item that is likely not to be used for a long time. In the current environment where there may be an emergency at any time and need to purchase items.

If you are richer in the future, you can consider buying it and storing it at the bottom of the box until you need to use it.

After counting the rewards, Karasawa came back to his senses and saw that Yamamura Cao had escorted Masaki Subha to the car and was standing next to the police car to say goodbye to Karasawa and others.

They waved their hands in response and watched the police car leave. Karasawa and others originally wanted to comfort Monna Michiko, who was hit by a double blow due to the truth and the arrest of her friend, but the other party said that they needed to be quiet and left immediately.

"Let's go too." Ayako said immediately after seeing that only her own people were left around.

"Wait a minute, Ah Zhen hasn't come back yet!" Yuanzi said quickly after hearing this: "He just suddenly ran out without saying a word, and he hasn't come back yet."

"There's no one around the parking lot. I just saw him running towards the bowling alley." Tangze said, "Call him and tell him he's at the door."

"I almost forgot that I still have a phone!" Sonoko slapped her forehead and quickly took out her cell phone to contact Kyogoku Makoto.

When everyone reached the door of the bowling alley, they saw Kyogoku Zhen standing at the door and walking towards everyone.

"Azhen, what did you do just now!?" After seeing Kyogoku Zhen, Sonoko quickly ran to him and asked.

"I'm going to find the murderer." Kyogoku Makoto scratched his head and said.

"What, looking for the murderer!?"

Yuanzi had a look of astonishment on his face when he heard this: "But, but you didn't know who the murderer was at that time, right? How are you going to find it?"

"Because the criminal said that the prisoner was a very powerful person, didn't he?" Kyogoku Shin explained seriously after hearing this: "I thought that if it were me, I should be able to find him based on the murderous aura he exudes."


Hearing Kyogoku's outrageous remarks, everyone present showed unspeakable astonishment.

"You don't plan to find the other party and then have a fight with him to subdue him." Tang Ze helplessly complained while holding his forehead.

"Hahaha... this..." Kyogoku really heard what Karasawa said, scratching his head with an embarrassed look on his face and laughing: "Yeah, a little bit..."

'You just want to have a fight with him...'

Sonoko and Xiaolan looked at Kyogoku Makoto with a shy smile, and they didn't know how to complain.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late now. Let's get some rest quickly. We'll return to Tokyo tomorrow."

Ayako saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she quickly changed the subject and looked at Sonoko with a smile: "Your boyfriend finally came back, so you have to take him to meet his parents this time~"

As soon as these words came out, both Sonoko and Kyogoku seemed to have drank a huge glass of beer in an instant, and their faces instantly turned red.

"Meet, meet the parents..." Kyogoku stuttered a bit: "Is it really okay..."

Speaking of this, Kyogoku glanced at Sonoko, only to find that the other person's face was also full of shyness but still said firmly: "If Ah Zhen is willing to go, I have no objection..."

"Then it's settled."

Ayako clapped her hands and said happily: "Then I would like to welcome you on behalf of the Suzuki family, Mr. Kyogoku."

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous..." Kyogoku scratched his head and said, "But it is necessary to get the consent of the two elders to meet Sonoko's parents, so I will try my best."

"Not bad, not bad, just show this momentum." Karasawa smiled and patted Kyogoku's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your sister Ayako and I will also help you when the time comes."

"Really! Thank you so much!" Kyogoku's expression perked up when he heard this, and he immediately smiled and said, "To be honest, my nervousness dissipated a lot."

"Anyway, be prepared." Karasawa patted Kyogoku's shoulder and said with a smile.

According to the impression in his memory, his mother-in-law, Tomoko Suzuki, seemed to be dissatisfied with Kyogoku Shin at first.

So it is obvious that Kyogoku is not happy yet, and there are still tests waiting for him in the future.

In this way, Kyogoku, a person who could sleep peacefully during various large-scale competitions, had trouble sleeping tonight.

The next day, Kyogoku, who had faint dark circles under his eyes, followed Karasawa and his party back to Tokyo.

Originally Sonoko wanted to take Kyogoku to Suzuki's house directly with them, but was stopped by Karasawa.

After all, it was not appropriate to come to the door rashly like this. At least they had to tell the Suzuki couple in advance to make preparations, so they simply decided to let Kyogoku Makoto come visit in the evening. This would give the Suzuki couple a buffer period, and at the same time allow Kyogoku Makoto to do the work. Get ready.

To be honest, this time is already tight. After all, Karasawa and others only returned to Tokyo in the morning and only took a short rest in the afternoon. Kyogoku really had to meet his parents.

After learning that their youngest daughter was in love and wanted to bring her boyfriend home, the Suzukis were very surprised. However, with Ayako and Karasawa helping to explain, the Suzukis realized that the two had only confirmed their relationship verbally, and there was nothing serious about it. Progress.

Kyogoku really came to visit this time, hoping to gain the approval of the two of them, and Karasawa and the two also said that in previous contacts, the other party was a reliable person, so the two initially left a positive impression on Thorn Needle. impression.

Although Suzuki Tomoko wanted to learn more about Kyogoku from Karasawa and the others, Tangze and the others smiled and refused, hoping that the other party could learn about it from the other party in person.

The main reason why they didn't tell the two of them in advance was because it was the first time they met and there was nothing to talk about. If they even said this, it would be really awkward for the two parties to meet each other.

After listening to what their son-in-law said, the Suzukis felt that it made sense, so they didn't press the question any further. They would be here in the evening anyway, so they could just ask in person.

Because Kyogoku is really only one year older than Sonoko, at first the Suzukis thought that the other person was about the age to take the college entrance examination.

But I didn't expect that after meeting and asking, I was actually shocked by Kyogoku's true resume.

"400 undefeated games in the karate world competition!?" Suzuki Shiro exclaimed: "That's really amazing. I'm curious how far you can extend your record!"

"'s a pity that I was unable to participate in the previous competition, so I lost without a fight." Kyogoku scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's because of Atom that Mr. Kyogoku didn't hesitate to leave the competition and rush here." Ayako smiled and said something nice.


Kyogoku was a little embarrassed by the praise, but Sonoko hugged Kyogoku's arm without any secret and said with a smile: "If this were not the case, his undefeated myth would definitely continue!"

"But force is of no use to our Suzuki family."

Just as Suzuki Shiro looked at his daughter with a kind face, Suzuki Tomoko on the side took a sip of tea and poured cold water on it.

She put the tea cup down, then slapped the coffee table and stood up in an imposing manner to look at Kyogoku Makoto: "I'm asking you, do you have the determination and ability to take on our Suzuki Foundation!"

"This..." Kyogoku was really caught off guard by Suzuki Tomoko's sudden questioning, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

"Tomoko, don't do this, it will scare the child." Shiro Suzuki looked at his angry wife and quickly said to comfort him: "They are both only high school students now, it's a little too early for you to say this."

"you are wrong."

Suzuki Tomoko glanced at her husband, then looked at Ayako and Karasawa next to her and said, "Don't forget, Ayako decided to marry into the Karasawa family.

Moreover, the two of them also established another Tang Ling Consortium. Although it is not as good as ours for the time being, its potential and prospects are not bad at all.

Naturally, we can only ask Yuanzi’s other half, her husband, to marry into our family and take over the affairs of our family.

We should have chosen someone who is a match for our Suzuki family based on family background, education, and character..."

Speaking of this, Suzuki Tomoko could no longer hold back her anger and roared at Sonoko: "But you are actually dating a homeless man who is only a high school student and went to study abroad for martial arts training!

Yuanzi, what on earth are you thinking! ? "

"It's my freedom to associate with whomever I want!"

Faced with her mother's accusations, Yuanzi confronted her mother without any sign of weakness and said: "And I don't intend to inherit the family business!"

"You girl!"

After hearing this, Tomoko Suzuki was so angry that she stood up and approached Sonoko, but she sat back on the sofa after being dissuaded by Ayako and Karasawa.

"I really regret it."

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Karasawa and sighed: "I regret that I didn't insist on letting you marry me, otherwise I wouldn't be angry to death now."

"Auntie, thank you." Tang Ze couldn't help but smile when his mother-in-law said this.

"Sometimes I really wish you weren't so good, or didn't find that treasure."

Tomoko Suzuki shook her head helplessly, "Primitive accumulation is troublesome, but the treasure you found just skips these foundations and allows your talents to be displayed.

You are doing quite well now. It would be wrong for you to be our son-in-law with your size and potential. "

Speaking of this, Tomoko Suzuki slapped the table and looked at Kyogoku and said: "So, either prove to me your excellence like Karasawa!

Either be prepared and determined to inherit the Suzuki family, and have the ability to inherit the Suzuki family!

Otherwise, I will not admit you!"

Hearing what his mother-in-law said, Karasawa couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Kyogoku.

To be honest, he originally thought that with the help of the two of them, the situation would be better.

But he didn't expect that his appearance would make it more difficult for Kyogoku...


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