Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1529: Jealous Kyogoku Makoto

As the saying goes, you should not meet someone who is too stunning when you are young.

The same applies to choosing a son-in-law.

If the eldest daughter finds a partner who is too perfect and excellent, then when the second daughter comes, she will be compared unconsciously by the mother-in-law.

Kyogoku is indeed very talented and excellent, and can be said to be the ceiling in terms of martial arts.

It's a pity that "his honey is my poison". For Tomoko Suzuki, no matter how high the force is, it will not be of much help to the Suzuki family. If she cannot inherit the Suzuki Foundation, then no matter how good she is, it will be useless.

In particular, there is an excellent Karasawa in front of him, which naturally raises Tomoko Suzuki's requirements again.

In her opinion, even if she couldn't find an equally outstanding son-in-law according to Karasawa's standards, she should at least find a first-class son-in-law. This way, at least he would not be independent but could inherit the Suzuki family with peace of mind.

But unexpectedly, Sonoko actually found an unrelated person, which suddenly made Tomoko Suzuki feel uncomfortable.

"Aunt, don't be angry."

Seeing that Kyogoku's difficulty was getting even higher because of him, Karasawa quickly spoke to comfort him: "They are still young, and they will have enough time to grow up later.

And we will also help, so there will definitely be no problem when the time comes. "

"Yes, Mom, it's still early now." Ayako also echoed and comforted Tomoko Suzuki.

"Hmph, don't try to persuade me either!"

Tomoko Suzuki snorted and said angrily: "In short, the Suzuki family must not lose in my hands. This is a bottom line that must not be touched. Everything else must make concessions for this!"

"I have an idea."

Hearing what Tomoko Suzuki said, Karasawa's expression changed with a smile, and he reached out to Tomoko Suzuki's ear and whispered in his ear.

But after hearing Karasawa's words, Suzuki Tomoko's eyes became brighter and brighter.

It was the meaning revealed in those eyes that made Sonoko and Kyogoku look at each other with shivers in their hearts.

"As expected of my good son-in-law, he can help me solve my problems." Tomoko Suzuki stood up with a smile: "Okay, I agree to your relationship for the time being."

"Really!?" Yuanzi looked happy when he heard this, but he still had that tit-for-tat look.

"But the requirements remain unchanged. You must work hard to grow into a qualified heir who can inherit the Suzuki family!"

Tomoko Suzuki's words changed Sonoko, and she said dissatisfied: "What if it can't be done!?"

"Can't do it?" Tomoko Suzuki said with a playful smile on her lips, "Don't worry, even if you can't do it, I won't break you up."

Before Sonoko's face showed joy, Tomoko Suzuki slapped the coffee table again, looked at the two men with an imposing manner and said: "But if I find that you two are completely unqualified to inherit the Suzuki family, I will give up on you directly." !”

"Give up..." When Sonoko heard her mother's words, she couldn't help but lose consciousness for a while, and then said firmly: "Okay, anyway, I have no intention of inheriting the Suzuki family..."

"But you will be the Suzuki family's fault even if you die!"

Suzuki Tomoko heard this and sneered: "When the time comes, you should marry him early and have a child, and we will directly train the next generation. Do whatever you like!"


Originally, when she heard Suzuki Tomoko's words, "You will be the Suzuki family's ghost even if you die," Sonoko had already thought of countless ways to resist, such as threatening to elope.

But after hearing what Suzuki Tomoko said next, the expressions of the two people instantly became extremely exciting. Then they looked at each other and immediately turned red.

"W-what..." Yuanzi stammered and looked at his mother with a look of shock and embarrassment: "Mom, what on earth are you talking about!"

"Since the big ones are of no use, I have no choice but to place my hope in my grandchildren."

Tomoko Suzuki said calmly: "Anyway, your father and I are young enough. If you don't plan to inherit the Suzuki Foundation, then have children as soon as possible.

When the time comes, your father and I will be able to live to see our grandson inherit the family business. "

"This is our business!" Yuanzi said angrily after hearing this.

"I've already made concessions, don't push yourself further."

Tomoko Suzuki exudes an aggressive and sharp aura: "In short, between these two choices, you always have to make a choice.

And my conditions are favorable enough. Giving birth to a child is also a life journey that you will inevitably go through. I just ask you to be a little earlier. This request is not too much!

And I don’t need you to take care of me after the birth. You can do whatever you like! "

The more Tomoko Suzuki talked about it, the more she felt that what Karasawa said made sense. The anger caused by Sonoko's rebellious attitude also dissipated, and she cast an appreciative look at her eldest son-in-law.

Obviously, this method of handling made him very satisfied.

On the side, Kyogoku Makoto and Sonoko also noticed Suzuki Tomoko's admiring gaze, and soon understood that Suzuki Tomoko's change in attitude and the suggestions she made were probably what Karasawa had just whispered to her.

"Brother-in-law! Which side are you on?" Yuanzi shouted in embarrassment: "You are a traitor! You promised to stand on my side and speak for me!"

"I did speak for you, otherwise, would I have to watch the tit-for-tat fight between you two?"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "And I also proposed a compromise plan for both parties to take a step back, right?

You didn't notice that your aunt no longer objected to the two of you being together. Instead, she gave you two directions to choose from while acquiescing to your relationship. "

"Yuanzi, mother has already made a concession, and you have to give in too."

Ayako looked at her family and said, "Does the Suzuki family just let you resist like that?

Or are you planning to rebel against your family like those otherworldly young ladies in TV dramas?

But don't forget that those rich ladies who elope rarely end well. After all, although love is precious, material conditions are the foundation of love.

Mom is open-minded enough and has no objection to you being together, but you also have to shoulder some responsibilities of your own. "

After hearing her sister's words, Yuanzi's expression froze, and in the end she didn't retort with anything revolting.

After all, she actually knew in her heart that as the daughter of the Suzuki family, she enjoyed a life of fine clothing and fine food, so she naturally had to shoulder family obligations.

To be honest, if her mother does not agree with the two of them being together, then she may not be able to successfully resist now or even in the future.

And whether she admits it or not, the idea her brother-in-law gave her is the best way to solve it at the moment.

Her previous reaction was so violent because her mother's aggressive attitude of making demands aroused her rebellious psychology.

But when her brother-in-law and sister told her about it, she calmed down and realized that this was indeed a good request.

But when she thought about giving birth to a child, Sonoko glanced at Kyogoku, and felt that her mind was filled with shame that made it impossible to think about it.

It's hard to say whether the reason why his reaction was so big just now was partly because he was too shy.

So after Ayako said this, Sonoko also felt that this seemed to be the best solution to not break up with her mother at the moment.

"Okay, okay, this is the first time this person has come to our house. There is still a lot of time to explain everything later."

Suzuki Shiro looked at Kyogoku Makoto, who was blushing and lowering his head and not daring to speak. He smiled and smoothed things over: "I remember it's time for you to take the return flight. I'll send a car to take you to the airport.

Take advantage of this time to calm down and think carefully about the future of the two of you. Let's talk at another time. "

"Okay." Kyogoku nodded quickly and stood up after hearing this.

"Also, if you plan to participate in the competition next time, remember to tell me." Suzuki Shiro whispered in Kyogoku's ear: "Don't look at me like this, but I actually like fighting skills very much."

"Okay." Kyogoku couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he heard his future father-in-law's words.

It was obvious that his father-in-law had no objection to him.

And his future mother-in-law...

Looking at the mother and daughter who turned their heads to each other without looking at each other, Kyogoku remembered the request made by his mother-in-law when the two were arguing, and a mushroom cloud began to explode in his head again.

Obviously, the request to "have a baby" is too early for Kyogoku Makoto now.

To an innocent boy, this sentence is as powerful as a nuclear bomb.

"Dingling bell~"

At this time, Yuanzi's cell phone suddenly rang. She took out the phone and glanced at it, "Ah, it's Lan calling."

After saying that, Sonoko directly chose to connect, and immediately shouted excitedly: "What! Are you talking about Kaitou Kidd!?

He sent a warning letter at zero o'clock, indicating that he was going to face off with his uncle again?

Is it true or false? I need to call Uncle Jiroji immediately to find out! "

"Hey, wait..." Xiao Lan on the other end of the phone was about to say something, but the elevator phone was hung up.

"Really, I also want to say that Mr. Kyogoku also visited her home today to ask her to calm down." Xiaolan said helplessly while looking at the busy phone.

"It seems to have had the opposite effect." Conan shook his head.

On the other side, Tangze looked at the excited Sonoko with a look of helplessness on his face.

Expressing your love for another man in front of your boyfriend is a big deal.

Sure enough, seeing the excited Sonoko and Suzuki Jirokichi calling to ask about Kaitou Kid, and using the admiring title "Kid-sama", Kyogoku, who was about to leave, suddenly stood there.

Seeing Kyogoku's true expression, Karasawa immediately realized what would happen next.

He still remembered this plot, after all Kyogoku Makoto VS Kaitou Kidd had frequently contributed to famous scenes.

"Uncle, it's better for me to see Kyogoku off." Karasawa looked at Suzuki Shiro with a smile and said.

"That's okay." Suzuki Shiro looked at Karasawa who volunteered, thinking that he had something to say to Kyogoku, so he nodded and agreed.

"Let's go." Karasawa patted Kyogoku's shoulder, immediately said hello to Ayako and others, and took him away.

The two got in the car and just drove out of the door of Suzuki's house. Kyogoku looked at Karasawa and said, "Brother Karasawa, thank you for what happened today..."

"It's okay. Don't blame me for helping someone else suddenly." Tang Ze smiled and said, "After all, the palms and backs of your hands are all flesh, so I have to take care of them too."

"How could it be?" Kyogoku said quickly: "I know this is the best way. At least at first, my aunt didn't agree with us being together, but then she tacitly agreed on the conditions for us to be together.

So I should thank you, Brother Tangze. "

"I feel relieved to see you are so sensible." Karasawa smiled and patted Kyogoku Makoto's shoulder: "Okay, then I will take you to meet Uncle Jirokichi."


Kyogoku was stunned for a moment after hearing Karasawa's words, and Karasawa smiled and said, "That's what you planned, right?

I just saw your expression in the fog when Yuanzi was on the phone, and I knew what you were planning. "

Speaking of this, Tangze said with a teasing smile: "After all, men are possessive of their girlfriends. It would be strange if the other man admires another man so much but is not jealous.

But the bodyguards who come to your door like this don’t recognize you. I’m afraid they’re going to knock on you. If I go with you, at least you won’t have to do anything. "

"Then I'll trouble you, Brother Karasawa." Kyogoku's face showed gratitude.

After all, he is Suzuki Sonoko's uncle. It would be too bad to have to fight all the way to the door by himself.

Karasawa smiled and immediately drove to Suzuki Jirokichi's residence.

Because Tangze was an acquaintance, the bodyguards immediately let him go after seeing his car.

After being led by the housekeeper to a hall full of machines, the two found that Suzuki Jiroyoshi was simulating defensive countermeasures against Kaito Kidd with scientists in white coats.

"How did you come."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi had already received the report from the housekeeper, and he was not surprised when he saw Karasawa entering the room. He greeted him with a smile: "I am simulating how to fight against Kaitou Kidd, but unfortunately I lost all.

But if you add your factor into it, there is a 96% chance of preserving the gems and a 50% chance of catching that Kidd guy!

So I was about to contact you and ask you to help hold the battle, but I didn't expect you to come over on your own. Sure enough, you are also very interested in Kaitou Kidd! "

"No, no, Uncle Jiroji misunderstood." Karasawa waved his hands and said with a smile, "I am just acting as a driver this time, not the real owner of this visit."

"Oh?" Suzuki Jirokichi heard this and looked at Kyogoku Shin who was standing next to Karasawa: "So this time, young man, are you looking for me?"

"My name is Kyogoku Makoto, and I am currently in a stable relationship with Miss Sonoko." Kyogoku Makoto introduced himself with a slight bow.

"Oh~!" Suzuki Jirokichi suddenly said: "You are Sonoko's boyfriend, so what's the matter?"

"I heard that the gem that a certain phantom thief wants is in your hands for safekeeping."

Kyogoku Makoto pleaded with a solemn expression: "Then please allow me, Kyogoku Makoto, to join the lineup that protects the gems, and I will be at your disposal!"

After hearing Kyogoku's true words, Suzuki Jirokichi understood the reason why the young man in front of him came here, and then said directly: "I refuse!"


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