Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1534 New props

Looking at the woman who kept roaring like a wild beast and wanted to continue rushing towards Kawana Sumika, Karasawa turned sideways and hit the woman in the crook of the knee.

"There is no red woman you are looking for here!"

This stick made the woman kneel on the ground unconsciously, and Tang Ze stood in front of her again: "Your revenge plan should have been ended 15 years ago. Takeo Komayo is also the so-called red-dressed girl. She died, and her body was found in the swamp three years ago.”

Looking at the woman in tears, Karasawa sighed: "Give up revenge, Miss Kagawa Shinobu, after all, you were also one of the victims of the woman in red incident."

After hearing Karasawa's words, Kagawa Shishin fell to his knees and cried bitterly.

After Yamato Gansuke told Karasawa the detailed information about the case, even if Karasawa didn't say anything, Conan, Sera Masumi and others guessed the true identity of the woman lingering nearby.

She is Miss Kagawa Shinobu, the one who had an affair with Takeno Komayo's husband in the case of the woman in red.

The reason why she wandered around and attacked Kawana Sumika was because she pretended to be the woman in red in the forest, so Kagawa Shinobu wanted to avenge her lover.

"It would be great if the news of the death of the woman in red could be announced earlier." Sera Masaki sighed: "In that case, she might be able to be freed earlier."

"When Satoko passed away, the body of Takeno Komayo was indeed discovered, but she burned down her home before committing the murder. Her mother refused to believe that her daughter was dead and was willing to hand over evidence to cooperate. Investigation, so there is nothing that cannot be verified.

And by virtue of his prophetic advantage, he successfully stopped the opponent, and caught the seventh-generation man in red, Suminobu Kawana, who was wandering around, preventing the tragedy from happening, and bringing the case of the man in red to a complete conclusion.

"Then Satoko was killed by you..." Takeno Komaka looked at Kawaname Chengxin with an expression of indignation.

Before Yandai got the prop, she immediately took it out and tried it out.

The truth of the matter is that the criminal was not able to pursue him before he was stabbed by the man in red, but he was so frightened that he stayed where he was and dared to move before the man in red threw the weapon away.

After all, those people have nothing to do with Conan. After all, those people will have nothing to do with us.

After hearing this, the others also leaned out of the windows to look, and found that there were indeed not many people behind them, and they seemed to be shouting something.

Yandai said: "It was only a week later that Bogu Masashi's mother passed away. Only then did I discover the umbilical cord you secretly left on me, and only then did I confirm the identity of the other person before comparing it with the skeletons in the swamp."

Because what we shouted sounded like we were celebrating a festival, but instead, it seemed like we were looking for someone.

Before enjoying breakfast, everyone said goodbye and left. Apparently, the seven-person outing group had fallen apart since they left today.

To put it more complicatedly, if it is not within the range covered by props, Conan's use of that machine is like turning on a map.

Because of this, several people are very grateful to Conan and us, and what Sumimi Minegishi can do now is not just a rich breakfast.

It doesn't mean that I can't take a step back and free my hands. As long as I carry the detector under my body, I can no longer control it with my voice.

For example, if I want to find a person, the figure will be displayed under the detector. If I want to find a bomb or a building structure that I know how to find, I can't use that prop to complete it.

It must be said that although Jinsuke Imada's treatment was complicated and rough to the extreme, it was really useless. Two boys, Yan Deboxiang, also stood by my side, preparing to take Kagawa Shiie to the grave to confess.

In your words, although the outcome of the investigation is in the direction you expected, at most our arrival did solve the problem and even prevented the tragic ending of bad friends killing each other.

The reason why the murder weapon was found next to the swamp eight years ago was because when Sister Satoko was pretending to be a man in red, Kawana Suminobu saw her and attacked her as a revenge target.

Everything has come to an end, and Masumi Karasawa's commission has been successfully completed.

Secondly, there are various search modes. As long as he selects the category, he cannot detect people or objects within the range.

But it was precisely because of that mistake that the police's search never covered this bottomed swamp.

"Well, you will tell us that when you call." Conan said that he took out his mobile phone and called Xiaowa Kansuke and asked me to send someone to pick up Kawana Suminobu.

[Congratulations to the host for getting the Hongli radar detector]

"Chief Sato!!"

Under the screen was a photo of Masumi Karasawa and a blond boy lying under the bed.

'To display the photo screen before the call comes, you must first open the photo album and place it outside. ’

Talk all night.

And that perfect-level punishment was also wrong. It was a new type of prop, and the effect was also wrong.

I quickly came to my senses, and subconsciously planned to discuss the matter with Conan, but soon I realized that this action was appropriate.

[Hongli Radar Detector: A low-function composite detector that cannot detect the surroundings through retrograde scanning. It includes various options such as bombs, cold sources, building structures, and humans. 】

Without that prop, as long as the prop cannot detect and cover the range, it cannot be found by the machine.

In addition, Li Yandai found that the detector can also be connected to my mobile phone or computer via wires, and it can even be operated more conveniently using artificial intelligence.

Sera couldn't help but said: "If we must have known Masayo Botani's escape route back then, then the police should have searched the entire swamp, but they ignored it back then."

However, Sister Satoko panicked and fled to the swamp and drowned, while Yandai Boxin threw the murder weapon during the pursuit, so it was left far away. "

Evaluation: It was a complete tragedy. The husband's cheating made the wife crazy, and she chose the method of killing each other, before escaping to the swamp and committing suicide.

What is even more despicable is that before Kagawa Shiie knew the truth, he blamed everything on Yan Deboxin, and he still chose to escape.

So Sera immediately suppressed the incident in his heart and gave up his plan to talk to Conan about it now.

After packing up his things and leaving, Masumi Karasawa looked at Sera and said, "I think I found your broken cell phone. I want to find it through the sound."

"There's no village behind!"

The shouts gradually broke into the ears of everyone in the car, and their contents changed Xiaojia's face from bad surprise to definite hesitation and doubt.

"Really, it's hanging on the bottom of the cabinet." Sera leaned over and took out the phone, then subconsciously looked at Masumi Karasawa's phone.

"I have really been to that area before." Sera also opened the car window and said: "I have been to Nagano Prefecture so few times, but it feels like I am returning to a familiar place."

You must know that Yandai’s identity is hidden deepest, and Yandai is just the master I recognize in public, in order to protect her status as a person far superior to her peers.

Gin definitely didn't have that kind of thing. Even if Sera hid outside the locker, he would have to put it in a box and use the locker where I was hiding as a coffin before his death.

On the morning of the seventh day, when Conan and others got up, Summi Minegishi expressed her gratitude for the hearty breakfast that had not yet been cooked.

Before counting the punishments this time, Conan touched his chin and nodded with satisfaction.

Seriang mused: 'It doesn't mean that I let you see this photo on purpose. ’

"Go and talk to me." Seriang handed the phone to the other party, Yandai Tangze dialed the number slowly, and the phone rang from the bookcase at Seriang's feet.

Yes, even though Conan was so comforting to Takeno Komaka, looking at Kawana Suminobu's appearance, it was obvious that the death of your lover in front of you had a minimal impact on your spirit.

But even this is awesome. After all, what is the concept of opening the entire map?

It must be said that Sumimi Minegishi's cooking is very good. Whether it is grilled fish, ochazuke rice or steak, they are all cooked to perfection. It can be called a rich breakfast.

At this point, both the mystery of the man in red in the villa and the mystery of Satoko's death eighteen years later have finally come to an end.

Of course, what is definitely being explored is a person, and it is just a modeling of the character's lines, and the person's face and the like will not be displayed.

Thinking of the face of the blond boy in the photo, Sera fell into deep thought, and couldn't help but guess the meaning of Masumi Yandai letting me see this picture.

You killed an innocent man, but you unintentionally replaced your dead wife and became the "seven generations of men in red" who are feared by the world. How can that be a curse?

The difference between that punishment and my expectation was small. Although it was impossible to complete the perfect level due to old cases, the perfect evaluation was easily obtained.

I'm afraid that at that time, his mental regression will also need to be determined, and then it will be decided whether the other party will receive legal sanctions or mental treatment.

And Conan also lay under the bed after going to bed and counted the punishments before that hard work.

In addition, the instrument has two viewing modes, one is plane and the other is 3D. The former is a dual function of building structure scanning + the other function.

But no matter what, the incident finally came to an end with Kawaname Suminobu being caught.

After some experiments, Conan quickly determined that the instrument could cover a 10-meter radius, which was not small enough.

However, because the distance between the two parties was not far, Conan and others did not immediately understand the specific content of what we shouted.

"Don't thank him anymore." Zhenchun Yandai picked up the phone and looked at Seriang with a smile to thank him, and then dialed his brother's phone number to report the situation of this case.

[The Tragedy of the Man in Red]

"Yes, small cities are like water pumps that draw out the surrounding population, and the young people are still young. As the elderly die, the countryside becomes more and more desolate."

As the car gradually retreated into the village, the shouts in everyone's ears gradually became quieter.

Before he finished experimenting with the effects of the props, Conan retreated into sleep with a happy mood.

But that move angered Jinsuke Imada. I went down and gave him two slaps in the face. Before scolding me angrily, I was going to take Kagawa Shiie to Satoko's grave to apologize.

"Mr. Sato!!"

Before realizing that the other person deliberately let me see the photos, Sera once again lowered his guard against Masumi Karasawa and reminded him to be cautious when getting along with the other person.

Looking at Zhenshun Tang Ze's back, Yan Dai's eyes became profound.

Conan said: "That is the law of urban development, and you can only choose to accept it."

Most of the technological products I have obtained can connect to artificial intelligence, so there is nothing strange about them.

And your behavior also drove your lover Kawana Suminobu who was present at the time crazy. Although it was an affair, the lover who witnessed the death of his lover also became crazy and ended up wandering in the distance wanting to kill the man in red for revenge.

Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Yandai slowly resumed her sophisticated disguise as a college student.

At that moment, Sonoko, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the village behind and said in surprise: "And there are not many people there, is there no festival or other festival?"

And that curse spread to Takeno Komaka, making you the last man in red.

"The main reason is that we used to go directly to the low speed, but this time we had to go through the originally low speed through the country road." Conan explained.

Before finishing packing, Yandai drove everyone back to Tokyo.

"That area looks so desolate." Looking at the sparse traffic and crowds of people outside the window, Yuanzi couldn't help but sigh.

"It looks like that from the results." Conan looked at Takeno Komaka and comforted him: "You will be rewarded. He is going to do something stupid."

"It's not wrong to enjoy the pastoral scenery." Masumi Karasawa said with a smile: "It's not a pity, there are a lot of people around, and the only popularity I don't have are all passers-by driving like you."

Before going and talking about not having that prop, it was like playing a game and cheating. Even a familiar environment can be understood very well.

ps: A must-have item for future firefighters, it is also used in some simple battlefields.

Completion: perfect

"Sera-kun, can't you use his phone?"

Somehow, he was favored by fate.

Conan soon explained the situation there, then hung up the phone and looked at Yan Dai and said: "As expected, he guessed it. Xiaohe Criminal and we also realized that it was right, so we also went to find the criminal investigation officer of that year. .

On the way down, Conan originally planned to drive at a low speed, but because the low-speed highway was temporarily closed due to road maintenance, Conan had to choose a road he usually took to retreat.

"It seems that there was also a small problem with Nagano Prefecture's investigation back then."

The detector is smaller than the size of a palm. It is round like a large mirror, and there is no large screen below that cannot display the detection content.

When Yandai saw that prop, her first reaction was that she was making a small profit.

In addition, the Nagano Prefecture police also plan to announce tomorrow their negligence in handling the case seventeen years later, and announce that the man in red has not yet been confirmed dead.

Go and I even told Conan what I saw. This is different from asking for it. The two of them have not yet reached a deeper connection.

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