Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1535 The Village Chief of Shenyin

This village looks a bit shabby, and it would probably look like a deserted village if people didn't go out.

But today it seemed that they were looking for the village chief, so both the elderly and a few middle-aged and young people in the village also came out.

As a result, the originally quiet village suddenly became lively. This was when Yuanzi began to see so many people in the village in the distance, and mistakenly thought that the village was holding some kind of festival activity.

"Chief Tetsuo!!"

"village head!!"

The calls became louder as the car drove into the village, and the sound was like a cat tease, constantly attracting the curiosity of the detectives in the car.

"It's still early anyway, why don't we go down and ask about the situation?" Masumi Sera was the first to speak: "Maybe we can find some clues to help them find someone."

"Yeah, I agree." Conan echoed from the side: "Their village has been lost. I think the villagers are also very anxious."

"Then why don't we rest in the village."

Hearing this, Yuanzi smiled and suggested: "If the delay is long, stay here. The scenery here is also quite good."

"That is what a prosperous village will inevitably experience." Xiaolan sighed after hearing this.

"Speaking of which, old man, there seem to be quite few people in their village."

After looking around in seven places, Conan saw that there were no two old men nearby. They seemed tired of looking for them. They were standing there to rest, so they walked over with others.

"Look~" Shiliang looked into the window with pure curiosity. He was shocked when he saw the scene outside: "Wow, there really isn't anything evil outside!"

"The scenery in that village is special. It's really worth staying. Take a walk around before finishing your meal. If you find anything else, just leave." Conan said.

"You are tourists over there." Pang Bei looked at the woman and asked, "Is he a villager from that village?"

The old man wearing glasses agreed without a hint of sadness, then looked at the crowd and said, "No, no, let's just talk about that first. It's time for you to continue looking for people, and they should leave as soon as possible."

Conan looked at it, and it felt like a farmhouse in his hometown, and other people also thought it was very fresh to eat like that. In addition, there was only one place to stay in the distance, so he decided to eat there.

"Yes, it must be as invisible as your old woman said." The old man wearing glasses said with a fearful expression on his face.

"After a long time, mysterious disappearances often occurred in that village..."

"Look~" Yuanzi looked at Dalan proudly, with an expression that said you didn't have any foresight: "If we weren't here, brother-in-law, there would be no need to be afraid~"

"It's bad, it's bad." Seeing the woman's face filled with anger, Sonoko raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

The woman explained: "The masks he saw were masks that the village had accumulated over hundreds of years, and in ancient times these people might not have been Shenyin.

First of all, the village chief seems to have no conflicts with the villagers, and secondly, he is not very superstitious.

The old man with bald hair next to him looked at the crowd and said, "I'm sorry, your village is relatively desolate, so there's nothing worth visiting.

"That's true." Dalan nodded upon hearing this, accepting Yuanzi's plan.

After all, the ancients were ignorant and believed that as long as a person disappeared, they would regard it as a hidden god regardless of anything.

This is a way to pray to the gods so that these hidden people can return safely..."

"That shrine looks bad and spooky."

"Yeah." The Jarhead woman nodded expressively, but she didn't mean to introduce herself at all.

Besides, I am a criminal now, even if it is in my own jurisdiction, but when it gets older and no one is missing, I may turn a blind eye.

It was a conversation between the two old men, but they gave us some information about Conan.

Yes, it is wrong to say that you often eat local cuisine in the countryside once. Add in the fresh ingredients and taste it in a small home, and you will be very satisfied.

"That shrine was built when the village existed, and it must be hundreds of years old."

"That look is indeed not so gloomy anymore." Dalan couldn't help but say.

So everyone planned to go to the shrine to pay homage first, then find a place to eat and discuss the rest of the itinerary.

Although the old man said that there was no place for entertaining, in reality it was just a compliment. Soon everyone was introduced by passers-by to the courtyard of a middle-aged couple.

Of course, there are too many clues now, and Conan also has a way to tell whether the village chief was killed or ran away.

The Jarhead woman nodded and said: "Once no one disappears, the villagers will make a mask in the shape of the missing person and enshrine it in the shrine.

Before everyone turned around, they saw that it was an older woman with a pot haircut, and I was holding a white mask in my hand.

Because she was still on vacation, Yuanzi didn't worry about going to school the next day, so when she arrived in a new place, she first thought about sightseeing.

And they have all seen that your village chief has arrived, so I am afraid there is no one who can entertain them. "

After saying that, the two old men walked back together, seemingly intending to continue searching for the missing village chief.

I, the village chief, am the first in these years..."

Before everyone reached an agreement, Conan found an empty place that blocked the road and parked the car.

According to the introduction, the other party has the best craftsmanship in the distance and can also receive guests from the north and south.

"Wow, it feels so bad and spooky..." When she got down to the platform, Yuanzi couldn't help but shudder.

Conan and others on the side became even more suspicious when they heard the superstitious words. On the contrary, they felt that the disappearance of the village chief was less likely to make a donation and run away.

"Is there anything worth visiting in the distance?" Yuanzi saw the two old men about to leave and couldn't help but ask.

The old man wearing glasses looked at Conan and his group and said, "To be honest, everyone thought that the village chief had gone out. We didn't realize that the village chief had disappeared until we heard what outsiders had said."

Before the group decided on their upcoming itinerary, they wandered around seven places outside the village.

It was obviously a wise move for us, as newcomers, to have a conflict with the local villagers, so Conan and the others looked at each other and slowly chose to leave.

"Looking at it, it seems that the shrine is backed by the mountain in front." Xiaolan took a closer look and guessed: "The mountain was hollowed out and the space outside was used."

Yuanzi waved his hand and said: "And the scenery of that village is actually quite wrong. Isn't it a waste to just go around?

Conan said: "But now, yes, disappearance and murder are the same. Finding the person is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack, and the investigation will be very troublesome.

"We all heard that the land in the village might be sold, and we are waiting to see if we can get the money." The bald old man sighed.

It is a slightly corroded wooden house. The roof below is covered with thatch that has been there for a long time, and there are various old trees beside it.

"At that time, you will contact Xiaohe Criminal and Zhufu Criminal to come and have a look. If necessary, you will also return to retreat again for investigation."

Perhaps because the shrine was built against a mountain, a sense of coolness swept across the place as you stepped back to the platform where the shrine is located.

"Yes, your village chief has been missing for eight days."

Before asking the boss, he retreated in the direction pointed by the other party and slowly found the slightly corroded stairs in the corner.

"Are they here for fun?"

"But you see there are not many young people outside the village." Conan said with a smile: "Without young people, the village can maintain its vitality."

"So that's it." Dalan and Yuanzi patted their chests and let out a sigh of relief.

At that moment, a woman's voice came from behind everyone, frightening Dalan and Yuanzi.

"Stop talking nonsense, what age are we in now!"

And from the other party's mouth, we can also know that the village chief may be the first person to disappear in decades since retreating to modern times.

Before ordering food from the boss, everyone planned to take advantage of the waiting time to go down to the shrine to pay homage.

After that, we thought that there were so few masks hanging in that village. If Shenyin was broken, but it must have been accumulated in ancient times, there would be nothing to fear.

"It's not that it's feudal superstition." Yuanzi patted his chest and said with a smile, but that action seemed more like comforting himself.

"If they have to say it, they should go to the shrine to pay homage." Before hearing Sonoko's words, the bald old man gave a suggestion: "This foreigner has a history of hundreds of years, and it is the only one worth visiting. place."

Anyway, brother-in-law, we have to investigate the missing village chief from now on. If that's the case, why are we just wandering around in a meaningless place. "

"By the way, what are you going to do next?" Masumi Sera put down the drink in her hand and asked, "Do you want to stay here to investigate?"

Moreover, it was still possible to confirm whether I was missing or betraying the village and running away with the money, so before Da Lan and the other two realized what had happened, they were very scared.

"Yes, it is superstitious!" the woman said in full before hearing Yuanzi's words: "Those people who come from outside the city always regard what the villagers say as superstitious."

"Well, does the Shenyin he mentioned have nothing to do with the mask?" Xiao Lan looked at the woman and asked curiously.

After all, there were no nearly 500 people in the village looking for the missing village chief. It was possible that they had not checked the places where Conan and others were wandering around.

Although a case has just been solved, according to the usual rules, there will be a few days of peace and quiet later, but it is also ruled out that there will be no consecutive cases.

It must be said that due to various factors, some cases were rushed out this time, and if you missed it, you missed it. But now the signs of the case are constantly wavering in front of you. If you still turn a blind eye, it would be too derelict of duty.

Judging from the current situation, there is a small chance that there will be no progress in the stalemate over there. Even if we stay there, it will probably be solved in a while, and you obviously don't have enough time to be there. Spending time outside. "

At least looking at the whole village looking for the missing village chief, Conan felt that the small chance might be involved in a case.

Speaking of that, Yuanzi looked at Conan and said with a smile: "Are you right, brother-in-law?"

"What should we do about this case?" Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Pang Bei and said, "After all, the village chief is missing. Do we really want to sit idly by?"

However, Conan did not continue to pursue the topic, but casually chatted with the two old men.

A group of people walked down the bumpy stairs to the shrine, and found that the shrine was not in any dilapidated condition.


"What's missing? The village used to be quite quiet, but now people are making money, and there are not even 500 people outside." The old man wearing glasses sighed.

"Yuanzi, was he still scared just now?"

Although everyone was curious about the ceremony the other party was about to hold, it was obvious that the other party had no intention of letting us stay and observe.

"Shen Yin..." Hearing the old man's words, Dalan and Yuanzi couldn't help but shrink their necks. It was obvious that they were still very afraid of those gods and ghosts.

Before leaving the shrine, Pang Bei and others returned to the family where they were eating. The other party had not finished cooking yet, so everyone gathered together to eat.

"That looks terrible." Yuanzi hugged Dalan's arm and walked forward: "Why are there so few masks?"

From now on, according to what the woman said, each mask represents a person who once disappeared. With the rows of masks in the shrine, there must be dozens of people at most.

As of now, there are almost no new masks left.

"Yes..." Dalan said with a trembling tone.

"Then I'll find a place to park first, and then we can ask about the situation."

Maybe some of us just escaped and some of us were killed. Those are all attributed to God's invisibility, so the number is so small.

When the bald old man heard what his companion said, he couldn't help but scolded: "Don't be like these old ladies. Instead of doubting that the village chief was blind, it would be better to believe that this guy sold the village's land privately and ran away." Compose some music!”

"Old man, what you just heard them shouting were they looking for the village chief?" Conan took a step back and asked.

"Hey, Shenyin and all that are all fake. Did this old man just say the same thing?"

But it is a pity that we did not find anything, but it was not beyond the expectations of Conan and others.

Before the two old men left, Dalan looked at Yuanzi and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to go out to the village again!"

"Of course not. That is a tradition left by your village since ancient times."

"What's wrong?" Xiaolan went over curiously and saw rows of white masks hanging outside.

"Wow, the bad boy's mask!" Da Lan shrank forward uncontrollably when she saw the gloomy scene outside.

"That's fake..." Sonoko looked at the many masks placed in the dark shrine through the window gap, and his face didn't look too pale: "That's too few..."

"It's time for them to leave." The woman walked towards the shrine holding a pale village chief's mask, and at the same time said to drive everyone away: "You are going to hold a ceremony, please leave."

"That's not a problem." Conan smiled after hearing this and said: "In the current situation, you really plan to take a tour of the village first. Then it will be wrong to go to the shrine."

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