Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,603 The murder 7 years ago

Seven years ago, Hoshino Ryosuke was a technician at Kepō Electric Industrial Company.

This is a leading company in the industry, and what it does is the development of mobile terminals.

During the seven years he was in coma, he had been far behind the latest technology.

But what makes him most heartbroken is that he may have been left behind by the times alone, or he may have been abandoned by his girlfriend who also works at Jingpeng Electric Industrial Company.

And Hoshino Ryosuke’s request was very simple. Because he had been lying down for seven years and still needed to recover, and could only use a wheelchair for the time being, he hoped that they would find his fiancée, Natsumi Shibamoto, to find out.

Even though the answer was actually self-evident, he still wanted a clear answer from his fiancée.

Tang and Ze also had a sympathetic attitude toward this poor man who had been sleeping for seven years.

In addition, Hoshino Ryosuke was originally the victim of the case, so it was appropriate to question relevant personnel who were familiar with his situation.

The two of them agreed without much hesitation, and then went to Keiho Electric Industry. Under the guidance of the front desk, they found Miss Shibamoto Natsumi.

When he saw the other person, Natsumi Shibamoto was busy at his work station, and Karasawa saw a ring on the ring finger of the other person's left hand that was placed on the mouse.

During the transportation, Karasawa Hoshino regained some consciousness, then took out his mobile phone and made a call, but in the end he could not hold on and passed away.

"If they haven't contacted each other since then, why did they suddenly call the police and ask for a missing person?" Che Xue asked.

"It's indeed strange." Koshizui Kazuki nodded in agreement: "April Fool's Day is April 1st, and the weather at that time is spring, right?"

It was later said that the victim in the case was Sister Ryo Karasawa Hoshino. "

Takagi immediately took the information of the two men.

The seventh man was Ryo Karasawa Hoshino, who was only 23 years old when he disappeared and worked as a dispatch worker.

Siche Xueyan bowed and apologized: "I'm really sorry for causing trouble to them.

When Tangze Shenggong said that, he also had a sad face, and also had regrets: "It's because of your bad discipline that you ended up in the situation you are now..."

According to Takagi's analysis, Hoshino Ryo was hit on the head and was seriously injured, barely able to maintain his breathing.

There was no stalemate for a long time before you went back, but your husband kept asking whether the missing person notice had been withdrawn. "

"Can you tell me in detail?" Omu asked after hearing this.

This is a clothing store, and the male store manager said before announcing his intention: "Karazawa Hoshino Ryo, you have a very weak character, so it's strange that no one will hold a grudge against you..."

The recording lasted for 8 minutes and 52 seconds. Before the sound of the engine was eliminated, a clue was found at 2 minutes and 42 seconds.

Takagi took the evidence and continued to ask, but unfortunately, the relationship between Karasawa Fumiya and the man was not bad after he disappeared, so there was no less information that he could not understand.

Tera Shibamotoxia bowed slightly in return and immediately closed the door.

On the other side, Takagi and the others returned to Kesouyan and obtained the intelligence analysis of the "audio message" from the technician.

Unfortunately, an accident led to the ending of the scene.

But after the first few photos passed, and when it came to the last one, I thought that the other person actually reacted to a man again.

This is the sound of a tram, and based on the sample at that frequency, it is basically impossible to determine the route of the tram.

Because we never expected that Cha Xueyuanfu would not respond to two men.

"It's not weird." Takagi said, touching his chin.

Seeing whether the two continued to say anything, Chexue led the people away. Of course, that matter also needed to be investigated, so Takagi left directly to investigate the matter.

There aren't many woods in this area, so it can't be said to be a bad place to dump a body.

And judging from the sound of the air conditioner being too sensitive, it must be a very old-fashioned air conditioner. Maybe that type of air conditioner is used nowadays.

And using that principle, it is impossible to detect the memory of Ibuka Miyasuke and compare it with the regression of characters who may be victims.

Before investigating the road construction records of Mikawa Electric Railway in that year, it was found that a year later, the road far away from Aipido Kawaguchi Station had been regressed for maintenance work.

Hearing Che Xueyansuke's words, Takagi frowned and said, "Why did Mr. Hoshino say that?"

After handing the recording to technicians for analysis, Takagi and his team went to where Ryo Karasawa Hoshino worked again to inquire.

"The cases are all your illusions!" Miyasuke Ibuka looked at Takagi and said, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone under Takagi rang. Before I answered the call, I thought it was Ibuka Miyasuke who called.

Because Koshisui Itsuki didn't delay his preparations, the test was completed very slowly before the other party came over.

Yuki Emi laughed to herself before hearing Ogi's words, "Abandoned her vegetative fiancé to date another woman.

Che Xue said as he got out of the car and drove towards Karasawa Hoshino Ryo's house.

"It's wrong. Just as he thought, you are now dating another woman."

"Then please allow you to keep it temporarily."

Che Xueyanmei's face was full of hesitation when she said: "This kind of waiting, waiting to know whether the fiancé can wake up.

And then, he took a step back and guessed the opponent's retreat route.

Although he basically didn't know the answer yet, Takagi continued to ask.

The engine sound finally stopped at 8 and a half minutes, and the first clue appeared 20 seconds after that.

But that time, the missing person opened the door for us.

"No one said that you disappeared because of this money." The clerk next to him agreed.

Before that, the frequency of cars using high gear became less frequent, which meant that the prisoner drove the victim to the direction of Abedo.

When Ikatsuki Koshizui saw Tera Shibamoto Natsumae, he was surprised and said: "Junior, a missing person has appeared!"

"That's not to say..."

The male shopkeeper said: "But there were no rumors before that it was Hoshino Ryo who pocketed the money."

Because before confirming the tram line, we basically didn’t know the route of the car, and the changes in the ground basically reduced the scope again.

"Let's go to the car expert first and ask about the situation."

Hearing Yuki Emi's covert answer, Takagi still felt that it was unacceptable: "They are not engaged yet..."

"But...but he is Mr. Hoshino's fiancée..."

When he arrived at the Terayama family's mansion, he rang the doorbell, only to find that the one who opened the door was the missing Terashima Motoka!

On the other hand, because the incident suddenly occurred and Karasawa Fumiya was not at home that night, the situation before Karasawa Hoshino Ryo's death was recorded.

Before the eight people left Shibamoto Xia's house, Koshii Ichitsuna said: "I thought that the first place would be an oolong.

The person who opened the door was Karasawa Hoshino Ryo's mother, Karasawa Fumiya.

Ibuka Miyasuke smiled weakly and said: "You fell down and your memory became confused after you fell down. It's not a fact!

Yuki Emi turned her head when she heard Takagi's words, her face full of guilt: "You really don't have the face to see me anymore..."

But that situation did not surprise Takagi and others.

"I heard that before you disappeared, you discovered something strange outside of the cash flow paid to the merchant."

"Have you backed up the tapes?" Koshizu Kazuki asked quickly.

"Indeed, that season is when the temperature is suitable, so it stands to reason that the air conditioner should not be turned on."

It's Rice Flower Electric Railway.

Then at 6 minutes and 28 seconds, there was a change in the screeching sound of the tires. It was hard to tell from the sound that the car was driving under the gravel ground.

After hearing what Che Xueyanfu said, Takagi said nothing more, looked at the other party and left in a roundabout way.

Before confirming that it was the man, Takagi continued to play the previous photo without stopping.


Takagi looked at Yuki Emi, who looked calm, and said, "He is the reason why he went to the hospital to see me."

After saying that, Yuki Emi also paid attention to the expressions of the two people, then stood up and left, obviously not intending to continue talking with us.


However, what I didn't expect was that the first words Ibuka Miyasuke said before seeing me exceeded my expectations.

"This child dropped out of school before finishing junior high school. Before that, he had been living with a woman."

Why doesn't Mr. Hoshino react to you? "

That's a crucial clue!

The group returned to Kesouyan with the recording and immediately analyzed the audio phone message.

"That's weird."

The principle of brain fingerprint examination will be explained the next time about "Arashiyama Girl". When the cerebellum sees the scenery or characters it has seen in the past again, a brain wave called p300 will appear.

Natsumi Shibamoto has medium-long hair and has a capable mature beauty style. She must have been a talented and beautiful couple with Ryosuke Hoshino in the company back then.

"So that's it." Takagi nodded suddenly, took out a photo of Karasawa Hoshino Ryo and said, "Does he know that person?"

And that doubt represents a variable.

Takagi thought that Che Xueyanfu might have remembered something again, so he drove towards Mihua Hospital.

"Of course." Che Xue Shen Gong got up and ran to the drawer next to him to search for a moment. He found the recording CD and handed it to Takagi.

Hearing this, Tangze Shenggong pointed to the nearby landline and said without excitement: "Before you heard that, you immediately thought it was a man, and it was a man asking for help!"

"Mr. Hoshino, please ask him..."

"He will think you are a worse man from now on."

Of course, those are all Takagi's speculations, but that "audio message" is indeed the most precious recording we have and the one that is least likely to find the truth.

"There's no voice message on this phone!"

"Needless to say, we naturally start with the two missing people." Takagi still spoke, and then Koshizui Itsuki said.

Sorry, I even asked him to come here specially. That’s all you have to say. "

The man has medium-long hair, and the makeup in the photo makes you look very sexy.

After hearing what the front desk said, the other party turned to look at Tang Ze and the other two, and then the three of them came to the conversation room.

Both men's blood types were type A, the same as the blood stains found in the park.

The name of the first long-haired man was Motonatsu Terashiba. He was only 24 years old when he disappeared and was a housewife.

Koshizui Kazuki heard this and said in surprise: "Even if no one is the victim of the murder case, who is the other person?

Takagi nodded and said: "But you have a way to figure out that riddle for the time being, so let's put it aside for now."

Of course, the "voice message" is too wrong, because although there are voices of the missing person or other people outside, there is no sound of the car engine.

Judging from the sound and frequency, it is basically impossible to determine whether it is the air conditioner in the air-conditioned room.

The prisoner probably didn't notice that and moved it under the car.

However, if he has experienced it personally in your position, he will understand you. "

"Before the investigation, it was found that the two of them have nothing to do with Mr. Hoshino, and the two men have nothing to do with each other." Before Takagi finished speaking, he looked at Takagi and said, "Where do you start now?"

"Yes..." Karasawa Hoshino looked at the photo and shook his head: "I know you."

"It turns out that's the case. Thank you both for the information."

Before putting the electroencephalograph patch under Miyasuke Ibuka's forehead, Takagi started playing the missing male member.

"I understand." Takagi nodded and bowed slightly: "Excuse me."

"Besides, there weren't any strange rumors before you disappeared." The male shopkeeper thought for a moment and said.

Before Che Xueyanfu learned the news, he didn't say much. After all, he was not mentally prepared for it. After a moment of silence, he returned to the scientific research institute with Takagi and others.

"Let's go to Tera Shibamoto Xia's house and ask first." Takagi looked at the address, and the eight of them drove towards each other's mansion.

The man had a long, diagonal ponytail and a long-sleeved undershirt with a relatively simple pattern. The smile in the photo was not contagious.

Before announcing his intention to come, after learning about the possible whereabouts of the missing man, Tangze Fengong was so excited that he told Che Xue about the man's affairs.

You can't stand this helpful feeling! "

"Mr. Hoshino..."

The other party on the phone hoped that Takagi could go to the hospital later and said that he had nothing important to tell me.

Takagi naturally understood what the other party was saying, and he opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Ibuka Miyasuke: "I'm sorry, your mind is very messed up, so please leave!"

"Seeing a man's body and all that was just a dream you had."

As if she knew there was no way to hide it, Yuki Emi simply made it clear: "And you don't plan to get married yet."

"Ah, is that so?"

A year later, you quarreled with your husband and ran away from home in a fit of rage. Then your ex-husband called the police.

"You saw it, you are so surprised." Takagi signaled to Gakuyan Terashi who was looking at him warily, took out his ID and showed his identity, and then explained his purpose of coming.

That made Takagi, who originally wanted to ask Ibuka Miyasuke about his situation back then, sighed, and had no choice but to take Takagi to Mihua Hospital to pick up Ibuka Miyasuke.

And the time of the audio message was also on the evening of April Fool's Day, not the day when Mr. Hoshino saw the body.

One by one, the photos of men passed by and one of them reacted to one of them.

"In addition, your relationship with the opposite sex is also very simple." The male employee on the side agreed.

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