Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1604 Skeletons

After returning to Kesouyan, faced with Koshizui Nanatsuki's inquiry, Karasawa told her what happened when he met Hoshino Ryosuke.

"It's very wrong."

Koshizui Nanatsuki crossed his arms and said, "Mr. Hoshino's attitude is a little too abnormal, senior, haven't you noticed?"

"How can it be."

Tang Ze rolled his eyes angrily: "But what if you notice it?

If the other party doesn't want to tell you, you can still forcefully ask them. "

"That's true." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded when he heard this: "Then did he remember something?"


Karasawa nodded and said: "The amnesiac man I met in Kyoto before had a brain fingerprint examination and also used the brain fingerprint examination as an inducement to recall forgotten memories."

"So, senior, do you think something similar might have happened this time?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly reacted.

On the other hand, Nagai Hoshino Ryo has been wonderful all the way.

The reason why I chose to search far away from the iron gate was because before getting out of the car, there was a very small chance that the body would be far away, depending on whether there were any transportation tools.

Because one of the doubts we discovered later in the "audio recording" was deliberately solved at this moment!

Karasawa slowly came to the hospital with Koshizu Kazuki and found Xiafu Shibamoto under the bed.

"What is he talking about..." Xiafu Shibamoto said in a panic: "You know..."

Under the junior high school yearbook of Mikka Moriyama Middle School, we found a photo of Yuki Emi and Nagai Hoshino Ryo.

Because the person in charge there is allergic to cypress pollen, he turns on the air conditioner in spring when the temperature is suitable!

Kasuke Shibamoto interrupted Karasawa's questioning with excitement, looked at me and said, "You are just a witness. If you have nothing to do with the case, just treat it as a mistake..."

After all, Lai Lai is an important person around him, and Shibamoto Xiafu should have this attitude.

"You haven't remembered anything!"

Tangze nodded, and immediately looked around and found that there was no iron gate nearby, and there was a no-entry sign posted below.

"This does not mean that Mr. Hoshino's memories do not contain any reality that is difficult for me to accept."

A group of diggers gathered from all directions, starting from that point and continuing to dig.

"Mr. Hoshino, you haven't found the body he mentioned later."

After all, it is a blanket search. If one person is missing, the strength will be reduced. Whoever has the shovel can dig out the bones.

"It's very possible." Tang Ze nodded and said, "The human cerebellum is always capable of lying.

Like the "Arashiyama Girl" at that time, I'm afraid the only person I can protect is my own wife.

"Actually, he said that you can probably guess some clues."

And he looks exactly like me now! "

"Yes, it is possible." Tang Ze nodded: "Judging from the other party's reaction, even that possibility is very small."

"But what is it? This is such an unacceptable fact..." Koshizui frowned in thought.

Before the bones are brought back, the next step is the work of forensic doctors and technicians.

Before taking a step back to calculate the approximate driving speed and the time when the engine sound stopped, the technicians once again zoomed in on the location where the prisoner drove and dumped the body.

It doesn't mean that the two are classmates.

"What you found was only his past."

Now that the other party has been identified as a suspect, it is natural to meet again for investigation.

"It's okay, you just don't have hay fever." The person in charge said in a bad way, taking out the mask and taking it off.

The key point is the relationship between Hou Jiantingmei and the deceased Nagai Hoshino Ryo!

That was the unit he would work for a year later. Didn’t he have anything to say? "

Seeing that Xiafu Shibamoto was cooperating, Tang Ze lost his patience, stood up and chose to leave.

The solution to that mystery is actually bad news!

As the middle-aged woman was talking, she suddenly turned her head and sneezed several times in succession, and quickly took out toilet paper to wipe it.

When she came to the rooftop, she was waiting for Hou Jian to speak, but Yuki Zhimei resisted in an enthusiastic voice.

But because of the head injury, he forgot the appearance of the victim and his own behavior after seeing the woman fall to the ground. "

"When you were in Kyoto some time later, you accidentally met a woman who had lost her memory.

You have nothing to do with the deceased, but your job also connects you to the place where the body was dumped.

That means I did pass by the prisoner outside, and the place where the body was dumped was probably far away!

"how come..."

Hou Jiantingfu's eyes flashed with guilt: "What a wonderful coincidence..."

When everyone approached, the unfamiliar sound of a fan rang in everyone's ears, which made everyone present look up.

Tang Ze nodded and held out two fingers: "He only remembers two things.

"But the pollen season of the cedar trees has not passed yet, right?" Koshizui Kazuki asked in surprise upon hearing this.

"Oh? So that's it."

Someone took out the shovel from the trunk of the car, and Officer Mu Mu and Hou Jian took the lead and started digging in the distance.

It would be too much of a coincidence to say that it was a coincidence.

After a group of people searched like crazy, Qianye was lucky enough to find the skeleton.

Hearing Shibamoto Kasuke, Karasawa knew that the other party was still holding on, so he took out a photo of Nagai Hoshino and said, "Does he know Nagai Hoshino?"

Jingpeng Electric Sanatorium!

It was a great tacit understanding during the investigation.

Finally, a broken skeleton with torn clothes was dug out.

Before learning the news, Karasawa immediately contacted Officer Megure and asked him to gather a small number of people and follow me to the Keiho Denki Sanatorium in Tokyo.

But before that, there were no completely different choices in life between the two.

After a long silence, Hou Jianting let out a sigh of relief with a sneer, and then a warm smile appeared on her face.

"Yes, Mr. Hoshino witnessed the crime scene, but his memory is intermittent."

The person in charge explained: “In that season, you have to wear a mask whenever you go out, so you will sneeze non-stop.

Karasawa looked at Xiafu Shibamoto and said: "The only people who can make such a change in his attitude are those close to him."

"We were educated together and enrolled in school together." Yuki Emi took over Karasawa's words and glared at the two of them: "They found those."

Karasawa looked at Xiafu Shibamoto who was lying half under the bed and said: "As for the place where the body was found, it is the protective forest of Keiho Electric.

Karasawa looked at Xiafu Shibamoto and asked, "Why did he go to the park this evening?

I recalled everything before the brain fingerprint examination, and then my attitude towards the murder case changed slightly.

"Yes, you came there today because you have no questions to ask him."

And you also met Xiafu Shibamoto there, and they got engaged before falling in love.

"But the fragmented memory was recalled after the brain fingerprint examination, and I took this as an opportunity to recall it." Koshizui Nanatsuki said with eyes brightening.

In addition, judging from the wear status of the teeth, the age is probably in his seventies, the upper corner of the pubic bone is U-shaped, the body is heptagonal, and the gender is male.


"Sorry, is there anyone who can stand in the way of the murder?"

Faced with Karasawa's questioning, Yuki Zhimei came and denied the fact that she was the murderer!

However, the two of them attended the same junior high school before graduation, and at the same time they both entered school again when they were in the eighth grade of junior high school.

On the side, various thoughts flashed through Tang Ze's mind, but in the end he did not speak out.

"Is he in trouble?"

First, a blood reaction was detected under the stone found with the body. Before comparing it with the damage under the skull, it was confirmed that the stone was the murder weapon.

Seeing the embarrassment of the person in charge, Koshisui Kazuki couldn't help but laugh.


"You have no choice, so I can only kill you."

One of them saw a woman bleeding and falling to the ground, while the other saw himself being pushed down the stone steps.

The reporter was a staff member of Kepeng Electric, and there was no Kepeng Electric nursing home where the prisoner abandoned the body.

When Tang Ze and others were stunned, you came and hurriedly told what happened that year.

Karasawa said: "Before investigating Ryo Nagai Hoshino's skull, you discovered the depression in the skull caused by blunt force blows.

From what the other party said, we learned that the forest in front of the sanatorium is a protected forest, and all the forests in the area where Jingpeng Electric comes from are regarded as part of our environmental undertakings, and the forests are ecologically protected.

After all, even if there is no evidence, saying so is just to mislead Koshizui Itsuki's thinking direction.

"Isn't it because he knew that he chose to hide it?"

"That air conditioner must have been used for a long time, right?" Tang Ze looked at the person in charge and asked.

In that case, the cerebellum will be willing to recognize the bad experience, and then seal the bad memory deep in the memory to protect the host.

“Turn on the air conditioner in the spring!”

"You should come and tell me why you went to the hospital."

"It seems like it's not like that."

Why did you go outside the stone steps before you saw the male's body..."

In front of the iron gate is the forest and a vaguely visible road.

Before getting clues about the suspect from Shibamoto Natsuke's attitude, Karasawa gathered people to finish the investigation against Shibamoto Natsuke's fiancée Yuki Emi.

Shibamoto Xiafu smiled guiltily, and even dared to look at the photos of Karasawa's men: "I'm sure if he knows you, I should tell him when doing this brain fingerprint examination."

Yuki Zhimei chose to "turn back the prodigal son" before this. She took the elementary school exam before and successfully found a job in a first-class company.

"'re dead..." Hou Jianting said sadly with her head high.

This is the place where Shibamoto Kasuke worked 7 years later!

At this point, Yuki Zhimei has become the number one suspect in this case.

Seeing the other party's embarrassed appearance, Koshizui Itsuki expressed concern.

However, Shibamoto Xiafu's side brought fewer mysteries, but on the other side, the analysis of "sound recording" did go smoothly.

Yuesui Yishu's eyes became darker and darker: "Then this part of the memory was hidden by the cerebellum, and it was recalled again through brain fingerprint examination."

For example, being abused, or being injured in a case, or suffering a huge mental blow, etc.

You remember that the mouse he used was a right-handed model, right? "

It looks like that every spring. Even if you have an air purification function outside the house without air conditioning, you will be fine. "

Hou Jianhao firmly exposed my words: "And the reason why he remembered it was because before the brain fingerprint examination, it stimulated him to recall the lost memory."

"found it!!"

Therefore, before meeting again, it is reasonable to speculate that something bad happened between the two people that led Yuki Zhimei to kill Nagai Houjianting.

"Yes, the difference is probably ten years less." The person in charge nodded.

And the search turned up nothing.

Although Shibamoto Kasuke didn't say anything, the other party's attitude actually didn't explain the problem.

But Yuki Emi, perhaps due to the influence of her workplace, put the meeting place on the rooftop.

Even though the wife didn't seem to be loyal to her feelings, the two amnesiac women seemed to have no idea about love and still wanted to continue to protect each other.

It can also be regarded as a human body defense mechanism, just like the conscious use of hands to support the ground when a person falls. "

Combined with Hou Jiantingfu's sudden change of attitude, it is difficult to imagine whether there is no connection between them.

Karasawa looked at Yuki Emi and said, "You found the body of Ryo Nagai Hoshino."

More importantly, if you are sure to be the prisoner, there will be no reasonable explanation for Hoshino's change in attitude.

As for the reason for entering school, it was because of his good conduct. Because of stealing things and intimidating others, he was taught a few times by the school but he never changed.

Nothing was found in the previous sequel, and further inspections are needed to find out, but the body excavated is not enough to be relied upon by Karasawa in the confrontation with Xiafu Shibamoto.

Seeing that, everyone knew that the forest in front of them was probably not the place where the murderer dumped his body.

Before arriving at the nursing home, Officers Karasawa and Megure took the lead in finding the person in charge there.

The two of them would always speak out their speculations based on whether there was evidence or not. This was to avoid limiting their thoughts to the same line and missing other possibilities.

"You already said you know everything!" Shibamoto Kasuke was excited with a hint of pleading: "I want to investigate the people around you..."

"Yes, you are allergic to cypress pollen."

The other party turned on the air conditioner not for the temperature, but for the purification function of the air conditioner.

Although the radius of 500 meters is still very small, before seeing the buildings within the circle under the map, the two people immediately determined the most likely place to bury the body.

"Excuse me, where does he put the air conditioner in the room where he usually stays?" Tang Ze looked at the man and asked.

"He and Hou Jianting were classmates in junior high school, right?" Tang Ze asked, "They dropped out of the same junior high school before graduating from junior high school."

"It's just outside." The middle-aged woman heard Tang Ze's question and led everyone to the house in the distance. Soon she saw the indoor unit of the air conditioner in the house.

Judging from the depressed position, the prisoner probably used his right hand to deliver a fatal blow to me.

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