Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,290 Flame Demon Dog

"This information is useful."

Karasawa looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan and said: "Since there are spherical objects around everyone who was attacked, it means that this is not the message Mr. Shinichi left before losing consciousness."

"Did the prisoner intentionally leave a message..." Hattori Heiji touched his chin and muttered: "In that case, Miss Sami should have similar items around her."

"We were busy rescuing people at the time, so we probably didn't notice." Conan said, "Let's go back and take a look later."

"That's fine, I just need to take Police Officer Yamamura to see the crime scene."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this and said, "But on the way there, get some food from my car to fill your stomach. After all, we have to climb mountains again, and it will probably take a long time to investigate the traces at the scene."

"It's so rude. Things happened so fast that we didn't have time to entertain you all." Inubushi Yukihime heard this and said quickly: "If you don't mind, I'll go cook now."

"Is this okay? After all, we are here uninvited."

Karasawa originally planned to let a few people deal with it, but since Inubushi Yukihime took the initiative to invite, Karasawa didn't mind having a hot meal.

And eating is not the focus. He mainly feels that among these people, Inubushi Yukihime is the warmer towards them. In addition, when Inubushi Yukihime fell off the cliff, she had been with them all the time, and she was basically able to wash her hands. Cleared of suspicion.

So he also wanted to take advantage of the time of cooking with the other party to ask the other party carefully to see if he could get any unexpected results.

"Then let's go back and rest first." Inufukako heard this and said: "If you need us to cooperate with the investigation, just call us at any time."

"Yes." Karasawa nodded, and immediately followed Inufushi Yukihime to the kitchen.

On the side, Hattori Heiji and Conan were waiting for the others to leave. They looked at each other and followed them towards the kitchen.

"Eh? Why are you all going to the kitchen?" Seeing all the acquaintances go to the kitchen in the blink of an eye, Yamamura Cao followed him blankly: "Let me tell you first, I'm not very good at cooking..."

The Inubushi family is worthy of being called the "Inubushi Castle" by the locals. Even the kitchen is ridiculously spacious. Even if there are two more people standing there, one large and one small, it still looks very spacious.

After entering the kitchen, Tangze didn't rush to ask questions first. Instead, he discussed with the other party what to cook and then started preparing the dishes.

"Thank you so much."

Halfway through the cooking, Inubushi Yukihime suddenly burst into tears: "Miss Saki helped us with cooking and cleaning up after meals... Thank you for your help, and thank you for saving Saki-san... "

People's fragility and sadness are sometimes not revealed on the day when someone suddenly has an accident.

But at a certain moment, because of a small thing, you suddenly think of that person, and you realize that the other person has left you forever.

The sadness of that moment will make you burst into tears instantly.

At this moment, Inubushi Yukihime was obviously cooking. Thinking of Inubushi Saki who was still in the hospital with serious injuries and rescuing her, she felt sad in hindsight.

After all, the tense atmosphere before could indeed make people nervous. Now that Inubushi Yukihime had relaxed and regained her composure, she immediately fell into sadness.

"Don't be sad, I believe Miss Zuoji will be a lucky person with her own destiny!"

Hattori Heiji looked at Inubushi Yukihime who was crying in tears and also spoke to comfort her.

"Well, thank you." Inubushi Yukihime wiped the tears from her eyes and said with a forced smile.

"Miss Yukihime, I would like to ask, have you been called by this name before?" Karasawa was still sad, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Ah, no."

Hearing this, Inubushi Yukihime replied: "I used to take my mother's surname and was named Tamaki Yuki. It was only after I got here that I took the name given by my father.

Not just me, my other brothers and sisters were also named by my father.

In fact, I never expected to come to this home, but my father sent a letter.

In the letter, he said that he didn't have much time. If there was a reason, he hoped that we could come to Inubushi's house to protect the princess here... Ah, "princess" refers to my mother. The servants called me that after I came here, but she always said It's so shameful, let's not call her that. "

"So that's it." Tang Ze and the others' expressions changed upon hearing this, and they immediately fell into deep thought.

But as soon as the three of them thought about it, the room fell into silence, and when they recovered, the air became calm again.

"By the way, Miss Yukihime, is there anything you need our help with?"

Conan on the side said in a panic: "We can't help here, so if you need anything, please just say it!"

"Then could you please help me feed Xiaoba?"

Inubushi Yukihime heard Conan's words and what she thought of when she heard Conan's words, she asked, "Although I asked Sister Kaoko and the others to feed him, I was rejected."

"why is that?"

After hearing Inufushi Yukihime's words, Karasawa's expression changed and he asked: "I see that Ms. Kaoko seems to be very familiar with dog training and the like. She doesn't seem like someone who would refuse to feed a dog."

"Sister Kaozi seems to have had pet dogs before she came here, and she also has a lot of experience in domestication."

When Inubushi Yukihime said this, she looked downcast and said: "But now she is not only responsible for the follow-up and finishing of the funerals of the other two brothers and sister.

I also had to contact Inufushi Hospital to inquire about Sister Saki's condition, so I couldn't get away.

As for Mr. Chihuang, he was bitten by a dog in the past, so he hates and is afraid of contact with dogs.

And Xiaoba always barked at him, causing him to avoid Xiaoba.

As for Mr. Zenya, he is allergic to dogs and will not go near dogs, otherwise he will have a runny nose and sneeze all the time. "

Speaking of this, Inufushi Yukihime smiled and said, "So every day, it's me, Kaoko-san or Saki-san who feeds Hachi.

Too many things happened today. If you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten them. Can I trouble you? "

"No problem, it's a piece of cake!" Yamamura Cao, who had no sense of presence at the side, felt the same way. It was clear that Inubushi Yukihime was telling Conan, but he took the job in one go.

"Then Conan, you go with Officer Yamamura." Hearing that Yamamura Cao volunteered, Hattori Heiji asked Conan to come with him, but he still wanted to stay to see if he could ask anything.

"Okay." Conan on the side was a little reluctant when he heard this, but after all, he took the initiative to bring it up, so he had no choice but to agree.

Hachi's room was at the innermost part of the castle courtyard. After Inubushi Yuki told the two of them the specific location, she checked the location of the flashlight with them.

Conan and the other two went to get the flashlight first, and soon arrived in the yard.

"Speaking of which, this yard is really big..." Yamamura Soo said with emotion as he took a flashlight and shined his light around: "It is indeed a place called "Inubushi Castle" by the locals."

"Officer Yamamura, take a look at the front, it seems to be Xiaoba's dog house."

Conan, who was holding the dog food, anticipated Yamamura Cao's emotion and motioned for him to shine the flashlight farther away.

After hearing this, Yamamura Cao subconsciously raised his flashlight, and the next moment Xiaoba's cry sounded. The two looked forward, only to find that Xiaoba had already stood up, waiting for the two to approach.

"Yo Xi, I'll bring you dinner~" Yamamura said with a smile as he looked at the well-behaved Akita dog.

And Xiaoba seemed to be hungry indeed. As soon as Conan put down the dog bowl, Xiaoba started to eat.

"Eat it all!" Yamamura Cao said with a smile while stroking Xiaoba's head.

Xiaoba ate very quickly, and he devoured a bowl of dog food in a short time.

After eating, Xiaoba licked his lips, and even showed a humane expression of satisfaction on his face.

Upon seeing this, Yamamura Cao and Conan planned to take the dog bowl and leave, but suddenly Hachi turned his head and looked at the darkness in the distance, and his gentle expression turned extremely aggressive the next moment.

The low whimpering warning sound made Conan and the two of them unconsciously look in the direction where Hachi was looking.

"Woof! Woof woof!!"

Extremely aggressive screams continued to sound from Xiao Ba's mouth, and suddenly a burst of fire rose in the darkness at the far corner.

"What is that?" Yamamura asked suspiciously, "Is there something shining over there?"

Before Conan could respond, a flaming "magic dog" suddenly appeared from the far corner and rushed towards the two of them at extremely fast speeds.

"Demon dog!!"

Yamamura Cao screamed when he saw the burning demon dog running towards them. Without thinking, he picked up Conan who was still observing and meditating and ran towards the corner room.

And the "devil dog" covered in flames was very fast, rushing towards the two of them at extremely fast speeds with flaming footprints.

I have to say that although Yamamura Cao was timid, he was still very responsible. Even though he was scared to death, he still did not forget to hold Conan and escape together.

After all, Yamamura Cao is also a criminal, and his physical fitness is still above the standard. He quickly turned away and ran to the front door, then opened the door and entered the room without looking back.

The door was closed with lightning speed, and Yamamura was breathing heavily.

"Hello? What's going on with you?" Karasawa and Hattori Heiji, who heard the noise, ran out, looked at them and asked, "Why did I suddenly hear you shouting "Demon Dog"?"

"There really is a "devil dog"!" After hearing Tang Ze's words, Yamamura Cao immediately ran to Tang Ze: "We saw it. The "devil dog" appeared in the garden with a burning body and rushed towards us!!"

"Hey, you're still a criminal, stop saying such silly things, okay?"

Inufuchen, who came out when he heard the movement, immediately questioned: "How could it appear in the yard?"

"Could it be that he came over the wall?" Inubushi Yukihime was surprised.

"How could that be! This is too ridiculous!" Inufukako immediately denied it.

"Anyway, I'm afraid it's very dangerous outside now. It's better for everyone to stay indoors and don't go out." Inufushi Chiko also suggested with a scared look on his face.

"I really missed a good opportunity to expose the "devil dog" trick." Tang Ze glanced at Conan with the gift in hand at this moment, which seemed to mean "I'll give you a chance, but you won't live up to your expectations."

"Yes, if I had known earlier, I would have gone with you." Hattori Heiji also sighed in agreement: "I missed such a good opportunity. Let's go out and have a look. Maybe there will be another chance."

With that said, the two of them opened the door and walked out, regardless of everyone's frightened dissuasion.

Conan, who was on the side, was furious when he heard the two people's strange annoyance. He struggled to get out of Yamamura Cao's hands and followed them and complained: "You also saw it, it was Yamamura Police Officer who took me away directly. I have nothing to do with him." relation!"

"Hey, I saved you out of kindness!"

Yamamura Cao, who followed behind, shouted dissatisfied: "You kid, please don't repay kindness with hatred! If it weren't for my "devil dog", I would have rushed over and burned you to death!"

It can be seen that after seeing the "Fire Demon Dog" with his own eyes, Yamamura Cao fell into fear.

Mingming had sworn before that those were all fake, but after actually seeing them, he panicked.

"By the way, did you really see that dog burning?" Hattori Heiji looked at Conan and asked.

"It's true, it's definitely not some fluorescent paint!" Yamamura said solemnly, clenching his fists: "Ask Conan-kun, there are still burning flames on the ground!!"


Conan nodded and looked at the place where the "devil dog" appeared before: "Although it has disappeared, I did see the burning footprints left on the ground after the dog ran."

"There are indeed signs of burning."

Karasawa asked Hattori Heiji to hold a flashlight and squatted down to check the grass. There were obvious traces of burned canine footprints there.

"Where did the dog you saw appear from?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"It's right over there." Conan pointed, and then walked directly over.

At that time, Yamamura Cao hugged him and ran away. He didn't have time to look at the details. Now he returned to the scene and immediately discovered something was wrong.

"This is a little strange."

Tang Ze pointed to the source of the footprints, took a deep breath, frowned and said, "There is indeed no smell of fuel, but there is a very choking smell.

It smells a bit like rotten onions. "

"Didn't you notice anything strange when you saw the demon dog?" Hattori Heiji looked at Yamamura Cao and asked.

"I was scared to death at the time. How could I have time to see those things!" Yamamura said angrily.

"I did see some."

Conan recalled: "It seemed as if those burning footprints were alive and beating constantly.

There seems to be a clicking sound..."

"The smell of rotten onions and the sound of crackling..."

Tangze raised his eyebrows and looked at the other two people. Looking at the sparkle and understanding in each other's eyes, he understood that Conan and the others had also thought of the true identity of the flame footprints.

"Let's go and check around the area."

Although they basically understood the flame, the "Fire Demon Dog" itself didn't know the principle, so Tang Ze and the others had no intention of explaining it.

After all, judging from the current situation, the prisoner still wants to show off his trick, so that they also believe in the existence of the "magic dog".

And if the secret of the footprint flames is revealed, it will officially become known that the "Fire Demon Dog" is man-made. Although it is a good thing for the scared Inufushi family, it does not change anything.

On the contrary, this will alert the criminal. After all, it will be troublesome if the other party is aware of the danger and dares not take the risk again.

They are still waiting for the prisoner to show his tricks to them next time and make them believe in the authenticity of the "Fire Demon Dog".

In this way, they will have a chance to expose all the tricks next time and even catch the culprit directly.

Even if everything doesn't go as smoothly as they expected, according to the principle of Locar's law of material exchange.

Each additional ruse leaves more traces, and they can find more clues.

Therefore, although the three of them did not communicate with each other verbally, they tacitly chose the same way of dealing with it just by looking at each other.

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