Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,291 The Mysterious Wooden House

In the dark courtyard, the cold wind from the mountain blew everyone's body, taking away the body temperature.

Especially since no one had eaten yet, it was as if there were no calories. This made Tang Ze, who had always eaten on time, feel a little tired.

"Okay, we've seen it here, let's go nearby to check the situation. After all, it's impossible for a "magic dog" to appear in the yard out of thin air. "

After looking at the flaming footprints on the grass in the yard, Tang Ze called to everyone: "We will go to eat after we figure out the route of the "Devil Dog" entering.

After that, go back to the cliff and take a look at the crime scene. "

When everyone heard the words, they didn't have any opinions, so they scattered around to look for clues.

At this time, the four people from the Inufu family watched for a long time but the demon dog did not show up. Tangze and others were also investigating and followed them to the yard.

"Come here, I found something!"

Not long after the four people who were searching dispersed, Hattori Heiji's Osaka-accented shout rang out.

"It seems that the "devil dog" entered through the back door. "

Hattori Heiji pointed to the open back door and said, "I checked that the door valve of the back door had been removed, and there were still dog footprints on the ground near the back door."

"In other words, the only three prisoners who put the "Demon Dogs" into the Inubushi family's mansion could be the Inubushi family. "

Conan pondered: "It's impossible for Miss Yukihime to have time to cook with us, and it's equally impossible for Mrs. Suoomi to be unconscious all the time.

Ms. Yukihime also once said that the other three people all hate dogs, and in this case they must all know that the other party will refuse.

In this case, I might guess that Yukihime-san will ask us to feed the dog. "

"Now I can confirm that the "devil dog" is kept in captivity near Inufushi Castle. "

Karasawa said: "After all, if the distance is too far, we won't be able to attack the people who go to feed the dogs immediately."

"Do you have any clear clues?"

Yamamura Soo on the side looked at the four Inubushi family gathered nearby and asked, "For example, I heard the barking of dogs near the mansion or in the forest next to it."

"In that case, the second Mitoko who was killed in the swamp once told me, and we even went to see it together!"

Chiko Inufushi heard what Yamamura said and said, "She said she found a strange cabin where dogs barked.

But because we were too scared, we didn’t dare to go in to check the situation..."

"What did you say!?" Conan was shocked when he heard Inufushi Chiko's words.

"Where are the facilities of that cabin?" Hattori Heiji immediately asked after him.

"It's near the swamp where Minagako drowned." Chiaki Inufushi looked at the two people approaching excitedly, raised his hands and said quickly.

"It seems that there is one more place to go." Karasawa looked at everyone and said, "Now let's go to eat first. After eating, please Mr. Chiko, please come with us.

After going to the cliff where Miss Saki fell to see the situation, we still need your help to take us to the swamp. "

"Now, now..." Chiko Inufushi hesitated: "But I have to go to the hospital on duty tonight..."

"Is Inubushi Hospital your family's hospital?"

Karasawa said, "Except for this kind of thing, it doesn't matter even if you don't go. If you need to, you can ask Officer Yamamura to help you explain."

On the side, Inufushi Chiaki heard the words that Karasawa could not refuse, and his reluctance became a little obvious. He also wanted to shirk the blame: "But at that time, I only followed Miagako behind...

If you really asked me to take you there, I can’t remember the way, I should have known where it was..."

"If you want to go find him, I'll take you there!"

Inubushi Yukihime patted her chest and said, "I am familiar with the environment near the forests and swamps in that area.

And it’s not that far from here! "

"Okay." Karasawa nodded and agreed, but he still took Inufushi Akira and set off together.

Anyway, there are two cars, so it doesn't take much effort for Yamamura Cao to take two people.

He asked Yamamura Cao to drive together, and first drove to the place where Miss Saki fell off the cliff today.

Returning to the tombstone of the loyal but unjust death of Fuotaro, everyone took the phone and looked around to check the surrounding ground, wanting to check if there were any falling spherical objects.

Of course, because Chihiro Inufushi was also a suspect in the case, and Yukihime Inubushi was not completely cleared of suspicion, Karasawa asked the two of them to stay in the car to supervise each other, while the four of them got out of the car to search.

But after searching for a long time, no spherical object was found.

"Are you going to run away?"

Yamamura wiped the sweat from his head and guessed: "After all, the opponent fell from the cliff. No one knows where a small ball will roll after it."

"Let's look for it again. There aren't any slopes nearby, so it shouldn't be too far away." Hattori Heiji said without giving up.

"Well, let's look again. If it doesn't work, we'll go up the cliff to check the situation." Tang Ze also said.

"Okay." After hearing both of them saying this, Yamamura Cao could only continue to search hard.

But unfortunately, the four people searched all around the tombstone and could not find any props left by the suspected criminal.

"No, let's go up and have a look."

The four of them gathered in front of the tombstone again, and Hattori Heiji gasped slightly.

"Okay." Tang Ze nodded when he heard the words, and turned around to get into the car. When he glanced at the steps on the tombstone with his peripheral vision, he stopped immediately.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Karasawa's actions, Conan couldn't help but ask.

"That seems to be what we are looking for." Karasawa put his left hand on his forehead helplessly, and pointed with his right hand at the blue glass fairway on the base of the tombstone.

"I actually dropped it here?!" Yamamura picked it up with a speechless expression: "But this looks like an ordinary glass ball, right?"

"There are small steel balls, table tennis balls, pearls and glass balls..." Conan looked at the blue glass ball and frowned: "What kind of message does the murderer want to convey with this..."

"Well, when it comes to dogs and beads~~"

Yamamura pointed his finger at the sky, his face full of expression.

"What do you want to say? Isn't it some unreliable speculation?"

Hattori Heiji looked at the other person's expression and said with a suspicious expression on his face: "Tell me."

"Maybe it can serve as a reminder." Although Conan was not as skeptical as Hattori Heiji, his words were slowly comforting.

Seeing the distrustful looks on the two of them, Yamamura Cao unconsciously made a choice every day, and immediately said: "Forget it, since you don't believe it, there is no need to listen anymore."

"Then what do I ask of you?" Tangze said with a smile, "Just don't get into trouble with the two kids."

"Since it's Karasawa Criminal who asked me to do this, I'll reluctantly express my opinion."

After hearing Karasawa's words, Yamamura Cao became excited again: "You two must listen carefully.

When it comes to beads and dogs, the one of course is "The Legend of the Eight Dogs by Satomi Minami"! "

"Uh..." Hattori Heiji and Conan couldn't help but blush when they heard what Yamamura Cao said.

Obviously, they didn't expect that the other party's imagination would be so outrageous.

The so-called "The Legend of Nanzong Satomi's Eight Dogs" is the longest work in the history of neon classical literature.

The protagonist in his book is a samurai reincarnated by eight beads.

When they were born, they carried rosary beads with words on them, representing the eight virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, loyalty, trust, filial piety and brotherhood.

"So." Hattori Heiji looked at Yamamura Cao and said angrily: "Even if the beads match the dog, what is the basis for this case?"

"This...that...are all eight people?"

Yamamura Cao was asked

His head was confused, then he looked around and finally laughed and said bitterly: "Okay, okay, I know they don't have these words in their names, let's go up the mountain quickly, go up the mountain!"

Without waiting for the three people to think about what he said, they pushed the three people to the car with some embarrassment.

After that, a group of four people drove two cars towards the place where Miss Zuoji fell off the cliff. After arriving nearby, the four people took flashlights and looked around for clues.

And soon Hattori Heiji found the green grass again and found the dry grass mark burned by the flames.

"It's the same as the burning marks in the yard." Hattori Heiji squatted down and looked at the dry footprints on the ground for comparison.

"The rope pulled by the cliff was also cut with a sharp weapon." Tangze squatted on the edge of the cliff and said after checking the cut in the rope.

"Not only that, the warning signs here were also pulled out and thrown here." Conan said, picking up a warning sign.

"The road sign farther away, near the fork in the road, has also been removed." Yamamura Cao ran over and said.

"I remember Miss Saki seems to be a bit of a road addict."

After listening to the findings of the three people, Tang Ze pondered and said, "She was in such a disadvantaged state, and the surrounding environment was so dark, and there were no ropes, road signs, or warning signs.

If you are being chased by a flaming "magic dog", it is not surprising that you will run away in a panic and fall off a cliff. "

"I'm afraid the criminal also knew Miss Saki's weakness of not knowing the way, so he designed this trap in a targeted manner."

Conan on the side agreed: "After all, Mr. Yingci was killed by the same method before, so it stands to reason that Miss Saki should be on guard."

"But you forgot that Mr. Yingci's death also increased her fear."

Tang Ze shook his head and said, "And this fear magnified her weakness and gave her a fatal murderous intention."

"I wonder how Saki-san is doing." Inubushi Yukihime, who was waiting by the car, couldn't help but sigh and prayed: "I hope she can be safe."

"Yes, and what we have to do is help her catch the prisoner who caused her injury before she wakes up."

Tangze said this and waved to the remaining three people: "Let's go to the swamp."

"Then I'll lead you." Hearing this, Inubushi Yukihime got into the passenger seat, and with Karasawa taking the lead, the two cars headed towards the swamp near Inubushi City, one behind the other.

Under the guidance of the other party, everyone came to the swamp.

"Oh~ This is the swamp you were talking about~" Hattori Heiji looked at the water with his flashlight.

"Hey, I heard that there will be fire around this swamp. Is this true?" After Conan looked around, he looked at Yamamura Cao and asked.

"It's true, it's just some places nearby." Yamamura Cao nodded: "There are still burnt marks."

"Now, could you please point us to where the cabin in your impression is?" Karasawa looked at the insignificant Inufushi Akira and said with a smile.


Chiko Inufushi felt a little unconfident, holding a flashlight and wandering around in the forest on the opposite side. Finally, he locked on an old wooden house and quickly taught: "That's it! It seems to be that wooden house!"

Karasawa's flashlight shone on the wooden house, and a smile appeared on his lips: "Then let's take a detour to see what's going on inside the "Devil Dog's" lair. "

"Then let me lead you."

Inubushi Yukihime took the lead and kept saying: "You must follow the route I am taking. This swamp is bottomless. If you fall in, you will be in trouble."

Everyone followed Inufushi Yukihime down the sloping grassland under the road, but Hattori Heiji who was halfway down suddenly stopped, turned to look at Inufushi Kohime, who was standing motionless above, and asked: "Aren't you going? ?」

"How can I go!" Chiko Inufushi said with panic and fear on his face: "I-I'll just wait for you in the car!"

"Okay, then just wait for us in the car."

Hattori Heiji also knew that the other party was afraid of dogs and was unwilling to go to the residence of the "devil dog", so he didn't insist anymore after the warning and continued walking.

Under the leadership of Inufushi Chiaki, everyone successfully arrived at the wooden house on the other side of the swamp.

The door of the wooden house was very old and unlocked, so the group entered it easily.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the scene in the room came into view.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" Looking at the various books on black magic rituals placed in the house, Yamamura Cao said with a pale face: "Why does it feel so evil here?"

"There is something similar to a magic circle like a six-pointed star on the ground." Hattori Heiji shined his flashlight on the ground and sneered: "He doesn't want people to think that the "Devil Dog" was summoned from here. "

"But what is certain is that someone does raise dogs here." Conan said, looking at the dog food bowl on the ground and the scattered cans of dog food piled next to it.

"But who would raise a dog here?" Inubushi Yukihime looked puzzled.

Yamamura Soo shined the flashlight from his chin to his face and said with a frightened expression: "Someone must have used this "Curse of the Demon Dog" to summon the Demon Dog..."

"Stop it."

Karasawa slapped Yamamura Cao: "If there is such a power as a curse that can kill people, the priests and monks should be investigating now, not us."

"But, I saw it with my own eyes!" Yamamura said excitedly: "Conan, you saw it too, right?"

"But those must be the criminals' tricks!"

Conan retorted angrily, but as soon as he finished speaking, a terrified scream came from outside the house.

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