Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1294: Arrested on the spot

It doesn't take much time to write a name. The three of them took turns borrowing a pen, and in less than half a minute, everyone wrote their target's name on the paper.

Then I'll count to three and let's show it together, okay? Karasawa saw the final Conan hand back to Yamamura Cao and said.

Wait, that's boring.

After hearing this, Yamamura Cao suggested: How about we do it one by one? This makes it more suspenseful.

That's fine. Hattori Heiji nodded and said: So who comes first?

Of course it's me. Yamamura Cao said and directly showed his notebook.

The three of them looked at it and found Inufukako's name written on it.

Sure enough, the previous Eight Dogs story was just bad luck. Hattori Heiji smiled.

Yes, I was not so lucky to guess the correct answer this time. Conan also echoed.

Hello! You two! When Yamamura Cao heard these sarcastic words, he looked dissatisfied and said: "The thing hasn't happened yet, why should I say that my guess is wrong!"

Do you think Tangze Criminal really let us guess?

Hattori Heiji said meaningfully: It is because it is logical for prisoners to select targets, and the target is more likely to be selected, so Karasawa Criminal Justice made this proposal.

In other words, it seems to depend on luck, but in fact it depends on the level of reasoning.

Let’s also publish the answer. Conan smiled and spread out the paper in his hand to show it: Although I think the three of us have the same answer.

——Inubushi Yukihime.

After Yamamura Cao saw the name on the Conan paper, he subconsciously looked at Hattori Heiji, and the answer was exactly the same.

He turned to look at Karasawa in disbelief, only to find that the other party shrugged, and the four characters "Inubushi Yukihime" were written on the paper where the answer was announced.

Why did you all choose her at the same time? Yamamura Cao scratched his head in confusion.

Everything is related to the names of the eight of them.

Hattori Heiji smiled mysteriously, then smiled narrowly: You look very unconvinced, then think about it carefully now, you have plenty of time tonight~

Of course, if you can't figure it out during this period, we will explain the reason when we confront the prisoner, and you will know the answer then.

Okay, now that we’re done relaxing, let’s get started.

Karasawa said: Conan, you are the easiest to hide because of your small stature. Find a place to guard the door of Ms. Suomi's room. Miss Yukihime seems to have to take care of Ms. Suomi all night today.

Shancun Criminal Police officers get on board to guard the front door of the yard. If they find anyone going out at night, they will contact us immediately.

Hattori Heiji, please guard the back door. I will monitor him near Inufushi Chiko's room. If anything happens, please contact me directly.

After hearing Tang Ze's arrangement, everyone agreed, and then dispersed while no one was outside the house.

While passing by Mrs. Sōomi's room, Karasawa heard the voices of Inubushi Yukihime and her adoptive mother talking inside.

Judging from the other party's plan, he probably planned to take care of his adoptive mother all night.

Karasawa winked at Conan, who looked around and finally found the display cabinet with vases at the corner, and hid it directly underneath.

Karasawa ejected the mechanical spider when he came to the door of Inufushi Chiaki's room, and then the tiny spider easily invaded the room along the crack in the door.

And Karasawa soon saw Inufushi Chiko, who was sitting on the tatami deep in thought with a gloomy expression on his face, and seemed to be hesitating whether to take the next step.

After Tangze gave the order for the mechanical spider to attach to the opponent, he temporarily put down his phone and began to check the surrounding environment.

As mentioned before, the Inubushi family is very large, and Karasawa can monitor remotely, so there are no requirements for the hiding range.

He quickly found a free guest room, went in and sat on the tatami, and then began to monitor the scene inside with his mobile phone.

But sitting in a dark room

Not long after, Tangze also felt sleepy.

There was no way around it. There were too many things happening as a result of the devil dogs appearing one after another tonight. It took them a whole night just to investigate.

It looked like it was still dark, but it was actually the early hours of the next day. It was normal for people to feel sleepy at this point.

Fortunately, Chiko Inufushi didn't keep Karasawa waiting for too long. After almost twenty minutes, it seemed that everyone else in the mansion had gone to bed to rest. Chiko Inufuku opened the door, looked around, and then turned to Ms. Sugaomi. Go to the room.

After knocking on the door, Inufushi Yukihime opened the room and looked at Inufushi Chiko outside the door and asked: Chiko-san, what's the matter with you coming here at this time?

Ah, that's it.

Inufushi Chiko's face was a bit ugly and anxious: When I was chased by the demon dog before, I accidentally left my mother's medicine over there, but I'm not familiar with that swamp. Could you please take me back?

Mother, where did she leave her medicine?

Inubushi Yukihime was shocked when she heard this, and immediately stood up and said: Let's go quickly, mother will take medicine later.

Because Chiko Inubushi was Ms. Suomi's doctor, and the other party was indeed attacked by the demon dog and was very embarrassed, so Inubushi Yukihi had no intention of doubting the other party's words, and quickly followed her out the door.

When Tang Ze in the room left the mansion from the bedroom, he contacted the three people in other directions, and the four finally met at the gate.

Sure enough, he attacked Inufushi Yukihime. Hattori Heiji sneered: We must not let him run away this time.

In addition, you asked me to go to Ms. Suo Chen's place to check the situation, and I also learned something.

Conan handed the letter to Karasawa and said, "I found this in Ms. Suoomi's room. It was obviously placed by Inufushi Kouji."

Eh? After hearing this, Yamamura Cao looked at Karasawa in shock: Karasawa Criminal, did you already know that Inufushi Chiko was going to leave this confession?

After all, it is to frame the fault.

Karasawa put the letter away and said with a smile: If I don't explain clearly, everyone might think that Inubushi Yukihime was killed.

So the easiest way is to admit all this in Miss Yukihime's tone.

In this way, people will regard Inubushi Yukihime's death as suicide, and he himself can easily get away with it under the cover of a scapegoat.

I've seen this trick in so many cases, it's nothing.

This cunning guy!

Yamamura Soo looked at the road leading to the swamp in the distance and urged: Let's follow quickly, what if that bastard attacks Miss Yukihime on the way?

Don't worry, it's impossible for Inufushi Akira to take action without reaching the other side of the swamp.

Karasawa didn't panic at all: since he wanted to guide Inubushi Yukihime into the swamp, it meant that he had chosen the place to frame the blame.

Therefore, Miss Yukihime is safe until she reaches her destination.

Of course, the reason why Tang Ze is so confident is because he has been monitoring the opponent's movements in real time. This is the reason why he is so confident.

Whenever Inufuzhiko makes any small moves, he can come forward to subdue the opponent at any time.

Inubushi Yukihime drove her motorcycle to the swamp. Naturally, Karasawa and others couldn't walk, otherwise the day lily would be cold by then.

However, the target of the car was too big, and it would be easy to be spotted if it followed it. Therefore, in order to avoid being discovered by the criminals, Tangze drove very slowly, and could not see the shadow of the car in front of him along the way.

But since this road leads to a swamp, and Tangze can still follow it, he has nothing to worry about.

When the car approached the swamp, Karasawa stopped the car and signaled to walk the rest of the way.

After all, they were here to catch criminals, and the road behind them was no longer covered by the forest. They would be discovered by the other party when driving along the river bank.

But there is no such problem if you walk. It is already early in the morning, except for the moon in the sky.

Brightness can bring some light, and there are no light sources around.

It was impossible for Inufushi Chiaki to detect their whereabouts.

The four of them were all young and strong, and there was no lack of physical strength. They quickly found themselves next to the wooden house they had found earlier.

And there, Inufushi Kōzō and Inufukako were using flashlights, looking for something around them.

Are we going out now? On the slope, Yamamura Cao looked at the two people next to the wooden house below and asked.

Don't worry, let's see what Inufushiko plans to do.

Karasawa said: If the other party plans to put the blame on Miss Yukihime, he will definitely subdue the other party first, and then make arrangements to pretend to commit suicide.

We have no evidence in hand now, so we can only feel aggrieved that Miss Inubushi Yukihime was a little frightened.

is that OK?

Hattori Heiji asked worriedly: "What if Shimo Inu Fushiko intends to directly harm Miss Yukihime? We can't catch up at this distance."

Don't worry, I carry this with me.

As he spoke, Karasawa took out the [Certificate Detective] and showed it to Hattori Heiji: Although it is not a real gun, the rubber bullets are enough for me to control the situation against him.

You really came prepared. Conan complained helplessly when he saw this, but there was not much surprise on his face.

In the past, he would be surprised every time he saw Tang Ze take out an unexpected prop from his hand at a critical moment.

But now that he has done it many times, he has become numb. Every time the other party goes to investigate the buttons, he is fully prepared. Just like Doraemon, he can pull out whatever he needs.

At first, sometimes Conan would wonder if the other party had a persecution delusion because he prepared so many things every time.

But every time after the props played a key role, he would wonder whether he didn't pay too much attention to the case and seemed very unprofessional.

Gradually, he became numb. After all, Tang Ze was too well prepared. He even felt that even if the other party encountered a street shootout or even a more complicated situation than that, the other party would be able to solve it perfectly.

Just like the omnipotent agent in the comics.

Since he came out to investigate the case and knew that there was a serial killer, he naturally wanted to be lenient to his enemies. Tangze smiled and said: It's okay for me to bring a self-defense weapon.

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at each other, and tacitly chose to keep silent, because if they continued to talk about it, it would still hurt their feelings, and it would make them look more like amateurs.

While several people were talking, Inufuchi shook.

When Inufushi Yukihime took a flashlight and carefully searched for the fallen medicine on the ground, Inufushi Chiko did approach her from behind little by little.

When he was still a few steps away from the opponent, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and slowly approached Inubushi Yukihime. His purpose was self-evident.

Obviously, the other party must have put something like an anesthetic on the handkerchief, intending to stun Inufushi Yukihime first, and then arrange the accident he designed to make Inubushi Yukihime his scapegoat.

But when he was only one step away from Inubushi Yukihime, this short step became a chasm that he could never cross.


After a slight gunshot, Inufushiko felt a sharp pain in his right hand holding the handkerchief.

A scream suddenly sounded from behind Inubushi Yukihime, frightening the opponent who was concentrating on it.

When she looked back to check the situation, she happened to see the handkerchief falling out of Inufushi Akira's hand uncontrollably due to severe pain in her right hand.

Brother Zhihuang...?

Looking at Inufushi Chiaki who was covering her hands and screaming, the confused Inufushi Yukihime looked confused.

Miss Yukihime, stay away from him!

He just tried to attack you!

At this moment, Hattori Heiji and Yamamura Cao rushed down the slope at the lead, and informed Inubushi Yukihime of the situation in one sentence.

When hearing the shouts of Hattori Heiji and the other two, Inubushi Yukihime was panicked, but she still

Subconsciously, he ran in the direction of the two of them.

Chiaki Inufushi, I am arresting you now on suspicion of two murders and two attempted murders of the Inufushi family, as well as the current crime of assaulting Miss Yukihime!

After running all the way to Inufushi Akira, who was still covering his hands and screaming, Yamamura took out the handcuffs and cuffed him after pronouncing the sentence.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the evidence bag and took the handkerchief that fell on the ground from Conan's hand, and then carefully put it away.

This is key physical evidence. There is currently no evidence in several other cases, but this alone is sufficient reason to arrest the other party.

What exactly is going on? Inufushi Yukihime looked at Inufushi Chiko, whose face turned pale because of the pain, and felt puzzled.

Quite simply, Inufushi Chiaki is the prisoner who caused a series of tragedies for the Inufushi family.

After putting away his gun, Tangze walked over leisurely and said: And he just wanted to knock you out and use him as a scapegoat to get away with it.

As he spoke, Karasawa handed the letter to Inufushi Yukihime and said: This is his confession written in your tone. You will know after reading it.

All the crimes I have committed will be repaid in full in the hut where the demon dog was bred.

Inubushi Yukihime opened the letter in disbelief and couldn't help but read it out, and then said in disbelief: What is this! ! Brother Zhihuang, what on earth is going on!


Looking at the contents of the letter, and looking at Inufushi Chiko who lowered his head and dared not look at her, her whole body became cold for a moment, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

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