Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,295 [Universal Lock Picking Tool Kit]

The Detective World's Detective Text Volume Chapter [Universal Lock Picking Tool Kit] caught Inufushi Chiaki, but Karasawa did not immediately solve Inubushi Yukihime's doubts. Instead, he asked him to call the other two members of the Inubushi family to come here. Then explain it together.

After all, it would be too troublesome to explain twice, so it would be easier to just call him over and get it done once and for all.

Moreover, Tochiko Inufushi was still one of their own, so it would be more convincing for them to see him as the murderer with their own eyes.

Inufusen couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Conan standing next to him with his body covered in flames.

Tangze explained:

Quan Fukaozi said in horror.

After Conan approached with the demon dog covered in flames, the two of them saw clearly what the flames on the dog's body were, and they also felt the temperature of the dog's body without flames.

Inufukako asked in surprise.

Karasawa explained: "Entertainment program production is the kind that often occurs.

It is essentially a shiny cloth that uses red lights and the way it sways in the wind to create the illusion of flames. "

Hattori Heiji explained: "In order to make the sound of its running movements create power, I put a special cloth on its body.

Moreover, red lights were placed under the cloth, so that the fake cloth fluttering in the wind after running would prevent him from looking like he was covered in flames.

And if we use the remote control to turn off the lights on the dog, in such a dark environment, the dog's figure will instantly disappear from our sight. "

Inufuchen also asked quickly:

Conan smiled and pulled out a string of lighters tied to a string at regular intervals.

Quan Fuchan also said blankly.

footprints. "

Conan explained with a smile: "Just tie two disposable lighters with the gas ports opposite to each other and open them, and then use piano wire to connect the two lighters tied together.

In this way, the flaming footprints left by the devil dog after running are completed. "

Karasawa looked at Inufushi Chiko and said:

Inufuchen also questioned.

Conan took out the charcoal blocks tied into the metal tennis balls on the steel wire and showed them to everyone:

Yamamura Cao on the side couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Conan said this with some resentment on his face: "The truth is revealed."

To take a step back, even if you can't see through the truth, as long as you keep a distance, you can still see the scene of the dog recycling the lighter with the ring of piano wire in its mouth. "

"Who was in that situation?

Don’t be afraid when you encounter one! "

Yamamura retorted shyly, and then suddenly remembered something: The sound was not an active flame, but the sound of the lighter scraping the ground while running with the string? "

Inufukao couldn't help but asked:

Karasawa looked at Inufushi Chiko and said:

Inufuchen also said in disbelief.

Karasawa looked at the dog that was playing happily with Conan and said: "To put it bluntly, it's just a play that happily pounces on its owner."

While all of us were entering the wooden house to investigate, we put the lighter piano wire in the satchel on the ground, and then used the dog whistle to call out the dog who was in the real dog house.

Then he pretended to be attacked, but was actually just playing with his dog, and then took advantage of the situation and fell further down the slope to avoid our sight.

Then extinguish the lights on the dog, let him retrieve the string of lighters on the ground with the piano coil in his mouth, and then light a fire on his arm.

Although your plan was good, it was a pity that I saw you hiding the lighter. "

Karasawa looked at Inufukuchi, who had an expression of disbelief on his face, and said, "I'm afraid you didn't expect that the miscalculation was that you miscalculated the speed, right?

No plan is perfect. I think Mrs. Sunchen already knew the fact that you were the prisoner. "

At this moment, after hearing Karasawa's words, Inufushi Chiaki's face showed an obvious look of wavering.

Tangze saw the other party's expression and said, "In order to find proof of alibi, you lied to us and said that you were always by Mrs. Suchen's side to take care of her.

We will indeed be deceived by you, but how can the person involved not know whether you are by her side and taking care of her?

Ms. Suo Chen had fallen down and caused chaos. At that time, she had tears streaming down her eyes. It was also when we saw this that we lifted up the quilt and saw the eight rosary beads in each other's hands.

Among the rosary beads, only the first rosary bead is black.

According to the secret in your name, counting these eight characters, the fourth one happens to be the right one, which is you in the name!

The reason why Grandma Sunchen has tears on her face is because she hopes that you will be the first to find out, and then surrender yourself to the police.

She hoped that you would not deepen your sins any more, but it is a pity that you failed her..."

After listening to Karasawa's words, Inufushi Chiko couldn't help but tremble all over, and tears burst out of his eyes:

Chiko Inufushi seemed to have lost his strength, and he knelt down directly on the ground and said unwillingly: "The castle that my mother recalled was full of tenderness even more than that of my former biological mother... only that castle... I really don't want to lose it. ..

But the inheritance tax is really too high, so in order to increase my inheritance, I had to..."

Seeing Chiko Inufushi crying and crying, the other three members of the Inufushi family could only remain silent, watching each other with mixed emotions for a while.

However, if you commit a crime, you will be punished by law. In the end, Chihuang Inufushi was escorted into the car by Yamamura and was ready to be taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

But before returning, Yamamura Cao found Karasawa and couldn't help but ask: "By the way, Karasawa Criminal, what is the secret you said before in their names?

There are clearly not those eight characters in their names, right? "

Tangze heard this and explained with a smile: The single person next to the word and the two characters above it

Horizontal, combined to form a word.

And Miss Kaozi is the above head, added, it becomes the word.

Others had the same idea, so Chihuang added the words above. "

Yamamuracao hit his left palm with his right hand:

Yamamura Cao seemed to suddenly remember something when he said this, and asked quickly: "You said that the prisoner would attack Miss Yukihime, is this the reason?

Because in Miss Yukihime’s original name, Yuki Tamaki removed the top horizontal line and combined it, it was Tamaki! "

It is also the name of the cursed spirit in the Legend of the Eight Dogs!

The prisoner also knew Miss Yukihime’s name, so he chose her to be the scapegoat!

Wait until later to reveal the mystery of their names appropriately, so that we can more reasonably confirm that Miss Yukihime is the murderer!

What a cunning prisoner. Fortunately, we are here, otherwise it would have been the biggest unjust, false and wrongful conviction in Gunma County in the past century! "

Seeing Yamamura Cao's proud expression, although the three of them complained in their hearts, they still tacitly kept their mouths shut and did not speak out.

After all, Yamamura Cao had to follow them all night, so even if there was no credit, it was hard work.

And what Karasawa can say, what Conan and Hattori Heiji said will definitely be brought up by the other party, and they will be whipped to death for ignoring the other party's reminder of the Eight Dog Den.

Thinking of these two people's faces became even more depressed.

Not only were they crushed by Tang Ze this time, but even Yamamura Fu, a dog-headed criminal, was able to ride on their heads and dominate them.

It really makes people autistic.

Of course, contrary to the two people's usual depression, Tangze's face always showed a relaxed and happy look.

After all, this serial murder case was finally over, and he once again defeated two people who wanted to surpass him all day long, and successfully saved two people after he intervened in the case.

Although these two people were seriously injured and were still being treated in the hospital, they were two people he saved with his own abilities without knowing the plot, and their meanings were different.

Of course, the extent to which it can be done varies.

Without relying on the plot, saving people is already the best ending, so we don't expect to go further.

At the end of the case, Karasawa and the others said goodbye to Yamamura Cao, who was about to send Inufuzhihuang back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and drove back to Inufushi with the three Inufushi family members.


After returning to the mansion, Inufushi Yukihime and the others visited their adoptive mother and explained to her the situation of Inufushi Chiaki.

The three of Karasawa returned to the room prepared for them by Inubushi Yukihime.

This time, they could finally have a good sleep with peace of mind.

It was already around two o'clock in the morning. Even Tangze was exhausted after a night of walking up and down the mountain to the swamp, but he still clicked on the system panel with anticipation before going to bed.

The next moment, the panel opened and familiar information appeared on the screen.

Tang Ze waited for the message to stop and then looked intently at the panel.

[The Fiery Demon Dog of Inufushi Castle]

Completion: Excellent

[Congratulations to the host for getting a set]

Evaluation: In this case, you relied on your foresight and quick reaction to successfully save two people who should have died at the hands of the criminal.

After that, he successfully set up an ambush and captured the murderer, and successfully solved this serial murder case.

Somehow, you are favored by fate!

After reading the system's evaluation, Tang Ze's attention immediately focused on this reward.

[Universal Lock Picking Tool Kit: A high-tech lock picking tool that intelligence agents in the future·Technology will be equipped with. It can deal with various physical locks. It is a convenient tool that is the envy of all monster thieves. 】

Note: Holding this set of tools can automatically be regarded as unlocking skills across a large level~

After seeing the introduction and notes of this prop, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel happy.

After all, the rewards this time were generous, far exceeding his previous expectations.

He wanted to know about this case, but before he knew about the case, two people had already died.

Although he later intervened in the case and rescued two people, none of them survived. They were all comatose and went to the hospital with their lives and deaths unknown.

In this case, Karasawa felt that it would be good if he could just get a [Safe and Sound Card], and then get a Defeat Destiny Point.

He really didn't expect that he would actually obtain a permanent prop.

You must know that props that can be used all the time are very precious in terms of value. After all, the consumable props are gone once they are used up, and you have to spend destiny points if you want to continue using them.

Although this prop is directional and can only unlock one skill service, it is not as multi-functional and high-tech as his costume.

But this is an excellent evaluation!

Among the three reward levels, this is basically the lowest reward evaluation. It is already very good to have permanent props!

What's more, the notes also indicate that with this item, his lockpicking skills can be increased by a large level.

Now his lock-picking skills are at level one. If he improves one level, he will reach level B. At this level, most locks will not be able to stop him.

And he is not a monster thief. As a criminal who needs to open the door in some special situations, he is completely adequate!

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