Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,296 Return [Happy New Year’s Day! 】

With a happy mood, Tangze looked at Conan and the two people who had fallen asleep around him, and even couldn't help but want to take it out and take a look.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Tangze finally decided to give up the idea.

After all, the two of them had just slept, and this prop had so many functions. It would be hard to explain if someone suddenly took out a high-tech product and played with it in the middle of the night.

So Tangze simply suppressed his thoughts of checking for the time being and went directly to sleep.

They slept until nearly noon, and when they woke up, Karasawa and the others received two pieces of good news from Inufukako.

That is Inubushi Shinichi and Inubushi Saki, both of whom are out of danger.

Among them, Inubushi Shinichi has regained consciousness, and although Inubushi Saki has not yet regained consciousness because he was too seriously injured, the doctor also said that the other party is out of danger, and sleeping at this time is only for the protection of the body.

Hearing these two pieces of good news, Hattori Heiji and Conan were overjoyed, while Karasawa was equally happy, but less surprised.

After all, in the case evaluation he saw yesterday, he already knew that the two people would save their lives, otherwise the reward would not mention the fact that he saved the two people.

Although he used expensive medical props like [Powerful First Aid Needle] this time, the effect was very obvious.

Inufukako also kept thanking him, saying that the hospital said that if he hadn't used the rescue medicine in time, there was a high chance that Inufukako wouldn't be able to survive the arrival of the ambulance.

Even though Tangze was heartbroken, he was very pleased. After all, this was the first time he used this prop, and he could see the medical effect this time.

Then he opened the panel and spent 500 destiny points to buy another [Powerful First Aid Needle] as a daily reserve.

Although this case successfully reduced his wallet to 2,200 destiny points, with the addition of a permanent [Universal Lockpicking Tool Kit], he obviously made a lot of money.

While he was washing up this morning, he took it out and looked at it roughly. Although it had "tool kit" in the name, it was actually just a palm-sized silver box.

There are various multi-functional lock picking tools, which are convenient for opening various types of locks.

Of course, relying on these alone, not only can it be imitated 100% of the time with modern technology, but it can still be created 70% to 80% of the time.

But at the bottom of the box is a "laser unlocking pen", which is just like the laser in science fiction movies that can cut safes.

Seeing this, Tang Ze finally understood why this thing dared to use "universal unlocking" confidently.

Damn it, it's technically impossible to open it, so just use force to dismantle it.

Of course, the tool that presses the bottom of the box cannot be used at any time, and the energy in it is only enough for one use.

To use it again, the compressed energy needs to be replaced.

As for the acquisition channel, it is naturally a "caring" store.

As for the price, it is 200 destiny points each, which is a very inconsiderate price.

Of course, since it would always be an emergency when using it, Tangze could only pinch his nose.

After all, it is expensive, but it still smells really good when used.

No matter what, Tang Ze made a lot of money this time.

In a happy mood, the three of them took advantage of the fact that there was still some time before lunch and went for an outing near the mountain where Inubushi's family was located.

After being entertained by Inubushi Yukihime for lunch, the three of them originally planned to leave directly. However, when Karasawa went on an outing before, he received a call from Yamamura Cao, who said he would come over again.

Because the three of them were also curious about the results of Inufushi Chiko's treatment, they waited for Yamamura Cao to come to Inufushi's house again.

"Ah~ I'm so sorry, it's all my fault again~" Yamamura said proudly: "After I got back, that guy Inufushi Chiko did all the tricks."

Although he said this, Yamamura Soo, who was scratching his head with his right hand, had no such humble expression at all: "He confessed everything while crying during the criminal investigation.

According to him, the reason why he attacked those four people was because the four of them refused to cooperate in protecting the castle, so he wanted to eliminate them. "

"Eh? This isn't quite right, is it?"

Inufuchen also heard this and said in surprise: "Mr. Shinichi gave up his inheritance rights long ago, why are you still targeting him?"

"I also asked about this question, and Inufushi Chiko said that he was not looking for the inheritance, but that he attacked him in order to pretend to be Tamazusa and commit crimes.

In addition, he seems to really think that Miss Yukihime is Tamazusa who is here to destroy this "Inubushi Castle".

Because when Mrs. Suomi first fell ill, it was also because she and Miss Yukihime went to the mountains to pick wild vegetables. "

"How, how could it be..." After listening to Yamamura Cao's explanation, Inufukako said, "This is too ridiculous. You would believe something that has no reason."

"Perhaps he is the one who was really possessed by Yu Zi." Conan sighed and looked at Inufushijo behind him and said: "In order to save this castle, he has become obsessed without knowing it, and this is why he behaves like this mistake."

"I will definitely protect this castle!"

Just then Inubushi Yukihime stood up and said as if to express her determination: "After all, I am the princess of this castle just like mother!"

Of course, after saying that, Inubushi Yukihime looked a little shy and her expression became a little coy.

Inufukako on the side smiled: "But even though she is a princess, she is also different from her adoptive mother..."

"She's quite a rude princess." Inufusen also joked closely.

"Please don't say that to me, it's disgusting!" Inubushi Yukihime's mouth bulged slightly, causing everyone to laugh.

And in this happy atmosphere, Inubushi Yukihime couldn't help but show the cuteness of a little girl, and she also laughed out loud.

Although such a tragedy occurred, Karasawa and the others also believed that they would pick up the injured two people and protect Inufushi City together.

After telling Karasawa and others what happened next, Yamamura drove back.

Although the three members of the Inubushi family repeatedly tried to persuade the three of Tangze to stay, they had no intention of staying and playing for a long time because they were eager to return home.

After finally bringing some wild game and wild vegetables from Inujia Mountain, Karasawa and the others finally left Gunma County with a warm farewell and returned to Tokyo.

Because today was already Monday, there were not many vehicles on the way back to Tokyo. In addition, Karasawa drove very fast, so the three of them returned to Tokyo near evening.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Sitting in the sukiyaki shop, Karasawa and the three of them sat together with their significant other and clinked glasses.

After clinking glasses to celebrate the perfect solution of the case, the three female voices began to ask about their process of solving the case in Gunma County.

Tangze and the three of them talked about the investigation process of the case one by one. The most touching thing was when the demon dog appeared for the first time.

Conan and Conan were also masters at creating suspense, and soon the three girls felt their hearts tightening.

"It's really thrilling. Fortunately, Tang Zexin has quick eyesight and good preparations."

When they heard about Inufusaku falling off the cliff, the three women couldn't even eat and listened nervously to Conan's retelling.

It wasn't until they heard that Tang Ze was rescued in the end that they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to say that the fast-inflating cushion is really useful."

Hattori Heiji also praised without any grudges: "If it weren't for the rapid deployment of the cushion, I'm afraid Miss Saki would have really hung up."

"Everything is thanks to Dr. A Li's research and improvements." Tang Ze smiled.

“Isn’t this thing popular yet?”

Hattori Heiji asked: "A tool like this for saving people can be used for firefighting and criminal justice, right?

But I haven’t heard of such equipment being updated in Osaka. "

"The upgrading of trial equipment is not a matter of words. Even in Tokyo, new and old equipment are mixed to avoid taking too big a step."

Tangze explained: "And those old-fashioned equipment are not unusable. Mixing them can also save some money. In addition, it also gives new equipment a trial period."

"Oh? So that's it. So sooner or later it will spread across the country, right?"

Hattori Heiji looked at Karasawa and nodded, rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Then you give me two, and I'll go back and let dad see the effect.

If possible, we in Osaka will also respond to you. As Kanto and Guanxi become more and more popular, I think the replacement of equipment will also speed up. "

"When did you kid worry about these things?" Karasawa looked at Hattori Heiji, who was making calculations in his stomach, and couldn't help but joked: "I think it's fake to help worry about big things. If you want my ejection cushion, it's fake." Really?

Otherwise, just one is enough to show the effect to Hattori Headquarters. If you order two, everyone will be able to see your little thoughts. "

"Anyway, it's up to you to give it or not!" Hattori Heiji was not upset after being exposed and said confidently: "I will ask for it from you, but I will definitely tell my father about it."

"Yes, of course."

Seeing that Hattori Heiji looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Karasawa couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "You are not a law-abiding kid. I will give you these things to ensure safety even if you don't tell me.

However, although these can be recycled and reused as long as the cushion pads are not damaged after use, they need to be returned to the factory for inflation, so I will give you more.

If you run out of it later, just save up and send it back to me when the time comes. "

"You have a conscience." Hattori Heiji raised his eyebrows when he heard this, with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about, Heiji!" Kazuha on the side glared at Hattori Heiji like he was disciplining a rude husband, then looked at Karasawa and thanked him: "Thank you very much, Karasawa Criminal."

"You are welcome."

Tang Ze smiled and waved his hand and said: "This is also for He Ye's safety. After all, this kid doesn't have a sense of propriety in what he does, and he accidentally got you into danger.

With these things, you can also be protected. If I have any self-defense items here, I will give you one as well. Just take good care of Heiji. "

"Take care of him……"

Toyama and Ye Wenyan glanced at Heiji, their pretty faces blushed as if they were thinking about something, and then they raised their heads arrogantly and said: "Who wants to take care of him all the time, idiot Heiji!"

Seeing that the other party was suddenly shy, everyone present didn't know what was going on, and narrow smiles appeared on their lips.

Hattori Heiji on the side, although he had always been a stubborn person before, had been taught by Karasawa before and constantly stimulated by Conan later, and his emotional intelligence had improved to some extent.

Hearing He Ye's words, he couldn't help but said that she didn't need to take care of him. Instead, he looked at He Ye and pretended to be disappointed: "Tang Ze Criminal asked you to take care of me. This is your attitude. It seems that my life is in danger." I don’t care about you.”

"I, I'm not..." Usually used to seeing the straight man side of Hattori Heiji, Kazuha was flustered by the opponent's unwillingness to advance and retreat: "It's not that consciousness..."

"What does that mean?" Hattori Heiji saw that Kazuha was shy and asked again.

"I'll have no problem taking care of you for the rest of my life!" Heiye, who was stimulated and anxious by Hattori Heiji, didn't think about it at all, and blurted out the words subconsciously.

This sentence also made the dining table fall into silence. The next moment, the eyes of several people around them became even more ambiguous when they looked at the two of them.

And Hattori Heiji, the instigator of all this, seemed not to have expected that Heiye would say such a thing.

With such words that seemed like a confession, his head suddenly shut down, and then his dark face turned red.

After the words were spoken, Heye saw the ambiguous looks in everyone's eyes, and she realized that the meaning of her words was a bit distorted, and her face couldn't help but blush.

"I, I, I... I didn't mean that..." Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly became nervous: "Don't think too much..."

"Oh...oh..." Hattori Heiji on the side responded nervously when he saw this. He was not as bad as when he teased him before.

In this scene, Karasawa only kicked Hattori Heiji under the table and was furious at his performance at this moment.

If this meeting used the same energy as teasing the opponent before to pursue the victory, wouldn't it be a direct win?

But it is a pity that although Hattori Heiji learned a little bit of emotional intelligence from Karasawa, he has not yet grasped the essence of chasing girls.

That's shameless.

If you keep aloof every time you chase a girl, then you are most likely to be cool. After all, no one likes a hot face but a cold butt.

Only by being thick-skinned can you have a greater chance of catching a girl.

After all, if you don't socialize with others, how can you further increase your relationship?

It can't increase feelings, it just feels like how much you like the other person, and then tell others that you like her very much.

People will just think you are confused. After all, you haven't done anything but just talked about it. No matter how much you like them, they can't see it.

Unfortunately, even though Karasawa was kicking Hattori Heiji wildly from below, the opponent remained unmoved on the surface, as embarrassed as a newborn chick.

In the end, Tang Ze could only sigh helplessly.

It seems that Hattori Heiji still hasn’t given up on his plan and wants to find a place with good scenery and memorable meaning to confess his love.

But it's a pity that the idea was good, but bad luck always happened, causing the relationship between the two to always be stuck.

PS: Happy New Year everyone!

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