Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,297 Encourage


"I have to think of a way..."

Looking at the two people who were shy and embarrassed and didn't know where to put their hands and feet, Tang Ze couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

Tang Ze is still happy to facilitate the good deeds between the two of them, not to mention the rewards given by the system after changing the plot.

Just as a fan of CP, he also hoped to see the two of them together, which fulfilled his resentment of not seeing the two of them together after watching more than a thousand episodes.

In addition, they are now good friends, and Hattori Heiji often asks him for advice on relationship issues, so he is considered his disciple emotionally.

In this case, his help can be regarded as "emotional and reasonable, public and private".

But given the current situation, it’s better not to make the atmosphere too awkward.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze smiled and teased again: "Okay, okay, everyone knows what you mean.

It’s better to eat quickly. If you don’t eat beef, you will get old~”

"My beef!" Watching Karasawa fishing for the meat, Conan pretended to cooperate and hurriedly grabbed the bowl.

Not to mention that the effect is really good, Conan does take advantage of his own child.

There was a child grabbing for the meal, which immediately relieved the somewhat awkward atmosphere. Everyone smiled knowingly after seeing Conan's childish demeanor.

So after Karasawa fished him a spoonful of beef, he naturally began to talk about the "Fire Demon Dog" case that happened in Inubushi City again.

After all, he is a person who is often interviewed, and what he talks about is a real case that he has personally experienced, so what Tang Ze said is also lifelike.

Soon, the attention of the three girls was attracted by the case mentioned by Tang Ze, and the previous embarrassment gradually disappeared in this story.

After finishing the sukiyaki pot meal, Tang Ze and the others also explained the ins and outs of the devil dog case.

Regarding the prisoner's motives and ending, the three women had no other reaction besides sighing.

After the meal was finished, the sky became completely dark. After Xiaolan and Conan went home together, Karasawa took Hattori Heiji and they set off towards the station.

Although Ayako still wanted to stay and play with Ye for two more days, after all, she still had her studies, and even if her grades were good, she couldn't let them go to waste like this, so she didn't stay any longer.

When we arrived at the station, there were still about 20 minutes before the train departed. Seeing this opportunity, Karasawa called Hattori Heiji to go to the bathroom together, and asked Ayako to accompany Kazuha now.

Hattori Heiji saw Karasawa's eyes and knew that the other party had something to say, so he followed him to the restroom of the station far away without refusing.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

After leaving Kazuya, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but ask.

Since the other party specifically asked him to come out alone, and since he wanted to avoid the two girls, there must be something important to talk about.

"The important thing is indeed different from what you think."

Seeing Hattori Heiji's solemn expression, Karasawa smiled and put his arms around Hattori Heiji's neck and said, "Relax, relax. I'm here to help you and Kazuha with their matters."

"What..." Hattori Heiji's face turned red when he heard this, and he couldn't help but said harshly: "We have a good relationship, how can we use you to help make plans..."

"Really?" Karasawa said in a long and narrow voice, "But today when we were eating, why did I feel that it wasn't the case?"

"It's up to you to take care of it!" Hattori Heiji's face turned red, but he had no good rebuttal, so he could only choke out this sentence.

"Today is such a good situation, you just need to be thicker-skinned and you will succeed." Tang Ze pretended to sigh: "It's a pity that someone just doesn't have the courage to take a further stance."

"Who, who said I don't have the guts..."

Hattori Heiji became angry and said: "It's because I don't want you to understand?

After all, you need to choose a memorable place for this kind of thing, instead of just announcing it casually in Sukiyaki.

white! "

"Then let me ask, Hattori Heiji-san, you have been thinking about it for so long, have you decided on a place to confess?



Karasawa didn't know the details of Hattori Heiji, so he immediately raised Hattori Heiji and said, "Come on, after thinking about it for so long, there should be a few places.

Tell me the ranking in your mind and I will give you a reference. "

"Um..." Hattori Heiji was a little stuck and speechless when Karasawa asked him this question.

Although he kept saying this, he never had any favorite place.

But the words were stuck here, and Hattori Heiji had to come up with something to prevaricate: "The castle tower..."

"Is this what you are thinking now?"

When Karasawa heard about Hattori Heiji's choice of place, he laughed unceremoniously: "After all, your most famous one is the castle tower, and it's so close. If you had chosen that place, you would have confessed your love long ago, instead of delaying it until Now."

"You need to take care of it!" Hattori Heiji shouted angrily after being exposed, "I was not prepared."

"Actually, you are confident, right?"

Tangze said angrily: "Actually, you can vaguely feel that Kazuye also likes you.

There is no need to deny this.

What we can all see is that I don’t believe you, the client, can’t see this.

But it is precisely because of this that it gives you the confidence and sense of laziness.

You always want to wait and wait until the time is perfect before making a decision, but little do you know that time passes by little by little while you are thinking like this.

I think you are still too comfortable. If a love rival appears next to you now, you should be anxious. "

"How can it be..."

Hattori Heiji was about to retort, but Karasawa waved his hand: "Have you forgotten the college student love rival who was a neighbor of Kazuha when you accompanied Kazuha to look for amulets?

Although He Ye never realized that the other party liked her, the other party could be regarded as growing up with He Ye.

What would have happened if I had not been hit at that time and had chosen to confess my love?

It's not that I hurt you, but your emotional intelligence may have offended others and Ye again.

At that time, people are expressing their relationship and love, while they are sad that their new house is empty..."

"How is that possible!" Hattori Heiji stared, and immediately retorted without thinking: "Kazuha can't do that!"

"What's wrong? There are so many breakups in this world."

Karasawa struck mercilessly: "If you keep dragging Kazuo, it will inevitably make her frustrated. And once you have random thoughts and happen to encounter a foreign enemy, you will be in big trouble."

"Then what can I do! I just can't find the right time and the right place!"

Hattori Heiji, who was stimulated by Karasawa, gave up and said: "The timing is okay, as long as I look for opportunities, I can create them, but I just haven't decided on a place to confess...

I heard that Kudo confessed his love to his father at the sky restaurant when he proposed to his mother.

I don’t want to confess casually either! "

"How about I choose a place for you?"

Karasawa looked at Hattori Heiji and smiled narrowly: "But if the place I chose for you is good, then you have to show your manliness and confess your love quickly."

"Okay, I'd like to see what you have to say." Hearing Karasawa's words, Hattori Heiji, who had originally planned this, said unhappily.

It's natural for Hattori Heiji to be upset. After all, Karasawa's words made Hattori Heiji's sense of crisis reach its highest level.

And in his opinion, it is impossible for anyone to understand himself better than himself.

He couldn't think of a good place, and he didn't believe Tangze would give him a satisfactory location.

"Looking at you, you seem very unconvinced."

Seeing Hattori Heiji's expression, Karasawa didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he quietly dug a hole for him: "Then if what I said satisfies you, what will you do?"

"Leave it alone!" Hattori Heiji said without hesitation.


"Okay, please listen carefully."

Hearing Hattori Heiji's words, Karasawa showed a smile, and finally slowly uttered three words:

"Sannoji Temple."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank unconsciously, and immediately a look of surprise and unexpected annoyance appeared on his face.

It's not surprising that he would show such an expression, after all, this time Hattori Heiji was really dark under the lamp. .

"How about it? The place I picked is pretty good, isn't it? Not only is the location memorable, but I've prepared everything for you to say your confession."

After appreciating the expression on Hattori Heiji's face, Karasawa asked with a smile: "You're not planning on denying your debt, are you?"

"How is that possible!" Although Hattori Heiji did have a moment of stubbornness in his heart and didn't want to bow his head, he soon gave up the idea.

Because he had to admit that the advice Tangze gave him was really in line with his wishes.

Even after being reminded by Karasawa, he felt that there was no more suitable place than Sanno Temple.

Just as Tangze said, this place is not only very memorable to him, but he doesn't even have to think about his confession.

As long as he tells what happened when he was young and how he realized that Kazuya was his first love when a case happened at Sannou Temple, everything will fall into place.

"I'm willing to admit defeat."

Hattori Heiji looked at the smiling Karasawa and said, "What do you want me to do? Tell me.

As long as you don't deliberately trick me, I will definitely do it. "

When he said this, Hattori Heiji also played a trick.

He didn't mention not violating the principle because he knew that people like Tang Ze would definitely not make excessive demands, but that was not necessarily the case for deceiving people.

After all, he was familiar with Tangze's bad taste, so he naturally had to be on guard against him.

"Don't worry, my request will never deceive you." Tang Ze smiled meaningfully: "Not only that, but it is also a good thing for you."

"I believe you as a ghost!"

Hattori Heiji's already dark face turned even darker when he saw the malicious smile on Karasawa's face.

Because judging from his previous experiences of being tricked by the other party, the other party definitely had no good intentions.

At this moment, Hattori Heiji also felt a faint regret in his heart. He should have refused to admit his fault at that time, but the words had already been spoken, so naturally there was no room for regret.

"Go ahead."

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said, "Let's talk first. If you really deliberately cheated me, don't blame me for turning around and regretting it."

"Then I'll tell you, listen carefully."

Tangze cleared his throat and immediately said, "My request to you is that your confession should not last more than a week."

"What!" Hearing Karasawa's words, Hattori Heiji subconsciously shouted, and this movement instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding passengers.

"Excuse me."

Hattori Heiji also realized that his reaction was too great, and he bowed and apologized to everyone, quickly calming down the onlookers.

When passers-by stopped watching the two of them, Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said, "You guy..."

"How about it? My request is the same as what I said. Isn't it very beneficial to you?"

Seeing Hattori Heiji's expression of wanting to eat him alive, Karasawa smiled and said, "And this is not an excessive request, nor is it deliberately trying to trick you.

On the contrary, it is also a very good thing for you. "

Speaking of this, Karasawa patted Hattori Heiji on the shoulder and said seriously.

The leader said: "I have chosen a place for you, and I have also provided a method of confession.

Finally, I will give you another motivation. If you don’t do this, you will be hopeless.

If no good news comes after a week, I will consider asking Ayako to select some outstanding political and business elites to introduce to Kazuha.

After all, being a coward can't bring happiness to the girl you like.


As a good friend of He Ye, I can’t see him fall into a pit of fire~"

"You don't need to provoke me!" Listening to Karasawa's increasingly teasing tone and increasingly excessive words, Hattori Heiji didn't even know that it was him who was stimulating him.

But even if he knew that this was Karaze's intention, he still had to admit that this provocation was very useful.

Although he also knew that the other party was joking, just thinking about Tang Ze's words made him unable to bear it.

And, what if?

He knew that the other party did have such a big network. If he really didn't do it and angered Tang Ze, even if it was just to anger him for introducing someone to He Ye, and He Ye happened to be attracted...

The moment he thought of it, Hattori Heiji killed the thought.

Impossible, he will never allow what Tang Ze just said to happen!

But he couldn't control Tang Ze's decision, so the only way was to "take it easy" according to what the other party said.

But if he really had to confess within a week, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

This feeling is not fear but it is like fear, but this trembling feeling also brings joy in the bottom of my heart.

But after that, there was endless tension, and his always clear and smart brain seemed to be in a state of shutdown.

It was as if the machine that was originally running suddenly malfunctioned and would not move forward. The brain would only think about this matter over and over again, and then postpone the outcome of this matter.

And this thing didn't happen, so naturally it came to nothing in the end.

Then the brain will not recover from this thinking, but will continue to repeat it from the beginning.

What should I do? Will you have the courage to speak your mind then?

For a time, Hattori Heiji fell into the troubles of love. The transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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